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Uploaded another bumper crop of recordings. 49 this time. From the same bunch of regulars. Krool has suggested to me that we ought to declare war on the neighbouring (no!!! come back!!! don't follow that link!!! :o) ) high score page... What does anyone think? You'se up for a fight? Anyway - the recordings. Oh - make it 48. I had to disqualify one of Dith's recordings. I'm pretty lax, but I won't stand for people making up new game names! :o) Yer tiz:
- bbh_bubblesr_121300_m33b5
- bbh_megaforc_411800_m33b5
- bbh_sectionz_114630_m33b5
- bbh_shaolins_1105500_m33b5
- bbh_willow_1291650_m33b6
- bj_galagab2_1044610_mame31
- bj_galap1_36050_mame31
- bj_galapx_39270_mame31
- bj_gallag_531970_mame31
- bj_galmidw_26280_mame31
- bj_galnamco_22250_mame31
- bj_invadpt2_3920_mame31
- bj_invdelux_3660_mame31
- bj_moonal2_15400_m33b5
- di_boothill_7_m33b5
- di_cosmica_3820_m33b5
- di_desterth_6690_m33b5
- di_docastl2_96200_m33b5
- di_dorunrun_426540_m33b5
- di_douni_159660_m33b5
- di_eggs_25610_m33b5
- di_jumpbug_47410_m33b5
- di_jumpjack_28390_m33b5
- di_turpin_13090_m33b5
- jg_amidar_76350_m33b5
- jg_amidars_91210_m33b5
- jg_amigo_66880_m33b5
- jg_berzerk1_5860_m33b6
- jg_btime_162750_m33b5
- jg_bubblesr_98160_m33b5
- jg_bwidow_113675_m33b5
- jg_ccjap_143500_m33b5
- jg_centipd1_61328_m33b1
- jg_centiped_127233_m33b5
- jg_crash_6350_m33b5
- jg_hangly_28960_m33b5
- jg_joust_280200_m33b5
- jg_joustg_293950_m33b5
- jg_puckman_93380_m33b6
- jg_reactor3_87630_m33b5
- jg_superpcn_112940_m33b5
- jg_suprmatk_53365_m33b5
- jr_1941_303500_m33b6
- jr_fax_32953_m33b6
- krl_1941_866800_m33b6
- krl_1941j_626300_m33b6
- krl_karnov_72880_m33b6
- krl_karnovj_76610_m33b6
- krl_nemoj_167200_m33b6
Another player joins the battle over the galaxians scores, Twisted Animator:- twa_galnamco_25440_mame31
Fixed the 'individual scores' script so the games appear in alphabetical order. Didn't get time to upload the latest flood of new recordings, but will do before the day is out. BJ's got all his Galaxian scores back, SportsDude has become AtariDude and Dith has been very busy...
NewsFlash: This site now has a new, easy-to-remember URL: Neat, huh? Go to to get your own neato short URL for free!
Sorry about the lack of updates still, but I am having one bitch of a day today. I'm sure I'll find time this evening to upload the new files though.
What? Still no updates?
Oh poo. It's a new beta! MAME 0.33 beta 6 is released. Uploaded the list of new games to the SUMMARY page (but it's a huge page, and the new games are right at the end, so it will take a long time if you click on it!)
Looks like it's going to be a record day for hits today! I'll have to update the page with nothing more than waffle more often! :o)
OK, so I finally cracked and uploaded some files. There's something strange going on - JoustGod's still top, despite not having sent in any recordings for quite a while (well, 5 days, but the last 5 days have been very competitive), and now TAB has risen a place since yesterday without sending in any scores. Dith's looking dangerous, too. I have 9 more recordings of his, but without the scores marked on them. Here are the new files:
- bbh_bosco_128860_m33b5
- bbh_bubbles_134670_m33b5
- bbh_dorunrun_350700_m33b5
- bbh_rbtapper_72625_m33b5
- bbh_snowbros_271460_m33b5
- bbh_spiero_309580_m33b5
- bbh_sutapper_66075_m33b5
- bj_galap4_21010_mame31
- bj_galapx_22750_mame31
- bj_galnamco_13740_mame31
- bj_galturbo_19260_mame31
- bj_superg_9900_mame31
- di_atlantis_53010_m33b5
- di_bagman_35520_m33b5
- di_boothill_2-6_m33b5
- di_circus_9220_m33b5
- di_cosmica_1490_m33b5
- di_lrescue_6190_m33b5
- jr_xybots_88100_m33b5
- jsw_ddragonb_105340_m33b5
- jsw_gyruss_500600_m33b5
Received 3 recordings from Steve Krogman and made one of my own. Is it just me, or did the fuel gauge break in Astro Fighter? I seem to remember it used to get dangerously low towards the end of each level, but now it doesn't seem to go down at all... But then, I tried it in the current beta and in MAME 0.30 and it doesn't move in either of those - so what's the score? (England 2 - 0 Tunisia! Woohoo!!!)
Like, uh, wow man. :o)
- bj_gunsmoke_292100_mame31
- bj_gunsmokj_434400_mame31
- br_boblbobl_3317690_m33b5
- jr_bowlrama-bj_334_m33b5
- jr_robotbwl_235_m33b5
- jr_sidepckt_34300_m33b5
- jr_toobin_1257199_m33b5
- jw_mappy_202660_m33b5
- krl_cobracom_388950_m33b5
- krl_lwings_130500_m33b5
- krl_nemo_97400_m33b5
- ml_carnival_33780_m33b5
- old_froggers_11600_m33b5
- old_invdelux_4460_m33b5
- old_jhunt_12700_m33b5
- old_mranger_37460_m33b5
- old_punchout_168730_m33b5
- old_scobra_29110_m33b5
- old_usvsthem_31525_m33b5
- smk_sbrkout_371_m33b5
- tab_guzzler_186670_m33b5
- tab_hexa_33340_m33b5
- tab_japirem_15730_m33b5
- tab_moonal2_15350_m33b5
- tab_pengo_50890_m33b5
- tab_pengoa_21900_m33b5
- tab_penta_50270_m33b5
- tab_spiders_92280_m33b5
- tab_stratvox_17950_m33b5
- zw_astdelux_39320_mame31
- zw_blockout_133548_mame31
- zw_galap1_22660_mame31
- zw_galap4_13850_mame31
- zw_galnamco_11320_mame31
- zw_galturbo_13660_mame31
Uploaded some more files. I seem to be in the lead now, so I'll leave it at this for the weekend. :o) Oh. Except that the FTP server seems to be down, so I can't upload any files. Never mind, eh?
'Improved' the stats page a little more (well - I wanted to try my hand at CGI scripting...). Now you can click on any name in the leaderboard to see a page listing all their high score recordings. Does it work for you? This is my first bash at writing a CGI script.
Added more recordings:
- bbh_bosco_82400_m33b5
- bbh_gunsmoke_285200_m33b5
- bbh_gunsmoke_glitch_m33b5
- bbh_gunsmokj_338550_m33b5
- cl_ddragonb_84380_m33b5
- cl_shinobi_283230_m33b5
- jr_champbas_19580_m33b5
Two new BBH recordings for your delectation:
- New recording from Krool:
Juggled the page around a bit. This news page is the start page now, and the 'cheats, bugs, tricks and all that' tables are on their own page, labelled Weird at the top of the screen.
Had another go at Cobra Command and beat my previous score, but I'm still crap - 3rd of 3 :o) - at it.
Beat 5 of JoustGod's scores. On Killer Comet, it looks like in m33b5 you get 5 lives, whereas in the previous versions you only get 4, but that's OK, 'cos I beat the previous score on life #3 anyway. I didn't check the old Super Missile Attack recording, but I hope it awards bonus cities, since I seemed to get loads of them. Here's the files:
Received a couple of score confirmations from Krool. Thanks a lot!
Hmmm... watched Krool's Darwin 4078 recording and the game looks awful - all the colours are wrong and that. Ho hum. Here's an updated Sly Spy recording from BBH (a man with a moral dilemma: "I take my time with recordings and generally only do them for games I actually like... but will I compromise my morals for a higher ranking on the Leaderboard? Oh, what a decision....") hahaha.
And the next... This time it's Krool reclaiming his Sinistar score from me by getting to level 3! He keeps on playing Darwin 4078 - I don't think I've even tried that one - I wonder if it's any good...
I think BeeJay wants to be top of the list. He's sent me another 7 high score recordings:
It's starting to get a bit silly since I started compiling the leaderboard. The new recordings are coming flying in from the usual suspects. This batch features BBH, BeeJay and Zwaxy, causing BeeJay to move up into 3rd place, and BBH to 7th:
Added more recordings from JoustGod, SportsDude and myself. I've split the Bowl-O-Rama section into 3 categories - one per game:
Went overboard on the leaderboard script.
Had a bash at Krool's new Sinistar score and managed to beat it. It's really quite a nice game now that the sinistar is drawn properly!
More of Krool's recordings:
Recorded a game of Super Breakout:
Also received a demonstration of a glitch in Championship Sprint from another new contributor, James Reisdorf:
Got a couple of recordings from a new contributor, Oldie:
Then Krool mailed me:
Well, it's started. Last night I tried sneaking ahead on the leaderboard by submitting crappy scores on most of the new m33b5 games. But this morning I received a proper recording of Cobra Command from BBH. Also received a recording of Son Son from BBH. I was surprised to find that this is the first Son Son recording I've received! Here are the files, anyway:
I moved all the graphics over to, since they seem to load quicker from there. Funny, really, since the whole site used to be there until I moved it to this threadnet place because it was faster here...
Added new recordings of me playing some of the m33b5 games in a cynical attempt to top the LEADERBOARD. (The attempt failed, anyway...):
Just heard there's a new MAME beta been released.
Another recording arrived. From Krool again. For Darwin 4078. Here it is:
Updated the STATS page to reflect recent changes. Kept yesterday's table alongside the new one.
Late breaking news - It appears that after a long break the man Krool is back making recordings. Here are the two he just sent me:
Uploaded more recordings. I'm puzzled by Neil's recording of Donkey Kong since he seems to score almost twice as much as Tripper's previous high score, but with a recording which is only half the size! Also, the recording of Jack the Giant Killer by Greg Gibson is in reply to Aquatarkus' request. Anyway - here are the new recordings:
Added the new games from MAME 0.33 beta 5 to the big summary table.
Here's a list of the new games in m33b5:
1941 "1941" bowlrama "Bowl-O-Rama" cobracom "Cobra Command" cosmica "Cosmic Alien" depthch "Depth Charge" exerionb "Exerion (bootleg)" konamigt "Konami GT" lastduel "Last Duel" madgear "Mad Gear" masao "Masao" moonal2 "Moon Alien Part 2" moonal2b "Moon Alien Part 2 (alternate)" nemesis "Nemesis" nemesuk "Nemesis (UK version)" nemo "Nemo" oldsin "Sinistar (prototype version)" satansat "Satan of Saturn" spiders "Spiders"
Made a new page showing how many high scores people have. Currently JoustGod is in the lead, from TAB and some bloke called Zwaxy. Click HERE to take a look. It's also available by clicking "Stats" at the top of the screen.
Fixed the 10 million Galaga recording by Steve Krogman. I renamed the file to include the version of MAME in the link, but not on the web site. Or something. Anyway - it should be downloadable again now. Oh, and seems to have been suffering a little recently, but looks like it's working again.
Added a new Galaga recording from Steve Krogman - this time he tops the 10 million mark on Galaga (with fast fire hack), using the fast firing version of the ROMs. The zip archive includes a couple of screen shots, too. Watch out for RSI, man!
Uploaded a few more recordings. BBH is back, beating JoustGod's score on eyes and setting a few new records:
Uploaded a few more recordings. I didn't receive many recently though.
BeeJay asked me to stir up some Galaga related trouble - he's right on your tails, guys!
JoustGod has started including the version of MAME used to make a recording in the filename. It makes the file names pretty long, but isn't that just what we love so much about Windows? It would be a good idea if everyone started using the same filename format in future.
Added another of Brian Thompson's graphics.
Added the new games from MAME 0.33 beta 4 to the big summary table.
Added some graphics to the page, which were created by Brian Thompson. Thanks a lot, Brian!