This site contains no ROMs at all. All email requesting ROMs will be ignored.
Want to communicate with others at MARP? Click here!
Well... after seven months... the first MAME Championships has been decided on a last-10-minute comeback by Phil Lamat taking over Donut, who will finish in second, 12 - 10.
Next, a couple vote results. First, late result from the vote of removing clones. Compressing votes, the ayes are 2, the nays are 18. The nays have it and the motion is lost. Next, the result of the removal of mahjong and poker style games. The ayes are 4, the nays are 23. The nays have it and the motion is lost. Thanks to everyone who participated in these two votes - they are well appreciated from the MARP community!
Speaking of twelve hours, there is twelve hours remaining in the first MAME championships(KOA), so if the five players remaining wants the big prize they might want to plan a comeback at this time...
Knockout stuff - there is twelve hours remaining - so for the 35 players that haven't gotten the 15,000 point requirement in anteater yet... might want to do that to stay in the tournament.
Q.T. Quazar has issued a motion to remove mahjong and poker style games. Pat Laffaye commenced the vote. Click here to cast your vote!
Oh... and Pat Laffaye updated the database to MAME 37 beta 12. Click here to see what's new.
MC1's archive has been updated. You may click here to view it. :)
Click here for DOS or Windows MAME 35 TG programs which you'll need for the knockout tournament. Can't get them from here? Try Mark Longridge's site.(the author of the program)
It's time to start the 2nd MAME Championships. With 100 players registered... well... at least it will keep the coordinators and editors busy for sure! Submit your games as k2-anteater. Good luck to everyone involved :)
I have also updated the MARP Totals Report. It indicates that we've crossed the ten billion raw point barrier - the first INP site to my knowledge that has accomplished this.
I have created the MAME Championship Archive, go ahead and take a look!
BBH has alluded that February 2nd was MARP's 3rd anniversary - woohoo! The irony of this? Last year - I mentioned the anniversary on the news page on the 9th too! Can we change the date MARP opened please? Nothing was mentioned in news in 1999, but 7 days after MARP opened, Zwaxy advertised Snipercade for the first time, added frames, a guestbook, which still exists to this very day, added a now ancient stuff page, and also added of the first crystal castles recording that showed all three warps from a person by the name of Romidus Prime. Now THAT'S some history for those buffs out there :)
Pat Laffaye has posted a vote on the issue of leaderboard scoring of clones. Click here to cast your vote!
The knockout link on the banner has changed it's direction, it now goes to a page I created with three links, one for the 1st championship, one for the 2nd championship, and one for the archives, which I haven't done yet.
The first knockout tournament is coming to a close, the final round will end February 28th, barring any ties rounds...
The knockout coordinators for the second knockout tournament have made two rulings. First, they are now calling it the 'MAME Championships'. Second, registration for the tournament will expire at 2300 GMT(6pm EST) on February 17 and will begin at 0000 GMT(7pm EST) on February 18. (one hour later) There are currently twenty-three players registered for the tournament.
No update in 12 days? Get freakin' real! Let's do something about that: As a webpage maintainer, I should inform of the following MARP game changes on rulings by Pat Laffaye, the regulation coordinator: Syvalion was split to Game A(-a) and Game B(-b) on the basis of Game A uses the same levels and Game B uses random looking levels. Magical Drop 2 and 3's survival and challenge modes were merged into one of each on the basis of they're basically the same thing. There is now only -sm and -cm. Let me know if I missed anything Pat.
Pat Laffaye has updated the database for beta 11. The changes are:*** new originals akkanvdr "Akkanvader (Japan)" arabianm "Arabian Magic (World)" arkretrn "Arkanoid Returns (Japan)" arlingtn "Arlington Horse Racing" balcube "Bal Cube" balonfgt "VS. Baloon Fight" blkpnthr "Black Panther" blockcar "Block Carnival / Thunder & Lightning 2" bloodstm "Blood Storm (v2.22)" btlecity "Battle City" bubblem "Bubble Memories - The Story Of Bubble Bobble 3 (World)" bublbob2 "Bubble Bobble 2 (World)" butasan "Butasan (Japan)" citybomb "City Bomber (World)" cleopatr "Cleopatra Fortune (Japan)" cluclu "Clu Clu Land" cstlevna "Vs Castlevania" ctomaday "Captain Tomaday" daitorid "Dai Toride" darius "Darius (World)" dharma "Dharma" drmario "Dr Mario" duckhunt "Duck Hunt" excitebk "Excitebike" garou "Garou - Mark of the Wolves (prototype)" goonies "VS The Goonies" gseeker "Grid Seeker: Project Stormhammer (World)" gunlock "Gunlock (World)" guwange "Guwange (Japan)" hardyard "Hard Yardage (v1.20)" hogalley "Hogan's Alley" iceclimb "Ice Climber" kaiserkn "Kaiser Knuckle (World)" kirameki "Kirameki Star Road (Japan)" kof99 "King of Fighters '99 - Millennium Battle, The (prototype)" ktiger2 "Kyukyoku Tiger 2 (Japan)" ladygolf "Stroke and Match Golf (Ladies Version)" lastfort "Last Fortress - Toride" lightbr "Lightbringer (Japan)" machridr "Mach Rider" mslugx "Metal Slug X - Super Vehicle-001" ninjakun "Ninjakun Majou no Bouken" ninjaw "Ninja Warriors, The (World)" nyanpani "Nyan Nyan Panic (Japan)" opwolf "Operation Wolf (US)" othunder "Operation Thunderbolt (World)" pangpoms "Pang Poms" pbobbl2n "Puzzle Bobble 2 / Bust-A-Move Again (Neo-Geo)" pbobble2 "Puzzle Bobble 2 (World)" pbobble3 "Puzzle Bobble 3 (World)" platoon "Platoon" popnpop "Pop 'N Pop (Japan)" puchicar "Puchi Carat (Japan)" pwrgoal "Power Goal (World)" qtheater "Quiz Theater - 3tsu no Monogatari (Japan)" quizhuhu "Moriguchi Hiroko no Quiz de Hyuuhyuu (Japan)" rbibb "Atari RBI Baseball" ridingf "Riding Fight (World)" ringrage "Ring Rage (World)" scfinals "Super Cup Finals (World)" shangha2 "Shanghai II (Japan)" skyalert "Sky Alert" slapshot "Slap Shot (Japan)" spacegun "Space Gun (World)" stratab "Strata Bowling" suprmrio "VS Super Mario Bros" timekill "Time Killers (v1.32)" tkoboxng "VS TKO Boxing" trstar "Top Ranking Stars (World new version)" vsbball "VS. BaseBall" vsgolf "Stroke and Match Golf (Men's Version" vsgradus "VS Gradius" vsmahjng "VS. Mahjang" vspinbal "Pinball" vsskykid "Super SkyKid" vsslalom "VS Slalom" vssoccer "Soccer" vstennis "VS. Tennis" vstetris "VS Tetris" wrecking "VS. Wrecking Crew" *** new clones arabiamj "Arabian Magic (Japan)" [arabianm] arabiamu "Arabian Magic (US)" [arabianm] bloods22 "Blood Storm (v2.20)" [bloodstm] bloods21 "Blood Storm (v2.10)" [bloodstm] bubblemj "Bubble Memories - The Story Of Bubble Bobble 3 (Japan)" [bubblem] bubsymph "Bubble Symphony (Japan)" [bublbob2] bubsympu "Bubble Symphony (US)" [bublbob2] citybmrj "City Bomber (Japan)" [citybomb] cupfinal "Taito Cup Finals (World)" [scfinals] dariuse "Darius (Extra) (Japan)" [darius] dariusj "Darius (Japan)" [darius] dariuso "Darius (Japan old version)" [darius] dankuga "Dan-Ku-Ga (Japan)" [kaiserkn] gblchmp "Global Champion (US)" [kaiserkn] gseekerj "Grid Seeker: Project Stormhammer (Japan)" [gseeker] gseekeru "Grid Seeker: Project Stormhammer (US)" [gseeker] gundealt "Gun Dealer (Tecmo)" [gundealr] hardyd10 "Hard Yardage (v1.00)" [hardyard] hthero93 "Hat Trick Hero '93 (Japan)" [scfinals] hthero95 "Hat Trick Hero '95 (Japan)" [pwrgoal] hthro95u "Hat Trick Hero '95 (US)" [pwrgoal] kaiserkj "Kaiser Knuckle (Japan)" [kaiserkn] lastfero "Last Fortress - Toride (Erotic)" [lastfort] opwolfb "Operation Wolf (bootleg)" [opwolf] othundu "Operation Thunderbolt (US)" [othunder] pbobbl2j "Puzzle Bobble 2 (Japan)" [pbobble2] pbobbl2u "Bust-A-Move Again (US)" [pbobble2] pbobbl2x "Puzzle Bobble 2X (Japan)" [pbobble2] pbobbl3j "Puzzle Bobble 3 (Japan)" [pbobble3] pbobbl3u "Puzzle Bobble 3 (US)" [pbobble3] prmtmfgo "Prime Time Fighter (US old version)" [trstar] prmtmfgt "Prime Time Fighter (US new version)" [trstar] rayforce "Rayforce (US)" [gunlock] rayforcj "Rayforce (Japan)" [gunlock] ridefgtj "Riding Fight (Japan)" [ridingf] ridefgtu "Riding Fight (US)" [ridingf] ringragj "Ring Rage (Japan)" [ringrage] ringragu "Ring Rage (US)" [ringrage] sbasketu "Super Basketball (not encrypted)" [sbasketb] spcinvdj "Space Invaders DX (Japan F3 version)" [spacedx] timek131 "Time Killers (v1.31)" [timekill] trstarj "Top Ranking Stars (Japan new version)" [trstar] trstaro "Top Ranking Stars (World old version)" [trstar] trstaroj "Top Ranking Stars (Japan old version)" [trstar] wgpjoy "World Grand Prix (joystick version) (Japan)" [wgp] *** changed short ninjaw -> ninjawj "Ninja Warriors, The (Japan)" [ninjaw] *** changed long galaxian "Galaxian (Namco)" -> "Galaxian (Namco set 1)" [galaxian] shanghai "Shanghai" -> "Shanghai (Japan)" [shanghai] *** changed both galaxb -> galaxiaj "Galaxian (bootleg)" -> "Galaxian (Namco set 2)" [galaxian]
MARP has a new editor! BBH is the 7th editor of the MAME Action Replay Page... so be good... otherwise... :)
The Knockout Tournament's 2nd edition page is located here. Click there if you wish to sign up for the next tournament.
The January 12th(UPDATE) and 13th knockout meetings has been posted. Here's the link to get there.
Remember that there's a public meeting for the 2nd knockout tournament at 1300 GMT today. Just thought you should know. There's also one on the 13th at 0300 GMT.(12th, 10pm eastern)
Ron Corcoran has started the voting booth for the 2001 MAME Decatholon. Unlike what the board post said, the decatholon will last from February 1st until May 31st. The olympiad you ask? That will begin on June 1st instead of April 1st. The deadline for game coordinators to come forward for the olympiad is of course extended to April 21st.
Speaking of knockout, the 6th round has expired and there are five players remaining for the $50 grand prize. The seventh round will be posted here when it becomes available.
The knockout coordinators, J.D. Lowe(the chair), Lagavulin, and Brian McLean, have set up three public meetings for rules for the second knockout tournament. They will occur on Thursday, January 11 at 3pm eastern, 2000 GMT, hosted by Brian McLean. The second will occur on Friday, January 12 at 8am eastern, 1300 GMT, hosted by Lagavulin, and the final will take place on Saturday, January 13 at 0300 GMT(1/12 at 10pm eastern), hosted by J.D. Lowe. The public is encouraged to attend. The meetings will take place on EFNet's #marp, the official chat channel of MARP. Please contact J.D. Lowe if you need any help getting there.
I updated the MARP Totals Report. There's a .9 point increase in leaderboard point average, and a 25,000 point increase in raw score average. Oh yeah, we've now scored almost 8 1/2 billion points, and also have now eclipsed 16,000 recordings!
OK - Brian won the third round 8 - 2 and is the final knockout coordinator pending acception. By the way, happy new year to everyone. Hopefully we'll all have a great 2001.
22 ballots were submitted. For the regulation and one remaining knockout coordinators, 12 votes were required for a majority.Regulation is officially decided.
Pat Laffaye is elected as the regulation coordinator with 12 votes. BBH was second with 5 votes. Q.T. Quazar got 4 votes, and QRS got one vote. Pending acception / rejection, Pat Laffaye will take the regulation position on January 1, 2001.
Next, I'm going to go to knockout.
UPDATE: I missed one vote that was done under the wire under ICQ. Brian McLean got 9 votes. Chris Parsley got 7 votes, and Vasco Serafini each got 6 votes. This means Vasco is eliminated from the election. The third(and hopefully final) round will begin immediatly and will last three days until January 1, 2001 at 2359 GMT. The contenders will be Brian McLean and Chris Parsley. Click here to vote(and thanks for doing so :) ).
Ron Corcoran of Snipercade also got a great Christmas present - 2,000 Atari 2600 scores. Congratulations to Ron for this great accomplishment.
J.D. Lowe did get a great Christmas present didn't he? The Knockout Coordination chair, which I'm happy to report that he has accpeted. On this day, J.D. Lowe has become Mr. Knockout Coordinator Chair Elect. His term begins at the expiration of the first knockout tournament.
Feliz Navidad... Feliz Navidad... Feliz Navidad...- Merry Christmas or whatever you celebrate to all, and to all, a great night. :)
40 ballots were submitted. 31 were legal ballots. For the tournament and regulation coordinators, 16 votes were required for a majority. For the knockout, 74 total votes were submitted, divide by 3 for the number of coordinators needed and round for 25. 13 votes were required for a majority.First, let's go to the tournament.
Ben Jos was elected as the tournament coordinator with 22 votes. Brian McLean was second with 6 votes. Hisa-Chan got two votes, and Stig Remnes recieved one vote. On this day, Ben Jos Walbeehm became Mr. Tournament Coordinator Elect - he has accepted the elect position and will take over my spot on January 1, 2001.
Next, I'm going to go to knockout. This one is 2/3 decided.
J.D. Lowe was the highest majority and, upon acception, will become the chair of the knockout coordinators with 16 votes. Lagavulin was also elected and recieved 14 votes and upon acception will also be a knockout coordinator. And now... the rest... Chris Parsley and Vasco Serafini tied with 12 votes. Brian McLean got 11 votes, Ben Jos got 6 votes, and Skito, unfortunatly, got 3 votes and will be eliminated from round two. Because he's now going to be tournament coordinator, Ben Jos Walbeehm has conceeded this race. Round two will begin in less than 24 hours. Chris Parsley, Vasco Serafini, and Brian McLean will be the contenders remaining.
Finally, regulation coordinator. This one isn't close to decided.
Pat Laffaye got 9 votes, BBH got 8 votes, Q.T. Quazar got 5 votes, J.D. Lowe got 4 votes, and QRS got 2 votes. Those who got 1 vote are eliminated: Skito, Aaron Pieper, and Barry Rodewald. Yes Brian, I have to say that you got 0 votes and are also eliminated. Round two will begin in less than 24 hours. Pat Laffaye, BBH, Q.T. Quazar, and QRS will be the contenders remaining.
UPDATE: Because J.D. Lowe is now the knockout chair, he has conceeded the regulation race. These votes will be five day votes and will end on December 29 at 2359 GMT. Click here to vote for round two!
J.D. Lowe sent trivia results - and the same said person claimed it along with Jason Dyer each scoring five points. Aquatarkus, Barry Rodewald, and SportsDude drew for second with four points, BBH and Brian McLean each got two points for fourth, and David Oliver got one point for sixth.
NOTICE THE NEW UPDATE DATE! The MARP Election Page has been updated today. Please check it so you have an idea you might vote for in the election. A full ballot will be prepared in the eastern time afternoon on the 16th.
The time for nominating players in the MARP Election has expired. I have emailed those that have not accepted or rejected the nomination. They have until December 16 at 1500 GMT to email me back or indicate their decision on the message board.
Want to know where Zwaxy, MARP's founder, has been? Well I sent an email to him about a minor error (nothing that really affects your experience here) and he told me he's vacationing in Venezuela, and he's going to keep vacationing until December 19. Lucky dog...
Nominations are now taking place for the pending election. Click here to place your nomination. If you, newbie or veteran, have somebody to nominate for a position, then I suggest participating in this.
Day 29 of election fun: Pat Laffaye updates the database for MAME 37 beta 10. I'd love to list what's new:*** new originals 8ball "Video Eight Ball" amspdwy "American Speedway (set 1)" argus "Argus" beathead "BeatHead (prototype)" chinatwn "China Town (Japan)" cosmos "Cosmos" darius2 "Darius II (Japan)" darkwar "Dark Warrior" dazzler "Dazzler" dleague "Dynamite League (Japan)" goldbug "Gold Bug" gtg "Golden Tee Golf" gtg2 "Golden Tee Golf II (Trackball, V2.2)" heartatk "Heart Attack" hero "Hero" holeland "Hole Land" hstennis "Hot Shots Tennis" hunchbak "Hunchback" huncholy "Hunchback Olympic" logger "Logger" mrflea "Mr. F. Lea" ninclown "Ninja Clowns" ninjaw "Ninja Warriors, The (Japan)" omegaf "Omega Fighter" peggle "Peggle (Joystick)" perfrman "Performan" radarzon "Radar Zone" recordbr "Recordbreaker (World)" rimrockn "Rim Rockin' Basketball (V2.2)" robokid "Atomic Robokid" slikshot "Slick Shot" stompin "Stompin'" superbik "Superbike" syvalion "Syvalion (Japan)" topspeed "Top Speed (World)" valtric "Valtric" wallst "Wall Street" warriorb "Warrior Blade (Japan)" wfortune "Wheel Of Fortune" wgp "World Grand Prix (US)" *** new clones 8ball1 "Video Eight Ball - Rev.1" [8ball] amspdwya "American Speedway (set 2)" [amspdwy] bzonec "Battle Zone (cocktail)" [bzone] darius2d "Darius II (dual screen) (Japan)" [darius2] fullthrl "Full Throttle (Japan)" [topspeed] ghostmun "Ghost Muncher" [pacman] gtg2t "Golden Tee Golf II (Trackball, V1.1)" [gtg2] gtg2j "Golden Tee Golf II (Joystick, V1.0)" [gtg2] indytemd "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (German)" [indytemp] mk2chal "Mortal Kombat II Challenger (hack)" [mk2] mk2r91 "Mortal Kombat II (rev L9.1, hack)" [mk2] omegafs "Omega Fighter Special" [omegaf] outline "Outline" [radarzon] pegglet "Peggle (Trackball)" [peggle] pipedrmj "Pipe Dream (Japan)" [pipedrm] pkladiel "Poker Ladies (Leprechaun)" [pkladies] radarzn1 "Radar Zone - Rev.1" [radarzon] radarznt "Radar Zone - Tuni" [radarzon] rimrocka "Rim Rockin' Basketball (V2.0)" [rimrockn] robokidj "Atomic Robokid (Japan)" [robokid] silentdj "Silent Dragon (Japan)" [silentd] topspedu "Top Speed (US)" [topspeed] wgpj "World Grand Prix (Japan)" [wgp] *** changed short mk2r31 -> mk2 "Mortal Kombat II (rev L3.1)" tatsujn2 -> truxton2 "Truxton II / Tatsujin II / Tatsujin Oh (Japan)" *** changed long hunchbkd "Hunchback (Donkey Kong conversion)" -> "Hunchback (DK conversion)" pipedrm "Pipe Dream (Japan)" -> "Pipe Dream (US)" wc90 "World Cup 90" -> "World Cup '90" *** changed both mk2 -> mk2r42 "Mortal Kombat II (rev L4.2)" -> "Mortal Kombat II (rev L4.2, hack)"
OK, one day late, but here's the logs of the public meetings that took place on the 1st and 2nd of December.
What came out of the public meetings? Click here to find out and voice your opinion. Logs of the meeting will be made available by tomorrow.
I have placed an Olympiad page on the site and also placed a link at the index page - the banner frame is soon to follow.
Brian McLean takes the 5th tournament by eight points(104) over JSW(96). Third place went to BBH(87). Congratulations to Brian, and thanks to all for playing.
Speaking of IRC - new feature there, one of seymour's bots reports an upload as soon as one occurs. Might want to visit the IRC channel before the meeting to see this wonder. :)
There will be two public meetings on our IRC channel - EFNet's #marp. You can find a list of servers by clicking the communication link above. The first public meeting will be Friday night, December 1, at 10pm eastern(0300 GMT Saturday), which will be run by myself, Gameboy9. The second public meeting will be Saturday night, December 2, at 4pm eastern(2100 GMT), which will be run by Ben Jos Walbeehm. The host will present a brief statement on the events of the last couple weeks, then will entertain questions from the public. After discussion, we will then begin discussion on the KOA Tournament, then we'll talk about the Olympiad, then we'll talk about the future of the Tournament, of which the 5th will end November 31 at 2359 GMT. (6:59 pm eastern) The public is not only invited, but STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to attend. Therefore, if you need help getting onto IRC for the public meeting, let me know.
And Gameboy9, I would never accuse you of getting rid of anything on this page. :o)
I've just made a change to the scripts to allow them to work with Debian 2.2. Last Wednesday one of the retrogames web servers was upgraded from 2.1 to 2.2, which broke the scripts. Since then MARP has been running on the other server, still on 2.1. Now the scripts should work on both servers, but it's possible that I missed something, so if the site goes down again, that's why! Hopefully everything will be OK now.
I've changed the link from IRC material to communication with others. I included the message board, IRC, and the new Egroups group that is forming.
I improved the look of the news page a bit. No Zwaxy, I didn't get rid of anything on this page. :)
People often ask for a file called 'audiow32.dll', so I've uploaded it to the site. You can find it on the Versions link in the banner above, or get it directly from here.
More information from the server administrators:Hehe. Sorry, I laugh, because it was brian bringing one of our main webservers back from the grave. I'll get it fixed on short order. He said 'everything seems to be working now. Just have to wait and see what complaints roll in'. Sorry about it, but thanks for letting us know. Sometimes, it's hard to check up on everyone, and we miss a few.So there you go...