This site contains no ROMs at all. All email requesting ROMs will be ignored.
Want to communicate with others at MARP? Click here!
Looks like the MARP scripts are down again. I've mailed the server administrators and am hoping for news soon.
Trivia Results are in: And I know this was a long game... I was around at 12:45am(strange for me huh?) - Aquatarkus took first place at 8 points. Second went to J.D. Lowe at 6 points, and in third place was Tech Knight with 5 points. Other winners include Ben Jos Walbeehm(4), Barry Rodewald, BBH, Jason Dyer(last 3 with 3 points), and Giovanni Solinas(2). Thanks to everyone for hosting, and J.D. Lowe for scoring. Next trivia game is Saturday, November 19 at 10pm eastern(0200 GMT). They take place every Saturday at EFNet's #marp on IRC. J.D. Lowe's trivia report was updated.
It is the responsibility of the MARP Web Page Maintainer to submit a report on the recent downtime of MARP. What's my report? Gosh if I know. All I know is ZTNet, which hosts Emulation World, which hosts Retrogames, which hosts MARP, was down for 24 hours. I'll give a more detailed report when more information becomes available.
On the day after the most ridiculous election ever... Pat Laffaye updates the database for MAME 37 beta 9. The new stuff shall be declared as follows:*** new originals aburner2 "After Burner II" asuka "Asuka & Asuka (Japan)" atehate "Athena no Hatena ?" ballbros "Balloon Brothers" battleg "Battle Garegga (Japan)" batrider "Armed Police Batrider (Japan, version B)" bloxeed "Bloxeed" borench "Borench" btlkrodj "Battle K-Road (Japan)" cadash "Cadash (World)" cavelon "Cavelon" columns "Columns (US)" columns2 "Columns II - The Voyage Through Time (Japan)" daisenpu "Daisenpu (Japan)" earthjkr "U.N. Defense Force: Earth Joker (Japan)" eightfrc "Eight Forces" eto "Kokontouzai Eto Monogatari (Japan)" flstory "FairyLand Story, The" galmedes "Galmedes (Japan)" gigandes "Gigandes" harddriv "Hard Drivin'" ichidant "Ichidant-R (Puzzle & Action 2) (Japan)" kiwame "Pro Mahjong Kiwame" krzybowl "Krazy Bowl" m660 "Mission 660" mofflott "Maze of Flott (Japan)" naname "Naname de Magic! (Japan)" oisipuzl "Oishii Puzzle Ha Irimasenka" potopoto "Poto Poto (Japan)" puyopuyo "Puyo Puyo (Japan)" puyopuy2 "Puyo Puyo 2 (Japan)" rezon "Rezon" sabotenb "Saboten Bombers" scudhamm "Scud Hammer" stkclmns "Stack Columns (Japan)" tantr "Tant-R (Puzzle & Action) (Japan)" tfrceac "ThunderForce AC" thunderl "Thunder & Lightning" zunkyou "Zunzunkyou No Yabou (Japan)" *** new clones aburner "After Burner (Japan)" [aburner2] alphaxz "Alphax Z" [m660] batridra "Armed Police Batrider (Japan, version A)" [batrider] bloxeedc "Bloxeed (C System)" [bloxeed] cadashj "Cadash (Japan)" [cadash] cadashu "Cadash (US)" [cadash] cadashi "Cadash (Italy)" [cadash] cadashf "Cadash (France)" [cadash] columnsj "Columns (Japan)" [columns] flstoryj "FairyLand Story, The (Japan)" [flstory] ichidnte "Ichidant-R (Puzzle & Action 2) (English)" [ichidant] kodu "King of Dragons, The (US)" [kod] m660b "Mission 660 (bootleg)" [m660] manhatan "Manhattan 24 Bunsyo (Japan)" [jailbrek] mkr4 "Mortal Kombat (rev 4.0 T-Unit 02/11/93)" [mk] mk2r31 "Mortal Kombat II (rev L3.1)" [mk2] natodefa "NATO Defense (alternate mazes)" [natodef] pc-bstar "PlayChoice-10: Baseball Stars" [playch10] puyopuya "Puyo Puyo (Japan) (Rev A)" [puyopuyo] rainbowa "Rainbow Islands (set 2)" [rainbow] ridheroh "Riding Hero (set 2)" [ridhero] streetsw "Street Smart (World version 1)" [streetsm] tantrbl "Tant-R (Puzzle & Action) (Japan) (Bootleg)" [tantr] tfrceacj "ThunderForce AC (Japan)" [tfrceac] tfrceacb "ThunderForce AC (Bootleg)" [tfrceac] twotigra "Two Tigers (dedicated)" [twotiger] *** changed long mk2 "Mortal Kombat II (rev L3.1)" -> "Mortal Kombat II (rev L4.2)" rainbow "Rainbow Islands" -> "Rainbow Islands (set 1)" ridhero "Riding Hero" -> "Riding Hero (set 1)"
What should we do with one credit settings for the PlayChoice-10 games? Click here and cast your vote!
Trivia results from last night: Barry Rodewald won the game by reaching 10 points first. Aquatarkus was second with 9 points. BBH took third with 7 points. Other winners include Brian McLean(6), David Oliver(3), Mausikin(2), Ben Jos Walbeehm(2), and Ron Corcoran(1). Thanks to J.D. Lowe for hosting and scoring.
It's time to begin accepting applications for game coordinators of the first MAME Olympiad beginning April 1st.Each game coordinator will be responsible for choosing a playback judge(which can be him/herself), set challenging but reasonable DIP settings, and needs to make sure that it will be able to playback in the latest beta in at least DOS and Windows.
Yeah, that's not a misprint. You may choose ANY game that MAME has emulated so far. Each coordinator should not begin finding judges or DIP settings yet until they know which game they will coordinate.
Each coordinator will probably only be given one game to coordinate(maybe two). Please submit as many choices as you like(the more the better!) at
The first priority in choosing coordinators will be people who have a lot of known experience at the game. The second priority will be 'First Come, First Served.'
UPDATE: Here's a sample ballot of what I'm talking about:
1st choice - Quarth
2nd choice - WindJammers
3rd choice - Pacman
4th choice - 1943 KAI
and so on. Any further questions - please let me know at the same address above.
Boo! Mwhahahaha! You have to deal with the same update again! Mweeeeeeeeehehehehe! Oh... sorry... my halloween spirit was bothering me again. No there's an update to this item below.
For those who are interested in the one-life only Snipercade challenge - it is coming back this Wednesday. You can still vote for which game will be in the challenge.
To allow for this - I've uploaded MAME 37 betas 6, 7, and 8 for DOS, and 5, 7, and 8 for windows.
Keiichi has pythoned his way onto the scene by adding a 'download mame' under the INP link so you can download MAME without going to the old versions page.
Rough ideas for the first MAME Olympiad are now posted here - please give your opinions on this matter if you're interested in participating in this landmark event. (or at least I hope it will be :) )
I'm just curious... but I wonder if anyone knows that MARP's 5th tournament is still going on... :) It ends November 31st by the way.
The trivia game that never ended finally did this morning after five hours of brutal competition. David Oliver claimed his stake to victory with 9 points. Barry Rodewald was second with 6 points, and BBH was third with 5 points. Other winners include Ben Jos Walbeehm(4), J.D. Lowe(4), Aquatarkus(3), and Tech Knight(2). Thanks to all for hosting, and J.D. Lowe for scoring. Next trivia game is Saturday night, October 28 at 10pm eastern (0200 GMT).
On a related note: Any 5th tournament recording created from October 12th to October 16th will be declared legal for upload up to October 18th in MARP's 5th tournament.
The Internal Server Errors have been fixed. What happened was a python source file(not from this site) that MARP depended on mysteriously disappeared. That file has reappeared and the site fixed. Thanks to Zwaxy and Prophet for correcting the problem. :) I'd like to apologize for the downtime incurred.
Ron didn't get any emails - but at least he'll get an update here - his Snipercade high score site is celebrating it's 3 year anniversary today. Congratulations for three years - and we hope for many more to come.
MARP has reached 200,000 hits according to NedStat! Thanks to all for making this possible. :)
Huh... I don't find this surprising on Friday the 13th - Internal Server Errors. I haven't done anything - so we all have to play the waiting game here...
I've updated the tournament banner - changing 'Gameboy's Page' to Archives(and you can find all the t4 recordings on that page under complete results.)
Well now we have a four-way battle to claim the maximum 1,400 points available in the Magical Drop series. Tech Knight has joined the battle submitting the first 2 million point easy survival mode score in Magical Drop 3. He now joins Ashuime Rainflower, Aaron Pieper, and Q.T. Quazar(who once had the 1,400 points) for the big pot. Good luck to all... this should be a very cool battle indeed.
Trivia results time - Brian McLean won the game with 10 points. Barry Rodewald and BBH each scored 6 points for second, J.D. Lowe was fourth with 5 points, Ben Jos Walbeehm scored 3 points, and Giovanni Solinas scored 2 points. Thanks to everyone for hosting, and J.D. Lowe for scoring. J.D. Lowe is looking for a host for next Saturday's game at 10pm eastern(0200 GMT) - so if you're interested, I'd suggest in contacting him.
Tournament 5 Note - I suggest recording Metal Slug without sound to make sure it playsback - because if it doesn't, your score will be adjusted to what score it was when it was played back. {GB9}MAME 37 beta 8 is out - and so is the new MARP database. Here's what's new according to Mr. Pat Laffaye:
*** new apparel "Apparel Night (Japan)" atompunk "New Atomic Punk - Global Quest (US)" av2mj1 "AV2Mahjong No.1 Bay Bridge no Seijo" bananadr "Mahjong Banana Dream [BET] (Japan)" bbmanw "Bomber Man World (World)" bbmanwj "Bomber Man World (Japan)" beezer "Beezer (set 1)" beezer1 "Beezer (set 2)" bijokkoy "Bijokko Yume Monogatari (Japan)" bijokkog "Bijokko Gakuen (Japan)" blazeon "Blaze On (Japan)" bombrman "Bomberman (Japan)" buraiken "Hissatsu Buraiken (Japan)" chinmoku "Mahjong Chinmoku no Hentai (Japan)" club90s "Mahjong CLUB 90's (Japan)" citylove "City Love (Japan)" crystal2 "Crystal Gal 2 (Japan)" dkgenm72 "Daiku no Gensan (Japan, M72)" donpachi "Donpachi (Japan)" galkoku "Mahjong Gal no Kokuhaku (Japan)" galkaika "Mahjong Gal no Kaika (Japan)" gionbana "Gionbana (Japan)" gunforcj "Gunforce - Battle Fire Engulfed Terror Island (Japan)" hanaoji "Hana to Ojisan [BET]" hanamomo "Mahjong Hana no Momoko gumi (Japan)" housemnq "House Mannequin (Japan)" housemn2 "House Mannequin Roppongi Live hen (Japan)" hyhoo "Taisen Quiz HYHOO (Japan)" hyhoo2 "Taisen Quiz HYHOO 2 (Japan)" iemoto "Iemoto (Japan)" kaguya "Mahjong Kaguyahime [BET] (Japan)" liblrabl "Libble Rabble" macross "Macross" macross2 "Macross II" maiko "Maikobana (Japan)" mcontest "Miss Mahjong Contest (Japan)" mgmen89 "Mahjong G-MEN'89 (Japan)" mjcamera "Mahjong Camera Kozou (Japan)" mjfocus "Mahjong Focus (Japan)" mjfocusm "Mahjong Focus [BET] (Japan)" mjlstory "Mahjong Jikken Love Story (Japan)" mjnanpas "Mahjong Nanpa Story (Japan)" mjsikaku "Mahjong Sikaku (Japan set 1)" mjsikakb "Mahjong Sikaku (Japan set 2)" mladyhtr "Mahjong THE LADY HUNTER (Japan)" msjiken "Mahjong Satsujin Jiken (Japan)" nkdodgeb "Nekketsu Koukou Dodgeball Bu (Japan bootleg)" nouryoku "Nouryoku Koujou Iinkai" ntopstar "Mahjong Nerae! Top Star (Japan)" ojousan "Ojousan (Japan)" otonano "Otona no Mahjong (Japan)" peepshow "Nozokimeguri Mahjong Peep Show (Japan)" pstadium "Mahjong Panic Stadium (Japan)" pushman "pushman" qmhayaku "Quiz-Mahjong Hayaku Yatteyo! (Japan)" secolove "Second Love (Japan)" seiha "Seiha (Japan)" seiham "Seiha [BET] (Japan)" scandal "Scandal Mahjong (Japan)" scandalm "Scandal Mahjong [BET] (Japan)" selfeena "Sel Feena" sf2i "Street Fighter II - The World Warrior (US 910522)" skyadvnt "Sky Adventure (Japan)" spdodgeb "Super Dodge Ball (US)" strahl "Strahl" stunrun "S.T.U.N. Runner" stunrnp "S.T.U.N. Runner (Prototype)" telmahjn "Telephone Mahjong (Japan)" tokyogal "Tokyo Gal Zukan (Japan)" tokimbsj "Tokimeki Bishoujo [BET] (Japan)" triplew1 "Mahjong Triple Wars (Japan)" triplew2 "Mahjong Triple Wars 2 (Japan)" vanilla "Mahjong Vanilla Syndrome (Japan)" wofu "Warriors of Fate (US)" *** changed short skyadvnt -> skyadvnu "Sky Adventure (US)"
Posted two Playchoice - Super Mario Bros. tricks on the tricks page from Tommi Tiihonen.
The leaderboard problems of a couple days ago are now fixed. No further errors. Thanks to Zwaxy for his help on the matter. :)
87 zillion people have told me the leaderboard script is broken. They are correct - and Zwaxy was immediatly notified of the problem. It should be corrected within the next day or two. Everything else is working correctly - so I think we can live without a leaderboard for a day or two. :)
Trivia time! Sportsdude aced the Brian McLean hosted quiz with 10 points. Aquatarkus and Barry Rodewald were WAY back with 4 points for second place. Tied for fourth was Chris Parsley and David Oliver with 3 points, and sixth was BBH with 1 point. Thanks to J.D. Lowe for scoring and updating the MARP Trivia Leaderboard. Next trivia game is Saturday night, October 7, at 10pm eastern(0200 GMT)
Tournament 5 has started! The settings are: (and remember - add a T4 - not a T5) {GB9}* t4-elevatob : Elevator Action (bootleg) NORMAL DIFFICULTY, 3 lives, Extra @ 10 K t4-kuniokub : Renegade (Japan bootleg) Normal Difficulty, 1 life, Extra @ 30K * t4-mpatrol : Moon Patrol 5 LIVES - NO EXTRA LIVES * t4-mslug : Metal Slug LEVEL 6 - 60 second play time - 3 lives * t4-tempest : Tempest Medium1 Difficulty, 5 LIVES, NO EXTRA LIVES * t4-thepit : The Pit Speed = Fast, TIME LIMIT = SHORT, 3 lives t4-vulgus : Vulgus 3 lives - Extras @ 20K & 60 K t4-wjammers : Windjammers Level 4 - 30 second time limit
Finally - I woke up to the infamous ISE(internal server error) - I have found the problem and will take care of the source of the problem. I apologize for the inconvinience.
I have also updated the MARP Totals Report.
J.D. Lowe updated the MARP Trivia Leaderboard. Actually he did this a couple days ago...
Tournament 5 time - When the time comes around(October 1, 0000 GMT) - Tournament 5 will begin. I will mention though, that once again we will submit under T4. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! WHAT HAPPENED TO THE T4 RECORDINGS?!!!! WAAAAAAAA! Calm down baby boy... The T4 recordings are here! Oh yeah... everything should be correct now :)
Trivia results time - Barry Rodewald won the game scoring 10 points first. Brian McLean and Giovanni Solinas tied for second with 5 points, David Oliver was third with 3 points, BBH was fourth with 2 points, and Ben Jos Walbeehm, Chris Parsley, J.D. Lowe, and myself each scored one point. Thanks to Aquatarkus for hosting, and J.D. Lowe for scoring. The next trivia game is Saturday night, September 30, 2000 at 10:00pm eastern(Sunday, 0200 GMT)
J.D. Lowe is creating a spreadsheet of the MARP Trivia Leaderboard. This will keep track of all trivia results for the past 3 months or so.
Trivia results are in - David Oliver comes and claims a victory scoring 5 points first. Aquatarkus came in second with 3 points, SportsDude and BBH each scored 2 points for 3rd place. BenJos, J.D. Lowe, Brian McLean, and Barry Rodewald each scored 1 point. Thanks to everyone for hosting, and J.D. Lowe for scoring. The next trivia game will be next Saturday at 10pm eastern(Sunday at 0200 GMT) - with the following rule changes agreed apon by vote:
1. We're going to have one solid host instead of everyone hosting.
2. 10 points wins instead of 5
3. Non-arcade games will be allowed in the mix.
Ocean View has submitted the 15,000th available recording! Woohoo!
We are nearing 15,000 recordings... isn't that exciting?! Updated the MARP Totals Report - now by place instead of by letter/number.
I should comment that I updated the version database to MAME 37 beta 10 - MAME 37 beta 7 is still there - it's just down the versions list a little bit. I do this so we're prepared for future MAME releases for a while.
Added a MARP Totals Report. This mentions total raw points scored and what have you. This report is also on the banner frame.
Trivia results now. Who else but BBH wins by reaching five points first. Second goes to Aquatarkus, Brian McLean, and Giovanni Solinas all with three points. Fifth place goes to J.D. Lowe and Ben Jos Walbeehm each with 2 points. Barry Rodewald, Chris Parsley, and David Oliver all got one point. Thanks to everyone for hosting, and J.D. Lowe for scoring.
MARP IRC News now(remember... EFNet's #marp!) - several people have informed me some new bots have taken over the chat room - the web page for the chat statistics is now here.
Lots of things... so bear with me. First - let's talk about the old versions. I've updated the old versions page up to MAME 37 beta 5 for DOS, and MAME 37 beta 4 for Windows. In addition, I UPXed all versions of DOS MAME between MAME 30 final and MAME 34 beta 7 in case you want a smaller exacutable for those versions. Finally, I updated the UPX from 0.93 to 1.00.
The Rules Page and Banned Games pages have been updated with a number of additions and deletions. Please check them out by clicking on the RULES link above.
I'm daring enough to update during class huh? The knockout tournament's 2nd game has been announced by the name of "Arabian". The game begins at 0500 GMT(00:00 CDT) on the 7th, and ends at 0459 GMT on the 17th(23:59 CDT on the 16th) All details are listed here. Good luck to the 23 remaining contestants! :)
Nice timing MAMEdev... right when I turn 20... uh....... yyyyeah.... Pat Laffaye updated for the 100th release of MAME - hopefully we'll have recordings work this time... Here's what's new for beta 7...*** new bigtwin "Big Twin" [bigtwin] buggychl "Buggy Challenge" [buggychl] buggycht "Buggy Challenge (Tecfri)" [buggychl] fantasia "Fantasia" [fantasia] hotpinbl "Hot Pinball" [hotpinbl] kncljoe "Knuckle Joe (set 1)" [kncljoe] kncljoea "Knuckle Joe (set 2)" [kncljoe] magmax "Mag Max" [magmax] mahoudai "Mahou Daisakusen (Japan)" [mahoudai] missw96 "Miss World '96 Nude" [missw96] natodef "NATO Defense" [natodef] newfant "New Fantasia" [newfant] pc-1942 "PlayChoice-10: 1942" [playch10] pc-bball "PlayChoice-10: Baseball" [playch10] pc-bfght "PlayChoice-10: Balloon Fight" [playch10] pc-cshwk "PlayChoice-10: Captain Sky Hawk" [playch10] pc-cvnia "PlayChoice-10: Castlevania" [playch10] pc-dbldr "PlayChoice-10: Double Dribble" [playch10] pc-drmro "PlayChoice-10: Dr Mario" [playch10] pc-ftqst "PlayChoice-10: Fester's Quest" [playch10] pc-gntlt "PlayChoice-10: Gauntlet" [playch10] pc-golf "PlayChoice-10: Golf" [playch10] pc-grdus "PlayChoice-10: Gradius" [playch10] pc-hgaly "PlayChoice-10: Hogan's Alley" [playch10] pc-kngfu "PlayChoice-10: Kung Fu" [playch10] pc-mman3 "PlayChoice-10: Mega Man 3" [playch10] pc-moglf "PlayChoice-10: Mario Open Golf" [playch10] pc-ngai3 "PlayChoice-10: Ninja Gaiden 3" [playch10] pc-pwbld "PlayChoice-10: Power Blade" [playch10] pc-radrc "PlayChoice-10: Rad Racer" [playch10] pc-radr2 "PlayChoice-10: Rad Racer II" [playch10] pc-rcpam "PlayChoice-10: RC Pro Am" [playch10] pc-rkats "PlayChoice-10: Rockin' Kats" [playch10] pc-rrngr "PlayChoice-10: Rescue Rangers" [playch10] pc-rygar "PlayChoice-10: Rygar" [playch10] pc-smb2 "PlayChoice-10: Super Mario Bros. 2" [playch10] pc-suprc "PlayChoice-10: Super C" [playch10] pc-tenis "PlayChoice-10: Tennis" [playch10] pc-tmnt "PlayChoice-10: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" [playch10] pc-tmnt2 "PlayChoice-10: Teenage mutant Ninja Turtles 2" [playch10] pc-vball "PlayChoice-10: Volley ball" [playch10] pc-wcup "PlayChoice-10: Nintendo World Cup" [playch10] pc-wgnmn "PlayChoice-10: Wild Gunman" [playch10] pc-ynoid "PlayChoice-10: Yo! Noid" [playch10] shippumd "Shippu Mahou Daisakusen (Japan)" [shippumd] shocktrj "Shock Troopers (Japan)" [shocktro] sia2650 "Super Invader Attack" [sia2650] tinv2650 "Invaders, The" [sia2650] thief "Thief" [thief] wbeachvl "World Beach Volley" [wbeachvl] wintbob "Winter Bobble, The" [snowbros] xexex "Xexex (World)" [xexex] xexexj "Xexex (Japan)" [xexex] *** changed short *lottofun -> lottofun "Lotto Fun" [lottofun] *** changed long valkyrie "Legend of the Valkyrie (Japan)" -> "Valkyrie No Densetsu (Japan)" [valkyrie]
Trivia results are in from Saturday night - a big day of scoring, with 10 people scoring last night - but the big winner, like regulation MARP, was BBH reaching 5 points first. Giovanni Solinas, Barry Rodewald, David Oliver, and SportsDude all tied for second with 3 points. Aquatarkus was the sole 6th placer with 2 points, then Gameboy9, J.D. Lowe, BeeJay, and Chris Parsley all tied at the bottom with 1 point. Thanks to everyone for hosting, and J.D. Lowe for scoring.
The 1st round of the knockout tournament is complete. You can see the results here. Not all results are official for the record...
Debate has been posted for the 5th tournament - make your voice known here. Debate expires September 10th, 2000 at 2359 GMT.
Unfortunatly... I have no days remaining before college begins!!! :( We start it all with Advanced Visual Basic for 2 1/2 hours...
You also have two days remaining to vote for the 5th MARP Tournament. If you haven't done so already - and you want to do so - you have until tomorrow at 2359 GMT.(7:59 eastern)