This site contains no ROMs at all. All email requesting ROMs will be ignored.
Want to communicate with others at MARP? Click here!
You have two days remaining to submit a score in the 1st round of the Knockout Tournament(link is to the knockout leaderboard). - Currently, Zylquin, Dith, Zwaxy, Frankie, and Pam on the brink of elimination. Oh yeah... the prize pool is up to $15 now. Continuing to click on either banner ad will add to the pot. A vote will occur in a few days to decide wheater we have prizes or not.
The Knockout Tournament leaderboard has been updated by Chris Parsley - there are four people in one group who haven't submitted a score yet - they would all lose(I believe) if they didn't submit a score. One person from each of the other groups hasn't submitted a score yet. I believe there's a big time penalty for not submitting a score(possibly not allowed to play in future knockout tournaments - don't know yet) - so please post a score even if you think you're going to be eliminated.
Well Pat Laffaye did update for beta 6... but as Q.T. has mentioned, recordings in beta 6 are illegal until further notice (see Update 1 under August 21)... What I can do is mention what's new...*** new batugnsp "Batsugun Special Ver." [batsugun] bigkarnk "Big Karnak" [bigkarnk] biomtoy "Biomechanical Toy (Unprotected)" [biomtoy] bluehawk "Blue Hawk" [bluehawk] bssoccer "Back Street Soccer" [bssoccer] exerizrb "Exerizer (Japan) (bootleg)" [skyfox] galspnbl "Gals Pinball" [galspnbl] karianx "Karian Cross" [karianx] knightsu "Knights of the Round (US)" [knights] kurikint "Kuri Kinton (World)" [kurikint] kurikina "Kuri Kinton (prototype?)" [kurikint] lastday "Last Day, The (set 1)" [lastday] lastdaya "Last Day, The (set 2)" [lastday] logicpro "Logic Pro" [logicpro] logicpr2 "Logic Pro 2 (Japan)" [logicpr2] megab "Mega Blast (World)" [megab] megabj "Mega Blast (Japan)" [megab] metalb "Metal Black (World)" [metalb] metalbj "Metal Black (Japan)" [metalb] pc-ebike "PlayChoice-10: Excite Bike" [playch10] pc-smb "PlayChoice-10: Super Mario Bros." [playch10] pc-duckh "PlayChoice-10: Duck Hunt" [playch10] pc-tkfld "PlayChoice-10: Track & Field" [playch10] pc-pwrst "PlayChoice-10: Pro Wrestling" [playch10] pc-rnatk "PlayChoice-10: Rush N' Attack" [playch10] pc-cntra "PlayChoice-10: Contra" [playch10] pc-goons "PlayChoice-10: The Goonies" [playch10] pc-miket "PlayChoice-10: Mike Tyson's Punchout" [playch10] pc-ngaid "PlayChoice-10: Ninja Gaiden" [playch10] pc-ddrgn "PlayChoice-10: Double Dragon" [playch10] pc-smb3 "PlayChoice-10: Super Mario Bros. 3" [playch10] plgirls "Play Girls" [plgirls] plgirls2 "Play Girls 2" [plgirls2] pollux "Pollux" [pollux] popeyef "Popeye (rev. F)" [popeye] primella "Primella" [Primella] rshark "R-Shark" [rshark] skyfox "Sky Fox" [skyfox] slammasu "Saturday Night Slam Masters (US)" [slammast] spacbeam "Space Beam" [spacbeam] tatsujn2 "Truxton II / Tatsujin II / Tatsujin Oh (Japan)" [tatsujn2] videopin "Video Pinball" [videopin] *** changed long avengers "Avengers (set 1)" -> "Avengers (US set 1)" [avengers] avenger2 "Avengers (set 2)" -> "Avengers (US set 2)" [avengers] eswat "E-Swat" -> "E-Swat - Cyber Police" [eswat] eswatbl "E-Swat (bootleg)" -> "E-Swat - Cyber Police (bootleg)" [eswat] grindstm "Grind Stormer (Korea)" -> "Grind Stormer" [vfive] pipibibi "Pipi & Bibis / Whoopee (Japan) [bootleg ?]" -> "Pipi & Bibis / Whoopee (Japan) (bootleg ?)" [pipibibs] qcrayon2 "Quiz Crayon Shinchan Orato Asobo (Japan)" -> "Crayon Shinchan Orato Asobo (Japan)" [qcrayon]
Trivia from last night is as follows: Barry Rodewald won it with 4 points. Second went to David Oliver with 3 points, and the tie for 3rd went to Sportsdude and Giovanni "Gby" Solinas with 2 points each. Thanks to all for hosting, and J.D. Lowe for scoring.
I'm baaaaaaaaack :) Trick Golf Shot of the day: Hit your tee shot on a par 3 with the driver, then go across the road, dodging about 5 travelling cars, hit the curb on the other side, and coming back onto the course. :) Final score... +39... after NINE holes!
Trivia scores for Saturday night were the following:
mahlemiut - 5
david-14 - 5
jbd - 3
jdllama - 3
BenJos - 2
cubex - 1A thank-you goes out to davedude-14 for scorekeeping.
URGENT: Please do not record and submit .inp files created with MAME v.37b6. A problem has been identified with the source code which has broken the -record and -playback features. All games recorded with MAME v.37b6 will be immediately deleted by an Editor if posted. Updates will follow on this situation.
I'm off to vacation in Maine - see you on the 27th. :)
The first game has been posted for the knockout tournament - the round 1 game is Aurail(set 1). Click the knockout link at the banner page for more details. No submissions will be legal until the 21st of August at 0000 CDT(0500 GMT).
Now's a good time to mention that I will be on vacation from Saturday the 19th to Saturday the 26th. Q.T. Quazar I think will be doing updates as needed until I return. I will place a reminder on top of the news page to send updates to him on Friday.
Round 1 pairings of the Knockout Tournament have been decided - 4 groups of 5 people, and one group of 6 people. This means 26 people have signed up. Chris Parsley, the KOA coordinator, is still accepting sign-ups, but he states it's not guaranteed that he can get you into the tournament. The 1st round game has not been decided as of yet. I'll keep ya posted :)
This is the last day to sign up for the King of the Arcade tournament. Play will begin as soon as pairings are determined.
Trivia results for last night are in - in one of the most dramatic, and dodonpachi-ed up trivia game ever - Brian McLean took first by reaching 5 points first. J.D. Lowe, David Oliver, BBH, Mark Longridge, JSW, and Barry Rodewald all tied for second(that's right - it was a 7 way tie until Brian broke it.) with 4 points. Alex Weir and Sportsdude each had 1. Thanks to everyone for hosting, and David Oliver for scoring. Next Trivia game is Saturday, August 19, at 10pm eastern(Sunday @ 0200 GMT)
A reminder that if you haven't already, you can click here to vote for games to appear for Tournament 5. There are FOUR people who have voted for Moon Patrol. QRS's vote, who was the first person to vote for Moon Patrol, only counts in the randomizer - so the other three have to change their vote. The other two games they voted for stand however.
You have three days remaining to sign up for the King of the Arcade tournament. 21 people have signed up currently. The official deadline is August 15th. {GB9}
Added 4 tricks to the tricks page - one in alpine ski(XTC - version unknown), one in donkey kong jr.(XTC), one in journey(XTC - version unknown), and one in mspacman(Steve Krogman). When the version becomes known, I will reupdate the page with the correct versions.
Some discussion has fired up about the tricks page needing more recordings. If you have them - please submit them to Gameboy9. If anybody else wants to run the tricks page - you're more than welcome to do so - just email the same said person.
Trivia results are in from Saturday nights game. Sportsdude came back from nowhere to reach 5 points first. Ben Jos Walbeehm was stalled at 4 points and Barry Rodewald came to tie him for second. Fourth places go to BBH and David Oliver with 3 points. J.D. Lowe scored 2 points, and myself, Brian McLean, and Mark Longridge each scored 1. Thanks to everyone for hosting, and J.D. Lowe for scoring.
Added a Level 100 Pnickies recording from Ben Jos Walbeehm onto the tricks page. Well done Ben Jos! {GB9}
It's time once again to vote for games for the 5th MARP Tournament. Please click here and vote for your favorite games! Deadline to submit a vote is August 31st, 2359 GMT. The Tournament will start October 1st.
The archives page was updated reflecting Tournament 4 including the overall statistics page, and the new-look stats page. On the overall stats page, you can see how BeeJay got that 1st place in the statistic I showed you about a month ago. The tournament rules page was also updated. Pay attention to the blue please!The final results for Tournament 4 are as follows:
200 scores processed on 8 games. 25 players. 25 qualified players. 200 total maximum number of points per player. ar bo ga gb pn ra sf so 1. Renzo Vignola 10 7 1 1 4 3 6 1 ( 33) 175 (87.50%) 2. Zylquin 3 2 9 2 2 6 12 4 ( 40) 168 (84.00%) 3. Ben Jos Walbeehm 7 4 6 7 1 4 9 9 ( 47) 161 (80.50%) 4. Frankie 8 6 4 6 13 1 19 3 ( 60) 148 (74.00%) 5. QRS 2 14 5 8 17 8 11 2 ( 67) 141 (70.50%) 6. boxster 1 22 10 4 9 5 10 7 ( 68) 140 (70.00%) 7. BBH 20 1 2 12 11 17 1 5 ( 69) 139 (69.50%) 8. Donut 4 16 18 13 3 2 15 10 ( 81) 127 (63.50%) 9. JSW 18 8 3 9 19 18 2 6 ( 83) 125 (62.50%) 10. Blost 12 3 15 10 7 14 13 15 ( 89) 119 (59.50%) 11. Q.T.Quazar 11 12 8 20 15 12 7 11 ( 96) 112 (56.00%) 12. J.D. Lowe 19 13 14 11 18 7 5 13 (100) 108 (54.00%) 13. Phil Lamat 6 10 20 15 10 9 20 16 (106) 102 (51.00%) 14. Cicca 13 20 7 17 16 10 25 8 (116) 92 (46.00%) 15. Crash 15 11 19 19 5 11 23 14 (117) 91 (45.50%) 16. Jazz 16 15 13 16 14 16 17 12 (119) 89 (44.50%) 17. Sandman 17 18 11 18 20 15 8 17 (124) 84 (42.00%) 18. Olivier Millardet 9 19 23 5 25 20 14 18 (133) 75 (37.50%) 19. Barry Rodewald 22 9 21 14 23 23 3 22 (137) 71 (35.50%) 20. Blue Monday 23 24 12 3 24 24 4 25 (139) 69 (34.50%) 20. Zwax 5 17 16 22 21 13 22 23 (139) 69 (34.50%) 22. Pam 24 5 17 21 12 22 21 20 (142) 66 (33.00%) 23. gameboy9 21 23 22 24 6 21 16 19 (152) 56 (28.00%) 24. QueenMary 14 -- 25 25 8 25 24 24 (171) 37 (18.50%) 25. Chris Parsley 25 21 24 23 22 19 18 21 (173) 35 (17.50%)
You'll notice the new link on the banner page reflecting the knockout competition tournament starting in the next couple weeks. 13 people have signed up as of last update, and the deadline to sign-up is August 15th. {GB9}
Pat Laffaye has updated the MARP database for beta 5. Here's what's new:*** new arkatour "Tournament Arkanoid (US)" blandia "Blandia [Prototype]" blocken "Blocken (Japan)" blsthead "Blasteroids (with heads)" brutforc "Brute Force" calibr50 "Caliber 50" cameltru "Camel Try (US)" cameltry "Camel Try (Japan)" cyberba2 "Cyberball (Version 2)" ddonpach "Dodonpachi (Japan)" ddragonu "Double Dragon (US)" deadconj "Dead Connection (Japan)" deadconx "Dead Connection (World)" dinorex "Dino Rex (World)" dinorexj "Dino Rex (Japan)" dinorexu "Dino Rex (US)" dondokod "Don Doko Don (Japan)" drgnunit "Dragon Unit / Castle of Dragon" driftout "Drift Out (Japan)" driveout "Drive Out" euroch92 "Euro Champ '92 (World)" finalb "Final Blow (World)" finalbj "Final Blow (Japan)" footchmp "Football Champ (World)" fstarfrc "Final Star Force (US)" ginkun "Ganbare Ginkun" gunbird "Gun Bird (Japan)" gunfront "Gun & Frontier (World)" gunfronj "Gun Frontier (Japan)" heberpop "Hebereke no Popoon (Japan)" hthero "Hat Trick Hero (Japan)" koshien "Ah Eikou no Koshien (Japan)" lkageb2 "Legend of Kage, The (bootleg set 2)" lkageb3 "Legend of Kage, The (bootleg set 3)" lsasquad "Land Sea Air Squad / Riku Kai Kuu Saizensen" masterw "Master of Weapon (World)" mjnquest "Mahjong Quest (Japan)" mjnquesb "Mahjong Quest (No Nudity)" mk3 "Mortal Kombat 3 (rev 2.1)" mk3r20 "Mortal Kombat 3 (rev 2.0)" mk3r10 "Mortal Kombat 3 (rev 1.0)" narc3 "Narc (rev 3.20)" nbajamt1 "NBA Jam TE (rev 1.0 01/17/94)" nbajamt2 "NBA Jam TE (rev 2.0 01/28/94)" nbajamt3 "NBA Jam TE (rev 3.0 03/04/94)" nbamaxht "NBA Maximum Hangtime (rev 1.0)" ninjak "Ninja Kids (World)" ninjakj "Ninja Kids (Japan)" olibochu "Oli-Boo-Chu" openice "2 On 2 Open Ice Challenge (rev 1.21)" pulirula "PuLiRuLa (World)" pulirulj "PuLiRuLa (Japan)" qcrayon "Quiz Crayon Shinchan (Japan)" qcrayon2 "Quiz Crayon Shinchan Orato Asobo (Japan)" qjinsei "Quiz Jinsei Gekijoh (Japan)" qtorimon "Quiz Torimonochou (Japan)" quizhq "Quiz HQ (Japan)" qzchikyu "Quiz Chikyu Bouei Gun (Japan)" qzquest "Quiz Quest - Hime to Yuusha no Monogatari (Japan)" rackemup "Rack 'em Up" rambo3a "Rambo III (set 2, US)" rmpgwt "Rampage: World Tour (rev 1.3)" rmpgwt11 "Rampage: World Tour (rev 1.1)" royalmah "Royal Mahjong" sformula "Super Formula (Japan)" shangha3 "Shanghai III (Japan)" silentd "Silent Dragon (World)" sngkace "Sengoku Ace (Japan)" solfigtr "Solitary Fighter (World)" sonicwi "Sonic Wings (Japan)" spacedx "Space Invaders DX (Japan)" storming "Storming Party / Riku Kai Kuu Saizensen" thundfox "Thunder Fox (Japan)" tmnt2po "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2 Players Oceania)" tndrcadj "Tokusyu Butai UAG (Japan)" toypop "Toypop" ttmahjng "T.T. Mahjong" umk3 "Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (rev 1.2)" umk3r11 "Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (rev 1.1)" viofight "Violence Fight (World)" wwfmania "WWF: Wrestlemania (rev 1.30)" yesnoj "Yes/No Sinri Tokimeki Chart" yuyugogo "Yuuyu no Quiz de GO!GO! (Japan)" *** changed long cyberbal "Cyberball" -> "Cyberball (Version 4)" ddragon "Double Dragon" -> "Double Dragon (Japan)" lkageb "Legend of Kage, The (bootleg)" -> "Legend of Kage, The (bootleg set 1)" pbobble "Puzzle Bobble / Bust-A-Move" -> "Puzzle Bobble / Bust-A-Move (Neo-Geo)" rambo3 "Rambo III (Europe)" -> "Rambo III (set 1, Europe)" tndrcade "Thundercade" -> "Thundercade / Twin Formation"
Unofficial Tourney 4 results are in. Renzo Vignola has won by 7 points over Zylquin... who beat Ben Jos Walbeehm by 7 points :) Official results will come when everything is taken care of.
Brian McLean won the big video-game trivia game last night taking in $32,000. Chris Parsley was 2nd with $24,500, and Barry Rodewald was third with $14,500. Other winners were JSW($7,500), Mark Longridge($5,000), Alex Weir($3,500), and Ben Jos Walbeehm($1,500). This is a total of almost $90,000. Disclaimer: Payments will be made next year at an interest rate of -99 % per second. :) Next trivia game is next Saturday night at 10pm eastern, 0200 for GMT addicted.
Time is running out in tournament 4... less than 36 hours to the deadline of July 31, 2359 GMT...
The link of the day shows stats of our IRC channel. Wild ones at that!
For those who don't know - the Twin Galaxies page has completed it's redo of the site and it's worth a look!
Two updates to the weird page took place over the past couple days. One was in the game of Marble Madness found in the first section in it's alphabetical order placing. The second was two recordings of the game of Phoenix. They are found at the bottom of the page under bugs. Thanks to Tommi Tiihonen for the submissions.
Speaking of tournament 4... you have less than 4 1/2 days left to submit recordings. The deadline for recordings is July 31st at 2359 GMT.(7:59 eastern time) Anything with a reading of August 1st will not count!
Don't fret everyone - for those who liked the tournament the way it is now, there will be a 5th tournament, with voting for games starting as soon as we find a winner for tournament 4. Tournament 5 is slotted to begin October 1st.
There will be a knockout tournament taking place starting September 1st. Those who would like to take the challenge, please contact Chris Parsley to sign up. The deadline to sign-up will be August 15th.
Ben Jos Walbeehm takes his first trivia game(I think) by reaching 5 points first. Three-way tie for second with 4 points involving Barry Rodewald, BeeJay, and SportsDude. Thanks to everyone for hosting, and J.D. Lowe for scoring. The next trivia game is Saturday, July 29, at 10pm eastern, 0200 GMT(July 30).
Vasco "Vaz" Serafini has placed a motion to restructure the tournament from an 8 game tournament like we're doing now to an elimination tournament(single/double/etc.) using one game only / round which would be randomly selected. All players interested in the tournament's future are encouraged to vote here and place your opinion on the idea. There are also various ideas on how this tournament would go - you are also invited to share your ideas as well.
Scoreboard minus those not playing 8 games after 7 weeks are as follows:217 scores processed on 8 games. 33 players. 23 qualified players. 184 total maximum number of points per player. ar bo ga gb pn ra sf so 1. Renzo Vignola 9 6 1 1 5 3 6 1 ( 32) 160 (86.96%) 2. boxster 1 10 7 4 8 5 9 7 ( 51) 141 (76.63%) 3. QRS 2 9 4 7 15 7 10 2 ( 56) 136 (73.91%) 4. Zylquin 5 2 11 2 4 9 23 3 ( 59) 133 (72.28%) 5. BBH 17 1 2 10 14 16 1 4 ( 65) 127 (69.02%) 6. Ben Jos Walbeehm 7 11 12 6 1 4 13 16 ( 70) 122 (66.30%) 7. Frankie 15 5 5 11 10 1 18 6 ( 71) 121 (65.76%) 8. JSW 16 7 3 8 17 17 2 5 ( 75) 117 (63.59%) 9. Donut 3 17 16 15 2 2 14 8 ( 77) 115 (62.50%) 10. Blost 11 3 14 9 7 13 11 12 ( 80) 112 (60.87%) 11. Q.T.Quazar 10 14 6 18 13 11 7 9 ( 88) 104 (56.52%) 12. Phil Lamat 6 13 18 13 9 8 19 13 ( 99) 93 (50.54%) 13. J.D. Lowe 19 15 13 16 16 6 4 11 (100) 92 (50.00%) 14. Jazz 13 16 10 14 11 15 16 10 (105) 87 (47.28%) 15. Crash 12 12 17 19 3 10 22 14 (109) 83 (45.11%) 16. Sandman 14 19 8 17 18 14 8 15 (113) 79 (42.93%) 17. Barry Rodewald 20 8 20 12 21 22 3 20 (126) 66 (35.87%) 18. Blue Monday 21 22 9 3 22 23 5 23 (128) 64 (34.78%) 19. Zwax 4 18 15 21 19 12 21 21 (131) 61 (33.15%) 20. Olivier Millardet 8 21 22 5 23 19 12 22 (132) 60 (32.61%) 21. Pam 22 4 19 20 12 21 20 18 (136) 56 (30.43%) 22. gameboy9 18 23 21 23 6 20 15 17 (143) 49 (26.63%) 23. Chris Parsley 23 20 23 22 20 18 17 19 (162) 30 (16.30%)OK - it's coming down to the final wire now... Ben Jos has charged seven places since last week. Ben Jos has also told me that Zylquin has charged six places as well! Thanks to Ben Jos for the observation. :) The tournament expires on July 31st at 2359 GMT. Remember: Those who don't play eight games(those who aren't listed here) will have their score erased, so if you care to keep the tournament scores that you have, PLEASE qualify! Thanks - and good luck to all!
Looks like we have a nice little battle of the week going on between Alex Weir and Ken Okamoto for the Metro Cross title. Have a look at the superb .inps and then place your bets as to who wins this battle. Ken currently leads Alex by 60K with an astounding improvement of around 80K over his previous best. Current Top 3 on the game are Ken Okamoto: 323,400 points; Alex Weir: 266,200 points; Fungo: 192,850 points.Best of luck to you, MARPers! {QCN}
Anybody realize that he's already going to Devry to pursue his college degree on this day? He is :) Good luck to J.D. in his educational pursuits. {GB9}
Barry Rodewald breaks Sportsdude's streak of two straight by claiming 5 points in the trivia game Saturday night. Second goes to Ben Jos Walbeehm and QRS both with 3 points. Thanks to everyone for hosting, and J.D. Lowe for scoring. Oh... speaking of J.D. Lowe...
Q.T.Quazar, resident MARP Rules Coordinator, has access to the site code and can make all sorts of neat updates and... stuff. He'll be signing with
Has anyone not checked out Cicca's stats page? If not - you should - you will find some very neat tournament statistics! {GB9}
Lagavulin updated the poll with the results of the latest vote about the likeness or hateness of Tournament 4 games. The loser game is quite clear on this one :) However, there's a couple games people like.
Scoreboard minus those not playing 8 games after 6 weeks are as follows: {GB9}215 scores processed on 8 games. 33 players. 22 qualified players. 176 total maximum number of points per player. ar bo ga gb pn ra sf so 1. Renzo Vignola 8 5 1 1 4 3 6 2 ( 30) 154 (87.50%) 2. boxster 1 10 7 3 7 5 9 5 ( 47) 137 (77.84%) 3. QRS 2 9 4 5 14 7 10 1 ( 52) 132 (75.00%) 4. BBH 15 1 2 8 13 15 1 3 ( 58) 126 (71.59%) 5. JSW 13 6 3 6 16 16 2 4 ( 66) 118 (67.05%) 6. Blost 10 3 14 7 6 12 11 11 ( 74) 110 (62.50%) 6. Donut 3 15 16 12 2 2 14 10 ( 74) 110 (62.50%) 8. Frankie 14 8 5 11 9 1 21 8 ( 77) 107 (60.80%) 9. Q.T.Quazar 9 12 6 17 12 10 7 6 ( 79) 105 (59.66%) 10. Zylquin 6 2 11 20 3 9 22 16 ( 89) 95 (53.98%) 11. J.D. Lowe 17 13 13 14 15 6 5 9 ( 92) 92 (52.27%) 11. Phil Lamat 5 14 17 10 8 8 18 12 ( 92) 92 (52.27%) 13. Ben Jos Walbeehm 22 11 12 13 1 4 13 21 ( 97) 87 (49.43%) 14. Sandman 11 17 8 15 17 13 8 13 (102) 82 (46.59%) 15. Jazz 12 18 10 16 10 14 16 7 (103) 81 (46.02%) 16. Barry Rodewald 18 7 18 9 20 21 3 19 (115) 69 (39.20%) 17. Blue Monday 19 21 9 2 21 22 4 22 (120) 64 (36.36%) 18. Olivier Millardet 7 20 21 4 22 18 12 20 (124) 60 (34.09%) 18. Zwax 4 16 15 22 18 11 20 18 (124) 60 (34.09%) 20. Pam 20 4 19 18 11 20 19 15 (126) 58 (32.95%) 21. gameboy9 16 22 20 21 5 19 15 14 (132) 52 (29.55%) 22. Chris Parsley 21 19 22 19 19 17 17 17 (151) 33 (18.75%)If you have not completed all 8 games yet - I suggest you do, cause you only have 2 1/2 weeks remaining - and if you don't qualify, your scores don't count!
On a happier note(not that the previous was sad...), we have reached 175,000 hits according to NedStat. This measures unique hits and it doesn't count a reload. I think the hit counts again after 6 hours or something. Well however they count hits - congratulations to MARP!
A motion has been put up to determine the future of marathoned games. Click here to voice your vote and opinion. I only gave three games - but I know there's more games that have been marathoned to bits - and everyone is welcome to add to the list. All players, newbie or veteran, are encouraged to vote.
This week's interesting stat involved the MARP Tournament - what I did was added some features on the mix-in page. This will be re-released after tournament 4. I added a mix-in to the power rating system, old MARP leaderboard, new MARP leaderboard, raw score, overall leaderboard(you know - the one where Cicca combines all the leaderboards, adds them up that way?) with the addition of old and new MARP leaderboards, put a % on top on all of the overall leaderboards,(please forgive me Cicca :) ) and added each of the % on tops to get a final leaderboard. Here's the top 10 of the final item mentioned. (in percent, as always)1. BeeJay 93.45 Tourney 1 2. Ben Jos Walbeehm 89.23 Tourney 2 3. Ben Jos Walbeehm 80.40 Tourney 3 4. Phil Lamat 73.86 Tourney 3 5. Ian Sutton 72.89 Tourney 3 6. Tommi Tilhonen 67.84 Tourney 3 7. Brian McLean 64.97 Tourney 1 8. Donut 63.90 Tourney 2 9. JoustGod 61.56 Tourney 1 10. Cicca 59.56 Tourney 1
Sportsdude has now won 2 in a row - claiming 5 points in Saturday night's trivia session. BBH was second with 4 points, and QRS was third with 3 points. Thanks to everyone for hosting, and once again J.D. Lowe gets credit for keeping score.
I'm going to start dishing off interesting statistics about once every week. The first interesting stat I want to give is top 10 average leaderboard scores per recording. I will also include their real leaderboard standing. A person must be in the top 50 to qualify. Can you defeat these scoreboard giants? {GB9}1. LordGaz 92.6 23rd 2. GiganT 90.0 50th 3. Bubble 83.4 7th 4. Giovanni "GBY" Solinas 78.2 47th 5. Ken Okamoto 77.4 11th 6. Tickenest 74.9 45th 7. BBH 74.2 1st 8. Tommi Tilhonen 73.9 46th 9. DDR 73.5 41st 10. BIL 71.9 34th
OK - here's Sportsdude - just wandering in to the chat room - and then promptly wins the saturday night trivia game with 10 points. Second went to BBH with 7 points, third was a tie between JSW and Barry Rodewald with 5 points. Thanks to everyone who played, Chris Parsley for hosting, and J.D. Lowe for scoring. Next trivia game is Saturday night at 10pm eastern, 0200 GMT. {GB9}
Well... Ron talked about MARP's Tournament - so it's only fair that I talk about his Deca 2000 tournament.
The winner was Phil Chapman racking up 638.28 points and winning Q-Bert(428,735), and Time Pilot(1,031,000).
Second place went to MARP participant BeeJay(546.17) - second in Tapper(911,025) and third in Bubble Bobble(3,663,170 - A force in Tournament 4?)
Another MARP Regular took a podium spot - JoustGod(483.38), taking 3rd in Burger Time(4,227,000) and a second in Joust(412,250)
Other players who participate in MARP include:Neil Chapman 474.27 4th 1st in Ms. Pac-Man(415,480) Alex Weir 417.48 8th 1st in Tapper(978,250), 1st in Track N' Field(93,310) Ben Jos Walbeehm 384.61 9th 2nd in Time Pilot(733,400), 3rd in Track N' Field(89,980) KFT 358.42 10th 2nd in Q-Bert(358,850) J.D. Lowe 348.91 11th 1st in Burger Time(4,472,500) Steve Krogman 310.69 14th AlexLux 307.07 16th 2nd in Burger Time(4,383,850) Rick Fothergill 298.12 19th 2nd in Ms. Pac-Man(407,200) Mark Longridge 260.48 23rd 1st in Joust(612,000) Pat Laffaye 255.69 25th 1st in Frogger(283,950), 3rd in Joust(253,750) Aquatarkus 170.86 38thThere's a good chance that I missed somebody - if you're in MARP and I missed you - let me know with the nickname you use on the site if applicable and accept my apologies. Congratulations to all - and I'm sure a lot of people at MARP appreciate Ron Corcoran for hosting the tournament. {GB9}
For those who haven't had enough of Bubble Bobble - check out this groovy music variation created by LizardKing - you will need a Mod Player to play this back - WinAmp will do you fine.