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Here's a moment everyone's been waiting for... I think :) Scores removing those who haven't played 10 games after 4 weeks in Tournament 4:197 scores processed on 8 games. 33 players. 15 qualified players. 120 total maximum number of points per player. ar bo ga gb pn ra sf so 1. Renzo Vignola 5 10 1 1 2 3 4 2 ( 28) 100 (83.33%) 2. boxster 1 4 6 3 5 4 6 4 ( 33) 95 (79.17%) 3. QRS 2 3 3 4 11 6 7 1 ( 37) 91 (75.83%) 4. BBH 9 1 2 6 10 12 1 3 ( 44) 84 (70.00%) 5. Blost 7 2 10 5 3 10 8 9 ( 54) 74 (61.67%) 6. Q.T.Quazar 6 6 5 12 9 8 5 5 ( 56) 72 (60.00%) 7. Donut 3 8 12 9 7 2 9 7 ( 57) 71 (59.17%) 8. Frankie 11 5 4 8 6 1 15 8 ( 58) 70 (58.33%) 9. J.D. Lowe 13 7 9 10 12 5 3 12 ( 71) 57 (47.50%) 10. Jazz 8 12 8 11 8 11 11 6 ( 75) 53 (44.17%) 11. Blue Monday 14 13 7 2 15 15 2 11 ( 79) 49 (40.83%) 12. Phil Lamat 12 14 13 7 4 7 13 10 ( 80) 48 (40.00%) 13. Zwax 4 9 11 15 13 9 14 15 ( 90) 38 (31.67%) 14. gameboy9 10 15 14 14 1 14 10 13 ( 91) 37 (30.83%) 15. Chris Parsley 15 11 15 13 14 13 12 14 (107) 21 (17.50%)
JoustGod won Sunday night's trivia game with 10 points. Barry Rodewald was second with 9 points, and BBH was third with 7 points. Other winners include J.D. Lowe(4), JSW(4), Q.T. Quazar(2), and Ben Jos Walbeehm(1) I'd like to thank Mark Longridge for hosting and J.D. Lowe for scoring. Next game is next Saturday night at 10pm eastern, 0200 GMT.
I am now making a request - because it seems to affect playback performance, if you are using an unofficial MAME in your recording, please indicate which MAME it is so we can play it back correctly. I have added a reminder in the submission page. Thanks :) {GB9}
BBH won another game of video game trivia taking home 5 points. Joustgod was a close second with 4 points, and Barry Rodewald goes to the podium for third with 3 points. Other winners include J.D. Lowe(2), Gameboy9(1), Mark Longridge(1), Ben Jos Walbeehm(1), QRS(1), and BeeJay(1). I'd like to thank everyone for hosting. Next game is next Saturday night at 10pm eastern, 0200 GMT.
We also played a trivia game Sunday night. This time, JSW won with 20 points. BBH and BenJos tied for second with 16 points. Other winners include Mark Longridge with 11, Barry Rodewald with 4, Joustgod and Q.T. Quazar with 3 each, and J.D. Lowe with 2 points. Next game is scheduled on Saturday night at 10pm eastern, 0200 GMT(and we'll probably do another one Sunday night too :) ) There will be one allowed rule change - the categories can expand to any video game platform - not just arcade (That really expands my question set - it was horrible last night if you ask me! :) ) {GB9}
I have results for the Saturday trivia game. BBH won the game claiming 6 points. Joustgod was second with 3 points, and Ben Jos Walbeehm and J.D. Lowe tied for third with 2 points. Other winners include Mark Longridge, Barry Rodewald, and JSW with 1 point each. I'd like to thank BeeJay for hosting on such a short notice!
I updated the staff page. One thing was added for Q.T. Quazar, an exact date was found for one of Skito's items. I also did some spelling fixes(surprised Ben Jos didn't catch them!) and some other minor fixes. {GB9}
I never knew MAME 37 beta 4 came out - but Pat told me - and with that he'll talk about the changes of MAME 37 beta 4... now! Oh... the file in brackets is the master set.*** new ashurau "Ashura Blaster (US)" [] exodus "Exodus (bootleg?)" [] hanaawas "Hana Awase (Flower Matching)" [] hitice "Hit the Ice (US)" [] pang3-10 "Pang! 3 (Euro) (10 Level Game)" [] pang3-50 "Pang! 3 (Euro) (50 Level Game)" [] pang3-panic "Pang! 3 (Euro) (Panic Mode)" [] pang3-secret "Pang! 3 (Euro) (50 Level Game - Secret Levels)" [] puzbobb "Puzzle Bobble (Japan, B-System)" [] rambo3 "Rambo III (Europe)" [] rescrdsa "Rescue Raider (Stand-Alone)" [] qzshowby "Quiz Sekai wa SHOW by shobai (Japan)" [] victory "Victory" [] victorba "Victor Banana" [] wofa "Sangokushi II (Asia)" [] *** changed short pang3-10 -> pang3j-10 "Pang! 3 (Japan) (10 Level Game)" [] pang3-50 -> pang3j-50 "Pang! 3 (Japan) (50 Level Game)" [] pang3-panic -> pang3j-panic "Pang! 3 (Japan) (Panic Mode)" [] pang3-secret -> pang3j-secret "Pang! 3 (Japan) (50 Level Game - Secret Levels)" [] *** changed long bublbobr "Bubble Bobble (US set 1)" -> "Bubble Bobble (US with mode select)" [] bubbobr1 "Bubble Bobble (US set 2)" -> "Bubble Bobble (US)" [] redufo "Defend the Terra Attack on the Red UFO" -> "Defend the Terra Attack on the Red UFO (bootleg)" []
Finally I'll talk about the trivia game last sunday night. Joustgod swept all three rounds at 8 points each for a total of 24 to win trivia. Second was Brian McLean with 13 points, third was Ben Jos Walbeehm with 10 points. Other scorers included Q.T. Quazar with 9 points, QRS with 5 points, and J.D. Lowe with 1 point. I'm going to change the date of trivia to Saturday night at 10pm eastern, 0200 GMT to get more people to participate. {GB9}
I fixed the problem with the dropdown menu. Looks like 'someone' edited an old version of the script and uploaded it over my newer version. :o) I think it's all OK now. {Zwax}
But to keep you entertained, we have the second arcade trivia game at 10pm eastern tonight, 0200 GMT. {GB9}
Well I tried to change the dropdown menu from bublbobl to boblbobl and now I'm getting exceptions. Zwaxy has been ICQed - but we're out of commission until at least 1/2 a day from this update. Sorry about that :( {GB9}
The weird page gets another update thanks to Barry Rodewald and two bugs he caught in the Street Fighter II game. {GB9}
I was forced to remove bublbobl and replace it with boblbobl in tournament 4. The reason was because windows players be at a disadvantage if we stayed at bublbobl because no windows recording would playback. However, windows recordings will playback in boblbobl. Don't ask me why. Everyone will need to resubmit a BOBLBOBL recording. I apologize for any inconvinience. {GB9}
For those who are interested, I posted some rules for Pnickies, including how to find your ranking, and how the game is scored. Be aware however, there IS some REALLY formal writing here :) One final comment: If you'd like to submit rules for your favorite game(s), then please email me, and I'll be more than happy to post them! {GB9}
Lagavulin(who I just added to the staff page) has updated the MARP Poll - we're now wondering how you feel about the Tournament 4 games... {GB9}
Here's a first - the weird page has been uploaded for the first time in ages! I added one of QRS's attempts to get 1st place in rallyx... you'll see it at the very bottom of the page. {GB9}
Please understand the lateness of the matter - Pat was at the Twin Galaxies' Classic Arcade tournament at Funspot - but he's now updated the database for MAME 37 beta 3(the versions are already on the submission page). The changes are...*** new aafb "All American Football (rev E)" aafbd2p "All American Football (rev D, 2 Players)" aafbb "All American Football (rev B)" alleymas "Alley Master" ashura "Ashura Blaster (Japan)" ataxx "Ataxx (set 1)" ataxxa "Ataxx (set 2)" ataxxj "Ataxx (Japan)" basebal2 "Baseball The Season II" cerberus "Cerberus" champbbj "Champion Baseball (Japan)" crimec "Crime City (World)" crimecu "Crime City (US)" crimecj "Crime City (Japan)" dangerz "Danger Zone" dblplay "Super Baseball Double Play Home Run Derby" hatris "Hatris (Japan)" indyheat "Danny Sullivan's Indy Heat" magix "Magix" mayhem "Mayhem 2002" nastar "Nastar (World)" nastarw "Nastar Warrior (US)" offroad "Ironman Stewart's Super Off-Road" offroadt "Ironman Stewart's Super Off-Road Track Pack" ohmygod "Oh My God! (Japan)" pacnpal2 "Pac & Pal (older)" pigout "Pigout" pigouta "Pigout (alternate)" powerins "Power Instinct (USA) [bootleg]" quarterb "Quarterback" quartrba "Quarterback (set 2)" rastsag2 "Rastan Saga 2 (Japan)" redlin2p "Redline Racer (2 players)" safarir "Safari Rally" strkzone "Strike Zone" teamqb "John Elway's Team Quarterback" teamqb2 "John Elway's Team Quarterback (set 2)" tetrist "Tetris (Japan, B-System)" viper "Viper" wseries "World Series: The Season" wsf "World Soccer Finals" zerotime "Zero Time" *** changed both invdpt2m -> invaddlx "Space Invaders Part II (Midway)" -> "Space Invaders Deluxe"
Well we had our first arcade trivia game at MARP's chat channel, and our first winner was Jason Dyer. He was the first person to score five points. Other winners included BBH(3), BeeJay(3), Ben Jos(3), Gameboy9(2), and J.D. Lowe(2) - well done to all involved! I also would like to thank Chris Parsley for hosting. BIG NOTE: We will be playing arcade-related trivia every sunday night at 0200 GMT(that's monday there), 10pm eastern, 7pm pacific. {GB9}
A new record has been broken on MARP. At 22:34:45 GMT on this day, I submitted a 1st place score on the OffRoad Track Pack. 10 SECONDS later, sportsdude(welcome back!) counters with a better score! So the new record is... shortest lead in one game - Gameboy9 - 10 seconds :) Remember that, it might be a trivia question one day! {GB9}
The server had about 14 hours of downtime today. I don't think it had to do with the scripts this time - I couldn't log onto the FTP server to see what was up(got a socket error) - so it probably had to do with a server problem - not a script problem. Regardless, we're back online - and you can submit your recordings once again. We apologize for any inconvinience. {GB9}
Finally, I have posted where we are on IRC on the news page - and I intend to keep it there for an extended period of time. The link is pointing to software for mIRC... for now. {GB9}
More tournament related stuff - to make sure we're clear on this - if you submit a tournament recording and would like to submit it on regulation MARP - it's perfectly legal because it is using TG Settings amongst other things. {GB9}
In addition, MARP is having two of the busiest days in at least three months. Click on the graph on the banner frame for the proof! {GB9}
We have played 24 hours and I already have gotten emails for 108 recordings in Tournament 4 play. Click on the tournament link if you're on the regulation banner and join in on the fun!
The recent update about the settings confused me on the subject of solarfox. It said that the settings were default, but also that lives should be at 20, 100 and 300k. The default I see is 70, 200 and 500k. I spoke to GB9 about this, and he said to just use the default settings. Neither of us is a solarfox expert - does anyone even know how to change the scores at which lives are awarded? - Zwax
I have updated the tournament rules page. There really isn't many changes, but the important thing here is that I have made the tournament more generic - to apply for all tournaments so I don't have to update every four months. {GB9}
Our 4th tournament is about to begin in less than 36 hours. Here are the settings for the tournament. NOTE: Anything with a * on it means the settings need to be changed from default.Arkanoid II:(arkanoi2) 3 lives, normal difficulty, Extras at 100K, 200K(is that worded right?) Bubble Bobble:(bublbobl) 3 lives, Medium Difficulty, Extras at 30K, 100K, 400K * Gaplus:(gaplus) Difficulty: 4 - 3 lives - extras at 50K, 150K only * Green Beret:(gberet) Medium Diff. - 3 lives, extras at 30K, every 70K Pnickies:(pnickj) Normal difficulty * Rally X:(rallyx) Medium difficulty - 3 cars - extra = 20K(A) Solar Fox:(solarfox) Diff = 3, 3 bases, extra = 20, 100, 300K, 10 levels after * Street Fighter II:(sf2) Hardest Difficulty
A vote on four issues has been called by Q.T. Quazar. To vote, click here. All players, newbie or veteran, are encouraged to vote.{GB9}
Added Cicca to the staff page - it's on the drop-down menu on the banner. {GB9}
Thanks to TkChris and TonyD, we now have a new experimental binary for mame 0.37 beta 2. For about a year now, TkChris has been asking me whether it would be possible to get MAME to restart recording when you press F3, so that when you're trying to beat a high score, you don't have to keep hitting escape and running MAME over and over. Well, we finally did it. If you want to try it, download this binary. I'm not sure how well it works - please try playing your recording back using the regular m37b2 binary before submitting it. So far, I've playtested it with Qbert's Qubes, since I know that that one's very fussy about its nvram file, and that seems to be OK. You still need to delete the nvramgame.nv file before recording and playing back, as usual. {Zwax}
Wanted: IRC Coordinator - This person would schedule events that would take place on EFNet's #marp - MARP's official chatting place. All you need to do is create a webpage to be put up on the server... and... schedule the events :) Any interested applicants please inform me ASAP. {GB9}
Added a staff page - it's on the drop-down menu on the banner. You'll see there anybody who is at least editor or of very important status + emails + ICQs(if given) + AOL Instant Messenger stuff(if given) + ... {GB9}
I'm taking a week's vacation. Back around 20th May. {Zwax}
On a happier note - the links to the thumbnails on the searches(the one that's supposed to list the original game and it's clones) are now working! As well as clicking the "2 clones" link - it will list the two clones. All searches can now be conducted by typing (invaders,pang,pang3), it will list the three respective games. One final thing - this is all thanks to da main man... Zwaxy :) {GB9}
Sigh... well I made a decision on the eight games in the tournament... sort of. Take a look at the board and you'll see what I'm talking about. {GB9}
Pat updated the database for MAME 37 beta 2(the versions are already on the submission page). The changes are...*** new 800fath "800 Fathoms" astrob2 "Astro Blaster (version 2)" battlera "Battle Rangers (World)" bldwolf "Bloody Wolf (US)" boscoo2 "Bosconian (older version)" dfeveron "Dangun Feveron (Japan)" esprade "ESP Ra.De. (Japan)" grindstm "Grind Stormer (Korea)" insector "Insector (prototype)" inthuntu "In The Hunt (US)" junofstg "Juno First (Gottlieb)" kyros "Kyros" mermaid "Mermaid" moonbase "Moon Base" oscarj1 "Psycho-Nics Oscar (Japan revision 1)" oscarj0 "Psycho-Nics Oscar (Japan revision 0)" pipedrm "Pipe Dream (Japan)" polyplay "Poly-Play" schasrcv "Space Chaser (CV version)" screwloo "Screw Loose (prototype)" sheriff "Sheriff" sinvzen "Super Invaders (Zenitone-Microsec)" spinlbru "Spinal Breakers (US)" sspacat2 "Space Attack (upright, older)" sstingry "Super Stingray" supbtimj "Super Burger Time (Japan)" superinv "Super Invaders" tail2nos "Tail to Nose - Great Championship" uopoko "Uo Poko (Japan)" vaportru "Vapor Trail - Hyper Offence Formation (US)" *** changed long astrob "Astro Blaster (version 2)" -> "Astro Blaster (version 3)" btlfield "Battlefield (Japan)" -> "Battle Field (Japan)" carnival "Carnival (Upright)" -> "Carnival (upright)" carnvckt "Carnival (Cocktail)" -> "Carnival (cocktail)" gangwars "Gang Wars" -> "Gang Wars (US)" hunchbks "Hunchback (Scramble conversion)" -> "Hunchback (Scramble hardware)" kick "Kick (mirror version)" -> "Kick (upright)" kicka "Kick (upright version)" -> "Kick (cocktail)" oscarj "Psycho-Nics Oscar (Japan)" -> "Psycho-Nics Oscar (Japan revision 2)" pignewt "Pig Newton (Revision C)" -> "Pig Newton (version C)" pignewta "Pig Newton (Revision A)" -> "Pig Newton (version A)" sinvemag "Super Invaders" -> "Super Invaders (EMAG)" skyadvnt "Sky Adventure" -> "Sky Adventure (US)" skysoldr "Sky Soldiers" -> "Sky Soldiers (US)" spacetrk "Space Trek (Upright)" -> "Space Trek (upright)" spinlbrk "Spinal Breakers (US)" -> "Spinal Breakers (World)" sptrekct "Space Trek (Cocktail)" -> "Space Trek (cocktail)" sqbert "Faster, Harder, More Challenging Q*bert" -> "Faster, Harder, More Challenging Q*bert (prototype)" sspaceat "Space Attack (Upright)" -> "Space Attack (upright)" sspacatc "Space Attack (Cocktail)" -> "Space Attack (cocktail)" supbtime "Super Burger Time (Japan)" -> "Super Burger Time (World)" timesold "Time Soldiers (Rev 3)" -> "Time Soldiers (US Rev 3)" timesol1 "Time Soldiers (Rev 1)" -> "Time Soldiers (US Rev 1)" vaportra "Vapor Trail - Hyper Offence Formation (US)" -> "Vapor Trail - Hyper Offence Formation (World revision 1)" vfive "V-Five" -> "V-Five (Japan)"
You have under 48 hours to debate in our 4th tournament. If you would like to join the debate, please do it before May 10th at 2359 GMT.{GB9}
Well the time for voting in our 4th tournament is over, and the randomizing is complete. Go to this board thread if you would like to join the debate. There is also a games list there.(and I meant top 30, not 39 - whoops.) Debate ends on May 10th, 2000 at 2359 GMT.{GB9}
Fixed the screenshots so that you'll see different pictures for different varients of games. For example, the 4 different courses on super hangon now have different pictures. Thanks to Skito for pointing out the problem. {Zwaxy}
Modified the search page to show the { total | average } of { scores | leaderboard points } earned. GameBoy wanted this feature (because that's the kind of guy he is, I guess!) {Zwaxy}
I haven't given such an update in a while - so here goes. We now are up to 12,303 recordings - 11,578 are posted in regular competition, and 725 are in tournament mode. Remember that, it might be a trivia question! :) {GB9}
Bout time Gameboy! Re-created the leaderboard enhancements of February 6th, i.e. made the average score / game in tenths instead of whole numbers and added a percentage of the tournament(you know... percentage of perfect?) {GB9}
The problem from yesterday has been fixed. Thanks Brian! :o)
Thanks for using the Google search engine from this page. I've already nearly earned enough to buy a can of Mountain Dew!
There seems to be a problem on the server at the moment. I'm unable to submit new recordings. I'll post more information when I have it. I've mailed the server administrator, and am waiting for his reply.
I added 'Confirms' to the banner frame, which lists what recordings have been confirmed. The page itself moved to a different URL, so you old bookmark might not still work. I also made the links change colour when you point to them in MS Internet Explorer, but that was just to see if I could.
Even though he has very little to do with MARP any more, Zwaxy has put links to all over MARP with the evil intention of making a buck or two... :o) But seriously, it's the best search engine there is, pretty much, and almost always finds the page you're looking for first, rather than some dodgy page which just happens to have registered the same keywords...For example, type 'marp' into the box above and click 'go'. The first page it finds will be the one and only proper MARP page. Try the same thing on other search engines - you'll find that at altavista it's listed in 20th place and at yahoo it's not even in the top 20... {Zwaxy}
I'd also like to comment that voting in our 4th tournament has been extended up to April 30th at 2359 GMT - because we've added one more month of wait and will start on June 1st. We will also have eight games in the tournament - not ten in tournaments past. {GB9}
I'd like to thank Prophet of Retrogames for posting our update last night - I appreciate it :) {GB9}