This site contains no ROMs at all. All email requesting ROMs will be ignored.
Want to communicate with others at MARP? Click here!
In an attempt to draw a few more players to the site, I signed up with the top 25 emulation sites page. If you click on the links saying 'top 25' then I get to be advertised on their site. Or something.
My PC's disk crashed a couple of weeks ago, and since then I've been using a UNIX machine. This means that I'm unable to decode MIME attachments. So if you have emailed me any recordings in the last couple of weeks, I have been unable to upload them. I would suggest using the automatic upload form (click 'submit' above, then 'submit a new recording') if any of your recordings didn't appear on the page yet. Sorry about that. For the 'weird' recordings (like the mysterious exploding invader one), I'll hang on to them until I get MIME email back.
Split the Fax game into 4 games, according to subject. Thanks to JoustGod for the suggestion. Would you like me to split Joust into 128 variants as well? :o)
I've been having a lot of trouble with my email recently. If you've emailed me and I've not got back to you, please email me again, since I've lost track of what's gone out and what's bounced back...
Improved the 'most recent uploads' page a little. Now it's a list which always shows the 50 most recently uploaded files, so it won't ever get too big. The newest ones are listed first, too. It's HERE if you want to see it - or just click 'Uploads' on the top line.
Thanks for your continuing support while I was away - I was very pleased to see that the site continued to be used and uploaded to in my absense - I was worried it might wither and die, you see...
I'm back from holiday in France (like BeeJay says - we was robbed (in the World Cup)). Sorry I didn't manage to tell you that I was going - had some problems connecting to threadnet last Friday. I'm in the process of moving the site to a faster address, but don't have time to do it right now, so keep uploading the recordings. I was planning to disable the upload script until after the move, but have decided not to. I've got a whole mass of emails still to read from people having trouble with the upload script, and I also see that lots of people have got it to work. It should work with netscape version 3 or 4 and M$ internet explorer version 4. If you see a browse button, you should be OK, and if not, you won't be. I'll try to get through the email backlog soon, but can't promise.
There was a problem which stopped people from being able to create new accounts. I think that's fixed now.
Moved the site over to a new place. If you're reading this then you found it, I guess. I hope it's faster. The old 'threadnet' account will be disappearing in a couple of weeks, so please update your bookmark. I think I've got all the recordings moved across to the new place now. Some things are missing - like the batch files, old versions of MAME, and other little things like that. They'll come later.
I'm puzzled. I've been away for over a week and according to the leaderboard display not one of my high scores was beaten while I was away. Is that right? Or did something go wrong. I can't believe that with all those uploaded recordings all my scores stood!
In an attempt to make the site easier to navigate, I've moved all the new bits and some of the old onto a separate page. Click on that big 'Scores/Search/Submit/Leaderboard' link at the top of the page to go there. Sorry about the constant change - I guess Web Design just isn't my Bag, Baby.
Find a list of recent uploads HERE.
I'm off on holiday for a week from today, so I'll not be updating the site. I hope the script continues to work so that you can fight on while I'm away. If you can't get the upload page to work for you, maybe you could 'lend' your password to one of the people who has been able to upload their recordings.
Hey - it looks like the script is finally working OKish! TAB uploaded a bunch of files overnight and is now top - all without me having to lift a finger. Nice one!
Added links to the short name column of the table - the links take you to a display of all the recordings for the game you click. Note - I may have broken the upload log in doing this - I can't run MAME today since my PC's hard disk crashed, so I can't make a recording. I'll have to wait for you, dear visitors, to test it for me. :o)
Added an HHTP 'Expires:' header to the pages generated by the script so that if you do the same query twice within 24 hours you'll (probably) get your browser's cached version of the page. You can still hit 'reload' if you want to get the page fresh from the site.
Arranged for the script to be compiled, so it might run a little faster.
I'm thinking about replacing the A-C page with THIS. What do you say? Is it as good as the old A-C page?
Further improved the upload script. It shouldn't break when new people create accounts and upload now.
Dicked around with the stats script a little more. The aim eventually is that you will be able to upload to the main pages automatically and I will be able to retire, but it's still not quite there yet. You can still SUBMIT recordings automatically, without having to email me, so long as you have a reasonably modern browser. If you don't see the 'Browse' button next to the 'Then Send Recording' button at the bottom of the submit form (after logging in) then your browser is probably still old - you can email me instead... Another aim is that the 'scores' pages will go away, to be replaced by the new 'Search' screen (see the banner at the top) which will allow you to find the scores you want.
I think I might have the script working now. It will try to add your scores directly on to the boards. CLICK HERE and tell me how you get on with it. Apparently it won't work with MSIE3 (but does work with MSIE4 and with Netscape from version 3 and up). Your mileage may vary. Does it?
After further testing I'm less sure that I've got the scripts working, but they work better than when I previously thought they might have been working... It appears that it's almost useful now, but keep trying it. I just noticed one problem: if you make an account with a name like 'ml' (for MonsterLode) which was used before I made the script, (by Mark Longridge) then the script will think get your name wrong - for the time being - and if you're new to this and I don't already know your initials the I guess it might not work at all right now. I'll fix that some time soon, but not tonight.
Sorry about the lack of updates over the last few days. I've been working on a script to allow you the punters to update the page yourselves. I've just about got something working, but it's not complete. It will currently let you upload recordings and will list you on a page, but it won't give you points for the recording just yet. If you want to try it (please do - I want to know if it works for you!), go HERE to create yourself an account. It should be easy enough to use - the 'prefix' name it asks for is the 2 or 3 letter name you put before the recording name, like I put 'zw' for Zwaxy. That's like your login name. Well - try it and let me know what you think, how it could be improved, etc.
I rewrote the leaderboard script in Python (it was in awk before) so now it is easier to manage and extend. It doesn't list the games that a play has the high score for next to their name any more, but you can click on the name to get the list, along with the score for each game. I hope the leaderboard still works alright for you - it is now generated on the fly from the sorted summary page, as opposed to being generated on my PC and uploaded, so it will always be up to date so long as the summary page is. It's also now possible to configure the display to some extent, but to do so you have to mess with the URL. See where it goes "/zwaxy/index.cgi?mode=leaderboard&top=10" in the URL? Change the "&top=10" to "&top=20" to see the top 20, or remove the "&top=10" to see the whole table, even the people with only one score. Also, if you change the "top=10" to "cutoff=3" it will list all the people with more than 3 scores. And so on. Also, these kind of queries do stuff, too:and so on... I think the next thing to be added is some kind of form to allow you to search the database easily, like they have at search engines. This 'type the URL' lark is OK for developing the script, but it gets a bit tedious.
- .../index.cgi?mode=search&long=194 lists all entries for games with "194" in their long name
- .../index.cgi?mode=search&long=194&score=without lists all entries for games with "194" in their long name which haven't got a high score set
- .../index.cgi?mode=search&short=gal lists all entries for games with "gal" in their short name
- .../index.cgi?mode=search&player=i&short=o&long=M lists all entries for games with an 'o' in their short name and an 'M' in their long name which have a high score set by a player with an 'i' in their name... (!)
- .../index.cgi?mode=search&long=[Jj]oust shows how many of the 4 different versions of Joust are currently owned by JoustGod. :o) (It's 2 out of 4 - not bad!) [ About an hour later... ] Oh - so it's gone up to 4 out of 4 now. Ho hum. :o)
I'm taking a day off from uploading recordings today. I'll process the whole lot of them tomorrow and upload them before the weekend. I hope you can bear this entirely unwarranted delay.
Changed the stats script a bit more. Now there are a couple of forms for selecting the score listing that you want. You can type regular expressions into the text boxes & the script will search for the data. Python's a great language for doing this kind of thing in, I reckon - check it out if you're at all into scripting.
Uploaded another bumper crop of recordings. 49 this time. From the same bunch of regulars. Krool has suggested to me that we ought to declare war on the neighbouring (no!!! come back!!! don't follow that link!!! :o) ) high score page... What does anyone think? You'se up for a fight? Anyway - the recordings. Oh - make it 48. I had to disqualify one of Dith's recordings. I'm pretty lax, but I won't stand for people making up new game names! :o) Yer tiz:
- bbh_bubblesr_121300_m33b5
- bbh_megaforc_411800_m33b5
- bbh_sectionz_114630_m33b5
- bbh_shaolins_1105500_m33b5
- bbh_willow_1291650_m33b6
- bj_galagab2_1044610_mame31
- bj_galap1_36050_mame31
- bj_galapx_39270_mame31
- bj_gallag_531970_mame31
- bj_galmidw_26280_mame31
- bj_galnamco_22250_mame31
- bj_invadpt2_3920_mame31
- bj_invdelux_3660_mame31
- bj_moonal2_15400_m33b5
- di_boothill_7_m33b5
- di_cosmica_3820_m33b5
- di_desterth_6690_m33b5
- di_docastl2_96200_m33b5
- di_dorunrun_426540_m33b5
- di_douni_159660_m33b5
- di_eggs_25610_m33b5
- di_jumpbug_47410_m33b5
- di_jumpjack_28390_m33b5
- di_turpin_13090_m33b5
- jg_amidar_76350_m33b5
- jg_amidars_91210_m33b5
- jg_amigo_66880_m33b5
- jg_berzerk1_5860_m33b6
- jg_btime_162750_m33b5
- jg_bubblesr_98160_m33b5
- jg_bwidow_113675_m33b5
- jg_ccjap_143500_m33b5
- jg_centipd1_61328_m33b1
- jg_centiped_127233_m33b5
- jg_crash_6350_m33b5
- jg_hangly_28960_m33b5
- jg_joust_280200_m33b5
- jg_joustg_293950_m33b5
- jg_puckman_93380_m33b6
- jg_reactor3_87630_m33b5
- jg_superpcn_112940_m33b5
- jg_suprmatk_53365_m33b5
- jr_1941_303500_m33b6
- jr_fax_32953_m33b6
- krl_1941_866800_m33b6
- krl_1941j_626300_m33b6
- krl_karnov_72880_m33b6
- krl_karnovj_76610_m33b6
- krl_nemoj_167200_m33b6
Another player joins the battle over the galaxians scores, Twisted Animator:- twa_galnamco_25440_mame31
Fixed the 'individual scores' script so the games appear in alphabetical order. Didn't get time to upload the latest flood of new recordings, but will do before the day is out. BJ's got all his Galaxian scores back, SportsDude has become AtariDude and Dith has been very busy...
NewsFlash: This site now has a new, easy-to-remember URL: Neat, huh? Go to to get your own neato short URL for free!
Sorry about the lack of updates still, but I am having one bitch of a day today. I'm sure I'll find time this evening to upload the new files though.
What? Still no updates?
Oh poo. It's a new beta! MAME 0.33 beta 6 is released. Uploaded the list of new games to the SUMMARY page (but it's a huge page, and the new games are right at the end, so it will take a long time if you click on it!)
Looks like it's going to be a record day for hits today! I'll have to update the page with nothing more than waffle more often! :o)
OK, so I finally cracked and uploaded some files. There's something strange going on - JoustGod's still top, despite not having sent in any recordings for quite a while (well, 5 days, but the last 5 days have been very competitive), and now TAB has risen a place since yesterday without sending in any scores. Dith's looking dangerous, too. I have 9 more recordings of his, but without the scores marked on them. Here are the new files:
- bbh_bosco_128860_m33b5
- bbh_bubbles_134670_m33b5
- bbh_dorunrun_350700_m33b5
- bbh_rbtapper_72625_m33b5
- bbh_snowbros_271460_m33b5
- bbh_spiero_309580_m33b5
- bbh_sutapper_66075_m33b5
- bj_galap4_21010_mame31
- bj_galapx_22750_mame31
- bj_galnamco_13740_mame31
- bj_galturbo_19260_mame31
- bj_superg_9900_mame31
- di_atlantis_53010_m33b5
- di_bagman_35520_m33b5
- di_boothill_2-6_m33b5
- di_circus_9220_m33b5
- di_cosmica_1490_m33b5
- di_lrescue_6190_m33b5
- jr_xybots_88100_m33b5
- jsw_ddragonb_105340_m33b5
- jsw_gyruss_500600_m33b5
Received 3 recordings from Steve Krogman and made one of my own. Is it just me, or did the fuel gauge break in Astro Fighter? I seem to remember it used to get dangerously low towards the end of each level, but now it doesn't seem to go down at all... But then, I tried it in the current beta and in MAME 0.30 and it doesn't move in either of those - so what's the score? (England 2 - 0 Tunisia! Woohoo!!!)
Like, uh, wow man. :o)
- bj_gunsmoke_292100_mame31
- bj_gunsmokj_434400_mame31
- br_boblbobl_3317690_m33b5
- jr_bowlrama-bj_334_m33b5
- jr_robotbwl_235_m33b5
- jr_sidepckt_34300_m33b5
- jr_toobin_1257199_m33b5
- jw_mappy_202660_m33b5
- krl_cobracom_388950_m33b5
- krl_lwings_130500_m33b5
- krl_nemo_97400_m33b5
- ml_carnival_33780_m33b5
- old_froggers_11600_m33b5
- old_invdelux_4460_m33b5
- old_jhunt_12700_m33b5
- old_mranger_37460_m33b5
- old_punchout_168730_m33b5
- old_scobra_29110_m33b5
- old_usvsthem_31525_m33b5
- smk_sbrkout_371_m33b5
- tab_guzzler_186670_m33b5
- tab_hexa_33340_m33b5
- tab_japirem_15730_m33b5
- tab_moonal2_15350_m33b5
- tab_pengo_50890_m33b5
- tab_pengoa_21900_m33b5
- tab_penta_50270_m33b5
- tab_spiders_92280_m33b5
- tab_stratvox_17950_m33b5
- zw_astdelux_39320_mame31
- zw_blockout_133548_mame31
- zw_galap1_22660_mame31
- zw_galap4_13850_mame31
- zw_galnamco_11320_mame31
- zw_galturbo_13660_mame31
Uploaded some more files. I seem to be in the lead now, so I'll leave it at this for the weekend. :o) Oh. Except that the FTP server seems to be down, so I can't upload any files. Never mind, eh?
'Improved' the stats page a little more (well - I wanted to try my hand at CGI scripting...). Now you can click on any name in the leaderboard to see a page listing all their high score recordings. Does it work for you? This is my first bash at writing a CGI script.
Added more recordings:
- bbh_bosco_82400_m33b5
- bbh_gunsmoke_285200_m33b5
- bbh_gunsmoke_glitch_m33b5
- bbh_gunsmokj_338550_m33b5
- cl_ddragonb_84380_m33b5
- cl_shinobi_283230_m33b5
- jr_champbas_19580_m33b5
Two new BBH recordings for your delectation:
- New recording from Krool:
Juggled the page around a bit. This news page is the start page now, and the 'cheats, bugs, tricks and all that' tables are on their own page, labelled Weird at the top of the screen.
Had another go at Cobra Command and beat my previous score, but I'm still crap - 3rd of 3 :o) - at it.
Beat 5 of JoustGod's scores. On Killer Comet, it looks like in m33b5 you get 5 lives, whereas in the previous versions you only get 4, but that's OK, 'cos I beat the previous score on life #3 anyway. I didn't check the old Super Missile Attack recording, but I hope it awards bonus cities, since I seemed to get loads of them. Here's the files:
Received a couple of score confirmations from Krool. Thanks a lot!
Hmmm... watched Krool's Darwin 4078 recording and the game looks awful - all the colours are wrong and that. Ho hum. Here's an updated Sly Spy recording from BBH (a man with a moral dilemma: "I take my time with recordings and generally only do them for games I actually like... but will I compromise my morals for a higher ranking on the Leaderboard? Oh, what a decision....") hahaha.
And the next... This time it's Krool reclaiming his Sinistar score from me by getting to level 3! He keeps on playing Darwin 4078 - I don't think I've even tried that one - I wonder if it's any good...
I think BeeJay wants to be top of the list. He's sent me another 7 high score recordings:
It's starting to get a bit silly since I started compiling the leaderboard. The new recordings are coming flying in from the usual suspects. This batch features BBH, BeeJay and Zwaxy, causing BeeJay to move up into 3rd place, and BBH to 7th:
Added more recordings from JoustGod, SportsDude and myself. I've split the Bowl-O-Rama section into 3 categories - one per game:
Went overboard on the leaderboard script.