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Had a bash at Krool's new Sinistar score and managed to beat it. It's really quite a nice game now that the sinistar is drawn properly!
More of Krool's recordings:
Recorded a game of Super Breakout:
Also received a demonstration of a glitch in Championship Sprint from another new contributor, James Reisdorf:
Got a couple of recordings from a new contributor, Oldie:
Then Krool mailed me:
Well, it's started. Last night I tried sneaking ahead on the leaderboard by submitting crappy scores on most of the new m33b5 games. But this morning I received a proper recording of Cobra Command from BBH. Also received a recording of Son Son from BBH. I was surprised to find that this is the first Son Son recording I've received! Here are the files, anyway:
I moved all the graphics over to, since they seem to load quicker from there. Funny, really, since the whole site used to be there until I moved it to this threadnet place because it was faster here...
Added new recordings of me playing some of the m33b5 games in a cynical attempt to top the LEADERBOARD. (The attempt failed, anyway...):
Just heard there's a new MAME beta been released.
Another recording arrived. From Krool again. For Darwin 4078. Here it is:
Updated the STATS page to reflect recent changes. Kept yesterday's table alongside the new one.
Late breaking news - It appears that after a long break the man Krool is back making recordings. Here are the two he just sent me:
Uploaded more recordings. I'm puzzled by Neil's recording of Donkey Kong since he seems to score almost twice as much as Tripper's previous high score, but with a recording which is only half the size! Also, the recording of Jack the Giant Killer by Greg Gibson is in reply to Aquatarkus' request. Anyway - here are the new recordings:
Added the new games from MAME 0.33 beta 5 to the big summary table.
Here's a list of the new games in m33b5:
1941 "1941" bowlrama "Bowl-O-Rama" cobracom "Cobra Command" cosmica "Cosmic Alien" depthch "Depth Charge" exerionb "Exerion (bootleg)" konamigt "Konami GT" lastduel "Last Duel" madgear "Mad Gear" masao "Masao" moonal2 "Moon Alien Part 2" moonal2b "Moon Alien Part 2 (alternate)" nemesis "Nemesis" nemesuk "Nemesis (UK version)" nemo "Nemo" oldsin "Sinistar (prototype version)" satansat "Satan of Saturn" spiders "Spiders"
Made a new page showing how many high scores people have. Currently JoustGod is in the lead, from TAB and some bloke called Zwaxy. Click HERE to take a look. It's also available by clicking "Stats" at the top of the screen.
Fixed the 10 million Galaga recording by Steve Krogman. I renamed the file to include the version of MAME in the link, but not on the web site. Or something. Anyway - it should be downloadable again now. Oh, and seems to have been suffering a little recently, but looks like it's working again.
Added a new Galaga recording from Steve Krogman - this time he tops the 10 million mark on Galaga (with fast fire hack), using the fast firing version of the ROMs. The zip archive includes a couple of screen shots, too. Watch out for RSI, man!
Uploaded a few more recordings. BBH is back, beating JoustGod's score on eyes and setting a few new records:
Uploaded a few more recordings. I didn't receive many recently though.
BeeJay asked me to stir up some Galaga related trouble - he's right on your tails, guys!
JoustGod has started including the version of MAME used to make a recording in the filename. It makes the file names pretty long, but isn't that just what we love so much about Windows? It would be a good idea if everyone started using the same filename format in future.
Added another of Brian Thompson's graphics.
Added the new games from MAME 0.33 beta 4 to the big summary table.
Added some graphics to the page, which were created by Brian Thompson. Thanks a lot, Brian!
Received more score confirmations from the ever-busy BeeJay. He's raised a couple of queries: JoustGod's Quantum recording only scored 48,100 (not 50,080) and KRA's Yiear only scored 133,200 (not 244,100). If anyone can get them to score the right scores, please let me know how!
The 'links frame' at the top of the screen was getting too wide on my browser, so I took all the game names (Kaos, Fairy Land, etc) and replaced them with a new 'Games' page, which links to each of the separate driver pages.
Renamed the diffs page to versions and added MAME DOS binaries for versions 0.30 and 0.31. People have been emailing me saying that some of the .inp files won't play back. The problem is that in some cases you need to use an older version of the MAME program. Go to the versions page if you're having difficulties playing any recording back, and if that fixes the problem, please tell me, so that I can make a note of which versions of MAME can play back which recordings. Thanks!
Got a bit better at Shinobi and improved my score some more. Got a few of the 'secret' 20,000 point bonuses for not firing.
Uploaded more recordings:
Removed quite a lot of the ??? marks, thanks to the efforts of BeeJay and Steve Krogman validating that the replays in question get the stated score. Thanks guys.
Updated the HTML pages to include the new uploads. I've already received a new galaga recording from Steve Krogman beating the score I uploaded yesterday! Oh, and I've uploaded my Klax score which trashes JoustGod's. Make a big X, d00d! Good to have you back, John :o)
- bgt_lnc_27680
- bgt_motos_23800
- bgt_pepper2_218060
- bgt_solarfox_57920
- bgt_tazmania_20820
- jg_astinvad_4590
- jg_atetris_81609
- jg_blaster_385050
- jg_bubbles_107940
- jg_circus_7490
- jg_domino_29500
- jg_gorf_16590
- jg_hexa_1164
- jg_killcom_167
- jg_klax_266675
- jg_mtrap_38230
- jg_omegrace_63550
- jg_quantum_50080
- jg_spacezap_387750
- jg_suprmatk_41700
- jg_temptube_91549
- jg_triplep_22810
- kbl_matmania_1005300
- rf_dkong_193500
- rf_frogger_73550
- smk_atetris
- tgf_galaga_5183180
- zeus_invho2_10190
- zeus_popeyebl_81360
- zw_klax_983135
- zw_klax_all
- zw_klax_bug
Nearly got around to uploading the new recordings I've been sent recently. There are 33 of them, so if yours didn't appear yet, please be patient - I'll upload it as soon as I get time. Since the main delay is updating the HTML for the tables, here are some links to be getting on with:
Not a lot. Made a new patch file, for converting MAME 0.31 sources to MAME 0.33 beta 3 sources (since BeeJay was asking about it) and answered a whole plethora of email about why recordings won't play back any more (it's because you need version 0.30 of the MAME binary to play back anthing that was recorded with version 0.30 of the MAME binary.
Added the new games from MAME 0.33 beta 3 to the big summary table.
MAME 0.33 beta 3 is released. I made diffs from MAME 0.33 beta 2 and made a page for diffs, since Gridle's Diff Page seems to have stopped using diffs, in preference for whole files (739k as opposed to 228k).
Started looking at ROMs for Fairy Land Story with a view to making a MAME driver for it. Click to see progress (what the is of it).
Added these files:
Added a request from Pete Ashdown for help on Blaster.
Added a request from Aquatarkus for help on Jack the Giant Killer.
There's a new stand-alone TNZS emulator that's available. Check it out!
Continued updating my links page. If you know of any good arcade / emulation links that I've missed, please let me know!
Made a page of screen shots of a new MAME driver I was working on. It's pretty much complete now, apart from the sound.
Couldn't find a Pentium version of the new binary anywhere, so I made one.
Added the new games from MAME 0.33 beta 2 to the big summary table.
Hey, Gridle, is that a big enough advert for you? :o)
There's another public beta release of MAME. The new sources and binary are all over the place. However, one bandwidth-concious individual has made a site which holds incremental diffs between the versions, so you only have to download around 100k, instead of 2 megs...
Added some more files, too: