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Added the new games from MAME 0.33 beta 1 to the big summary table. Added more links to navigate around that table. Also added a version of the summary table which is sorted on game name, not grouped by MAME version.
Added these files:
Updated the links page. If I'm missing a link to any arcade emulation sites, please let me know.
It seems like JoseQ's voting booth idea is really taking off - he's got 8 sites involved now. Please vote if you didn't already.
Now that we're releasing public betas, please take even more care to tell me which version of MAME you use to make your recording. I'd prefer recordings to be made with a non-beta executable, but using betas is OK too. I'll refer to them as 'm33b1' for "MAME 0.33 beta version 1" in the tables.
Eventually got around to doing an update. Looks like I'm down to one a week now...
Uploaded a new recording: Tony "ACL"Driessen playing Congo Bongo.
Uploaded a new recording of myself playing Wonderboy Deluxe.
Added recording of ME playing Wonder Boy Deluxe.
Started work on a form for submission of recordings. Hopefully, using the form will speed up process of uploading the recordings, since I won't have to put the HTML together by hand any more. Unfortunately, it's not ready yet!
Updated all the tables on the high score pages.
Uploaded these files:
- Added acl_mplanets_48000.
- Added acl_nibbler_48000.
- Added acl_tapper_74200.
- Added acl_tapper_glitch.
- Added acl_tp84_409000.
- Added eric_marblea.
- Added vm_cclimber.
- Added vm_megatack.
- Added vm_mikie.
Added the MAME 0.31 games to the Summary page.
I'm getting even lazier. I'll update these properly in the tables when I get a chance, but for now, here's the latest recordings. Please when sending recordings from now on tell me which version of MAME you used, now that there's a choice...
Put JoseQ's voting booth on my stuff page. Please vote!
Added a recording of Kurt trashing the old Mr. Do high score.
Added a screen shot of Dith's records on Hyper Sports. It's on the stuff page.
Uploaded a new version of netBEUI showing a trick on mspacman, since the old one didn't play back properly. It's on the weird page.
Added recordings of Buddude playing dkong, Buddude playing dkongjr, BeeJay playing espial, BeeJay playing starforc, BeeJay playing tp84, JoustGod playing milliped, KRA playing bankp, KRA playing starforc, KRA playing yiear, Neil Chapman playing mspacman, Neil Chapman playing nrallyx, Robert Minasian playing kangaroo, TAB playing pooyan, TAB playing scramble, TAB playing tapper, Steve Krogman playing kangaroo, Evilvic playing capbowl and War_Pig playing pacman. (Yes - I generated that sentence using a macro. :o)
I've got lots of other recordings, but didn't have time to upload them yet. Hopefully I'll find time later today.
Also added recordings of Tripper playing Phoenix (Taito), Evilvic playing Bank Panic and KBL playing Hyper Sports.
Added recordings of KRA playing Bank Panic, Section Z and Star Force.
Added recordings of Dith playing Scramble and Snap Jack.
Added recordings of Bank Panic and Galaga from BeeJay.
Added a recording of Buddude playing Frogger.
Added recordings of Dig Dug (Atari), Dig Dug (Namco) and Time Pilot 84 from ACL.
Played about with the format of the A-C high score page, adding the date that the file was uploaded and the version of MAME that was used to record the file. I might get around to updating the other pages soon, but in the meantime, your comments are welcome.
Added a recording of Zwaxy playing Atari Tetris.
Finally got around to uploading some replay files that had been accumulating in my mailbox:
- Phoenix by Tripper
- Gauntlet by Clu
- Green Beret, Gun Smoke, Legendary Wings, Phoenix, Star Force and Time Pilot by BeeJay
Uploaded a remarkable Bomb Jack screen shot from BeeJay. See the "stuff" page.
Many apologies to KRA for my cruel suggestion that he may have used a non-standard number of lives in his Bank Panic recording. I was forgetting that these days KRA is a reformed character (and that it's JoustGod with his dodgy Missile Command scores that you've got to watch out for these days - j/k).
Added recordings:
- Time Pilot from ACL
- Elevator Action (bootleg) from Clu
- The following from JoustGod:
- Frogger
- Kick
- Missile Command
- Robot Bowling
- Track and Field
- Bank Panic from KRA:
- Kangaroo from Robert Minasian
- The following from Neil Chapman
- Circus Charlie
- Circus Charlie with level select
- Donkey Kong
- Space Zap
- Turtles
Removed question marks from scores that were confirmed to me by Neil Chapman and BeeJay. Thanks guys!
Reorganised the top frame a bit - took out the separate high score pages and the 'summary' list. Better? Worser? Tell me. Added a revised version of my Bubble Bobble 'FAQette' (careful how you say that).
Received a whole bunch of new recordings. And didn't get around to uploading them yet. Sorry!
Added a new high score on Traverse USA from BeeJay.
Added an updated recording of Hyper Sports from Dith and a new high score on Discs of Tron from Clu.
Added 6 new replay files from KRA:
- Break Thru
- Gun Smoke
- Legendary Wings
- Phoenix (Taito)
- Time Pilot
- Yie Ar Kung Foo
Removed lots of question marks from scores after receiving confirmations that they work from BeeJay and Steve Krogman.
Added recordings of New Rally X from Brady Prigge, Galaga from BeeJay and Elevator Action from Stephen Tjasink.
Added a recording of JoustGod playing Hyper Sports.
Added a recording of the great Zwaxy temporarily reclaiming the Millipede crown from JoustGod. Ha!
Added recording of War_Pig cheating at Pac Man with Pac Man Plus graphics (pacplus).
Added recordings of Mark Longridge improving his score on Dig Dug and KRA improving his score on Traverse USA. Also added a recording of KRA playing Star Force.
Removed a lot of (???) markings from scores. Thanks to BeeJay for running a lot of the replay files and checking whether they work properly.
Added replay files:
- Dith playing dowild, hyperspt and trackfld.
- JoustGod playing carnival, joustr, joustwr, milliped and missile.
- Salvador Tenorio playing maketrax.
- Mark Lyons playing invaders.
- Nick Kuzmicki playing gravitar.
Added a new section to the 'main' page for replays that demonstate bugs in MAME. Filled it with JoustGod's recordings of Joust messing up.
Got better.
Caught a dose of the 'flu. I'll probably be lying in bed for a bit, so don't be too surprised if your recordings don't get uploaded for a while. Please keep sending them though!
Got a couple of Berserk recordings from Brady Prigge, one showing his high score and one showing bullets passing through the neck of the little bloke in the game without hurting him.
Didn't get any new recordings yet today. Received a teasing message about a Berserk recording saying: "the INP should show all the "Berzerk Strategies", like letting evil otto kill everyone and taking a shot through the neck", but no actual recordings.
Four new recordings:
- Amerikan playing 005, Blue Print and Moon Cresta.
- netBEUI making the fruit bounce right through Ms. Pacman.
I've been playing about on this new server. It's got shell access, so I can write ridiculous sed and awk scripts to produce lists of which files have been downloaded, like this. I was surprised to see how few recordings were actually downloaded.
Added 15 new recordings:
- anteater by JoustGod
- galaxian by Mark Lyons
- mspacman by Neil Chapman
- nrallyx by Neil Chapman
- mario by Nonney
- ladybug by Rick Fothergill
- rallyx by Rick Fothergill
- mooncrsb by TAB
- pootan by TAB
- pooyan by TAB
- scramble by TAB
- digdug2 by The Galaga King
- missile by Amerikan
- mooncrst by Amerikan
- moonqsr by Amerikan