This site contains no ROMs at all. All email requesting ROMs will be ignored.
Want to communicate with others at MARP? Click here!
Added Cicca to the staff page - it's on the drop-down menu on the banner. {GB9}
Thanks to TkChris and TonyD, we now have a new experimental binary for mame 0.37 beta 2. For about a year now, TkChris has been asking me whether it would be possible to get MAME to restart recording when you press F3, so that when you're trying to beat a high score, you don't have to keep hitting escape and running MAME over and over. Well, we finally did it. If you want to try it, download this binary. I'm not sure how well it works - please try playing your recording back using the regular m37b2 binary before submitting it. So far, I've playtested it with Qbert's Qubes, since I know that that one's very fussy about its nvram file, and that seems to be OK. You still need to delete the nvramgame.nv file before recording and playing back, as usual. {Zwax}
Wanted: IRC Coordinator - This person would schedule events that would take place on EFNet's #marp - MARP's official chatting place. All you need to do is create a webpage to be put up on the server... and... schedule the events :) Any interested applicants please inform me ASAP. {GB9}
Added a staff page - it's on the drop-down menu on the banner. You'll see there anybody who is at least editor or of very important status + emails + ICQs(if given) + AOL Instant Messenger stuff(if given) + ... {GB9}
I'm taking a week's vacation. Back around 20th May. {Zwax}
On a happier note - the links to the thumbnails on the searches(the one that's supposed to list the original game and it's clones) are now working! As well as clicking the "2 clones" link - it will list the two clones. All searches can now be conducted by typing (invaders,pang,pang3), it will list the three respective games. One final thing - this is all thanks to da main man... Zwaxy :) {GB9}
Sigh... well I made a decision on the eight games in the tournament... sort of. Take a look at the board and you'll see what I'm talking about. {GB9}
Pat updated the database for MAME 37 beta 2(the versions are already on the submission page). The changes are...*** new 800fath "800 Fathoms" astrob2 "Astro Blaster (version 2)" battlera "Battle Rangers (World)" bldwolf "Bloody Wolf (US)" boscoo2 "Bosconian (older version)" dfeveron "Dangun Feveron (Japan)" esprade "ESP Ra.De. (Japan)" grindstm "Grind Stormer (Korea)" insector "Insector (prototype)" inthuntu "In The Hunt (US)" junofstg "Juno First (Gottlieb)" kyros "Kyros" mermaid "Mermaid" moonbase "Moon Base" oscarj1 "Psycho-Nics Oscar (Japan revision 1)" oscarj0 "Psycho-Nics Oscar (Japan revision 0)" pipedrm "Pipe Dream (Japan)" polyplay "Poly-Play" schasrcv "Space Chaser (CV version)" screwloo "Screw Loose (prototype)" sheriff "Sheriff" sinvzen "Super Invaders (Zenitone-Microsec)" spinlbru "Spinal Breakers (US)" sspacat2 "Space Attack (upright, older)" sstingry "Super Stingray" supbtimj "Super Burger Time (Japan)" superinv "Super Invaders" tail2nos "Tail to Nose - Great Championship" uopoko "Uo Poko (Japan)" vaportru "Vapor Trail - Hyper Offence Formation (US)" *** changed long astrob "Astro Blaster (version 2)" -> "Astro Blaster (version 3)" btlfield "Battlefield (Japan)" -> "Battle Field (Japan)" carnival "Carnival (Upright)" -> "Carnival (upright)" carnvckt "Carnival (Cocktail)" -> "Carnival (cocktail)" gangwars "Gang Wars" -> "Gang Wars (US)" hunchbks "Hunchback (Scramble conversion)" -> "Hunchback (Scramble hardware)" kick "Kick (mirror version)" -> "Kick (upright)" kicka "Kick (upright version)" -> "Kick (cocktail)" oscarj "Psycho-Nics Oscar (Japan)" -> "Psycho-Nics Oscar (Japan revision 2)" pignewt "Pig Newton (Revision C)" -> "Pig Newton (version C)" pignewta "Pig Newton (Revision A)" -> "Pig Newton (version A)" sinvemag "Super Invaders" -> "Super Invaders (EMAG)" skyadvnt "Sky Adventure" -> "Sky Adventure (US)" skysoldr "Sky Soldiers" -> "Sky Soldiers (US)" spacetrk "Space Trek (Upright)" -> "Space Trek (upright)" spinlbrk "Spinal Breakers (US)" -> "Spinal Breakers (World)" sptrekct "Space Trek (Cocktail)" -> "Space Trek (cocktail)" sqbert "Faster, Harder, More Challenging Q*bert" -> "Faster, Harder, More Challenging Q*bert (prototype)" sspaceat "Space Attack (Upright)" -> "Space Attack (upright)" sspacatc "Space Attack (Cocktail)" -> "Space Attack (cocktail)" supbtime "Super Burger Time (Japan)" -> "Super Burger Time (World)" timesold "Time Soldiers (Rev 3)" -> "Time Soldiers (US Rev 3)" timesol1 "Time Soldiers (Rev 1)" -> "Time Soldiers (US Rev 1)" vaportra "Vapor Trail - Hyper Offence Formation (US)" -> "Vapor Trail - Hyper Offence Formation (World revision 1)" vfive "V-Five" -> "V-Five (Japan)"
You have under 48 hours to debate in our 4th tournament. If you would like to join the debate, please do it before May 10th at 2359 GMT.{GB9}
Well the time for voting in our 4th tournament is over, and the randomizing is complete. Go to this board thread if you would like to join the debate. There is also a games list there.(and I meant top 30, not 39 - whoops.) Debate ends on May 10th, 2000 at 2359 GMT.{GB9}
Fixed the screenshots so that you'll see different pictures for different varients of games. For example, the 4 different courses on super hangon now have different pictures. Thanks to Skito for pointing out the problem. {Zwaxy}
Modified the search page to show the { total | average } of { scores | leaderboard points } earned. GameBoy wanted this feature (because that's the kind of guy he is, I guess!) {Zwaxy}
I haven't given such an update in a while - so here goes. We now are up to 12,303 recordings - 11,578 are posted in regular competition, and 725 are in tournament mode. Remember that, it might be a trivia question! :) {GB9}
Bout time Gameboy! Re-created the leaderboard enhancements of February 6th, i.e. made the average score / game in tenths instead of whole numbers and added a percentage of the tournament(you know... percentage of perfect?) {GB9}
The problem from yesterday has been fixed. Thanks Brian! :o)
Thanks for using the Google search engine from this page. I've already nearly earned enough to buy a can of Mountain Dew!
There seems to be a problem on the server at the moment. I'm unable to submit new recordings. I'll post more information when I have it. I've mailed the server administrator, and am waiting for his reply.
I added 'Confirms' to the banner frame, which lists what recordings have been confirmed. The page itself moved to a different URL, so you old bookmark might not still work. I also made the links change colour when you point to them in MS Internet Explorer, but that was just to see if I could.
Even though he has very little to do with MARP any more, Zwaxy has put links to all over MARP with the evil intention of making a buck or two... :o) But seriously, it's the best search engine there is, pretty much, and almost always finds the page you're looking for first, rather than some dodgy page which just happens to have registered the same keywords...For example, type 'marp' into the box above and click 'go'. The first page it finds will be the one and only proper MARP page. Try the same thing on other search engines - you'll find that at altavista it's listed in 20th place and at yahoo it's not even in the top 20... {Zwaxy}
I'd also like to comment that voting in our 4th tournament has been extended up to April 30th at 2359 GMT - because we've added one more month of wait and will start on June 1st. We will also have eight games in the tournament - not ten in tournaments past. {GB9}
I'd like to thank Prophet of Retrogames for posting our update last night - I appreciate it :) {GB9}
I know - update the versions in the webpage! Done - added MAME 37 beta 1 for DOS and windows to the submission list...... and beta 2... and beta 3... and 4... and 5 - take caution as you submit - it's intended as a convinience - so when beta 2 comes out - it's on the list - but PLEASE don't pick out a version that's not out yet. {GB9}
Pat updated the database for MAME 37 beta 1 - and the changes are...*** new airduel "Air Duel (Japan)" arbalest "Arbalester" crazyblk "Crazy Blocks" downtown "DownTown" dygera "Dyger (set 2)" fnkyfish "Funky Fish" karatblz "Karate Blazers (World?)" karatblu "Karate Blazers (US)" metafox "Meta Fox" mrjong "Mr. Jong (Japan)" poundfor "Pound for Pound (World)" poundfou "Pound for Pound (US)" rabiolep "Rabio Lepus (Japan)" rpunch "Rabbit Punch (US)" ryukendn "Ninja Ryukenden (Japan)" spinlbrk "Spinal Breakers (US)" spinlbrj "Spinal Breakers (Japan)" spyhnt2a "Spy Hunter 2 (rev 1)" svolley "Super Volleyball (Japan)" svolleyk "Super Volleyball (Korea)" tndrcade "Thundercade" twineagl "Twin Eagle (Japan)" usclssic "U.S. Classic" wrofaero "War of Aero - Project MEIOU" zingzip "Zing Zing Zip" *** changed long dyger "Dyger" -> "Dyger (set 1)" gaiden "Ninja Gaiden" -> "Ninja Gaiden (World)" grobda "Grobda (set 1)" -> "Grobda (New version)" grobda2 "Grobda (set 2)" -> "Grobda (Old version set 1)" grobda3 "Grobda (set 3)" -> "Grobda (Old version set 2)" shadoww "Shadow Warriors" -> "Shadow Warriors (US)" splash "Splash" -> "Splash!" spyhunt2 "Spy Hunter 2" -> "Spy Hunter 2 (rev 2)" *** changed both rtypeb -> rtypepj "R-Type (bootleg)" -> "R-Type (Japan prototype)"
All stats / archives / etc. updated - My Tournament page is moved to MARP because it is completely related to MARP. {GB9}
And we have a correction to the previous announcement - we DID have a disqualfied score, which gave Phil Lamat one more point to win the tournament in one of the most incredible comebacks to known man! Congratulations Phil! Oh by the way... this is why I like this scoring system... it gives us suspense even AFTER the tournament is over! :) {GB9}
Well... Retrogames is hosting us - so I'll allude that it's their second birthday today... happy birthday :) {GB9}
OK - so it wasn't that good - but it was an incredible comeback by Phil Lamat - gased up with some spoiling from Ben Jos Walbeehm to comeback from 11 points down and force a SECOND tie of our tournament - both Phil Lamat and Ian Sutton win. Ben Jos was third trailing by only seven points. And that was coming back from 22 down with 24 hours left in the tournament - nice comeback Ben Jos! Now of course, all this is pending final verifications and DQs and the like... but great tournament played by these three - they deserve a round of applause. Applause... {GB9}
And that's the end of the 3rd tournament here - and the most incredible comeback occured... the winner is... Gameboy9!APRIL FOOLS!
MARP has hit 150,000 hits - although this should have occured at least a week ago... and no - it's not you the user's fault either. :) {GB9}
I have finished reviewing the top 3 of each W game - check the confirmation log and/or the UP part of the uploads link to see what occured. {GB9}
Voting for our 4th tournament has started on the message board - voting ends April 10 at 2359 GMT {GB9}
Tournament scores of those completing 10 games are as follows after 7 weeks:And now ladies and gentlemen... we now have the big finish that we lacked in Tourney 2... the big question is who will win? Will it be Ben Jos or will it be Phil Lamat?238 scores processed on 10 games. 32 players. 19 qualified players. 190 total maximum number of points per player. am br ga gh la ma ni tr xe ya 1. Phil Lamat 4 5 2 4 1 3 2 4 2 4 ( 31) 169 (88.95%) 2. Ben Jos Walbeehm 3 4 3 1 5 2 4 5 4 3 ( 34) 166 (87.37%) 3. boxster 9 6 7 8 7 5 7 3 1 1 ( 54) 146 (76.84%) 4. Tommi Tiihonen 11 2 5 9 8 1 8 1 5 9 ( 59) 141 (74.21%) 5. Lord AxE 10 11 1 5 4 7 9 2 6 5 ( 60) 140 (73.68%) 6. BBH 5 8 4 3 13 11 3 7 3 10 ( 67) 133 (70.00%) 7. Blost 8 10 8 2 11 6 1 8 7 8 ( 69) 131 (68.95%) 8. Sandman 7 7 10 10 12 9 10 6 9 2 ( 82) 118 (62.11%) 9. IUR Dhurin 1 9 16 7 3 10 6 9 15 7 ( 83) 117 (61.58%) 10. Cicca 2 1 14 17 9 8 13 11 14 6 ( 95) 105 (55.26%) 11. Donut 6 3 9 18 6 12 12 15 16 13 (110) 90 (47.37%) 12. Lagavulin 15 12 6 13 2 14 14 14 11 15 (116) 84 (44.21%) 13. Game Guru 13 16 13 6 16 4 15 10 10 17 (120) 80 (42.11%) 14. Barry Rodewald 14 17 11 11 15 17 5 13 8 14 (125) 75 (39.47%) 15. gameboy9 17 15 18 15 17 13 11 12 13 12 (143) 57 (30.00%) 16. Olivier Millardet 12 14 12 14 14 15 19 17 18 11 (146) 54 (28.42%) 17. Julie 16 18 15 12 10 16 16 18 12 16 (149) 51 (26.84%) 18. QueenMary 18 13 19 16 18 19 17 16 17 19 (172) 28 (14.74%) 19. Jump_etr 19 19 17 19 -- 18 18 -- 19 18 (187) 13 ( 6.84%)
An even bigger question... will Cicca somehow comeback to finish 4th? :)
This is the final update - all that's left is the players to decide it - I wish everyone the best of luck!
Lagavulin has updated the poll page - showing the results of the vote. {GB9}
It's a minute(very small) update... but MAME 36 FINAL was released today. Pat reports that the "laser" game has been added and the astlaser - "Astro Laser" game has been changed to spclaser - "Space Laser" {GB9}
Pat updated the database for MAME 36 RC 2 - and the changes are...*** new actfanc1 "Act-Fancer Cybernetick Hyper Weapon (World revision 1)" asteroib "Asteroids (bootleg on Lunar Lander hardware)" batsugun "Batsugun" berabohm "Beraboh Man (Japan)" boscoo "Bosconian (old version)" cobracom "Cobra-Command (World revision 5)" cosmica2 "Cosmic Alien (older)" crimfgt2 "Crime Fighters (World 2 Players)" desertgu "Desert Gun" dogyuun "Dogyuun" ghox "Ghox" gotya "Got-Ya (12/24/1981, prototype?)" hypsptsp "Hyper Sports Special (Japan)" kangaroa "Kangaroo (Atari)" kyukaidk "Kyuukai Douchuuki (Japan new version)" kyukaido "Kyuukai Douchuuki (Japan old version)" lasso "Lasso" nbajamr2 "NBA Jam (rev 2.00 02/10/93)" nbajamte "NBA Jam TE (rev 4.0 03/23/94)" pipibibi "Pipi & Bibis / Whoopee (Japan) [bootleg ?]" puzlclub "Puzzle Club (Japan prototype)" romperso "Rompers (Japan old version)" shootouj "Shoot Out (Japan)" shootoub "Shoot Out (Korean Bootleg)" shuffle "Shuffleboard" tigerhj "Tiger Heli (Japan)" vfive "V-Five" ws "World Stadium (Japan)" ws89 "World Stadium '89 (Japan)" *** changed short cobracom -> cobracmj "Cobra-Command (Japan)" logitec -> invaderl "Space Invaders (Logitec)" si_tv -> sitv "Space Invaders (TV Version)" si_sv -> sisv "Space Invaders (SV Version)" *** changed long actfancj "Act-Fancer Cybernetick Hyper Weapon (Japan)" -> "Act-Fancer Cybernetick Hyper Weapon (Japan revision 1)" actfancr "Act-Fancer Cybernetick Hyper Weapon (World)" -> "Act-Fancer Cybernetick Hyper Weapon (World revision 2)" apb "APB (set 1)" -> "APB - All Points Bulletin (set 1)" apb2 "APB (set 2)" -> "APB - All Points Bulletin (set 2)" bosco "Bosconian" -> "Bosconian (new version)" breywood "Breywood (Japan)" -> "Breywood (Japan revision 2)" crimfght "Crime Fighters (US)" -> "Crime Fighters (US 4 players)" crimfgtj "Crime Fighters (Japan)" -> "Crime Fighters (Japan 2 Players)" invad2ct "Space Invaders II Cocktail (Midway)" -> "Space Invaders II (Midway, cocktail)" spacefev "Color Space Fever" -> "Space Fever (color)" sfeverbw "Space Fever" -> "Space Fever (black and white)" ws90 "World Stadium 90 (Japan)" -> "World Stadium '90 (Japan)" *** changed both si_cv -> sicv "Space Invaders Colour (CV Version)" -> "Space Invaders (CV Version)"
Here's a miracle... I got a confirm log working! I took a useless server.log file and made it useful :) Now you can thank all of your confirmers for watching your games :) {GB9}
Tournament scores of those completing 10 games are as follows after 6 weeks:234 scores processed on 10 games. 32 players. 17 qualified players. 170 total maximum number of points per player. am br ga gh la ma ni tr xe ya 1. Phil Lamat 1 3 2 3 1 2 2 3 2 3 ( 22) 158 (92.94%) 2. boxster 6 4 6 5 4 4 5 2 1 1 ( 38) 142 (83.53%) 3. Tommi Tiihonen 7 1 3 6 5 1 6 1 4 7 ( 41) 139 (81.76%) 4. BBH 2 6 1 1 10 8 3 5 3 8 ( 47) 133 (78.24%) 5. Blost 4 8 7 2 8 7 1 7 5 6 ( 55) 125 (73.53%) 6. Sandman 5 5 9 8 9 6 10 9 6 2 ( 69) 111 (65.29%) 7. Lord AxE 10 9 4 11 6 9 7 4 9 5 ( 74) 106 (62.35%) 8. Q.T.Quazar 11 7 14 7 11 5 9 6 7 4 ( 81) 99 (58.24%) 9. Donut 3 2 8 16 3 10 11 13 14 11 ( 91) 89 (52.35%) 10. Lagavulin 12 10 5 12 2 12 12 11 11 13 (100) 80 (47.06%) 11. Game Guru 9 14 12 4 14 3 13 8 10 15 (102) 78 (45.88%) 12. Barry Rodewald 13 15 10 9 13 15 4 12 8 12 (111) 69 (40.59%) 13. gameboy9 15 13 16 14 15 11 8 10 13 10 (125) 55 (32.35%) 14. Olivier Millardet 8 12 11 13 12 13 17 15 16 9 (126) 54 (31.76%) 15. Julie 14 16 13 10 7 14 14 16 12 14 (130) 50 (29.41%) 16. QueenMary 16 11 17 15 16 17 15 14 15 17 (153) 27 (15.88%) 17. Jump_etr 17 17 15 17 -- 16 16 -- 17 16 (167) 13 (7.65%)
I just did that as an excuse to post the rules page link on the news page as players requested... but it's still a good page! {GB9}
You know... I think the NedStat statistics have become very unstable in the past couple weeks... I have no clue as to how many hits the MARP is... so for the time being you should take a look at this file... I think it's better because you get to see the nitty-gritty :) {GB9}
Changed the rules page - Added two links contained inside the rules page - both related to banned techniques. {GB9}
Lagavulin has created an MARP Voting Booth for everyone's use - test it out, and tell us what you think :) BTW... I've fixed the link in the dropdown menu - it was reading it as poll.htm, not poll.html as I wanted... {GB9}
Tournament scores of those completing 10 games are as follows after 5 weeks:225 scores processed on 10 games. 31 players. 16 qualified players. 160 total maximum number of points per player. am br ga gh la ma ni tr xe ya 1. Phil Lamat 1 2 2 3 1 2 3 6 2 3 ( 25) 145 (90.63%) 2. boxster 6 3 6 5 4 4 5 2 1 1 ( 37) 133 (83.13%) 3. BBH 2 5 1 1 10 6 2 3 3 8 ( 41) 129 (80.63%) 4. Tommi Tiihonen 7 4 3 6 5 1 6 1 4 7 ( 44) 126 (78.75%) 5. Blost 4 7 7 2 8 5 1 4 5 6 ( 49) 121 (75.63%) 6. Sandman 5 9 11 8 9 8 8 7 6 2 ( 73) 97 (60.63%) 7. Q.T.Quazar 11 6 13 7 12 7 12 8 8 4 ( 88) 82 (51.25%) 8. Lord AxE 10 15 4 11 6 12 9 9 9 5 ( 90) 80 (50.00%) 9. Donut 3 1 8 15 3 9 14 13 14 11 ( 91) 79 (49.38%) 10. Lagavulin 12 8 5 12 2 11 10 11 11 13 ( 95) 75 (46.88%) 11. Game Guru 9 12 12 4 14 3 11 5 10 15 ( 95) 75 (46.88%) 12. Barry Rodewald 13 13 9 9 13 15 4 12 7 12 (107) 63 (39.38%) 13. Olivier Millardet 8 10 10 13 11 13 16 14 15 9 (119) 51 (31.88%) 14. gameboy9 15 11 16 14 15 10 7 10 13 10 (121) 49 (30.63%) 15. Julie 14 14 15 10 7 14 13 15 12 14 (128) 42 (26.25%) 16. Jump_etr 16 16 14 16 -- 16 15 -- 16 16 (159) 11 (6.88%)
What's this link on top of the news page? It's a link for new players in an attempt to make MARP more convinient for new players. This link will send them to an introduction page, then to Q.T. Quazar's rules page, then to the new player login page. Let me know of any corrections I should make. {GB9}
Tournament scores of those completing 10 games are as follows after 4 weeks:215 scores processed on 10 games. 32 players. 15 qualified players. 150 total maximum number of points per player. am br ga gh la ma ni tr xe ya 1. Phil Lamat 1 2 3 3 2 2 3 6 2 3 ( 27) 133 (88.67%) 2. boxster 4 4 5 5 3 4 5 2 1 1 ( 34) 126 (84.00%) 3. Tommi Tiihonen 5 3 2 6 4 1 6 1 4 4 ( 36) 124 (82.67%) 4. BBH 2 6 1 1 9 6 2 3 3 5 ( 38) 122 (81.33%) 5. Blost 6 5 6 2 6 5 1 4 5 7 ( 47) 113 (75.33%) 6. Sandman 7 8 10 8 8 7 8 7 6 2 ( 71) 89 (59.33%) 7. Lagavulin 10 7 4 10 1 10 9 9 9 12 ( 81) 79 (52.67%) 8. Donut 3 1 7 14 7 8 13 12 13 9 ( 87) 73 (48.67%) 9. Game Guru 9 12 11 4 12 3 10 5 8 14 ( 88) 72 (48.00%) 10. Barry Rodewald 11 13 8 7 11 14 4 11 7 11 ( 97) 63 (42.00%) 11. gameboy9 13 11 15 13 13 9 7 8 12 8 (109) 51 (34.00%) 12. Olivier Millardet 8 10 9 12 10 12 15 13 14 6 (109) 51 (34.00%) 13. Q.T.Quazar 14 9 12 11 14 11 11 10 10 10 (112) 48 (32.00%) 14. Julie 12 14 14 9 5 13 12 14 11 13 (117) 43 (28.67%) 15. Jump_etr 15 15 13 15 -- 15 14 -- 15 15 (149) 11 (7.33%)
Pat's updated the MARP database reflecting MAME 36 rc 1... and the changes are...*** new berlwalt "Berlin Wall, The (set 2)" bubbobr1 "Bubble Bobble (US set 2)" champwru "Champion Wrestler (US)" defendw "Defender (White label)" dremshpr "Dream Shopper" faceoff "Face Off (Japan)" fireshrk "Fire Shark" getstarj "Get Star (Japan)" getstarb "Get Star (bootleg)" ghoulsu "Ghouls'n Ghosts (US)" kbash "Knuckle Bash" labyrunr "Labyrinth Runner (Japan)" pipibibs "Pipi & Bibis / Whoopee (Japan)" pipibibi "Pipi & Bibis / Whoopee (Japan) [bootleg ?]" rampartj "Rampart (Japan, 2-player Joystick)" quester "Quester (Japan)" samesame "Same! Same! Same!" snowbro2 "Snow Bros. 2 - With New Elves" spnchotj "Super Punch-Out!! (Japan)" tekipaki "Teki Paki" tshingen "Takeda Shingen (Japan)" tumblepj "Tumble Pop (Japan)" ultraman "Ultraman (Japan)" varthu "Varth - Operation Thunderstorm (US)" whoopee "Whoopee (Japan) / Pipi & Bibis (World)" yokaidko "Yokai Douchuuki (Japan old version)" *** changed long berlwall "Berlin Wall, The" -> "Berlin Wall, The (set 1)" bublbobr "Bubble Bobble (US)" -> "Bubble Bobble (US set 1)" dwj "Tenchi wo Kurau" -> "Tenchi wo Kurau (Japan)" getstar "Get Star (bootleg)" -> "Guardian" ghouls "Ghouls'n Ghosts (World?)" -> "Ghouls'n Ghosts (World)" gtmr "Great 1000 Miles Rally (set 1)" -> "Great 1000 Miles Rally" gtmralt "Great 1000 Miles Rally (set 2)" -> "Great 1000 Miles Rally (Evolution Model)" mbomberj "Muscle Bomber (Japan)" -> "Muscle Bomber - The Body Explosion (Japan)" mbombrd "Muscle Bomber Duo (World)" -> "Muscle Bomber Duo - Ultimate Team Battle (World)" mbombrdj "Muscle Bomber Duo (Japan)" -> "Muscle Bomber Duo - Heat Up Warriors (Japan)" msword "Magic Sword (World)" -> "Magic Sword - Heroic Fantasy (World)" mswordu "Magic Sword (US)" -> "Magic Sword - Heroic Fantasy (US)" polepos2 "Pole Position II (Atari set 1)" -> "Pole Position II" poleps2a "Pole Position II (Atari set 2)" -> "Pole Position II (Atari)" sws92 "Super World Stadium'92 (Japan)" -> "Super World Stadium '92 (Japan)" sws93 "Super World Stadium'93 (Japan)" -> "Super World Stadium '93 (Japan)" tnzs "Newzealand Story, The (Japan)" -> "NewZealand Story, The (Japan)" tnzsb "Newzealand Story, The (World, bootleg)" -> "NewZealand Story, The (World, bootleg)" tnzs2 "Newzealand Story 2, The (World)" -> "NewZealand Story 2, The (World)" unsquad "UN Squadron (US)" -> "U.N. Squadron (US)" wardnerj "Wardner no Mori (Japan)" -> "Wardna no Mori (Japan)" youkaidk "Yokai Douchuuki (Japan)" -> "Yokai Douchuuki (Japan new version)" *** changed both vanvanb -> vanvans "Van Van Car (bootleg)" -> "Van Van Car (Sanritsu)" gtmralt -> gtmre "Great 1000 Miles Rally (set 2)" -> "Great 1000 Miles Rally (Evolution Model)" *** deletions goldstar "Golden Star" goldstbl "Golden Star (Blue version)" csk227it "Champion Skill (with Ability)" csk234it "Champion Skill (Ability, Poker & Symbols)" lottofun "Lotto Fun" mole "Mole Attack" pong "Pong" pontoon "Pontoon" sfzch "Street Fighter ZERO (Japan CPS Changer)" *** for MARP players only poleps2b-fuji "Pole Position II (Atari bootleg 1) [Fuji]" poleps2b-seas "Pole Position II (Atari bootleg 1) [Seaside]" poleps2b-suzu "Pole Position II (Atari bootleg 1) [Suzuka]" poleps2b-test "Pole Position II (Atari bootleg 1) [Test]" poleps2c-fuji "Pole Position II (Atari bootleg 2) [Fuji]" poleps2c-seas "Pole Position II (Atari bootleg 2) [Seaside]" poleps2c-suzu "Pole Position II (Atari bootleg 2) [Suzuka]" poleps2c-test "Pole Position II (Atari bootleg 2) [Test]"
According to BenJos's program, the Tournament 3 Scoreboard w/o people not finishing 10 games yet are currently as follows...193 scores processed on 10 games. 29 players. 15 qualified players. 150 total maximum number of points per player. am br ga gh la ma ni tr xe ya 1. BBH 2 4 1 1 8 5 2 3 2 5 ( 33) 127 (84.67%) 2. boxster 5 3 5 5 3 4 6 2 1 1 ( 35) 125 (83.33%) 3. Phil Lamat 1 5 3 4 2 2 5 8 3 3 ( 36) 124 (82.67%) 4. Tommi Tiihonen 4 2 2 6 7 1 4 1 11 4 ( 42) 118 (78.67%) 5. Blost 6 6 8 2 5 9 1 6 5 7 ( 55) 105 (70.00%) 6. Lagavulin 10 7 4 9 1 10 8 9 8 12 ( 78) 82 (54.67%) 7. Sandman 9 8 9 10 9 11 11 5 6 2 ( 80) 80 (53.33%) 8. Game Guru 8 12 11 3 11 3 9 4 7 14 ( 82) 78 (52.00%) 9. Donut 3 1 6 13 6 6 13 12 13 9 ( 82) 78 (52.00%) 10. Barry Rodewald 11 13 7 7 -- 14 3 11 4 11 ( 97) 63 (42.00%) 11. gameboy9 13 11 14 12 12 7 7 7 12 8 (103) 57 (38.00%) 12. Q.T.Quazar 14 9 12 11 13 8 10 10 9 10 (106) 54 (36.00%) 13. Julie 12 14 13 8 4 13 12 14 10 13 (113) 47 (31.33%) 14. Olivier Millardet 7 10 10 15 14 12 15 15 14 6 (118) 42 (28.00%) 15. Jump_etr 15 15 15 14 10 15 14 13 15 15 (141) 19 (12.67%)And after two weeks, this competition is tight as heck in the top three!
No rush to anyone who hasn't qualified yet... there's still a good six weeks left :)
I will update this leaderboard in two weeks... maybe one if I'm bored :)
A new rules page has been created by Q.T. Quazar and will replace Angry's rules page. However, Angry's page will still be linked for reference purposes. {GB9}
Uploaded MAME32 v.35 Twin Galaxies Version 3, as well as the versions list for submission. This is especially good news for the DOS challenged. :) {GB9}
On a quite related note, I find that today is the 18th anniversary of Twin Galaxies - this scoreboard started February 9th, 1982. Happy birthday :) {GB9}
Well you know something? We missed MARP's Second Anniversary! Shame! I think it started about January of '98.(maybe someone can give us an exact date on that) The first news item though was February 2nd, 2000... either way we missed it! Oh well... happy belated birthday MARP! {GB9}