(Go To: Top: General Summary: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Failed Referrer Report: Referrer Report: Status Code Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Failure Report: Request Report)
Successful requests: 42,046
Average successful requests per day: 6,008
Failed requests: 403
Redirected requests: 140
Distinct files requested: 3,940
Unwanted logfile entries: 6,223
Data transferred: 192.885 Mbytes
Average data transferred per day: 27.563 Mbytes
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Failed Referrer Report: Referrer Report: Status Code Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Failure Report: Request Report)
Each unit ()
represents 1 request for a page.
date: reqs: %reqs: %pages: pages: Mbytes: ---------: ----: ------: ------: -----: -------: 24/Jun/01: 5595: 13.31%: : 0: 54.708: 25/Jun/01: 6104: 14.52%: : 0: 80.619: 26/Jun/01: 6811: 16.20%: : 0: 9.890: 27/Jun/01: 5642: 13.42%: : 0: 14.821: 28/Jun/01: 6239: 14.84%: : 0: 4.693: 29/Jun/01: 5389: 12.82%: : 0: 10.086: 30/Jun/01: 6266: 14.90%: : 0: 18.065:Busiest day: 24/Jun/01 (0 requests for pages).
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Failed Referrer Report: Referrer Report: Status Code Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Failure Report: Request Report)
Each unit ()
represents 1 request for a page.
day: reqs: pages: ---: ----: -----: Sun: 5595: 0: Mon: 6104: 0: Tue: 6811: 0: Wed: 5642: 0: Thu: 6239: 0: Fri: 5389: 0: Sat: 6266: 0:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Failed Referrer Report: Referrer Report: Status Code Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Failure Report: Request Report)
Each unit ()
represents 1 request for a page.
hr: reqs: pages: Mbytes: %pages: --: ----: -----: -------: ------: 0: 2177: 0: 9.832: : 1: 1351: 0: 2.603: : 2: 1219: 0: 2.227: : 3: 1178: 0: 2.424: : 4: 1564: 0: 4.991: : 5: 2102: 0: 4.918: : 6: 1601: 0: 2.182: : 7: 1414: 0: 1.328: : 8: 3114: 0: 7.042: : 9: 2797: 0: 4.302: : 10: 2157: 0: 10.070: : 11: 1646: 0: 10.138: : 12: 1201: 0: 13.835: : 13: 1463: 0: 11.444: : 14: 883: 0: 7.815: : 15: 1614: 0: 2.738: : 16: 2758: 0: 6.221: : 17: 1942: 0: 5.415: : 18: 1737: 0: 5.155: : 19: 1593: 0: 4.451: : 20: 1394: 0: 2.870: : 21: 1240: 0: 5.122: : 22: 1722: 0: 9.558: : 23: 2179: 0: 56.193: :
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Failed Referrer Report: Referrer Report: Status Code Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Failure Report: Request Report)
Listing referring URLs, sorted by the number of failed requests.
reqs: URL ----: --- 182: http://marp.retrogames.com/index.cgi 85: http://marp.retrogames.com/exe/m323715.zip 35: http://marp.retrogames.com/oldnews/oldnews-1998-q2.htm 18: http://marp.retrogames.com/tourney/tourney4/t4totalresult.htm 10: http://marp.retrogames.com/frames.htm 9: http://marp.retrogames.com/test/news.htm 8: http://marp.retrogames.com/exe/ 6: http://marp.retrogames.com/gif/shots/index.html 6: http://marp.retrogames.com/cheeky.htm 4: http://marp.retrogames.com/kiwi.htm 2: http://marp.retrogames.com/confirm/2001.htm 1: http://marp.retrogames.com/flstory.htm 1: http://marp.retrogames.com/exe/index.html 1: http://marp.retrogames.com/stats/T2/AltLB.htm 1: http://marp.retrogames.com/got/index.htm
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Failed Referrer Report: Referrer Report: Status Code Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Failure Report: Request Report)
Listing referring URLs, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: %reqs: pages: %pages: URL -----: ------: -----: ------: --- 29: 0.07%: 0: : http://www.2ch.net/ 22: 0.05%: 0: : http://www.mameworld.net/jerky/home.html 21: 0.05%: 0: : http://www.geocities.com/rrus555/webpage.html 21: 0.05%: 0: : http://www.mameworld.net/mameload/ 16: 0.04%: 0: : http://www.mameworld.net/dutchmamepage/hoofdscherm.html 5: 0.01%: 0: : http://web.tiscali.it/zandor/mame.htm 5: 0.01%: 0: : http://www.google.com/search 4: 0.01%: 0: : http://google.yahoo.com/bin/query 4: 0.01%: 0: : http://www.geocities.com/timessquare/tower/3366/index2.html 3: 0.01%: 0: : http://home.kabelfoon.nl/~msilvius/sillyarcade.htm 2: : 0: : http://w1.111.telia.com/~u11106131/main.html 2: : 0: : http://www.mameworld.net/mametesters/knownbugsp-s.html 2: : 0: : http://worldstore.metropoli2000.com/mame.htm 2: : 0: : http://club.nidenet.com/arcboy/news/list.php 2: : 0: : http://home.swbell.net/hebert11/machine.html 2: : 0: : http://socmonkey5.freeyellow.com/page5.html 2: : 0: : http://members.tripod.com/mindcaster/mame/index.html 2: : 0: : http://www.emulatronia.com/c-arcade.htm 2: : 0: : http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Labyrinth/1441/mame_dk.html 1: : 0: : http://www.greenspun.com/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl 1: : 0: : http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Battlefield/9176/main.html 1: : 0: : http://www.mameworld.net/cgi-bin/wwwthreads/wwwthreads.pl 1: : 0: : http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Labyrinth/1441/mame.html 40450: 99.63%: 0: : [not listed: 500 URLs]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Failed Referrer Report: Referrer Report: Status Code Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Failure Report: Request Report)
Listing status codes, sorted numerically.
reqs: status code -----: ----------- 2243: 200 OK 57: 206 Partial content 140: 302 Document found elsewhere 39746: 304 Not modified since last retrieval 138: 403 Access forbidden 265: 404 Document not found
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Failed Referrer Report: Referrer Report: Status Code Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Failure Report: Request Report)
Listing extensions with at least 1% of the requests, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: Mbytes: extension -----: -------: --------- 38625: 3.029: .gif [GIF graphics] 3240: 187.033: .zip [Zip archives] 181: 2.821: [not listed: 6 extensions]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Failed Referrer Report: Referrer Report: Status Code Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Failure Report: Request Report)
Listing directories with at least 1 request, unsorted.
reqs: pages: Mbytes: directory -----: -----: -------: --------- 1: 0: 0.000: /changes/ 42045: 0: 192.885: http://
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Failed Referrer Report: Referrer Report: Status Code Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Failure Report: Request Report)
Listing the first 30 files by the number of failed requests, sorted by the number of failed requests.
reqs: file ----: ---- 132: http://marp.retrogames.com/gif/shots/k2-rocnrope.gif 89: http://marp.retrogames.com/exe/m323715.zip 25: http://marp.retrogames.com/exe/m323714.zip 16: http://marp.retrogames.com/exe/m37b15.zip 13: http://marp.retrogames.com/exe/m37b14.zip 8: http://marp.retrogames.com/test/alladvantage-ba1.gif 8: http://marp.retrogames.com/oldnews/gif/b_stage3.gif 7: http://marp.retrogames.com/oldnews/gif/b_stage1.gif 7: http://marp.retrogames.com/oldnews/gif/b_stageg.gif 7: http://marp.retrogames.com/oldnews/gif/b_stage4.gif 7: http://marp.retrogames.com/oldnews/gif/b_stage2.gif 6: http://marp.retrogames.com/exe/m35tg3b.zip 6: /gif/shots/k2-rocnrope.gif 4: http://marp.retrogames.com/exe/m323702.zip 4: http://marp.retrogames.com/gif/tnzs0011.gif 3: http://marp.retrogames.com/confirm/072001.txt 3: http://marp.retrogames.com/confirm/062001.txt 2: http://marp.retrogames.com/gif/cheeky2.gif 2: http://marp.retrogames.com/tourney/tourney4/gif/shots/gaplus.gif 2: http://marp.retrogames.com/tourney/tourney4/gif/shots/pnickj.gif 2: http://marp.retrogames.com/confirm/122001.txt 2: http://marp.retrogames.com/tourney/tourney4/gif/shots/solarfox.gif 2: http://marp.retrogames.com/confirm/112001.txt 2: http://marp.retrogames.com/confirm/102001.txt 2: http://marp.retrogames.com/gif/cheeky3.gif 2: http://marp.retrogames.com/gif/cheeky1.gif 2: http://marp.retrogames.com/tourney/tourney4/gif/shots/sf2.gif 2: http://marp.retrogames.com/tourney/tourney4/gif/shots/bublbobl.gif 2: http://marp.retrogames.com/tourney/tourney4/gif/1st.gif 2: http://marp.retrogames.com/tourney/tourney4/gif/shots/gberet.gif 32: [not listed: 27 files]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Failed Referrer Report: Referrer Report: Status Code Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Failure Report: Request Report)
Listing files with at least 0.1% of the requests, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: Mbytes: %pages: file -----: -------: ------: ---- 56: 0.064: : http://marp.retrogames.com/gif/invaders.gif 56: 0.068: : http://marp.retrogames.com/gif/starwars.gif 45: 0.000: : http://marp.retrogames.com/exe/m323708.zip 45: 2.371: : http://marp.retrogames.com/exe/m323713.zip 41844: 190.381: : [not listed: 3,936 files]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Failed Referrer Report: Referrer Report: Status Code Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Failure Report: Request Report)