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Added a link to Sniper's Arcade on the links page. Well - I thought it was only fair after spamming him and all the hiscore submitters on his page with an advert for this site... :o)
Added a guestbook. So sign it. Please!
Added the option of frames, so you can have a small navigation bar permanently at the top of the screen if you so wish. This is the first time I've used frames, so please tell me if I've done anything foolish!
Replaced Krool's score on 1943 of 2,117,360 with a new score of 2,193,250. He's still not finished it though. :o)
Added a replay file for mat mania from Daisuke.
Added new replay files from Krool for black tiger and ghosts and goblins.
Replaced GBE's old score on circus charlie of 325,890 with a new score of 378,610.
Added circusc2, 1943, gravitar, zookeep and dkongjp files.
Added shoalins replay from VVarrior.
Stuck some counters all over the shop, so as I can know whether anyone actually reads anything but the main page.
Updated the scores on the replays I hadn't watched until now.
Added a link to a good thing.
Added a link to Gareth Hall's Home Page in retaliation.
Added Skygodd's demonstration of how to get past level 3 of kangaroo.
Added a new black dragon replay from Krool. This time he's played it using the 'very hard' dip switch setting to squeeze an extra few points out of the game. Be sure to use his .cfg file!
Added a demolition derby (Why's the MAME name 'destderb' not 'demoderb'? Why don't people ask these important questions?) replay from Aquatarkus.
Added Skygodd's replay for cclimber. I didn't remove my old cclimber score yet because a) I didn't try the new one yet, b) I've still got lots of web space on and c) it's my score, dangit!
Added a joust replay showing not one, but two pterodactyls being offed. Thanks to Lucky Luke.
Added a black tiger replay showing the game being finished without loss of life. Oops. No I didn't - I just received a mail asking me not to, due to the submitter discovering that the black dragon replay on this site scores around twice as high... :o) Watch this space.
Added a gyruss replay from Rodimus Prime. "This one goes all the way to the 'end' of the game.. where it wraps from Earth back out to Neptune."
Added replay for donkey kong (japanese) (from Rodney W. Butler). He was worried it might not be high enough to qualify - well - if there's no score up already then anything is high enough to qualify!
Added replays for lady bug, donkey kong junior and xevious (all from Rodimus Prime (you got a lot of time on your hands, man?) The dkongjr replay gets past Mario's hide-out and the xevious replay apparently shows the programmer's name, hidden in the first few seconds of the game.
Added link to mirror site. It might be faster and it might be out of date. This is the primary site and will always be the most up to date.
Added a phoenix replay file from TPK, and a template which he suggests we all use in the future.
Added KBL's commando cheat. I don't know what it involves yet.
Added some java (?) counters that don't seem to work very well.
Added the requests page.
Added links to the sites which were kind enough to give me a mention.
Added 'mailto:' links for anyone who said they wanted them. If you want one, let me know.
Added another replay for 10 yard wossit showing some 'American football type thing' that I didn't really understand. I guess it's a bit like Americans trying to understand cricket. Or something.
Added replays for 1942, bank panic, black dragon, crazy kong, mappy and star force.
Added this news page!
Added some tables, colours, stuff like that.
Created this whole shebang with a bunch of replays I'd begged off people on EFnet's #mamegames IRC channel.