
Name  Player   Date  Score (unconfirmed)  Inp 
shot of commando

 has 9 clones 

special rules
Commando (World)
jerky (@)29 Jan 17
get MAME
..::: Yolympics 2017. Go Team ITG! :::..
shot of robotron

 has 5 clones 

special rules
Robotron: 2084 (Solid Blue label)
jerky (@)27 Nov 16
get MAME
..::: Difficulty 10 Wave 62 :::..

total score:2,783,375
average score:1,391,687

there were 2 hits

enter details to search for a recording

short name (leave empty to match all games):
long name (leave empty to match all games):
player name (leave empty to match all players):
player login (leave empty to match all players):
version of MAME used to make the recording:
version of MAME where game first appeared:
description field contains:
best position to show:
worst position to show: set as default
maximum rows per table:
maximum displayed hits: set as default
screenshots (0 for none, 1 for small, 2 for bigger (256), 3 for biggest (320)):
tournament number:
games with any score
games with confirmed scores
games with unconfirmed scores
games with no high score
all games
original games only
clones only
all games
sort by:
game's short name
game's long name
score (highest first)
leaderboard points earned
oldest recording first
newest recording first
ratio of score to next highest score (not working yet...)
format as plain text:
show scores which beat the player:

Please delete NVRAM before recording!

Sat Sep 28 04:58:19 2024 GMT: page generated by Python 2.7.18 on pdx1-shared-a1-39 in 0.1s
  user: 0.07; sys: 0.08; child user: 0.0; child sys: 0.0; uptime: 208 days 16:38:00

This document is generated on demand.