Final Results of Tournament 3

Final Tournament Scores

1st - Phil Lamat - 191
2nd - Ian Sutton - 190
3rd - Ben Jos Walbeehm - 183
4th - Tommi Tilhonen - 153
5th - Boxster - 147
6th - BBH - 146
7th - Lord Axe - 143
8th - Blost - 137
9th - SandMan - 133
10th - Cicca - 130
10th - IUR Dhurin - 130
12th - Lagavulin - 95
13th - Donut - 91
14th - Game Guru - 83
15th - Barry Rodewald - 80
16th - Snoopy - 72
17th - Gameboy9 - 57
18th - Olivier Millardet - 56
19th - Julie - 50
20th - QueenMary - 28
21st - Jump_Etr - 13

Top 5 for each game with settings used - all Twin Galaxies

Amidar - 3 lives, Extras @ 50K, 130K, 210K etc.

1st - IUR Dhurin - 232,930
2nd - Cicca - 223,180
3rd - Phil Lamat - 214,880
4th - Ian Sutton - 181,750
5th - Ben Jos Walbeehm - 173,150

Burnin' Rubber - 3 lives, Hard Difficulty, Extras @ 30K Only

1st - Cicca - 353,824
2nd - Ian Sutton - 303,312
3rd - Phil Lamat - 252,984
4th - Tommi Tilhonen - 235,020
5th - Donut - 232,676

Gauntlet II - 750 health

1st - Tommi Tilhonen - 356,243
2nd - Ian Sutton - 186,200
3rd - Phil Lamat - 106,815
4th - Lord Axe - 103,745
5th - Ben Jos Walbeehm - 99,440

Ghouls N' Ghosts - 3 lives, Normal Difficulty, Extras @ 30K, 60K, 130K, 200K, etc.

1st - Ben Jos Walbeehm - 223,500
2nd - Ian Sutton - 212,200
3rd - Blost - 198,800
4th - BBH - 180,000
5th - Phil Lamat - 91,300

Lady Bug - 3 lives, Medium Difficulty, Extras for spelling EXTRA

1st - Phil Lamat - 196,110
2nd - Lagavulin - 194,110
3rd - Ian Sutton - 123,550
4th - IUR Dhurin - 123,440
5th - Lord Axe - 107,660

Marble Madness - Normal Difficulty

1st - Tommi Tilhonen - 163,890
2nd - Phil Lamat - 141,320
3rd - Ben Jos Walbeehm - 138,740
4th - Ian Sutton - 137,520
5th - Game Guru - 91,850

Ninja Kid II - 4 lives, no extras, Normal Difficulty

1st - Blost - 1,254,150
2nd - Ben Jos Walbeehm - 725,870
3rd - Phil Lamat - 719,820
4th - Ian Sutton - 636,440
5th - BBH - 608,180

Tron - 3 lives, Difficulty:  5, Extra life at 10K

1st - Tommi Tilhonen - 705,573
2nd - Ian Sutton - 129,717
3rd - Lord Axe - 74,232
4th - Phil Lamat - 59,135
5th - Boxster - 58,111

Xenophobe - 1000 life units, Medium Difficulty

1st - Ben Jos Walbeehm - 482,415
2nd - Phil Lamat - 327,040
3rd - Ian Sutton - 314,940
4th - Boxster - 311,145
5th - BBH - 247,115

10 Yard Fight - Normal Time Decrease - DIPS 1, 2, 5, 6, off

1st - Ben Jos Walbeehm - 199,350
2nd - Boxster - 159,250
3rd - Phil Lamat - 150,250
4th - Ian Sutton - 146,150
5th - Sandman - 143,450