Final Tournament Scores
1st - Ben Jos Walbeehm
- 194
2nd - Donut - 167
3rd - Blost - 163
4th - Cicca - 146
5th - Boxster - 143
6th - BBH - 140
7th - JoustGod -
8th - Iur Dhurin
- 129
9th - Olivier Millardet
- 122
10th - Dave Kaupp
- 118
11th - Sandman -
12th - Lagavulin
- 111
13th - KFT - 104
14th - Crash - 101
15th - Aquatarkus
- 85
16th - Kiko - 74
17th - Gameboy9 -
18th - Mark Longridge
- 66
19th - Barry Rodewald
- 57
20th - Poison Ivy
- 46
21st - Zwaxy - 31
Top 5 for each game with settings used - all Twin Galaxies
Crystal Castles - 3 lives, Medium Difficulty
1st - Donut - 714,777
2nd - JoustGod -
3rd - Ben Jos Walbeehm
- 482,855
4th - KFT - 475,346
5th - Lagavulin -
Jr. Pac-Man - 3 lives, extra @ 10,000 points, Normal Difficulty
1st - JoustGod - 98,360
2nd - Mark Longridge
- 83,520
3rd - Donut - 67,510
4th - KFT - 65,590
5th - Ben Jos Walbeehm
- 65,100
Kung Fu Master - 3 lives, Hard Difficulty, Slow Energy Loss
1st - Olivier Millardet
- 475,890
2nd - Lagavulin -
3rd - Ben Jos Walbeehm
- 193,760
4th - Blost - 157,310
5th - Aquatarkus
- 153,910
Lode Runner - 3 lives, Slow Timer
1st - Ben Jos Walbeehm
- 999,999
1st - KFT - 999,999
3rd - Lagavulin -
4th - Blost - 347,340
5th - SandMan - 341,050
Lunar Rescue - 3 lives, Extra @ 3,000 points
1st - Cicca - 23,050
2nd - Ben Jos Walbeehm
- 20,160
3rd - Iur Dhurin
- 19,170
4th - Blost - 18,670
5th - Donut - 18,520
Pooyan - 3 lives, Extras @ 30,000, and 70,000 points thereafter, Medium Difficulty
1st - Ben Jos Walbeehm
- 409,550
2nd - Kiko - 277,500
3rd - Cicca - 233,450
4th - BBH - 226,650
5th - Iur Dhurin
- 206,650
Puzzle Bobble - Level 4
1st - Donut - 25,527,050
2nd - Blost - 23,314,790
3rd - Ben Jos Walbeehm
- 22,881,200
4th - BBH - 17,592,410
5th - Lagavulin -
Rastan - 3 lives, Extra @ 100,000, Medium Difficulty, Continues Not Allowed
1st - Ben Jos Walbeehm
- 923,900
2nd - BBH - 754,500
3rd - Dave Kaupp
- 474,900
4th - Blost - 320,300
5th - Barry Rodewald
- 303,000
Scramble - 5 lives
1st - Ben Jos Walbeehm
- 300,860
2nd - Cicca - 163,730
3rd - BBH - 138,900
4th - Iur Dhurin
- 121,270
5th - Blost - 97,630
Super Sprint - Medium Difficulty, 3 wrenches to upgrade
1st - Cicca - 18,970
2nd - Donut - 18,630
3rd - Iur Dhurin
- 18,370
4th - Lagavulin -
5th - Dave Kaupp
- 17,790