MARP Member Rights

A. General Voting Procedures

1. Any vote may be called by any member of MARP. That member must mention the rule change he is proposing, and what games these would affect.

2. All votes of this nature will be seven days in length. This can be changed by the regulation coordinator, but if s/he REDUCES the voting length, that permission can only be granted by a majority vote of the general public. If a majority of the editors votes against reducing the length, then the permission is automatically denied.

3. All votes will be passed if it achieves a majority vote of the general public with the exception of a vote going against a standing rule (for example, all games will be one credit in length), then it must be passed by a 2/3 vote of the general public.

4. The regulation coordinator has the right to kill a vote if s/he feels it goes against the spirit of MARP. However, this ruling can be overruled by a 2/3 vote of the general public, or a 2/3 vote of the editors.

B. Extraordinary Procedures

1. Should a coordinator and/or editor do anything that severly and negativly affect MARP in general, any member has the right to call for removal of office for that coordinator and/or editor.

2. A member must petition at least five people to call for impeachment of the person in question. At least two of those five must be qualified to vote in a general election at the time the impeachment was called, with the exception of the recent recording rule, which will be changed here to those who submitted a recording in either of the previous two months or the current month.

3. If the impeachment is legal under items one and two, a trial will be called on MARP's chat channel on EFNET within ten days and announced at least three days in advance. It will be at this trial where the petitioners will discuss the arguments in full, then the defenders will offer a defense to those arguments.

4. After the trail, a vote will be taken on the message board. Any member who is allowed to vote in the general elections at the time with the exceptions of item 2 will be allowed to vote for impeachment here. A 2/3 vote must be attained in order for the impeached to be removed from office.

5. Should such in item 4 happen to a coordinator and this process completes before the month of November, or if a coordinator resigns before the month of November, then a new election will be immediatly called. If it's November or later, then the General Election will take care of it in December.

6. Should such in item 4 happen to an editor, then the editor may not become an editor again for twelve months. If the number of editors after this point go under five, then the remaining editors must immediatly find another one within fourteen days after the impeachment/resignation.

7. If an editor resigns, is thrown out by other editors, and/or loses in a general election, then the editor may not become an editor again for only six months. If an editor resigns, is thrown out by other editors, and/or loses in the general election twice in the lifetime of MARP, then the editor may not become an editor again for twelve months. If an editor resigns, is thrown out by other editors, and/or loses in the general election three times or more, or if an editor is impeached two times or more, then the editor may not become an editor again for five years.