This site contains no ROMs at all. All email requesting ROMs will be ignored.
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DAY 5 OF MAME OLYMPIAD I: (Thanks, JLR, for reminding me :) ) {GB9}
Games that will begin 11/20 @ 0000 GMT: o1-klax, o1-gaplus, o1-gtmr, o1-amidar, o1-mmaze
Games that have begun competition: o1-outrun, o1-zookeep, o1-cawing, o1-roadf, o1-gberet, o1-wboy
Games that will begin 11/19 @ 0000 GMT: o1-outrun, o1-zookeep, o1-cawing, o1-roadf, o1-gberet, o1-wboy
Games that have begun competition: o1-sbbros, o1-hyperspt, o1-transfrm, o1-jackal
Games that will begin 11/18 @ 0000 GMT: o1-sbbros, o1-hyperspt, o1-transfrm, o1-jackal
Games that have begun competition: o1-blockhl, o1-offroad, o1-ldrun3, o1-kikcubic, o1-rygar
Games that will begin 11/17 @ 0000 GMT: o1-blockhl, o1-offroad, o1-ldrun3, o1-kikcubic, o1-rygar
Games that have begun competition: o1-crush, o1-bosco, o1-cclimber, o1-twinspri, o1-pc_smb
There's a sixth player joining the 1943kai crowd. Dephi is being permitted back in because of a fairness issue. Email me if you'd like to hear specifics to my decision. The five players who officially qualified for 1943kai remain qualified.
DAY 1 OF MAME OLYMPIAD I: Good luck to everybody involved! {GB9}
Games that will begin 11/16 @ 0000 GMT: o1-crush, o1-bosco, o1-cclimber, o1-twinspri, o1-pc_smb
Games that have begun competition: o1-1943kai, o1-robotron, o1-cloak, o1-pingpong, o1-ghouls
Click here, to see who's been qualified for the 37 games that had qualification rounds in the olympiad.
So I went through all of the contra games that were played - and I don't think I noticed anybody winning with a spread gun equipped. There's a challenge for all of you to try if you'd like - beat the game with a spread gun equipped. This is not easy - you have to go through the entire fifth stage without losing a life. Have fun!
Tommi Tiihonen submitted a new bug he found during his quest to score big in Galaga - you'll find this on the bugs page.
MAME Olympiad page was updated. There are now fourteen coordinators signed up. I'd like to point out that some coordinators already submitted rules - they will not be applied until the actual coordination is handed out in case a conflict comes about.
Unless you're talking about the MAME Olympiad. That has to be a major overhaul :) Remember, any game in MAME .01 through MAME .54 is fair game. The deadline for applications of game coordinators is October 7.
... the day MARP went under minor overhaul :)
Nice picture BBH... Don't worry - I'll make it a point to kick you next time I see you :P (check the uploads to see what I mean)
Blost has retaken the lead in Diamond Run with a score of 1,145,590, 20,000 better than Lagavulin. How many lead changes has it been for this game? Gosh if I know.
Jason Dyer - please e-mail me - I need to know your email address for the upcoming Olympiad. Thanks!
Notice I'll probably start doing this for a while until something interesting pops up again. :)
Jason Dyer was the first person this morning to beat the game of Shocking. Brian McLean was also the first person to beat the Irritating Maze Game - which has been in MARP competition since June 24, 1999. Congratulations to both!
Blost was the first to one million points in Diamond Run - a game that's been in MARP Competition since it's origins on February 2, 1998, but Lagavulin has retaken the lead in that game with over 1.1 million. Fact of the matter is... if you want to find a battle of MARP - you found it. Add all the Boulderdash fun they've been doing...
Nine people have stepped up to the plate to coordinate in the MAME Olympiad covering 31 games. Click here to submit an application to coordinate a game or two or however many you want for the Olympiad where competition begins November 1. Deadline for applications is October 7, 2359 GMT.
Well I thought I'd update the news page for once. First of all, I would like to make mention of the tragedy that did strike America on Tuesday and offer prayers to those families who lost loved ones. I realize I'm late on that - I did make a mention of it on the message board.
I have posted rules for the upcoming MAME Olympiad. Anybody who wants to assist in game coordination in what I hope is a groundbreaking event, please let me know. Any game in MAME .01 through MAME .54 is fair game. The deadline for applications of game coordinators is October 7.
Pat Laffaye updated the MARP database yesterday evening. Click here to see what's new.
The logs of the meeting were posted here. If you missed the meeting, you can download the meeting script from here.
Boulderdash. That's the clone I forgot that was split - into part 1 and part 2. Thanks Donut.
Reminder: There is a public meeting at EFNet's #marp this Sunday at 0100 GMT. (Saturday, 9pm eastern time) The public is STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to attend! If you cannot make the meeting but want me to personally e-mail you a log of the meeting, or if you want me to address any of your concerns in the public meeting, please e-mail me at your earliest convinience. Don't know how do you get to the MARP Chat Channel? Click here to find out!
Now here comes the annoying part. I CAN NOT SPLIT GAMES!!! PLEASE do not e-mail me to split a game. For that, you will need to e-mail the regulation coordinator, Pat Laffaye. He is the ONLY person able to split games, besides Zwaxy. Future e-mail requests (not the one Donut sent today) to split games to me will be replied with a "please re-send to Pat Laffaye." Further, mentioning it on the message board most likely will not work or may take a while to process. E-mail is the quickest way for processing. Thank you for your attention.
First: Pat has split the following games into their respective positions: turfmast (four courses), namco classics (three games), and a clone which I don't remember... I'll try to remember...
The errors were mysterious as I mentioned. They were mysteriously fixed. All stages clear! Present you with points! (It's an old #marp gag) :)
Pat Laffaye updated the MARP database yesterday evening. Click here to see what's new.
A mysterious error has appeared on a number of pages. I do not know the cause, nor how to fix it. (recall: I suck at python) However, I can tell you that I have informed Zwaxy of the problem; he should be getting to that one soon.
I suck. I fixed the versions list for MAME .53 final... oh brother Gameboy... you just set a new low...
An unexpected commitment has appeared to force me to postpone the public meeting until August 26, 2001 at 0100 GMT (8/25, 9pm eastern). I apologize for the inconvience this may cause.
I'd like to thank MAMEDEV for skewing my entire versions list... it's updated with the weird, but explained, jump to MAME 0.53. But that's OK, we still like them! :) (PLEASE though... let me know if you're going to do that again, I would like to be prepared!)
I will be calling a MARP Public Meeting on EFNet's #marp Sunday, August 19 at 0100 GMT. (Saturday, 8/18, 9pm eastern time) We will be discussing the new procedures for elections and any concerns you would like to share during your experiences here in any mode of play. The public is STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to attend! If you cannot make the meeting but want me to personally e-mail you a log of the meeting, or if you want me to address any of your concerns in the public meeting, please e-mail me at your earliest convinience. Don't know how do you get to the MARP Chat Channel? Click here to find out!
I took a quick poll in IRC tonight and I found out the fact that "put that damn MAME 32 back in there!" So it's back. Those who claimed other may want to go back to the win37b16 for accuracy...
Snipercade, with new staff member J.D. Lowe, has resurfaced here under a new DNS. Now this new staff member... he will be starting a lockdown challenge, where the games are "broken", starting August 15th.
I updated the MARP Totals Report today after five months of inactivity... and adding the 2,000 scores over the last five months we now reach a grand total of 19,204 recordings on this site. Won't be much longer before we reach the great 20K mark... we're almost at 15 billion points scored too...
I would like yall to know that MARP has a new brother. :) Crash was forced to move his tips related site from Emuviews to Retrogames. I would like to implant in the record books that, correct me if I'm wrong, Snipercade and the TG MAME site have to move as well. This evidence hopefully shows that Retrogames may take both of those sites in shortly... then both of those sites can be our brothers... or sisters... whichever you see it as. :) In the meantime, all you have to do is click here to reach Crash's site. But I have to update this page... then update the links page... then I can click on the site :)
SPECIAL NOTE: The message board is currently failing to send email alerts to those who have them enabled. I suggest keeping a special eye on the board itself for replies to your messages or any new messages until this gets fixed. The time schedule? No clue. Zwaxy nor I can do anything about it because this is not our program.
I have done a bit of a fix in the m37b15 and over selections on the submission page. I have clarified the dos/win bit replacing it with mame/mamew. Because they both usually play back with each other, I figure to keep it like this. If there is a playback clash, then you should claim which one you used. If you select the other, you must state the other, because that means you used an unofficial version. As the assistant webpage maintainer, when MAME32 comes out, I will call a public vote to figure out if you want MAME32 added on the variations list again.
Barry Rodewald has become MARP's newest editor, replacing Q.T. Quazar. We wish Q.T. success in the future. As for you Barry... Welcome aboard! If anybody has any questions to these events, please let me know.
It's Independance day... and Pat Laffaye has updated the MARP database to beta 16. Click here to see what's new.
Ho boy... everyone must have been burned out after the Decatholon and MAME Championships - Snipercade's Game Of The Month came away with no winner - nobody submitted in Solomon's Key. Maybe you will try out playing Super Qix? This is one feature of his that I wouldn't want to leave us...
Huh... I never knew the old sega games are starting to playback in the latest mame... they used to only playback in MAME 33 beta 4... that's radical!
First update in two weeks... yuck... ummm... you'll notice special rules popping up every once in a while under the place of the recording at MARP. Take a gander at them when you intend to play a game, they will include any playback issues that we've encountered. Please let any editor know if you have any playback issues you've encountered, or have special rules that have to be mentioned.
The communication page link has been altered to Apparently, you can post your own news or comments by emailing a login/password/email address - which will be used to forward anything to a new email address that you would recieve.
If anybody's wondering where I've been... I'm working 40 to more likely 45 hours / week over the summer - so the updates from me will be minute.(very little, not 60 seconds)
The communication page has been dropped over seymour's IRC page. Seems better to me! :)
Zwaxy has added cookies to the site. This means you'll need to re-login by clicking the link. A cookie will be placed on your hard drive expiring in the year 2020, instead of your username and password being posted on the address bar. You will no longer be allowed to log in with a username and password in the address bar.
I did update the MAME Championship archives May 27th. Sorry I didn't mention this earlier. This archive is now complete.