This site contains no ROMs at all. All email requesting ROMs will be ignored.
Want to communicate with others at MARP? Click here!
Barry Rodewald has become MARP's newest editor, replacing Q.T. Quazar. We wish Q.T. success in the future. As for you Barry... Welcome aboard! If anybody has any questions to these events, please let me know.
It's Independance day... and Pat Laffaye has updated the MARP database to beta 16. Click here to see what's new.
Ho boy... everyone must have been burned out after the Decatholon and MAME Championships - Snipercade's Game Of The Month came away with no winner - nobody submitted in Solomon's Key. Maybe you will try out playing Super Qix? This is one feature of his that I wouldn't want to leave us...
Huh... I never knew the old sega games are starting to playback in the latest mame... they used to only playback in MAME 33 beta 4... that's radical!
First update in two weeks... yuck... ummm... you'll notice special rules popping up every once in a while under the place of the recording at MARP. Take a gander at them when you intend to play a game, they will include any playback issues that we've encountered. Please let any editor know if you have any playback issues you've encountered, or have special rules that have to be mentioned.
The communication page link has been altered to Apparently, you can post your own news or comments by emailing a login/password/email address - which will be used to forward anything to a new email address that you would recieve.
If anybody's wondering where I've been... I'm working 40 to more likely 45 hours / week over the summer - so the updates from me will be minute.(very little, not 60 seconds)
The communication page has been dropped over seymour's IRC page. Seems better to me! :)
Zwaxy has added cookies to the site. This means you'll need to re-login by clicking the link. A cookie will be placed on your hard drive expiring in the year 2020, instead of your username and password being posted on the address bar. You will no longer be allowed to log in with a username and password in the address bar.
I did update the MAME Championship archives May 27th. Sorry I didn't mention this earlier. This archive is now complete.
Snipercade's 2001 Decatholon, the 3rd installment of such, has completed with Anders Svensson(known as QRS on MARP) earning a MAME Decatholon record 643.71 points. Well done to QRS - and I need to bring acknowledgement to J.D. Lowe once again for taking the also difficult task of coordinating the Decatholon. That's right... he coordinated two tournaments at once!
The MARP database was updated to beta 15 thanks to Pat Laffaye. Click here to see what's new.
The versions list has changed. Instead of the usual dos, win, and mac set for each beta version, there's a dos/win/other selection and a mame32 selection. Of course, if it goes under other, you'll need to claim what version you used(mac/linux, any unofficial version). I'll also comment the room went back to EFNet - I'll change the communication page one day.
The communication page was updated - I found out you can chat through a java client on this channel, unlike EFNet. I don't know if that helps the people who has to connect to multiple servers - but I know it will help those who don't want to download a separate chat client.
Yesterday, as most people know, our chat channel was hacked into. I was expecting this eventually - it's now in the hands of some goofball I guess. Fine. Take it - it's yours. The new chat channel will be on AfterNet. This server has few server splits and doesn't know the meaning of takeover. The communication page has changed with the appropriate information. The server is, and the channel will still be #marp. To those who have to log-in with two different networks now, I apologize, but I really had little choice in the matter. And to this goofball, in the words of the famous(IMO) game show host Anne Robinson... "You ARE the weakest link... goodbye!"
So what's the future after all of this madness? I know what we're asking... what do we do now? Well MARP's 6th tournament will begin sometime this summer... I'm not sure of the exact date, when Ben Jos tells me... I'll tell you. :) I also have the MAME Olympiad I have to worry about don't I? I think that will start October 1.
Well... we started this thing way back on 18th of February with 68 players. And now... one has emerged, the last recording with 45 minutes on the clock, and Ben Jos Walbeehm surpasses Sampras by a final score of 1,471,500 - 1,339,300. They both eclipse the current world record of just over 1,000,000. I suggest you reach Mark Longridge soon. But in the meantime, thanks to J.D. Lowe, Brian McLean, and Lagavulin, for a job well done in coordinating the tournament, and congratulations to Sampras for a great tournament, and Ben Jos Walbeehm for winning it.
Twelve hours remaining... hmmm... don't we all wonder who will get retrogames fame as the winner of the 2nd MAME Championships? Well... probably both of them, but which one gets credit as the winner? At 2359 GMT... we will all find out. Well... I won't find out until the lacrosse game ends :)
It pains me to mention that SEVEN magic sword(and related clones) recordings were disqualified today for various reasons. One of those was extremely surprising... I suggest you take a look to see if one of those DQed recordings are yours...
Added Donut's Pigtail Heaven to the links page. Absolutly nothing with games or anything like that, how about 5,000 pictures of pretty girls? Yes... it's G-Rated - it's acceptable for the three year old kid of yours... Let me know if you have a webpage you would like to share.
And after the last-minute submissions, Ben Jos Walbeehm defeated Phil Lamat, 114,320 - 82,850 and will move on to the final round. Not participating in the last-minute submission were both Sampras and BBH - and there Sampras comes out on top, 86,540 to BBH's 76,440. The final will be between Sampras and Ben Jos Walbeehm for the championship. Game will be announced tonight(or tomorrow - based on your opinion...)
Well the MAME Championship semifinals have stalled - but will probably restart before the deadline... let's look at the scores:(1) Sampras - 86,540 vs. (4) BBH - 76,440
(2) Ben Jos Walbeehm - 79,380 vs. (3) Phil Lamat - 62,080This round expires May 5 at 2359 GMT. Once again, I will suggest to the general public to stick around for the last hour for some last-minute submissions - which I will once again expect. I still expect a possible upset here...
Added Lagavulin's JeuxMaths page to the links page. It's a math game page - unfortunatly I have no idea what he's saying - it's in french... Also added Sikraiken's Game Codes page. Apparently he's also forming an NES recording vault as well - something like MARP. Let me know if you have a webpage you would like to share.
All King Of Dragon bootleg(kodb) recordings were deleted today because the game does not work properly. Specifically, all characters are invisible. That's sort of an issue isn't it?
Added JSW's ArcadeTones for Nokia Phones(!) page, and MDARULZ's Crystal Castles webpage to the links page. Let me know if you have a webpage you would like to share.
Worked on the links page for once. Added a personal webpage section - let me know if you have a webpage you would like to share. For the meantime, I added BBH's Shock Therapy, Barry Rodewald's GalEMU/Qplayer Homepage, Crash's MAME Tips page, and... my Wacky Chess Homepage! :)
And the quarterfinals has ended and we've found the final four:
1. Sampras - 163,500, 8. Nanni - 145,400
2. Ben Jos Walbeehm - 274,500, 7. Timmykins - 76,600
3. Phil Lamat - 143,000, 6. Saru3000 - 132,800
4. BBH - 120,100, 5. JSW - 39,500
Matches for the semi-finals are: Sampras vs. BBH, and Ben Jos Walbeehm vs. Phil Lamat. Now... knowing Ben Jos... I can almost guarantee that his semifinal is going to be a doozy! If the conditions are right, the first semifinal can also produce an upset as well! Game will be announced on the 2nd MAME Championship page around midnight GMT this evening. 2nd MAME Championship Archives have been updated. Nanni lands in 5th, Saru3000 6th, Timmykins 7th, and JSW winds up 8th. Congratulations for a well played tournament!
Direct from the MAME WIP Page: Aaron Giles re-ported MAME to Win32 console with freely available tools, features including hardware stretching if available.This means the DOS port will not the official MAME anymore. Windows will be. Make this a point in your future recording endevors starting MAME 37 beta 15/rc1...
Current standings in Goindol:
1. Sampras - 163,500, 8. Nanni - 0
2. Ben Jos Walbeehm - 242,900, 7. Timmykins - 76,600
3. Phil Lamat - 139,200, 6. Saru3000 - 122,300
4. BBH - 70,300, 5. JSW - 39,500
You know... I bet we'll have a lot of last-minute submissions this time around... that would be April 24 at 2359 GMT! I suggest sticking around for the big finishes!
Current standings in Goindol:(1200 GMT)
1. Sampras - 132,300, 8. Nanni - 0
2. Ben Jos Walbeehm - 164,700, 7. Timmykins - 0
3. Phil Lamat - 89,500, 6. Saru3000 - 122,300
4. BBH - 48,500, 5. JSW - 39,500
This round expires like April 24 or something like that... :)
Twin Galaxies site back up - must have been a server change or something. Good thing it wasn't major wasn't it?
Round 4 has expired. Sampras has come out on top this round for his first victory. He is also the first seed out of the eight remaining players. Here's what I have for pairings: 1. Sampras(35) vs. 8. Nanni(8), 2. Ben Jos Walbeehm(28) vs. 7. Timmykins(17), 3. Phil Lamat(26 - wins 4th round tiebreaker) vs. 6. Saru3000(20), 4. BBH(26 - lost 4th round tiebreaker) vs. 5. JSW(22). This last one has been picked as a very interesting quarter-final. Let's see what happens when we find out what game we play tomorrow...
Pat Laffaye updated the database to MAME 37 beta 14. Click here to see what's new.
A new technique has been banned at MARP. In the game of speed rumbler, there is a place where you can leech several thousand points from just sitting there getting bombs. From now on, if you do not finish the level on a life where one does this, the recording is disqualified.
The fourth round to take us to the elite eight is "Goal! Goal! Goal!" OK... scoring is as follows: 100 pts for a win, 50 pts for a tie, 1 pt for a goal for you, and -1 pt for a goal against you.
The rules page was updated recently with a couple new links and a rule that was added, yet it's been enforced for quite some time...
There is a new rule at MARP. As one usually knows, if a score is believed to use autofire and/or slowdown, the score becomes 0 and he'll have to resubmit without autofire/slowdown. The new rule is if the game can be recorded, currently, at MAME 35 TG 3, then you must use MAME 35 TG 3 in order to re-receive points for that game. This new rule is so the integrity of the recordings at MARP is increased. As a trade off, it will be the editor's responsibility to email the regulation coordinator, Pat Laffaye, and the person whose score was DQed. This we haven't done in days past, and we feel it should be the recorder's right to know that we zeroed out a score for good reason.
The MC archives have been updated. Here's a couple lessons to be learned: a. If you're going to win this tournament, you had better be a good player. The 16th place power rating for U.N. Squadron was a 1.290. It was 83.94 % of the top score as well. b. Be prepared to play until 2359 GMT. Phil Lamat has proven that with another of his famous last-minute comebacks. Actually I'd define that as a "come-in" - that was his first U.N. Squadron recording there. Spaceman discovered he had time and placed a last-minute comeback to make the sweet 16 himself after he discovered that Lamat bumped him into 17th. Back on topic: I've also placed some seedings - so everyone knows where they are in that department. Remember, the coordinators will only rank from 1 to 8 when the field is down to 8, not from 1 to 16 as I've done. Anybody believe that Sampras is the #1 seed right now?
And MC2's third round has expired. BBH shall be declared the winner... although Brian McLean has submitted a new recording that currently leads BBH... mind if I suggest Carrier Air Wing(cawing)? It's pretty much played the same as U.N. Squadron... nobody has beaten this version of the game... I'm sure with all the experience gathered up here, beating cawing shouldn't be much of an issue :)
Two days remain for the 32 remaining contestants to reach the sweet 16 in the 2nd MAME Championship. The cut-off score, at the time of this posting, is 583,800, or a stage 10 recording. 14 have beaten the game... oh wait a minute... 15... I got 1,219,000 recently... beat stages 7, 8, 9, and 10 on my first try too. Enough of me - let's talk about you - trying to reach the sweet 16! :)
U.N. Squadron is the game, default dips are the settings, and MAME Championship Round 3 is the occasion. For the record, I scored 235,820 after two tries. Who came up with that Roc N' Rope game anyway? :)
Trivia question: How many people have a power ranking greater than 1 in MC1? One. 15th place's Brian McLean has a power ranking of 1.870. How did this happen? Remember his Aurail performance? It earned a 15.395 power ranking in that game alone!
Archives for tournament 1 and 2 updated - now with game-by-game and total power ranking. The power ranking will resolve massive ties for those that didn't submit an INP for a round. The total number of games for all players is ten for MC1, and eight for MC2.
Round 2 is done, and Gameboy is out! 43rd place... sheesh. What can you do huh? 32 players remain. Next game announced tomorrow... or tonight if I think about it...
There is a new banned technique at MARP. By a 5 - 2 vote, the motion to ban the all-clear technique of Magical Drop 3 was agreed to. Any score using this technique will now be disqualified.
Three days remain for Roc N' Rope... I know one person who's out already though. :(
Mind if I kindly mention that the first round of the knockout tournament ends tonight at 2359 GMT? No? Good. The first round of the knockout competition ends tonight at 2359 GMT. Cut-off Score is currently at 462,831. Anyone below that will be eliminated tonight if they can't take over that score.
I have uploaded the final archive statistics for the first MAME Championship. I have also uploaded the zeroth round of the second MAME Championship. Archive Gateway Here
Well... after seven months... the first MAME Championships has been decided on a last-10-minute comeback by Phil Lamat taking over Donut, who will finish in second, 12 - 10.
Next, a couple vote results. First, late result from the vote of removing clones. Compressing votes, the ayes are 2, the nays are 18. The nays have it and the motion is lost. Next, the result of the removal of mahjong and poker style games. The ayes are 4, the nays are 23. The nays have it and the motion is lost. Thanks to everyone who participated in these two votes - they are well appreciated from the MARP community!