This site contains no ROMs at all. All email requesting ROMs will be ignored.
Want to communicate with others at MARP? Click here!
The game info screen that appears at startup is blank - this seems to be a VC2005 specific issue. You can still see game information from the TAB menu, anyway. Otherwise, should work the same as earlier versions.
[Download] - Win32 binaries, commandline and GUI, Visual C++ 2005 build.
Here's the latest.
Support compiled in:
Video: DGA2, Xv, OpenGL
Audio: ESound, Alsa, SDL
Joystick: Standard, SDL
[Download] - Linux x86 binaries, GCC 3.4.1 build.
a51site4 "Area 51: Site 4"
alpinesa "Alpine Surfer (Rev. AF2 Ver.A)"
avengrgs "Avengers In Galactic Storm (World)"
batsugna "Batsugun (set 2)"
blitz11 "NFL Blitz (boot ROM 1.1)"
dayto2pe "Daytona USA 2 Power Edition"
ddayjlca "D-Day (Jaleco - set 2)"
downtow2 "DownTown (Set 2)"
dwarfd "Dwarfs Den"
getbass "Get Bass"
glass10 "Glass (Ver 1.0)"
glass10a "Glass (Ver 1.0 set 2)"
gtroyal "Golden Tee Royal Edition Tournament (v4.02)"
kosmokil "Kosmo Killer"
matchit2 "Match It II"
metamrpu "Metamorphic Force (ver UAA)"
mtlchmp1 "Martial Champion (ver EAA)"
pf2012 "Psychic Force 2012"
powerinj "Gouketsuji Ichizoku (Japan, bootleg)"
ppcar "Pang Pang Car"
puzloopk "Puzz Loop (Korea)"
raimais "Raimais (World)"
robokdj2 "Atomic Robo-kid (Japan, Set 2)"
rohga1 "Rohga Armor Force (Asia/Europe v3.0 Set 1)"
rohga2 "Rohga Armor Force (Asia/Europe v3.0 Set 2)"
scudp "Scud Race Plus"
sfex2a "Street Fighter EX 2 (ASIA 980312)"
smgpu1 "Super Monaco GP (set 4, US, Rev B, FD1094 317-0125a)"
splash10 "Splash! (Ver. 1.0 World)"
tattack "Time Attacker"
touchgo2 "Touch & Go (earlier revision)"
trckydca "Tricky Doc (Set 2)"
trvquest "Trivia Quest"
ttchampa "Table Tennis Champions (set 2)"
vandyja2 "Vandyke (Jaleco, Set 2)"
varth "Varth - Operation Thunderstorm (World 920714)"
wheelfir "Wheels & Fire"
wondstck "Wonder Stick"
MIPS dynamic recompiling core is disabled in this version.
And yes, GCC still segfaults. :(
[Download] - Win32 binaries, Visual C++ 2003 Toolkit build, commandline and GUI.
Finally. Input viewer works in this version.
PS: Zwaxy needs to add a "edit/delete post" function to the news script. :)
[Download] - Linux x86 binaries, GCC 3.4.4 build
alpinr2b "Alpine Racer 2 (Ver. 97/01/10 17:10:59)"
bigdeal "Big Deal (Hungary, set 1)"
bigdealb "Big Deal (Hungary, set 2)"
bnzabrsj "Bonanza Bros (Japan, Floppy DS3-5000-07b)"
catnmous "Cat'N Mouse (set 1)"
catmousa "Cat'N Mouse (set 2)"
crkdownj "Crack Down (Japan, FD1094 317-0058-04b)"
egghunt "Egg Hunt"
esckidsj "Escape Kids (Japan, 2 Players)"
fcrash "Final Crash (World, bootleg)"
gigandsj "Gigandes (Japan)"
gtsuprem "Golden Tee Supreme Edition Tournament (v5.10)"
jollycdb "Jolly Card (Croatia)"
jollycdc "Jolly Card (Italia, bad dump?)"
jollycdd "Jolly Card (Austria, Fun World)"
jollycde "Jolly Card (Austria, Fun World, bootleg)"
laserbat "Laser Battle"
lazarian "Lazarian"
magic10 "Magic's 10 (ver. 16.55)"
magic10a "Magic's 10 (ver. 16.45)"
magic102 "Magic's 10 2 (ver 1.1)"
metlsavr "Metal Saver"
moonlght "Moon Light"
mp_col3 "Columns III (Mega Play)"
nbapbp "NBA Play By Play"
nflfoot "NFL Football"
ninjaku "Ninja Kids, The (US)"
popspops "Pop's Pop's"
powerbal "Power Balls"
royalcdb "Royal Card (Austria, set 2)"
quizmstr "Quizmaster"
sspiritj "Scramble Spirits (Japan, Floppy DS3-5000-02-REV-A)"
supnudg2 "Super Nudger II (Version 5.21)"
thunderh "Thunder Hurricane (ver UAA)"
topshoot "Top Shooter"
trailblz "Trail Blazer"
watrball "Water Balls"
zipzap "Zip & Zip"
Note that automatic state saving is disabled on recording.
[Download] - Win32 x86 binaries, Visual C++ build.
Took a bit more time due to changes in the MAME core a few versions back, but here it is.
Note: The input viewer doesn't work in this version, due to the afore-mentioned core changes, this needs to be partially re-written. Also, the average speed output to the console doesn't work, but you can still view that using wlfview.
[Download] - Win32 binaries, commandline and GUI, Visual C++ Toolkit 2003 build.
ampoker2 "American Poker II (set 1)"
ampokr2a "American Poker II (set 2)"
ampokr2b "American Poker II (set 3)"
ampokr2c "American Poker II (set 4)"
ar_socc "World Trophy Soccer (Arcadia, V 3.0)"
attckufo "Attack Ufo"
bonuscrd "Bonus Card? (Austria)"
bubbletr "Bubble Trouble"
chewing "Chewing Gum"
cm2v841 "Cherry Master II v8.41 (set 1)"
cm2841a "Cherry Master II v8.41 (set 2)"
cmv801 "Cherry Master (v8.01)"
cookbib3 "Cookie and Bibi 3"
csk227it "Champion Skill (with Ability)"
csk234it "Champion Skill (Ability, Poker & Symbols)"
cuoreuno "Cuore Uno (Italia)"
ddsomr1 "Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (Euro 960223)"
ddux1 "Dynamite Dux (set 1, 8751 317-0095)"
drgw2j "Chuugokuryuu II (ver. 100J, Japan)"
elephfam "Elephant Family (Italia)"
elim2c "Eliminator (2 Players, cocktail)"
elim4p "Eliminator (4 Players, prototype)"
fortecar "Forte Card"
frogf "Frogger (Falcon bootleg)"
funkyfig "First Funky Fighter, The"
goldstar "Golden Star"
goldstbl "Golden Star (Blue version)"
gticlubj "GTI Club (ver JAA)"
gtmra "1000 Miglia: Great 1000 Miles Rally (94/06/13)"
igpoker "Inter Game Poker?"
indianbt "Indian Battle"
jackpool "Jackpot Pool (Italy, bootleg)"
jin "Jin"
jollycrd "Jolly Card (Austria)"
jollyjgr "Jolly Jogger"
jollypkr "Jolly Poker (Croatia)"
lottof2 "Lotto Fun 2"
lucky8 "Lucky 8 Lines"
luctoday "Lucky Today"
lvpoker "Lovely Poker [BET]"
magicbua "Magic Bubble (Adult version)"
magiccrd "Magic Card II (Bulgaria)"
masterwu "Master of Weapon (US)"
mshvsf "Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (Euro 970625)"
murogem "Muroge Monaco"
omni "Omni"
plottinu "Plotting (US)"
pmroulet "Roulette (Playmark)"
poker4 "Jolly Card (Hungary)"
poker8 "Jolly Card (bad dump?) (Hungary)"
ponttehk "Pontoon (Tehkan)"
pwrins2j "Gouketsuji Ichizoku 2 (Japan)"
r360 "G-LOC R360"
rebus "Rebus"
rcasino "Royal Casino"
royalcrd "Royal Card (Austria)"
sderby "Super Derby"
sercharj "SAR - Search And Rescue (Japan)"
sshoot11 "Sharpshooter (Rev 1.1)"
ssrdreaa "Sunset Riders (4 Players ver EAA)"
starspnr "Starspinner (Dutch/Nederlands)"
shufshot "Shuffleshot (v1.40)"
soccerss "Soccer Superstars (ver EAA)"
suratk "Surprise Attack (World ver. K)"
tetrisse "Tetris (Japan, System E)"
topgunnr "Top Gunner"
vautour2 "Vautour (set 2)"
vp906iii "906III Video Poker"
vroulet "Vegas Roulette"
wbeachv2 "World Beach Volley (set 2)"
wwfsstar "WWF Superstars (Europe)"
wwfsstaj "WWF Superstars (Japan)"
[Download] - Win32 binaries, console and GUI, Visual C++ Toolkit 2003 build.
Build based on the current XMAME/XMESS CVS, so don't expect everything to work just right. Enabled features: DGA2, Xv, OpenGL, Standard joystick driver.
Hopefully, I haven't forgotten anything :)
[Download] - Linux/x86 binaries, GCC 3.4.1 build
amerdar2 "AmeriDarts (set 2)"
backfira "Backfire! (set 2)"
candance "Cannon Dancer (Japan)"
crush4 "Crush Roller (Kural TWT)"
cannonb2 "Cannonball set 2"
edfu "E.D.F. : Earth Defense Force (North America)"
enduror1 "Enduro Racer (YM2203, FD1089B 317-0013A)"
fpoint1 "Flash Point (set 1, Japan, FD1094 317-0127A)"
korokoro "Koro Koro Quest (Japan)"
loffireu "Line of Fire / Bakudan Yarou (US, FD1094 317-0135)"
mjchuuka "Mahjong Chuukanejyo (China)"
nslashej "Night Slashers (Japan)"
pkscram "PK Scramble"
rtriv "Romar Triv"
sandscra "Sand Scorpion (set 2)"
sfza "Street Fighter Zero (Asia 950627)"
striv "Super Triv"
wink "Wink"
[Download] - Win32 binaries, console and GUI, VC++ Toolkit 2003 build
[Download] - Win32 binaries, console and GUI, GCC 3.4.2 build
animaljr "Animalandia Jr."
btlfildb "Battle Field (bootleg)"
driveyes "Driver's Eyes"
falcona "Falcon (bootleg set 2)"
finalttr "Final Tetris"
gaiapols "Gaiapolis (Europe ver EAF)"
gunmast "Gun Master"
hkagerou "Hana Kagerou [BET] (Japan)"
ladybgb2 "Lady Bug (bootleg Set 2)"
lemans24 "LeMans 24"
malzak2 "Malzak II"
mechattu "Mechanized Attack (US)"
mjreach1 "Mahjong Reach Ippatsu (Japan)"
mrkougb2 "Mr. Kougar (bootleg Set 2)"
pchmp95v "Pinball Champ '95 (Veltmeijer Automaten, bootleg?)"
puzznic "Puzznic (World)"
ragtime "Great Ragtime Show, The (Japan v1.5, 92.12.07)"
raidndxm "Raiden DX (Metrotainment license)"
rdftu "Raiden Fighters (US)"
rdftdi "Raiden Fighters (Dream Island Co. license)"
tantrkor "Tant-R (Puzzle & Action) (Korea)"
tenkomor "Tenkomori Shooting (TKM2/VER.A1)"
turtshik "Turtle Ship (Korea)"
unkmeyco "Meyco game"
winrun "Winning Run"
xmen6pu "X-Men (US 6 Players ver. UCB)"
This time I remembered to add it to the version list on the submission page :)
[Download] - Linux x86 binaries, GCC 3.3.3 build, DGA2, OpenGL, and Xv enabled.
Please note that this build is built on the XMAME/XMESS CVS as at 9 June, about 3pm NZST. There may be parts that don't work.
[Download] - Linux/x86 binaries, console, GCC 3.3.3 build, DGA, OpenGL, Xv enabled.
[Download] - Win32 binaries, console and GUI, VC++ Toolkit 2003 build
*** new games
ad2083 "A. D. 2083"
avsph "Alien vs. Predator (Hispanic 940520)"
brdrline "Borderline"
brivalj "Burning Rival (Japan)"
cosmicm2 "Cosmic Monsters 2"
couplep "Couples, The (Set 2)"
cybertnk "Cyber Tank (v1.04)"
darkmist "Lost Castle In Darkmist, The"
ddtodr1 "Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom (Euro 940113)"
exprrada "Express Raider (US set 2)"
gaiapolj "Gaiapolis (Japan ver JAF)"
gdfs "Mobile Suit Gundam Final Shooting"
gwinga "Giga Wing (Asia 990222)"
hcrashc "Hyper Crash (version C)"
hotmemry "Hot Memory (V1.2, Germany)"
hotmind "Hot Mind"
kikcubib "Kickle Cubele"
mchampdx "Multi Champ Deluxe"
mshutlj2 "Moon Shuttle (Japan set 2)"
mtlchmpa "Martial Champion (Asia ver AAA)"
rdft2 "Raiden Fighters 2"
revenger "Revenger"
rockraga "Rock 'n Rage (Prototype?)"
sbishi "Super Bishi Bashi Championship (Japan JAA)"
sfz3a "Street Fighter Zero 3 (Asia 980904)"
vmetaln "Varia Metal (New Ways Trading Co.)"
welltris "Welltris (World?, 2 players)"
xmvsfar1 "X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Asia 960919)"
yellowcb "Yellow Cab (bootleg)"
Includes Malzak II driver.
[Download] - Win32 binaries, console and GUI, GCC 3.4.2 build.
Mame name = t9-mgcrystl , who would have figured it would be shooter? Competetors have 24 hours to make a recording and 48 hours to submit it, and don't forget to submit recordings for all the other 8 games if you haven't. Have fun!
[Download] - Linux x86 binary, GCC 3.3.3 build, DGA2, Xv, and OpenGL enabled.
For those with BSOD issues under Windows 98.
[Download] - Win32 binaries, console and GUI, VC++ Toolkit 2003 build
In a self-extracting archive, for the dumb people who don't know what 7-Zip is.
[Download] - Win32 binaries, console and GUI, GCC 3.4.2 build
*** new games
aerfboot "Aero Fighters (bootleg)"
ambushv "Ambush (Volt Elec co-ltd)"
atompunk "Atomic Punk (US)"
boogwina "Boogie Wings (Asia v1.5, 92.12.07)"
cascade "Cascade"
catt "Catt (Japan)"
chokchok "Choky! Choky!"
ddcrewj "D. D. Crew (set 5, Japan, 2 Player, FD1094 317-0182)"
ddream95 "Dunk Dream '95"
dietgoj "Diet Go Go (Japan v1.1 1992.09.26)"
dietgou "Diet Go Go (USA v1.1 1992.09.26)"
dreamwld "Dream World"
drtomy "Dr. Tomy"
ehrgeiza "Ehrgeiz (EG2/VER.A)"
flytiger "Flying Tiger"
gsword2 "Great Swordsman (Japan?)"
gt3dt211 "Golden Tee 3D Golf Tournament (v2.11)"
holywact "Hollywood Action"
hoops96 "Hoops '96"
invadrmr "Space Invaders (Model Racing)"
lockon "Lock-On"
luplup "Lup Lup Puzzle / Zhuan Zhuan Puzzle (version 3.0 / 990128)"
luplup29 "Lup Lup Puzzle / Zhuan Zhuan Puzzle (version 2.9 / 990108)"
mp_soni2 "Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (Mega Play)"
mstworld "Monster World"
nsub "N-Sub"
opwolf "Operation Wolf (World)"
panicr "Panic Road"
penocup "Peno Cup?"
pktgaldj "Pocket Gal Deluxe (Japan v3.00)"
pktgaldb "Pocket Gal Deluxe (Euro v3.00, bootleg)"
promutra "Progressive Music Trivia (Question set 2)"
pspikesb "Power Spikes (bootleg)"
raveracj "Rave Racer (Rev. RV1, Japan)"
redhawkb "Red Hawk (bootleg)"
ridgerac "Ridge Racer (Rev. RR2, World)"
ridgera2 "Ridge Racer 2 (Rev. RRS2, US)"
ridger2a "Ridge Racer 2 (Rev. RRS1, Ver.B, Japan)"
rongrong-rr "Rong Rong (Europe) [Rong Rong]"
rongrong-sg "Rong Rong (Europe) [Sexy Girls]"
roughrac "Rough Racer (FD1094 317-0058-06d)"
simps4pa "Simpsons, The (4 Players alt)"
sliksh16 "Slick Shot (V1.6)"
souledga "Soul Edge Ver. II (SO3/VER.C)"
spaceftr "Space Fortress (Zaccaria)"
sshoot12 "Sharpshooter (Rev 1.2)"
survarts "Survival Arts"
sxyreac2 "Pachinko Sexy Reaction 2 (Japan)"
tekken3a "Tekken 3 (TET2/VER.A)"
torus "Torus"
triothej "Trio The Punch - Never Forget Me... (Japan)"
twrdc94a "Tecmo World Cup '94 (set 2)"
upyoural "Up Your Alley"
wbbc97 "Beach Festival World Championship 1997"
xtheball "X the Ball"
zeroteab "Zero Team (set 3)"
If you are a competetor in T9 (or plan to be), you should pay close attention to your schedule in late May and vote for days you won't be able to play the bonus Game Here.
Finally, after much confusion/rejoicing, we have the games added, t9-naname, t9-acrobatm, t9-pzloop2j-sm, t9-punisher, t9-ripoff, t9-roadf, t9-xmcota, t9-wbml. The 9th MARP tournament runs for the 8 weeks from Tuesday April 5th 2005 00:00:01 GMT to Monday May 30th 2005 00:00:01 GMT.
For the 9th tournament, please use wolf94 or xwolf94 (available shortly) only.
Check here or tournament link above and Submit Games Here, or you can use the normal marp submit link just be sure you include "t9-" in front of the gamename.
Ace13 won the 5th WCC tournament with 56 pts ; Valter_TRB_MetroidTeam is 2nd with 49 pts and Nanni is 3rd with 39 pts ... congrats to all
*** new games
aurailj "Aurail (set 1, Japan, FD1089A 317-0167)"
bestleag "Best League"
bigkong "Big Kong"
bublbob1 "Bubble Bobble (older)"
buccanra "Buccaneers (set 2)"
buggyb1 "Buggy Boy (Single Monitor)"
bullfgts "Bull Fighter (Sega)"
calorie "Calorie Kun vs Moguranian"
calorieb "Calorie Kun vs Moguranian (bootleg)"
cookbib "Cookie & Bibi"
crzrallg "Crazy Rally (Gecas license)"
demndrgn "Demons and Dragons (prototype)"
excelsr "Excelsior"
hexpool "Hex Pool"
hookj "Hook (Japan)"
lbgrande "Libero Grande (LG2/VER.A)"
mp_bio "Bio-hazard Battle (Mega Play)"
mp_gslam "Grand Slam (Mega Play)"
mp_mazin "Mazin Wars (Mega Play)"
mp_sor2 "Streets of Rage II (Mega Play)"
mt_asyn "Alien Syndrome (Mega-Tech)"
mt_shang "Super Hang-On (Mega-Tech)"
nagano98 "Nagano Winter Olympics '98 (GX720 EAA)"
passshtj "Passing Shot (Japan, 4 Players, FD1094 317-0070)"
pbactio3 "Pinball Action (set 3, encrypted?)"
pclubysa-bl "Puzzle Club (Yun Sung - set 2) [Box Logic]"
pclubysa-bp "Puzzle Club (Yun Sung - set 2) [Bogle Puyo]"
pclubysa-mb "Puzzle Club (Yun Sung - set 2) [Magic Bubble]"
pclubysa-me "Puzzle Club (Yun Sung - set 2) [Magic Eye]"
pclubysa-ml "Puzzle Club (Yun Sung - set 2) [Mad Ball]"
pclubysa-rt "Puzzle Club (Yun Sung - set 2) [Rocktris]"
pinboa "Pinbo (set 2)"
pipeline "Pipeline"
pitnruna "Pit & Run (set 2)"
pkladila "Poker Ladies (Leprechaun ver. 401)"
puyoj "Puyo Puyo (Japan)"
searchey "Search Eye"
skylance "Sky Lancer (Esco Trading Co license)"
snapper "Snapper (Korea)"
ssrdradd "Sunset Riders (Asia 4 Players ver. ADD)"
starfir2 "Star Fire 2"
startrkd "Star Trek (Defender bootleg)"
tecmowcm "Tecmo World Cup Millenium (JAPAN)"
tekkenc "Tekken (TE1/VER.B)"
tx1 "TX-1"
wb34 "Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair (set 4, Japan, System 16B, FD1094 317-0087)"
Only change is fixing the Puzz Loop 2 sample loading so they are non-byteswapped.
[Download] - Win32 console and GUI, GCC 3.4.2 build
Please Submit your game selections with a reply to this Post. A few things will change, one of them is that this tourney you can submit 4 games for potential inclusion in the 9 games that will be selected for tournament play.
*** new originals
choko "Choko (Japan 010820)"
mkyawdim "Mortal Kombat (Yawdim bootleg)"
moremore "More More"
pitfigh4 "Pit Fighter (rev 4)"
rdftj "Raiden Fighters (Japan set 2)"
rdft2a "Raiden Fighters 2 (Asia, Dream Island license, SPI)"
rdft2j "Raiden Fighters 2 (Japan, SPI)"
rfjetj "Raiden Fighters Jet (Japan)"
ringkinw "Ring King (US, Woodplace license)"
viprp1s "Viper Phase 1 (Switzerland, New Version)"
viprp1ot "Viper Phase 1 (Germany)"
sfzbr1 "Street Fighter Zero (Brazil 950727)"
sfz2h "Street Fighter Zero 2 (Hispanic 960304)"
timecrs2 "Time Crisis 2"
twinkle "Twinkle"
*** changed long
3in1semi "3-in-1 (SemiCom)" -> "XESS - The New Revolution (SemiCom 3-in-1)"
gloc "G-LOC Air Battle" -> "G-LOC Air Battle (US)"
pitfight "Pit Fighter (rev 4)" -> "Pit Fighter (rev 5)"
rchase "Rail Chase" -> "Rail Chase (Japan)"
rdft "Raiden Fighters (Japan)" -> "Raiden Fighters (Japan set 1)"
rdft2 "Raiden Fighters 2 (Europe, SPI)" -> "Raiden Fighters 2 (Asia, Metrotainment license, SPI)"
strkfgtr "Strike Fighter" -> "Strike Fighter (Japan)"
yard "10 Yard Fight (Japan)" -> "10-Yard Fight (Japan)"
vsyard "10 Yard Fight (Vs. version World, 11/05/84)" -> "Vs 10-Yard Fight (World, 11/05/84)"
vsyard2 "10 Yard Fight (Vs. version Japan, set 2)" -> "Vs 10-Yard Fight (Japan)"
*** changed short
puzloop2-pm -> pzloop2j-pm "Puzz Loop 2 (Japan 010205) [Power Mode]"
puzloop2-sm -> pzloop2j-sm "Puzz Loop 2 (Japan 010205) [Stage Mode]"
*** changed both
viperp1 -> viprp1 "Viper Phase 1 (New Version)" -> "Viper Phase 1 (Japan, New Version)"
viperp1o -> viprp1o "Viper Phase 1" -> "Viper Phase 1 (Japan)"
*** deleted
hyperpaa "Hyper Pacman (set 2)"
Racing for 6th week ; there will be a special bonus point for the first player who will finish the game (6 races) with 6 first places
In 7-Zip format for size (and UPX crappyness) reasons.
[Download] - Win32 console and GUI, GCC 3.4.2 build, 7,083kB
*** new
acombat "Astro Combat"
aliens3 "Aliens (World set 3)"
aliensj2 "Aliens (Japan set 2)"
alphamis "Alpha Mission"
defense "Defense (System 16B, FD1089A 317-0028)"
gdariusb "G-Darius (Ver 2.02A)"
ghoshunt "Ghost Hunter"
hiimpacp "High Impact Football (prototype, rev 8.6 12/09/90)"
lithero "Little Hero"
mquake "Moonquake"
sprcrs2a "Super Cross 2 (Japan set 2)"
sprmatkd "Super Missile Attack (not encrypted)"
suratk "Surprise Attack (Asia ver. L)"
turbosub "Turbo Sub"
tutstomb "Tuts Tomb"
ufosensb "Ufo Senshi Yohko Chan (not encrypted)"
*** changed short
surpratk -> suratkj "Surprise Attack (Japan ver. M)"
*** changed both
rf2_eur -> rdft2 "Raiden Fighters 2 (EUR, SPI)" -> "Raiden Fighters 2 (Europe, SPI)"
rf2_us -> rdft2us "Raiden Fighters 2 (US, Single Board)" -> "Raiden Fighters 2.1 (US, Single Board)"
rf2_2k -> rdft22kc "Raiden Fighters 2 - 2000" -> "Raiden Fighters 2 - 2000 (China)"
[Download] - Win32 binaries, console and GUI, GCC 3.4.2 build
Volleyball for 5th week ; rankings updated, Ace13 leads with 3 points at half tournament
The 4th game is Chrono Soldier (short name = tokisens)
This week's game is Zintrick [zintrckb].
*** new
bronx "Bronx"
cartfury "Cart Fury"
champbwl "Championship Bowling"
champb2a "Champion Baseball II (set 2)"
colt "Colt"
couple "Couples, The"
dambust "Dambusters (set 2)"
dambustr "Dambusters (set 1)"
eggvent7 "Egg Venture (Release 7)"
futflash "Futur Flash"
gauntdl "Gauntlet Dark Legacy"
gauntleg "Gauntlet Legends (version 1.5)"
gauntl12 "Gauntlet Legends (version 1.2)"
gt2k "Golden Tee 2K (v1.00)"
gt2ks100 "Golden Tee 2K (v1.00S)"
gt2kt500 "Golden Tee 2K Tournament (v5.00)"
gt3d "Golden Tee 3D Golf (v1.93N)"
gt3dl192 "Golden Tee 3D Golf (v1.92L)"
gt3dl191 "Golden Tee 3D Golf (v1.91L)"
gt3ds192 "Golden Tee 3D Golf (v1.92S)"
gt3dv18 "Golden Tee 3D Golf (v1.8)"
gt3dv17 "Golden Tee 3D Golf (v1.7)"
gt3dv16 "Golden Tee 3D Golf (v1.6)"
gt3dv15 "Golden Tee 3D Golf (v1.5)"
gt3dv14 "Golden Tee 3D Golf (v1.4)"
gt3dt231 "Golden Tee 3D Golf Tournament (v2.31)"
gt97 "Golden Tee '97 (v1.30)"
gt97v122 "Golden Tee '97 (v1.22)"
gt97v121 "Golden Tee '97 (v1.21)"
gt97s121 "Golden Tee '97 (v1.21S)"
gt97v120 "Golden Tee '97 (v1.20)"
gt97t240 "Golden Tee '97 Tournament (v2.40)"
gt98 "Golden Tee '98 (v1.10)"
gt98v100 "Golden Tee '98 (v1.00)"
gt98s100 "Golden Tee '98 (v1.00S)"
gt98t303 "Golden Tee '98 Tournament (v3.03)"
gt99 "Golden Tee '99 (v1.00)"
gt99s100 "Golden Tee '99 (v1.00S)"
gt99t400 "Golden Tee '99 Tournament (v4.00)"
gtclassc "Golden Tee Classic (v1.00)"
gtclassp "Golden Tee Classic (v1.00) Alt"
gtcls100 "Golden Tee Classic (v1.00S)"
gunpey "Gunpey"
hyperpaa "Hyper Pacman (set 2)"
jockeygp "Jockey Grand Prix"
joinem "Joinem"
karatblj "Karate Blazers (Japan)"
kothello "Kyuukyoku no Othello"
kof97pls "King of Fighters '97 Plus, The (bootleg)"
kof2002 "King of Fighters 2002, The"
laserbas "Laser Base (set 1)"
laserbsa "Laser Base (set 2)"
landbrka "Land Breaker (World) / Miss Tang Ja Ru Gi (Korea) (ver 3.02)"
matrim "Matrimelee"
minesw4p "Minesweeper (4-Player)"
monzagp "Monza GP"
ms4plus "Metal Slug 4 Plus (bootleg)"
nbashowt "NBA Showtime: NBA on NBC"
nbanfl "NBA Showtime / NFL Blitz 2000"
ppking "Ping Pong King"
ptblank2 "Point Blank 2 (GNB3/VER.A)"
puckmanh "Puckman (Falcom?)"
pushmana "Pushman (Korea, set 2)"
racknrol "Rack + Roll"
rezont "Rezon (Taito)"
roadburn "Road Burners"
rotd "Rage of the Dragons"
sfru2049 "San Francisco Rush 2049"
spaceg "Space Guerilla"
suprtrio "Super Trio"
tenthdeg "Tenth Degree"
trvchlng "Trivia Challenge"
vliner "V-Liner (set 1)"
vlinero "V-Liner (set 2)"
wallca "Wall Crash (set 2)"
warfa "War: The Final Assault"
wcbwl140 "World Class Bowling Tournament (v1.40)"
wcbowldx "World Class Bowling Deluxe (v2.00)"
wldarrow "Wild Arrow"
*** changes
Too many to list -- see msg board
[Download] - Win32 console and GUI, GCC 3.4.2 build
This week's game is madgear - "Mad Gear (US)"
*** new
11beat "Eleven Beat"
4in1boot "Puzzle King (bootleg)"
anteatgb "Anteater, The (UK)"
bomblord "Bomber Lord (bootleg)"
clshrdst "Clash-Road (Status license)"
ctrpllrp "Caterpillar Pacman Hack"
dacholer "Dacholer"
ddp2 "Bee Storm - DoDonPachi II"
ertictac "Erotictac/Tactic"
ga2 "Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder (World)"
gtmr2u "Great 1000 Miles Rally 2 USA (95/05/18)"
jumpshtp "Jump Shot Engineering Sample"
kabukiz "Kabuki-Z (World)"
kickboy "Kick Boy"
kof2001 "King of Fighters 2001, The (set 1)"
kof2001h "King of Fighters 2001, The (set 2)"
merlinmm "Merlins Money Maze"
mslug4 "Metal Slug 4"
mtetrisc "Magical Tetris Challenge (981009 Japan)"
othundrj "Operation Thunderbolt (Japan)"
pontoon "Pontoon"
puzloop2 "Puzz Loop 2 (Japan 010205)"
puzzli2 "Puzzli 2 Super"
shangupb "Super Hang-On (Hang-On upgrade, bootleg)"
shangonc "Super Hang-On (set 4, FD1089B 317-0034)"
shtridra "Shot Rider (Sigma license)"
snowbro3 "Snow Brothers 3 - Magical Adventure"
sprglobp "Super Glob (Pac-Man hardware)"
ssfindo "See See Find Out"
tarzan "Tarzan"
tazzmang "Tazz-Mania (Galaxian Hardware)"
thnderxa "Thunder Cross (Set 2)"
topracrb "Top Racer (set 3)"
vanvanb "Van-Van Car (set 3)"
winspike "Winning Spike (ver EAA)"
*** changed
ga2 -> ga2u "Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder (US)"
kabukiz -> kabukizj "Kabuki-Z (Japan)"
sleague -> smleague "Super Major League (U 960108 V1.000)"
spidey -> spideyu "Spider-Man: The Videogame (US)"
spideyj -> spidey "Spider-Man: The Videogame (Japan / World?)" -> "Spider-Man: The Videogame (World)"
winspike -> winspikj "Winning Spike (ver JAA)"
Wcc5 is starting today ; 1st game is "ddonpach" ; rules under "WCC" in the upper banner
[Download] - Win32 console and GUI, GCC build
*** new originals
abcop "A.B. Cop (FD1094 317-0169b)"
ar_airh "SportTime Table Hockey (Arcadia)"
ar_bowl "SportTime Bowling (Arcadia, V 2.1)"
ar_dart "World Darts (Arcadia, V 2.1)"
ar_fast "Magic Johnson's Fast Break (Arcadia, V 2.8?)"
ar_ldrb-ed "Leader Board Golf (Arcadia, V 2.4?) [Edinburgh]"
ar_ldrb-fk "Leader Board Golf (Arcadia, V 2.4?) [Florida Keys]"
ar_ldrb-os "Leader Board Golf (Arcadia, V 2.4?) [Osaka]"
ar_ldrb-ps "Leader Board Golf (Arcadia, V 2.4?) [Palm Springs]"
ar_ldrba-ed "Leader Board Golf (Arcadia, V 2.5) [Edinburgh]"
ar_ldrba-fk "Leader Board Golf (Arcadia, V 2.5) [Florida Keys]"
ar_ldrba-os "Leader Board Golf (Arcadia, V 2.5) [Osaka]"
ar_ldrba-ps "Leader Board Golf (Arcadia, V 2.5) [Palm Springs]"
ar_ninj "Ninja Mission (Arcadia, V 2.5)"
ar_rdwr "Road Wars (Arcadia, V 2.3)"
ar_sdwr "Sidewinder (Arcadia, V 2.1)"
ar_spot "Cool Spot (Arcadia, Prototype?)"
ar_sprg "Space Ranger (Arcadia)"
ar_xeon "Xenon (Arcadia, V 2.3)"
bass "Sega Bass Fishing"
buccanrs "Buccaneers"
crysking "Crystal of Kings, The"
daytona2 "Daytona USA 2"
desertbr "Desert Breaker (FD1094 317-0196)"
dirtdvls "Dirt Devils"
evosocc "Evolution Soccer"
harley "Harley-Davidson and L.A. Riders"
kabukiz "Kabuki-Z (Japan)"
kdeadeye "Dead Eye (Konami)"
lostwsga "Lost World, The"
metlhawk "Metal Hawk"
mt_arrow "Arrow Flash (Mega-Tech)"
mt_astrm "Alien Storm (Mega-Tech"
ordyne "Ordyne (Japan, English Version)"
pokrdice "Poker Dice"
progear "Progear (US 010117)"
promutrv "Progressive Music Trivia"
rachero "Racing Hero (FD1094 317-0144)"
riot "Riot"
scorpion "Scorpion (set 1)"
scud "Scud Race (Australia)"
srally2 "Sega Rally 2"
srmp6 "Super Real Mahjong P6 (Japan)"
swtrilgy "Star Wars Trilogy"
trvmstr "Trivia Master"
vf3 "Virtua Fighter 3"
von2 "Virtual On 2: Oratorio Tangram"
vs2 "Virtua Striker 2 (Step 2.0)"
vs298 "Virtua Striker 2 '98 (Step 2.0)"
vs2v991 "Virtua Striker 2 '99.1"
*** new clones
abattle "Astro Battle (set 1)" [astrof]
abattle2 "Astro Battle (set 2)" [astrof]
afire "Astro Fire" [astrof]
arabfgtj "Arabian Fight (Japan)" [arabfgt]
astormb "Alien Storm (US, 3 Players, FD1094 317-0147)" [astorm]
bayroutb "Bay Route (Japan, FD1094 317-0115)" [bayroute]
bloodbra "Blood Bros. (set 2)" [bloodbro]
cottona "Cotton (US, FD1094 317-0180)" [cotton]
eswatj "E-Swat - Cyber Police (Japan, FD1094 317-0128)" [eswat]
greatgur "Great Gurianos (Japan?)" [gladiatr]
gt103ab "Trivia (Version 1.03a Alt questions 2)" [gt103a]
hncholms "Hunchback Olympic (Scramble hardware)" [huncholy]
jchan2 "Jackie Chan in Fists of Fire" [jchan]
jumpcoat "Jump Coaster (Taito)" [jumpcoas]
lckywldj "Lucky & Wild (Japan)" [luckywld]
loffirej "Line of Fire (Japan, FD1094 317-0134)" [loffire]
progeara "Progear (Asia 010117)" [progear]
progearj "Progear no Arashi (Japan 010117)" [progear]
radmu "Rad Mobile (US)" [radm]
scrpiona "Scorpion (set 2)" [scorpion]
scuda "Scud Race (Export)" [scud]
sgunnerj "Steel Gunner (Japan)" [sgunner]
shinobaa "Shinobi (set 3, System 16A, unprotected)" [shinobi]
shinobic "Shinobi (set 4, System 16B, unprotected)" [shinobi]
smgpe "Super Monaco GP (set 6, World, 'Air Drive Cabinet', FD1094 317-0126)" [smgp]
smgpf "Super Monaco GP (set 7, World, Rev B, 'Twin', FD1094 317-0126a)" [smgp]
sspirtf "Scramble Spirits (FD1094 317-0058-02)" [sspirtf]
tetrisaa "Tetris (Japan, System 16A, FD1094 317-0093a)" [tetris]
umk3r10 "Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (rev 1.0)" [mk3]
vf3tb "Virtua Fighter 3 Team Battle" [vf3]
von254g "Virtual On 2: Oratorio Tangram (ver 5.4g)" [von2]
vs215 "Virtua Striker 2 (Step 1.5)" [vs2]
vs29815 "Virtua Striker 2 '98 (Step 1.5)" [vs298]
vs299 "Virtua Striker 2 '99" [vs2v991]
wrestwrb "Wrestle War (World, FD1094 317-0102)" [wrestwar]
wwallyb "Where's Wally? (FD1094 317-?)" [wwally]
*** changed short
gt103asa -> gt103aa "Trivia (Version 1.03a Alt questions 1)"
metlhawk -> metlhwkj "Metal Hawk (Japan)"
ordyne -> ordynej "Ordyne (Japan)"
tetrisa -> tetrisb "Tetris (Japan, set 1, System 16B, FD1094 317-0092)"
tetrisb -> tetrisba "Tetris (Japan, set 2, System 16B, FD1094 317-0091)"
tnzs -> tnzsj "NewZealand Story, The (Japan)"
*** changed both
tnzs2 -> tnzs "NewZealand Story 2, The (World)" -> "NewZealand Story, The (World, newer)"
tnzsb -> tnzso "NewZealand Story, The (World, bootleg)" -> "NewZealand Story, The (World, older)"
Get yer Progear inps ready. :)
Some extra code changes this time, mostly due to core changes, so there should be no difference in functionality. Just warning you now, just in case it all goes pair-shaped (it shouldn't but you never know) :)
[Download] - Win32 binaries, console and GUI, GCC build
Important info on this version here. Please read, or else. :)
[Download] - Win32 binaries, console and GUI, GCC build.
Before last week, a drop game : hatch catch (htchctch) ; results of previous rounds there