This site contains no ROMs at all. All email requesting ROMs will be ignored.
Want to communicate with others at MARP? Click here!
2004 has just begun here in Sweden, and I would like to wish you all a happy new year!! Let´s hope that MARP continues to grow, and best of luck to you all with your new highscores in 2004! CHEEEERS!
For those of you that wish to start the new year with a MAME tourney, I can recomend you to sign up for Ron Corcoran´s DECA 2004. All the info you need can be found at
Good luck!
At last, MARP has been recognised as a major site. This invitation arrived in the mail this morning:
I am contacting you to invite you to list your site into our regional directory D-I-S-C-O-V-E-R.COM, under "Bulgaria" section. Our goal is to create a relevant regional directory for Bulgaria. We have prepared a simple submission page and your link will be up in maximum 24 hours.
It's good to be noticed at last! :)
Do you often see the white 'error' page when you're trying to upload a recording?
Some people using a dial-up connection tell me that it fails almost every time.
If you are having problems uploading, try this new script.
You will have to fill in the login screen to use it. If the login screen comes up again and again and doesn't let you log in, it's because you have 3rd party cookies disabled. To fix it you can either enable 3rd party cookies in your browser (but that lets advertisers spy on your on-line habits more easily) or you can click the link in the top frame.
Lagavulin has announced the start of tournament 7. See the full thread here:
We'll play the 7th MARP regular tournament from Saturday 08th November 2003, 00.00.01 GMT until Saturday 20th December 2003, 23.59.59 GMT.
You can use the Tournament section of MARP to upload your recordings and see the leaderboard. See also a page of informations about the games ( rules, settings, scoring ... ) :
Take care of the special scoring for the games CAMELTRY and MAGICAL DROP 2. See the URL above for details.
Below is the list of versions of MAME to use and the list of games with their judges and settings.
Have fun !
1 ) BIOMECHANICAL TOYS ( t7-biomtoy )
Judge : Francois Daniel
Default settings
2 ) CAMELTRY ( t7-cameltry-spc )
Judge : Phil Lamat
Default settings, special course.
Special scoring
3 ) CYBATTLER ( t7-cybattlr )
Judge : Skito
Default settings
4 ) GIGAS MARK II ( t7-gigasm2b )
Judge : Le Claqueur Fou
Default settings
5 ) KYROS ( t7-kyros )
Judge : Storm
Default settings
6 ) LUNAR RESCUE ( t7-lrescue )
Judge : Dax
Default settings
7 ) MAGICAL DROP 2 ( t7-magdrop2-sm )
Judge : Gameboy9
Survival Mode, Medium Difficulty
Special scoring.
8 ) MAPPY ( t7-mappy )
Judge : Wuzel
Default settings
2003 MARP Tournament Coordinator.
Wcc3 is just over. Final podium is : 1-Destructor (74 pts) 2-Dax (43 pts) 3-Wuzel (33pts). Wcc will be back in 2004
MAME 0.76
WolfMAME Plus 0.76
MAME 0.75
MAME Plus! 0.75
WolfMAME Plus! 0.75
I have written a script to allow automatic editing of this page.
I have modified the MARP scripts such that if an editor modifies one of your uploads you will receive an email (to your 'private' email address) telling you what was changed. If you would like to opt out of receiving these emails please just reply to the email saying so.
A couple of days ago I modified the MARP scripts so that they use an external mail server to send upload notifications. The ZTnet mail server has been very laggy recently, taking up to 24 hours to send emails, so now you should be seeing upload emails much faster than before.
As a consequence of this change I am now seeing a lot of bounced emails. If your 'private' email address starts bouncing I will set your account to 'never send email'. If you you want to fix your email address and re-enable the upload notifications then you can do so here.
WCC 3 has begun.
First game this time is Blockout.
25 left. 4 of the previous 29 have been beaten by their uploader since they were uploaded.
29 recordings missing. That's not bad considering we lost 271 of them. Can you help with the rest?
38 recordings still missing. If you have any of them please mail them to me. marp at ztnet dot com.
46 to go after Wuzel sent me his lost recordings. I had a reply from ZTnet telling me what happened:We had a major catastrophie and lost our primary fileserver. The latest 'successful' backup was on the 5th of June. Normally we have daily, but this was a rare and unforeseen occurance. We are currently running on the backup fileserver. All data between the 5th and 10th is lost, and unrecoverable. :( I am truly sorry about this, and we are doing what we can to get back up and running again.Oops!
We have just 48 more recordings to find now. If you have any of these on your hard disk please email them to MARP at ztnet dot com. Thanks.
Down to the last 78 now. Thanks.
'zlk' emailed me a bunch of recordings that he had downloaded and kept, so they're now back in place. I still need 82 more though. Check the list of missing recordings and if you have any of them please email them to the site using marp at ztnet dot com instead of the usual address - this will save my poor modem having to download them and re-upload them.
It looks like there has been a disk crash in the server that hosts MARP. 217 recordings just disappeared. I have mailed the site administrators asking what's going on, but at the moment it looks possible that anything uploaded between 21:00 GMT on Thu Jun 5 and 18:30 GMT on Tue Jun 10 18:30:24 2003 has been lost.
A list of the affected recordings can be found here.
Knockout 3 has begun.
You can now start uploading your qualification recording for Ultimate Tennis [ultennis]. All you need to do is win one match. Simple, huh? Here's the details.
When I checked today, we had over 50,000 recordings, all stored in a single directory on the server. This isn't a good situation, big directories are very inefficient, so I am reorganising the recordings, moving them into sub-directories. This will take a few hours to finish, and will break any existing direct links to recordings.
Techy note: the recordings are being moved as follows: take the recording's file name, without the '.zip' extension. Generate the MD5 digest of that name, take the first 3 hex digits, and that gives you the 3 directories that the file is moved to. For example, take the file that used to be located here: "". The MD5 digest of the string "zw_gorf_9220_tgdmame66" is "f6bdd751424b03956e8c06ac09163aff", so the recording is moved to "". To generate MD5 digests in Python, I do the following:>>> import md5 >>> m = >>> m.update("zw_gorf_9220_tgdmame66") >>> m.hexdigest() 'f6bdd751424b03956e8c06ac09163aff'Your language will probably have some similar library.
Yes, I know this is late. The following comes from Skito:
The Alpha Blocking vote has passed, revealing that everyone wants a clean, fair, competitive site that awards AlphaMAME submisions more than any other mame. What does this mean for MARPers? Basically it means if you plan on getting a high score and want to keep it at the number 1 position use AlphaMAME. Or your score could get blocked by another AlphaMAME submitter.
The 6th MARP Tournament is underway! You can now upload INPs for the tournament games. The games are as follows:
Boulderdash [Part 1] Dangun Feveron [Time Attack] Psychic 5 Ixion (Prototype) Final Fight (World) Parodius DA! (Japan) Pleasure Goal Wit's (Japan)
More info if you click the Tournament link in the top frame. And most importantly, have fun!
WCC 2 is over, and Phil Lamat is the champion. Full details are here.
Ok, now it's time to vote for the games you want in T6. You can vote for any three games you want from AlphaMAME 0.62 (that's 3,599 total games) that haven't been in any previous MARP competition. Go here to cast your votes.
Lagavulin, the tournament coordinator, has posted a couple of important polls at the Tournament Forum. Make sure you check them out and vote.
I just made a long-awaited change to the site to allow 64 bit scores. The scores used to be stored in a signed 32 bit column, giving a maximum allowed score of around 2 billion. The maximum should not be a lot higher. It is quite possible that I've missed some changes that I should have made. Please let me know if you find any.
Election 2002 results:
Regulation Coordinator: Pat Laffaye (12 votes)
Tournament Coordinator: Lagavulin (12 votes)
Knockout Coordinators: Phil Lamat (10 votes), Donut (8 votes), Kale (8 votes).
All editors received at least 50% confidence, and will stay on as is.
Round 2 of WCC 2 is over. Results can be found here. The game for round 3 is Super Sprint [ssprint].
It's election time!
These are the candidates:
Regulation: Pat Laffaye. That's all.
Just give a yes or no for this position.
Tournament: Lagavulin.
Again, just give a yes or no for this position.
Knockout: Donut, Lagavulin, Phil Lamat, Storm, Kale.
Vote for three of these.
Also, all editors are under a confidence vote, so give a yes or no for each of them: BeeJay, Ben Jos Wallbeehm, BBH, Frankie, Skito, Pat Laffaye, Barry Rodewald.
Read the rules before you vote. The vote is private, so votes must be e-mailed to me. Or you can message me privately on #marp.
Round 1 of WCC 2 is over. Results can be found here. The game for round 2 is Phozon [phozon].
WCC 2 has begun, and the first round game is Armed Formation [armedf].
Nominations for the 2002 MARP elections are now being taken. Nominations are needed for regulation, tournament and three knockout coordinators. Submit your nominations by replying to this thread, by private message, by e-mail, or through IRC.
The folks at Snipercade are looking for the following people to head over there to see what certificates need to be sent:
Brian Johnstone, Jim Lang, Alvaro Marques, Andrew Bornstein, Ben Jos Walbeehm, Kenneth Thomas, Leslaw Skrzypek, Ryan Gavigan, Jonathan Ewing, John Drake, Anders Svensson, Mike Daniels, David Yancey, Gary Lee.
The Internet's largest online classic gaming competition site is about to pull off one of the greatest tournaments ever! Snipercade is about to start the 5th Annual MAME Tournament, where the winner will get a free Hanaho Hotrod! Of course, to have the best chance at winning is voting for what games will be in, so you have until December 31, 2002, so hurry your votes in! Three months can move by fast when you have the best emulation peripheral at stake!
Thanks to J.D. for the news.
Another vote here, this time on baseball scoring. This is the third poll on the subject, and really needs a clear result.
Also, episode 2 of MARP Starcade will take place on IRC. The rules are here, and you can join in on #marp on Lazynet ( or It will take place at Sunday 0200GMT / Saturday 10pm eastern.
Cast your vote for the next WCC coordinator right here.
Oh, and some more Tips and stuff have been added to the weird stuff page over the last couple of days.
WCC has ended and LeClaqueurFou is the overall winner. Congratulations to LCF on a fine win.
Here's a quick reminder to check out this post, and vote on the scoring system you want for baseball games.
Donut has submitted another Paperboy glitch for the Tips page.
Pika163 has submitted an easter egg for Out Run.
WCC Round 9 has ended, and LeClaqueurFou won it on Power Spikes II, and now has an unbeatable lead in the championship. The round 10 game is World Heroes Pefect
WCC Round 8 has ended, and Frankie won this round with 4,256,900 on Pop 'n Bounce. The round 9 game is Power Spikes II [pspikes2]. But before you go playing it, read this first.
More weird stuff added. This time the Paperboy lawnmower trick, courtesy of Alex Weir.
The Tips, Tricks, and Easter Eggs page has seen another update, with Phil Lamat adding the GNG infinite time trick.
The Tips, Tricks, and Easter Eggs page has been updated with two new recordings, one for Alpine Ski, and the other for Street Fighter II.
UPDATE: Three more recordings added, courtesy of Joey.