This site contains no ROMs at all. All email requesting ROMs will be ignored.
Want to communicate with others at MARP? Click here!
Pat updated the database for the new MAME 0.36 beta 14 release.
These games are new:and these games have just had their long names changed:baluba "Baluba-louk no Densetsu" blkhole "Black Hole" cosmognj "Cosmo Gang the Video (Japan)" galag88b "Galaga '88 (set 2)" hopmappy "Hopping Mappy" junglkj2 "Jungle King (Japan, earlier)" knockout "Knock Out !!" marvlanj "Marvel Land (Japan)" pinbos "Pinbo (Strike)" plumppop "Plump Pop (Japan)" poleposa "Pole Position (Atari version 2)" skykiddx "Sky Kid Deluxe (set 1)" skykiddo "Sky Kid Deluxe (set 2)" soldamj "Soldam (Japan)" spy "S.P.Y. - Special Project Y (US)" streakng "Streaking" sws93 "Super World Stadium '93 Gekitouban (Japan)" tankfrce "Tank Force (US)" tankfrcj "Tank Force (Japan)"cosmogng "Cosmo Gang the Video (Japan)" -> "Cosmo Gang the Video (US)" galaga88 "Galaga '88" -> "Galaga '88 (set 1)" junglek "Jungle King (Japan?)" -> "Jungle King (Japan)" marvland "Marvel Land (Japan)" -> "Marvel Land (US)" pacmanbl "Pac-Man (bootleg on Pisces hardware)" -> "Pac-Man (bootleg on Galaxian hardware)" polepos "Pole Position (version 2)" -> "Pole Position" polepos1 "Pole Position (version 1)" -> "Pole Position (Atari version 1)" polepos2 "Pole Position II (set 1)" -> "Pole Position II (Atari set 1)" poleps2a "Pole Position II (set 2)" -> "Pole Position II (Atari set 2)"
Pat updated the database for the new MAME 0.36 beta 13 release.
These games are new:this game has had both its short and long names changed:99lstwra "'99 The Last War (alternate)" aliensu "Aliens (US)" blockhl "Block Hole" blswhstl "Bells & Whistles" darkseaj "Dark Seal (Japan)" devstor3 "Devastators (version V)" dkongjpo "Donkey Kong (Japan set 2)" dotrikun "Dottori Kun (new version)" dotriku2 "Dottori Kun (old version)" fastlane "Fast Lane" gradius3 "Gradius III (Japan)" grdius3a "Gradius III (Asia)" minivadr "Minivader" mrvikinj "Mister Viking (Japan)" ninjemak "Ninja Emaki (US)" nov2001u "Nova 2001 (US)" pacnchmp "Pac-Man & Chomp Chomp" splash "Splash" thndrx2 "Thunder Cross II (Japan)" youma "Youma Ninpou Chou (Japan)"and these games have just had their long names changed:boscomd2 -> boscomdo "Bosconian (Midway, set 2)" -> "Bosconian (Midway, old version)"aliens "Aliens (set 1)" -> "Aliens (World set 1)" aliens2 "Aliens (set 2)" -> "Aliens (World set 2)" boscomd "Bosconian (Midway, set 1)" -> "Bosconian (Midway, new version)" dkongjp "Donkey Kong (Japan)" -> "Donkey Kong (Japan set 1)" nemesuk "Nemesis (UK)" -> "Nemesis (World?)" nova2001 "Nova 2001" -> "Nova 2001 (Japan)" pinbo "Pinbo (Strike)" -> "Pinbo"
Pat updated the database for the new MAME 0.36 beta 12 release.
These games are new:and this game has had both its short and long names changed:archriv2 "Arch Rivals (rev 2.0)" burningh "Burning Fight (set 2)" dspirito "Dragon Spirit (old version)" finalizb "Finalizer - Super Transformation (bootleg)" hal21 "HAL21" hal21j "HAL21 (Japan)" madgearj "Mad Gear (Japan)" madmotor "Mad Motor" paintrlr "Paint Roller" pinbo "Pinbo (Strike)" raidena "Raiden (Alternate Hardware)" raidenk "Raiden (Korea)" rthundrb -> rthundro archrivl "Arch Rivals" -> "Arch Rivals (rev 4.0)" burningf "Burning Fight" -> "Burning Fight (set 1)" dairesya "Dai-ressya Goutou (Japan)" -> "Dai Ressya Goutou (Japan)" dspirit "Dragon Spirit" -> "Dragon Spirit (new version)" higemaru "HigeMaru" -> "Pirate Ship HigeMaru"spaltanx -> spartanx "Spaltan X (Japan)" -> "Spartan X (Japan)"
voting is still going on until January 10th for Tourney 3 (
archives was also updated ( that link also includes the top scores of the two tourneys combined... sort of neater looking stats file too... finally
rules was updated (
The 2nd MARP Tournament finished a couple of days ago. GameBoy has uploaded some stuff, as follows:
Merry Christmas one and all!
Every man is an island / and the tide is coming in. To have never known yourself / is the ultimate sin.
Dave Kaupp has made a polling booth available for MARP votes. You can see it HERE.
In beta 11: These games are new:and these games have just had their long names changed:bladstle "Blades of Steel (version E)" centipb2 "Centipede (bootleg set 2)" cischeat "Cisco Heat" dairesya "Dai-ressya Goutou (Japan)" drgnbstr "Dragon Buster" f1gpstar "F1 Grand Prix Star" logitec "Space Invaders (Logitec)" mx5000 "MX5000" percuss "Percussor, The" phoenixa "Phoenix (Centuri)" polepos "Pole Position (version 2)" polepos1 "Pole Position (version 1)" polepos2 "Pole Position II (set 1)" poleps2a "Pole Position II (set 2)" punishru "Punisher, The (US)" sercharu "SAR - Search And Rescue (US)" sisv2 "Space Invaders (SV Version 2)" skykid "Sky Kid" soccer "Atari Soccer" spacewr3 "Space War Part 3" starw "Star Wars" swarm "Swarm" topracer "Top Racer" vimanan "Vimana (Nova Apparate GMBH & Co)"bladestl "Blades of Steel" -> "Blades of Steel (version T)" bmaster "Blade Master input_ports_(World) (World)" -> "Blade Master (World)" centipdb "Centipede (bootleg)" -> "Centipede (bootleg set 1)" drtoppel "Dr. Toppel Tankentai (Japan)" -> "Dr. Toppel's Tankentai (Japan)" gunforce "Gunforce - Battle Fire Engulfed Terror Island input_ports_(World) (World)" -> "Gunforce - Battle Fire Engulfed Terror Island (World)" gunforcu "Gunforce - Battle Fire Engulfed Terror Island (US)" -> "Gunforce - Battle Fire Engulfed Terror Island (US)" gunhohki "Gun Hohki input_ports_(Japan) (Japan)" -> "Gun Hohki (Japan)" hook "Hook input_ports_(World) (World)" -> "Hook (World)" inthunt "In The Hunt input_ports_(World) (World)" -> "In The Hunt (World)" kaiteids "Kaitei Daisensou input_ports_(Japan) (Japan)" -> "Kaitei Daisensou (Japan)" majtitl2 "Major Title 2 input_ports_(World) (World)" -> "Major Title 2 (World)" mysticri "Mystic Riders input_ports_(World) (World)" -> "Mystic Riders (World)" pong "Pong!" -> "Pong" rtypeleo "R-Type Leo input_ports_(Japan) (Japan)" -> "R-Type Leo (Japan)" searchar "SAR - Search And Rescue (US)" -> "SAR - Search And Rescue (World)" uccops "Undercover Cops input_ports_(World) (World)" -> "Undercover Cops (World)" uccopsj "Undercover Cops input_ports_(Japan) (Japan)" -> "Undercover Cops (Japan)" valkyrie "Walkure no Densetsu (Japan)" -> "Legend of the Valkyrie (Japan)"
In beta 10:
These games are new:these games have had their short names changed:baraduke "Baraduke" ctribe "Combatribes, The (US)" ctribeb "Combatribes, The (bootleg)" dbldyn "Double Dynamites, The" dcon "D-Con" ddrago3b "Double Dragon 3 - The Rosetta Stone (bootleg)" ddragon3 "Double Dragon 3 - The Rosetta Stone" drtoppel "Dr. Toppel Tankentai (Japan)" dynduke "Dynamite Duke" flkatck "Flak Attack (Japan)" frogseg2 "Frogger (Sega set 2)" irobot "I, Robot" joyfulr "Joyful Road (US)" majuu "Majuu no Ohkoku" metrocrs "Metro-Cross" pong "Pong!" spaltanx "Spaltan X (Japan)" tsamura2 "Samurai Nihon-ichi (set 2)" yanchamr "Kaiketsu Yanchamaru (Japan)"these games have just had their long names changed:99 -> 99lstwar "'99 The Last War" frogger2 -> froggrmc "Frogger (modified Moon Cresta hardware)"and these games have had both their short and long names changed:bmaster "Blade Master (World)" -> "Blade Master input_ports_(World) (World)" frogger "Frogger (set 1)" -> "Frogger" fround "Final Round, The" -> "Final Round" gunforce "Gunforce - Battle Fire Engulfed Terror Island (World)" -> "Gunforce - Battle Fire Engulfed Terror Island input_ports_(World) (World)" gunhohki "Gun Hohki (Japan)" -> "Gun Hohki input_ports_(Japan) (Japan)" hook "Hook (World)" -> "Hook input_ports_(World) (World)" inthunt "In The Hunt (World)" -> "In The Hunt input_ports_(World) (World)" kaiteids "Kaitei Daisensou (Japan)" -> "Kaitei Daisensou input_ports_(Japan) (Japan)" kidniki "Kid Niki - Radical Ninja" -> "Kid Niki - Radical Ninja (US)" majtitl2 "Major Title 2 (World)" -> "Major Title 2 input_ports_(World) (World)" mnchmobl "Munch Mobile" -> "Munch Mobile (Japan)" mysticri "Mystic Riders (World)" -> "Mystic Riders input_ports_(World) (World)" rtypeleo "R-Type Leo (Japan)" -> "R-Type Leo input_ports_(Japan) (Japan)" tsamurai "Samurai (Taito)" -> "Samurai Nihon-ichi (set 1)" uccops "Undercover Cops (World)" -> "Undercover Cops input_ports_(World) (World)" uccopsj "Undercover Cops (Japan)" -> "Undercover Cops input_ports_(Japan) (Japan)"frogsega -> frogseg1 "Frogger (set 2)" -> "Frogger (Sega set 1)" ropeman -> rocnropk "Rope Man" -> "Roc'n Rope (Kosuka)"
Pat Laffaye has updated the MARP database for the 'new' MAME 0.36 releases beta 10 and beta 11. I've been too busy recently to do it, so Pat has been kind enough to offer to do it instead.
I've updated the database for the new MAME 0.36 beta 9 release.
These games are new:these games have had both their short and long names changed:ajaxj "Ajax (Japan)" bigstrik "Big Striker" blueprnj "Blue Print (Jaleco)" checkmaj "Checkman (Japan)" contraj "Contra (Japan)" dkong3j "Donkey Kong 3 (Japan)" dsoccr94 "Dream Soccer '94" dumpmtmt "Dump Matsumoto (Japan)" exctscc2 "Exciting Soccer II" fantasyj "Fantasy (Japan)" fround "Final Round, The" kageki "Kageki (US)" kagekij "Kageki (Japan)" karatedo "Karate Dou (Japan)" kicknrun "Kick and Run" kickoff "Kick Off (Japan)" kikikai "KiKi KaiKai" megaznik "Mega Zone (Kosuka)" mexico86 "Mexico 86" miaj "Missing in Action (Japan)" psoldier "Perfect Soldiers (Japan)" ringohja "Ring no Ohja (Japan)" rthun2j "Rolling Thunder 2 (Japan)" sengokh "Sengoku / Sengoku Denshou (set 2)" thndblst "Thunder Blaster (Japan)" uccopsj "Undercover Cops (Japan)" xmen2pj "X-Men (2 Players Japan)"this game has had its short name changed:rtypej -> rtype "R-Type (Japan)" -> "R-Type (Japan)" rtype -> rtypeu "R-Type (US)" -> "R-Type (US)" walkyrie -> valkyrie "Legend of the Walkyrie (Japan)" -> "Walkure no Densetsu (Japan)"and these games have just had their long names changed:karatedo -> karatevs "Taisen Karate Dou (Japan VS version)"blueprnt "Blue Print" -> "Blue Print (Midway)" dkong3 "Donkey Kong 3" -> "Donkey Kong 3 (US)" fantasy "Fantasy" -> "Fantasy (US)" lethalth "Lethal Thunder" -> "Lethal Thunder (World)" mrheli "Mr. Heli" -> "Mr. HELI no Dai-Bouken" nspiritj "Ninja Spirit (Japan)" -> "Saigo no Nindou (Japan)" pacmania "Pacmania" -> "Pac-Mania" pacmanij "Pacmania (Japan)" -> "Pac-Mania (Japan)" sengoku "Sengoku / Sengoku Denshou" -> "Sengoku / Sengoku Denshou (set 1)"
On the other hand, I *did* fix the problem where the T2 points were being cached too much, so that when the 25th player joined the tournament, some of the people with 1st place scores were still only getting 24 points for them. The points shown on the T2 leaderboard should be correct now.
Unfortunately, the full version of Chase Ace 2 has been released, and so I've had very little time to work on MARP today... :o) I'll probably get bored of it in a couple of months though, so normal service will be resumed as soon as possible. Like GameBoy said... "aroooooooooooooooooooooooo!"
I've moved the 'T2' versions of MAME to the top of the version list on the upload page, 'cos it's a pain to have to keep hunting for them.
MAME32 0.35 is now allowed to be used in T2.
I've sped up the leaderboard pages a little (and temporarily lost some of the features - but I'll put them back soon). There's an option on the edit_user page now that will allow you to decide between 'fat' and 'thin' leaderboard (and eventually search) pages. It doesn't affect the server at all which you choose, but the more detailed pages have more links and data in them, and can take a while to download on a slow link - it's your call. I've defaulted everyone to using the 'thin' pages - you'll see an 'edit preferences' link on the leaderboard page now when you're logged in. Use the link to switch to the more detailed pages if you like.
I didn't receive any email at all since 2pm yesterday. I don't know whether it will all arrive at once when the problem is fixed, but basically, if you mailed me recently, I didn't get it. It might be best to write on the message board, or wait until I write here that my email is working again. Alternatively, I sometimes lurk around on EFnet's #marp channel.
OK - so forget the next item. My mail is working - it just had a 5 hour rest, is all. It's back now, and it looks like no messages were lost. If I didn't reply to your email them I *am* ignoring you. (Only joking).
While checking for lost recordings, I found a whole other bunch of recordings, and don't know what the deal is with them. Check this list - should any of these be added to the database as well, or are they missing for a good reason?
Had a bit of a minor disaster with losing 300 or so recordings. But it's OK - I found them again. Any edits made in the last week or so will be missing, as well as any confirmations done, but the recordings should be restored now. Please let me know if you think you're still missing any.
So I finally updated the page to use the new SQL scripts. It's probably still buggy, but please let me know, using the 'MySQL Bug Report' thread on the MARP Board. Thanks!
Everywhere I look, there's something else that needs fixing in the scripts. My estimate of how long they would take to debug was a little optimistic. I'll try to get them up for tomorrow. Until then, feel free to upload T2 recordings to the test site (put a /sql after the .com in the address), but bear in mind that they'll be deleted once the scripts are really sorted out - so keep a copy on your own PC! Sorry for the delay.
I've updated the database for the new MAME 0.36 beta 8 release.
These games are new:these games have had both their short and long names changed:ark2jp "Arkanoid - Revenge of DOH (Japan)" assault "Assault" assaultj "Assault (Japan)" assaultp "Assault Plus (Japan)" bogeyman "Bogey Manor" burnforc "Burning Force (Japan)" chukatai "Chuka Taisen (Japan)" cosmogng "Cosmo Gang the Video (Japan)" cuebrick "Cuebrick" darkadv "Dark Adventure" devilw "Devil World" dsaber "Dragon Saber" dsaberj "Dragon Saber (Japan)" finehour "Finest Hour (Japan)" flyboy "Fly-Boy" gradius2 "Gradius II - Gofer no Yabou (Japan set 1)" grdius2a "Gradius II - Gofer no Yabou (Japan set 2)" grdius2b "Gradius II - Gofer no Yabou (Japan set 3)" gutangtn "Guttong Gottong" hpolym84 "Hyper Olympics '84" hpuncher "Hard Puncher (Japan)" jackalj "Tokushu Butai Jackal (Japan)" looper "Looper" marvland "Marvel Land (Japan)" mirninja "Mirai Ninja (Japan)" ordyne "Ordyne (Japan)" outzonep "Out Zone (bootleg)" phelios "Phelios (Japan)" rthun2 "Rolling Thunder 2" rtype2j "R-Type II (Japan)" theends "End, The (Stern)" thehustj "Hustler, The (Japan version J)" thehustl "Hustler, The (Japan version M)" triothep "Trio The Punch - Never Forget Me... (Japan)" tumblep "Tumble Pop (World)" vulcan "Vulcan Venture" walkyrie "Legend of the Walkyrie (Japan)"and these games have just had their long names changed:flyboy -> flyboyb "Fly-Boy (bootleg?)" -> "Fly-Boy (bootleg)" tumblep -> tumblepb "Tumble Pop (bootleg set 1)" -> "Tumble Pop (bootleg set 1)"64street "64th. Street - A Detective Story" -> "64th. Street - A Detective Story (World)" colony7 "Colony 7 (Set 1)" -> "Colony 7 (set 1)" colony7a "Colony 7 (Set 2)" -> "Colony 7 (set 2)" defcmnd "Defense Command" -> "Defense Command (set 1)" hyperspt "HyperSports" -> "Hyper Sports" imgfight "Image Fight" -> "Image Fight (Japan)" jackal "Jackal" -> "Jackal (World)" mayday "Mayday" -> "Mayday (set 1)" maydaya "Mayday (alternate)" -> "Mayday (set 2)"stratgyb "Strong X" -> "Strategy X (Stern)" stratgyx "Strategy X (Stern)" -> "Strategy X" topgunr "Top Gunner" -> "Top Gunner (US)"
Sorry if the scripts are a little up-and-down at the moment. I'm making a couple of changes for the new MARP feature in EMU+ - an enhanced version of MAME which allows you to see the high score from this site for whatever game you're currently playing.
The scripts should be behaving themselves as normal again now (badly, that is - taking up all the server's CPU, only updating once an hour, that kind of thing). I've been learning how to access MySQL from Python today, and it's quite easy, so hopefully within the next month I'll be able to move my scripts over to using MySQL to hold all the data, which should be faster and safer than the scary way I'm currently doing it. This process, of course, will mean the occasional problem, as I use you, the MARP visitors, as my alpha, beta and gamma testers. Please bear with me - we should end up with a speedier, more up-to-date and more socially acceptable MARP at the end of it...
Stig Remnes, one of the players at this site is a co-sysop at He asked me to tell you all that the site currently has all the MAME beta 5 ROMs, and will have all MAME roms including NeoGeo shortly. He also asked me not to tell you where the ROMs are. You have to find them for yourself.
Don't want to play in this tournament? Then you can vote for games in the second tournament right now! You have until AT LEAST October 10th - at most the 24th. You can also talk about any changes the rules might need. The tournament itself will begin on November 1st.
The "Awards Ceremony" for the first tournament will be posted on the message board by October 5th. We will declare winners of the individual games and the tournament as a whole.
There is about a week remaining in our very first MARP Tournament. If you haven't started playing, you still have time to make your mark! The tournament ends September 30th at 2359 GMT.
I just updated the scripts for MAME 0.36 beta 5.These games are new:
these games have had their long names changed:astyanax "Astyanax, The" battlntj "Battlantis (Japan)" battlnts "Battlantis" combascj "Combat School (Japan trackball)" cshift "Chicken Shift" cybattlr "Cybattler" gbusters "Gang Busters" gghost "Goalie Ghost" gimeabrk "Gimme A Break" hachoo "Hachoo!" hattrick "Hat Trick" indytem4 "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (set 4)" lordofk "Lord of King, The (Japan)" lostwrld "Lost Worlds (Japan)" madmotor "Mad Motor" minigol2 "Mini Golf (set 2)" minigolf "Mini Golf (set 1)" mrgoemon "Mr. Goemon (Japan)" nstocker "Night Stocker" otwalls "Off the Wall (Sente)" phantasm "Phantasm (Japan)" quarth "Quarth (Japan)" rescraid "Rescue Raider" robocop "Robocop (World revision 3)" robocopu "Robocop (US revision 1)" robocpu0 "Robocop (US revision 0)" rodland "RodLand (World)" secretag "Secret Agent (World)" sentetst "Sente Diagnostic Cartridge" sfootbal "Street Football" sichuana "Sichuan II (hack ?) (set 2)" snakepit "Snake Pit" snakjack "Snacks'n Jaxson" stdragon "Saint Dragon" stocker "Stocker" toggle "Toggle" triviag1 "Trivial Pursuit (Genus I)" triviasp "Trivial Pursuit (All Star Sports Edition)" trojanr "Trojan (Romstar)"this game has had both its short and long names changed:64street "64th. Street - A Detective Story (World?)" -> "64th. Street - A Detective Story" actfancj "Act-Fancer Cybernetick Hyper Weapon (Japan?)" -> "Act-Fancer Cybernetick Hyper Weapon (Japan)" actfancr "Act-Fancer Cybernetick Hyper Weapon (US?)" -> "Act-Fancer Cybernetick Hyper Weapon (World)" bouldash "Boulder Dash / Boulder Dash Part 2" -> "Boulder Dash / Boulder Dash Part 2 (World)" combasc "Combat School (joystick version)" -> "Combat School (joystick)" combasct "Combat School (trackball version)" -> "Combat School (trackball)" depthch "Depth Charge" -> "Depthcharge" sichuan2 "Sichuan II (hack?)" -> "Sichuan II (hack?) (set 1)" spectar "Spectar (revision 3)" -> "Spectar (revision 2)"and these games have had their short names changed:robocopp -> robocopb "Robocop (bootleg)" -> "Robocop (World bootleg)"64streej -> streej64 "64th. Street - A Detective Story (Japan)" hbarrel -> hbarrelw "Heavy Barrel (World)" hbarrelu -> hbarrel "Heavy Barrel (US)" invdelux -> invdpt2m "Space Invaders Part II (Midway)"
Somebody pointed out to me that "Chris Moore" is an anagram of "O Mr. Hi Score" and also of "Heroic Roms". :o)
Thankyou all the people who mailed me to tell me that the part of the script which sends email notifications is broken. It's to do with moving to a new server, apparently, and is beyond my control. It should sort itself out once DNS has had a chance to catch up.
I made a new page. It shows which games are probably being abused - it's a list of all the games where the top 3 scores are all the same: It's here. Skito will be arranging a vote on some/all of these soon... Check the message board for details.
I just updated the scripts for MAME 0.36 beta 4.These games are new:
this game was deleted:2020bbh "2020 Super Baseball (set 2)" arkarea "Ark Area" arkbloc2 "Block (Game Corporation bootleg)" blastoff "Blast Off (Japan)" blazer "Blazer (Japan)" blckgalb "Block Gal (bootleg)" bottom9 "Bottom of the Ninth (version T)" bottom9n "Bottom of the Ninth (version N)" cachat "Cachat (Japan)" champwr "Champion Wrestler (World)" crimfgtj "Crime Fighters (Japan)" dangseed "Dangerous Seed (Japan)" detatwin "Detana!! Twin Bee (Japan)" dspirit "Dragon Spirit" fhawk "Fighting Hawk (Japan)" galag88j "Galaga '88 (Japan)" galaga88 "Galaga '88" gardiab "Gardia (bootleg)" garuka "Garuka (Japan)" horshoes "American Horseshoes (US)" hotchase "Hot Chase" konami88 "Konami '88" mmaze "Marchen Maze (Japan)" pacmania "Pacmania" pacmanij "Pacmania (Japan)" palamed "Palamedes (Japan)" pgoal "Pleasure Goal / Futsal - 5 on 5 Mini Soccer" pistoldm "Pistol Daimyo no Bouken (Japan)" plotting "Plotting (World)" puzznic "Puzznic (Japan)" raimais "Raimais (Japan)" rollerg "Rollergames (US)" rollergj "Rollergames (Japan)" rompers "Rompers (Japan)" shadowld "Shadow Land" soukobdx "Souko Ban Deluxe (Japan)" splatter "Splatter House (Japan)" surpratk "Surprise Attack (Japan)" thnderxj "Thunder Cross (Japan)" wecleman "WEC Le Mans 24" wldcourt "World Court (Japan)" ws90 "World Stadium 90 (Japan)" youkaidk "Yokai Douchuuki (Japan)"these games have had their long names changed:irobot "I, Robot"and this game has had its short name changed:2020bb "2020 Super Baseball" -> "2020 Super Baseball (set 1)" crimfght "Crime Fighters" -> "Crime Fighters (US)" legofair "Legend of Air Cavalry, The" -> "Koukuu Kihei Monogatari - The Legend of Air Cavalry" liberatr "Liberator" -> "Liberator (set 1)" parodius "Parodius (Japan)" -> "Parodius DA! (Japan)"3wonderj -> wonder3 "Wonder 3 (Japan)"
I removed a feature from the script to reduce the memory it uses. It's no longer possible to choose how search results are sorted. I'll add it back in when I find a cleaner way to implement the sorting quickly and efficiently. Also, to reduce the CPU usage of the script, some parts of the script are run less often than they used to be. Until now, all the pages were up to date all of the time. I've just added some code which will delay processing by up to an hour - so if you upload a recording, and can't find it listed, come back in an hour's time - then it will be there. You'll get your leaderboard points straight away, it's just the search page which will take a while to catch up. I'm sorry to have to do this, but it's a quick and easy way to try to keep the CGI server alive. Let me know whether you notice any difference - do you notice the hour's lag - and do you notice whether the server crashes less now? (see at the bottom of every dynamic page, it says something like "MARP server started; it has made 16 pages" - well, that page count used to get into the thousands before the server restarted, but recently I've not seen it go above 130)
Well - thanks to Cicca I've had a few offers of hosting from other sites, and also have been in touch explaining that the site won't have to close after all. I'm still a little confused, but it's not looking nearly as bad as it was a couple of days ago.
It looks as if the MARP site is going to have to close soon. I'm sorry, but the people hosting the site are no longer willing to allow the CGI scripts to have the memory that they need to run. I'll try to make the scripts smaller, or find an alternative host, but I'm not very hopeful at the moment. I'll post more news here as and when I know what's happening.
I just quickly knocked together a change to the script so that the email notifications will include a URL that will show all the scores for the newly uploaded game. I didn't get a chance to test the code, 'cos I'm at work, and there's schuff to do, but I just know you guys will let me know if it doesn't work... I also updated the page for the new beta, 0.36 beta 3. Click here to see what's changed.
I've noticed from the logs that the CGI script server keeps dying every couple of hours. I've put some debugging in place, but didn't find out what the problem is yet. Hopefully I'll be able to fix the problem soon, but in the mean time you'll occasionally see messages about 'the server isn't responding' and such like. The thing to do in that event is to wait 30 seconds or so and try again.
If anyone ever tells you that there's this great new drink called 'Zider', which is made from a mixture of alcoholic cider and whisky, don't believe them. While it's true that the drink does actually exist, it *isn't* true that it's great. I know, for I was that 'sick, sick man' who was duped into drinking it. Unfortunetly, it appears to have a horrible side effect of making you sing karaoke country and western songs at the top of your voice in weird seaside pubs...
Does anybody happen to have Frode's recording of twotiger where he scores 502,600 points? The zip file would be called '', by the way. The copy on MARP and in my backup is corrupted and won't unzip.
I just discovered a new sub-game in pang3. Check out my recording for pang3-secret to see me playing in the secret rooms... If anyone can work out how I got to the secret rooms, I'll be very impressed, but I reckon I might have the highest score on this one for a while to come... :o)
Jeremy Petka - if you read this, I just had to change your settings so that the MARP server won't try sending you emails when your scores are beaten. It was getting bounces from the email address you supplied.
GameBoy pointed out that we have finally reached the 7198 recording mark. (234 in the tournament and 6964 in regular MARP). Congratulations to everyone involved.
Oh dear. I came back from a week away to find that the CGI scripts had all stopped working. Thanks for all the email telling me about the problem. It's sorted out now - it was caused by a log file exceeding the recently imposed maximum file size...
I updated the page for the new MAME 0.36 beta release 2. Please use the MAME binary from the official MAME site (here). Thanks are due to Gordons MAME ROM Info Page for the information I used to do the update.These games were added:
these games had their short names changed:ajax "Ajax" alexkidd "Alex Kidd" aliens "Aliens (set 1)" aliens2 "Aliens (set 2)" aliensya "Alien Syndrome (set 2)" aliensyb "Alien Syndrome (set 3)" astorm "Alien Storm" auraila "Aurail (set 2)" aztarac "Aztarac" batman "Batman" bayrouta "Bay Route (set 2)" bayroute "Bay Route (set 1)" bayrtbl1 "Bay Route (bootleg set 1)" bayrtbl2 "Bay Route (bootleg set 2)" bjtwin "Bombjack Twin" cbuster "Crude Buster (World FX version)" cbusterj "Crude Buster (Japan)" cbusterw "Crude Buster (World FU version)" crimfght "Crime Fighters" devstors "Devastators (version Z)" fpoint "Flash Point" garyoret "Garyo Retsuden (Japan)" ginganin "Ginga NinkyouDen" goldnabl "Golden Axe (bootleg)" goldnaxb "Golden Axe (Version 2 317-0110)" goldnaxc "Golden Axe (Version 2 317-0122)" gyrodine "Gyrodine" hcastle "Haunted Castle (set 1)" hcastlea "Haunted Castle (set 2)" hydrap "Hydra (prototype)" lgtnfght "Lightning Fighters (US)" madcrash "Mad Crasher" mia "Missing in Action (version T)" mia2 "Missing in Action (version S)" moonwalk "Moon Walker" mosyougi "Syougi No Tatsujin - Master of Syougi" outrun "Out Run (set 1)" outruna "Out Run (set 2)" outrunb "Out Run (set 3)" passsht "Passing Shot (2 Player)" relief "Relief Pitcher (set 1)" relief2 "Relief Pitcher (set 2)" rushcrsh "Rush & Crash (Japan)" shangon "Super Hang-On" shangonb "Super Hang-On (bootleg)" sharrier "Space Harrier" shdancbl "Shadow Dancer (bootleg)" shinobia "Shinobi (set 1)" simpsn2p "Simpsons, The (2 Players)" simpsons "Simpsons, The (4 Players)" sonofphx "Son of Phoenix" srdmissn "S.R.D. Mission" ssridera "Sunset Riders (Asia)" ssriders "Sunset Riders (World)" ssrideru "Sunset Riders (US)" stadhero "Stadium Hero (Japan)" stfight "Street Fight (Germany)" tetris "Tetris (Sega)" thunderj "ThunderJaws" tmht "Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (4 Players UK)" tmnt2 "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Turtles in Time (4 Players US)" tmnt22p "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Turtles in Time (2 Players US)" tmnt2a "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Turtles in Time (4 Players Asia)" trigon "Trigon (Japan)" twocrude "Two Crude (US)" vangrd2 "Vanguard II" wb3 "Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair (set 1)" xmen "X-Men (4 Players)" xmen6p "X-Men (6 Players)"these games had both their short names and long names changed:alexkidd -> alexkdbl "Alex Kidd (bootleg)" gryzorb -> contrajb "Contra (Japan bootleg)"these games had their long names changed:devstors -> devstor2 "Devastators" -> "Devastators (version X)" wb3 -> wb3a "Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair" -> "Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair (set 2)"aliensyn "Alien Syndrome" -> "Alien Syndrome (set 1)" aurail "Aurail (bootleg)" -> "Aurail (set 1)" kikstart "Kick Start" -> "Kick Start Wheelie King" kuhga "Kuhga - Operation Code "Vapor Trail" (Japan revision 3)" -> "Kuhga - Operation Code 'Vapor Trail' (Japan revision 3)" passshtb "Passing Shot (bootleg)" -> "Passing Shot (2 Player) (bootleg)" shdancer "Shadow Dancer" -> "Shadow Dancer (US)" shinobi "Shinobi" -> "Shinobi (set 2)" shinobl "Shinobi (Bootleg)" -> "Shinobi (bootleg)" tmht2p "TMHT (2 Players UK)" -> "Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (2 Players UK)" tmnt "TMNT (4 Players US)" -> "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (4 Players US)" tmnt2pj "TMNT (2 Players Japan)" -> "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2 Players Japan)" tmntj "TMNT (4 Players Japan)" -> "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (4 Players Japan)" toobinp "Toobin' (prototype)" -> "Toobin' (Prototype)"
I'm away on holiday for a week, so I'll not be maintaining this page, answering email or backing up the site.