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The 11th Knockout tournament will start on March 9. You can register on Marp's board from now
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[Download] - Win32 commandline, GCC 4.6
Merry Christmas!
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[Download] - Win32 binary, GCC 4.6 build
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[Download] - Win32 commandline, GCC 4.6
It is time (rather belatedly) for the 2013 MARP elections.
More info available in this forum post.
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Currently having issues with updating the Seibu SPI driver, as such, it's not currently working right, as far as flash updating goes. I'll release an updated download when (or if) I get it fixed.
[Download] - Win32 commandline
[Download] - source diff from MAME/MESS 0.149 source
The first elimination game (and 4th round) of K10 is Snow Bros - Nick and Tom [snowbros].
The third qualifying game for K10 is [ghostlop]
The second qualifying game for K10 is Hang-On [hangon]
K10 has officially begun!
The 1st round game is Cosmo Gang the Video [cosmogng].
After a bit of a hiatus, the 10th edition of the MAME Knockout Championships will begin on March 16th, 2013.
Here are the rules for the tournament. The first game will of course not be announced until the tournament begins. Good luck to everyone!
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[Download] - Win32 commandline
[Download] - Diffs from MAME/MESS 0.148 source. (correcting hyperlinks)
[Download] - Win32 commandline
[Download] - Diffs from MAME/MESS 0.148 source.
Almost 7000 games added!
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[Download] - Win32 commandline, GCC 4.6.3 build
New Games have been added
Almost completely rewritten to C++.
[Download] - Win32 commandline
A new Golden Era Game of the Week is starting soon, for those interested read this forum post.
It's a touch late, but it's time to post your nominations for the 2012 MARP Elections. More info here
Added a couple of days ago, but this time no link since the board remains down.
Added a simple UI-based script for recording and playback (requires Tcl/Tk).
[Download] - Win32 commandline
The final round has begun - Food Fight (rev 3) [foodf]
Forgot to mention that Round 9 has begun with Toobin' (rev. 3) [toobin] :P
Round 8 game is Great 1000 Miles Rally: USA version [gtmrusa].
Round 6 game is Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (World 930201) [dino].
Round 5 game is Donkey Kong (US set 1) [dkong]
The game this round is Super Street Fighter II Turbo (World 940223) [ssf2t].
After waiting for 4 months, what do we get? 8000 new games! Yes, you read right.
Post problems here.
[Download] - Win32 commandline
Round 3 has started - game is Slap Fight (Japan set 1) [slapfigh]
Round 2 game is Go Go Mile Smile! [gogomile]
Official rules are here.
Round 1 game is Magical Crystals (World) [mgcrystl].
And for those getting Internal Server Errors when uploading, don't panic, your uploads are still going through. The error is occuring after the database is updated.
TRB is willing to run K9 soon, if there is enough interest from players wanting to take part. If you'd like K9 to go ahead, then reply to his forum post here.
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First attempt at producing a Win32 binary without having a PC running Windows. Hopefully it'll work alright, tested via Wine. Let me know of any issues.
[Download] - Win32 commandline.
1400+ added!
Sorry for the recent outages. Hopefully everything's working again now.
Just testing, so stop staring.
[Download] - Win32 commandline
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Happy New Year!
[Download] - Win32 commandline
This is the correct link!!!
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Still wondering why there is no edit capability???
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Quick update, have now converted the input viewer to use the C++ rendering functions, and have uploaded the source diff to the usual place. The binary download (link in previous post) has also been updated to include it.
Removed input viewer temporarily, until I find the time to re-work it to using the new C++ UI code. On the plus side, Skito submitted code to stop INP recording or playback when you push the reset key.
[Download] - Win32 commandline