This site contains no ROMs at all. All email requesting ROMs will be ignored.
Want to communicate with others at MARP? Click here!
K8 will now start on October 4th, to avoid clashing with the tournament.
The 8th MAME Knockout Championships is due to start on September 25th. For more information, read this forum thread.
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[Download] - Win32 commandline, GCC 4.4.3 build.
Game fo first week is Dimahoo ; details on the forum, or here :
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[Download] - Win32 commandline.
View New Games
[Download] - Win32 commandline, GCC 4.4.3 build.
[Download] - Win32 commandline, GCC 4.4.3 build.
View New Games
[Download] - Win32 conmmandline
It's that time of the year again (already)!
Nominations are now being called for this year's MARP Elections.
More information available in this forum post.
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[Download] <-- correct this time, I hope.
[Download] - Win32 binary, commandline (source)
[Download] - 32-bit, Linux commandline
[Download] - 64-bit, Linux commandline
View New Games
[Download] - Win32 commandline
Windows users will need to re-download the WolfMAME 0.133 binaries. Somehow, I forgot to apply the patches when re-building after testing, so now the archive should have the correct binary in it. This does not affect those that build from the source, or use the SDL versions (I hope ;)).
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Here are the Linux binaries for WolfMAME 0.133.
[Download] - Linux 32-bit commandline binary
[Download] - Linux 64-bit commandline binary
Check the Board under Regulation Play...
[Download] - Win32 binary, GCC 4.2.1 build
Check the forums for details (can't there post right now as it is down)
[Download] - Win32 commandline binary, GCC 4.2.1 build
Here are the binaries in their proper place.
[Download] - Windows 32-bit binary
[Download] - Linux 32-bit binary
[Download] - Linux 64-bit binary
See this topic for a complete list...
Zwaxy really needs to add an edit function for this news page... :/
[Download] - Windows 32-bit binary, GCC 4.2.1 build.
[Download] - Windows 32-bit binary, GCC 4.2.1 build.
All those eligible may now vote in the elections. You have until December 10th, 2359GMT. Further details are here.
It's time to send in your nominations for the 2008 MARP Elections. You have until November 23, 0329 GMT to submit your nominations.
More detailed information is in this forum post.
20pacgal "Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga - 20 Year Reunion (V1.04)"
3wonderh "Three Wonders (hack?)"
aerofgts "Aero Fighters Special (TAIWAN)"
armwaru1 "Armored Warriors (USA 940920)"
atarisy1 "Atari System 1 BIOS"
babydad "Baby Dado"
babypkr "Baby Poker"
blckjack "Black Jack"
bsuerte "Buena Suerte (spanish, set 1)"
bsuertea "Buena Suerte (spanish, set 2)"
chanbara "Chanbara"
chocomk "Musapey's Choco Marker (GDL-0014A)"
csclub "Capcom Sports Club (Euro 971017)"
cvsgd "Capcom vs SNK Millenium Fight 2000 Pro (GDL-0004)"
ddragob2 "Double Dragon (bootleg)"
decathlt "Decathlete (JUET 960709 V1.001)"
demofist "Demolish Fist"
dygolf "Virtua Golf / Dynamic Golf (GDS-0009)"
eggventa "Egg Venture (A.L. Release)"
firefox "Fire Fox (set 1)"
firefoxa "Fire Fox (set 2)"
fotns "Fist Of The North Star"
funlddlx "Funny Land de Luxe"
gamecst2 "GameCristal (version 2.613)"
ggxx "Guilty Gear XX (GDL-0011)"
ggxxrl "Guilty Gear XX #Reload (GDL-0019A)"
goodluck "Good Luck"
gundmgd "Mobile Suit Gundam: Federation VS Zeon (GDL-0001)"
gundmxgd "Mobile Suit Gundam: Federation VS Zeon DX (GDL-0006)"
gwingb "Giga Wing (Brazil 990222)"
hotminda "Hot Mind (adjustable prize)"
ikaria "Ikari Warriors (US)"
ikarinc "Ikari Warriors (US No Continues)"
ikaruga "Ikaruga (GDL-0010)"
imagoa "Imago (no cocktail set)"
initd "Initial D (GDS-0020b)"
kof2003h "The King of Fighters 2003 (set 2)"
madzoo "Mad Zoo"
magic10b "Magic's 10 (ver. 16.15)"
magjoker "Magic Joker (v1.25.10.2000)"
marble5 "Marble Madness (set 5 - LSI Cartridge)"
matrimbl "Matrimelee / Shin Gouketsuji Ichizoku Toukon (bootleg)"
megat3nj "Megatouch III (9255-20-07 ROG, New Jersey version)"
megat4sn "Super Megatouch IV (9255-41-07 ROG, New Jersey version)"
megat5nj "Megatouch 5 (9255-60-07 RON, New Jersey version)"
meltybld "Melty Blood Act Cadenza (GDL-0028C)"
mk3p40 "Mortal Kombat 3 (rev 1 chip label p4.0)"
mvsc "Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Euro 980123)"
para2dx "Paradise 2 Deluxe"
pool10d "Pool 10 (italian, set 4)"
potnpkrd "Jack Potten's Poker (set 5)"
potnpkre "Jack Potten's Poker (set 6)"
quizqgd "Quiz Keitai Q mode (GDL-0017)"
ragtimea "The Great Ragtime Show (Japan v1.3, 92.11.26)"
rapidrvr "Rapid River (RD3 Ver. C)"
royale "Royale (ver.X)"
senko "Senko No Ronde (GDL-0030A)"
sgsafari "Super Gran Safari (ver 3.11)"
shikgam2 "Shikigami No Shiro II / The Castle of Shikigami II (GDL-0021)"
slashout "Slashout (GDS-0004)"
spkrbtl "Spikers Battle (GDS-0005)"
sloco93 "Super Loco 93 (spanish, set 1)"
sloco93a "Super Loco 93 (spanish, set 2)"
spacewin "Scacco Matto / Space Win"
sprtjam "Sports Jam (GDS-0003)"
ss2005 "Super Shanghai 2005 (GDL-0031A)"
tengai "Tengai (World)"
timcrs2b "Time Crisis 2 (TSS2 Ver. B)"
tnzsjn "The NewZealand Story (Japan) (newer PCB)"
topskatu "Top Skater (USA)"
vathlete "Virtua Athletics / Virtua Athlete (GDS-0019)"
vf4 "Virtua Fighter 4 (GDS-0012)"
videocba "Video Cordoba"
videodad "Video Dado"
videopkr "Video Poker"
vspsx "Video System PSX"
vstrik3 "Virtua Striker 3 (GDS-0006)"
witchcda "Witch Card (spanish, set 1)"
witchcdb "Witch Card (spanish, set 2)"
witchcrd "Witch Card (english)"
wsbbgd "World Series Baseball (GDS-0010)"
For the lazy Linux users out there, here are some Linux binaries for you.
[Download] - Linux 32-bit x86 binary, GCC 4.2.4 build, commandline.
[Download] - Linux 64-bit x86-64 binary, GCC 4.2.4 build, commandline.
[Download] - Win32 binary, GCC 4.2.1 build, commandline.
This time, the game is Tumble Pop. More info is available here.
Remember that after this phase, only the top 36 overall go through to round 2.
The second game for this round is Viewpoint. All settings are default.
Good luck to all! (you'll need it for some of the special targets. ;))
Round 1 has begun!
First game is Golden Axe (Japan, set 4) with no magic use.
More info here. This phase ends on Sept. 28, 1959GMT.
The 7th MAME Knockout Championships is almost ready to start. For more information on the competition and rules, read this forum thread.
The first round of K7 begins on September 19th, at 2000GMT.
astrowar "Astro Wars"
bam2 "Bust a Move 2 (JAPANESE ROM ver. 1999/07/17 10:00:00)"
ccastlej "Crystal Castles (joystick version)"
chindrah "Zhong Guo Long? (Hong Kong, V011H)"
cvs2gd "Capcom Vs. SNK 2"
cubeqst "Cube Quest"
daimakr2 "Dai Makai-Mura (Japan hack?)"
dayton93 "Daytona USA Deluxe '93"
defendb "Defender (Blue label)"
demonwl4 "Demon's World / Horror Story (set 5)"
doncdoon "Donchan no Hanabi de Doon"
ffight2b "Final Fight 2 (SNES bootleg)"
freekcb2 "Free Kick (bootleg set 2)"
galaxi "Galaxi (v2.0)"
hipai "Hi Pai Paradise"
hod2bios "Naomi House of the Dead 2 Bios"
hotslot "Hot Slot (ver 05.01)"
indy500d "INDY 500 Deluxe"
ipminva1 "I P M Invader (Incomplete Dump)"
jingbell "Jingle Bell (Italy, V133I)"
kinst2k3 "Killer Instinct 2 (v1.3k, upgrade kit)"
kurufev "Kurukuru Fever"
majtitle "Major Title (World)"
mayjin3 "Mayjinsen 3"
mcolors "Magic Colors (ver 1.7a)"
megat3 "Megatouch III (9255-20-01 RON)"
mp_shnb3 "Shinobi III (Mega Play)"
pex2069p "Player's Edge Plus (X002069P) Double Double Bonus Poker"
pool10c "Pool 10 (italian, set 3)"
quizpun2 "Quiz Punch 2"
rchase2 "Rail Chase 2 (Revision A)"
redhawki "Red Hawk (Italy)"
sblast2b "Sonic Blast Man TURBO 2 (SNES bootleg)"
shogware "Shogun Warriors (Euro)"
snowbrod "Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom (Dooyong license)"
sosterm "S.O.S."
vf2a "Virtua Fighter 2 (Revision A)"
wcbwl16 "World Class Bowling (v1.6)"
windheau "Winding Heat (UBC, USA v2.22)"
ww3 "WW III"
[Download] - Windows 32-bit binary, commandline, GCC 4.2.1 build.
airtrix "Air Trix"
atomboya "Atomic Boy (revision A)"
beautyb "Beauty Block"
blackt96 "Black Touch '96"
blktouch "Black Touch (Korea)"
bmfinal "beatmania THE FINAL (ver JA-A)"
bubsympb "Bubble Symphony (bootleg with OKI6295)"
capcor "Capitani Coraggiosi (Ver 1.3)"
captcomb "Captain Commando (bootleg)"
capunc "Capitan Uncino (Ver 1.2)"
cecmatch "ChuckECheese's Match Game"
chindrac "Zhong Guo Long (China, V0303)"
cmagica "Carta Magica (Ver 1.8)"
comg080 "Cal Omega - Game 8.0 (Arcade Black Jack)"
comg123 "Cal Omega - Game 12.3 (Ticket Poker)"
comg187 "Cal Omega - Game 18.7 (Amusement Poker)"
comg230 "Cal Omega - Game 23.0 (FC Bingo (4-card))"
coronatn "Coronation Street Quiz Game"
ctribb2 "The Combatribes (bootleg Set 2)"
dd6809a "Double Dragon (bootleg with 3xM6809, set 2)"
demonwl2 "Demon's World / Horror Story (early edition)"
dinopic "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (bootleg with PIC16c57, set 1)"
dinopic2 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (bootleg with PIC16c57, set 2)"
dynmcopc "Dynamite Cop (USA, Model 2C)"
ecax "Emergency Call Ambulance (Export)"
ejollyx5 "Euro Jolly X5"
elvis "Elvis?"
euro2k2 "Europa 2002 (Ver 2.0, set 1)"
euro2k2a "Europa 2002 (Ver 2.0, set 2)"
*fredmeuk "Fred Flintstones' Memory Match (UK, 3/17/95)"
*fredmeus "Fred Flintstones' Memory Match (US, High Score version, 3/10/95)"
*fredmemc "Fred Flintstones' Memory Match (Mandarin Chinese, 3/17/95)"
*fredmemj "Fred Flintstones' Memory Match (Japan, High Score version, 3/20/95)"
*fredmesp "Fred Flintstones' Memory Match (Spanish, 3/17/95)"
galastrm "Galactic Storm (Japan)"
galpansu "Gals Panic SU (Korea)"
ghoxa "Ghox (set 2)"
grandprx "Grand Prix"
hedpanif "Head Panic (ver. 0315, 15/03/2000)"
hellngt "Hell Night (ver EAA)"
hikaru "Hikaru Bios"
koftball "King of Football"
laperla "La Perla Nera (Ver 2.0)"
laperlag "La Perla Nera Gold (Ver 2.0)"
laser2k1 "Laser 2001 (Ver 1.2)"
lastfork "Last Fortress - Toride (Korea)"
lkageo "The Legend of Kage (older)"
lucky74b "Lucky 74 (big)"
lucky74s "Lucky 74 (small)"
lwingsb "Legendary Wings (bootleg)"
mdrink "Magic Drink (Ver 1.2)"
megat3 "Megatouch III (9255-20-06 RON)"
millsun "Millennium Sun"
mjelctrb "Mahjong Electron Base (parts 2 & 4, Japan, BOOTLEG)"
mlander "Moon Lander (bootleg of Lunar Rescue)"
mnumber "Mystery Number"
monkelf "Monky Elf (Korean bootleg of Avenging Spirit)"
mpang-em "Mighty! Pang (Euro 001010) [Expert Mode]"
mpang-pm "Mighty! Pang (Euro 001010) [Panic Mode]"
mpang-tm "Mighty! Pang (Euro 001010) [Tour Mode]"
mspuzzlg "Miss Puzzle (Clone of Gumbo)"
naomigd "Naomi GD-ROM Bios"
nghtstrj "Night Striker (Japan)"
nghtstru "Night Striker (US)"
ntcash "NtCash"
officeye "Office Yeo In Cheon Ha (version 1.2)"
peps0014 "Player's Edge Plus (PS0014) Super Joker Slots"
peps0022 "Player's Edge Plus (PS0022) Red White & Blue Slots"
peps0043 "Player's Edge Plus (PS0043) Double Diamond Slots"
peps0045 "Player's Edge Plus (PS0045) Red White & Blue Slots"
peps0308 "Player's Edge Plus (PS0308) Double Jackpot Slots"
pexp0112 "Player's Edge Plus (XP000112) White Hot Aces Poker"
pharrier "Planet Harriers"
podrace "Star Wars Pod Racer"
poker41 "Poker 4-1"
pulltabs "Pull Tabs"
punipic "The Punisher (bootleg with PIC16c57, set 1)"
punipic2 "The Punisher (bootleg with PIC16c57, set 2)"
punipic3 "The Punisher (bootleg with PIC16c57, set 3)"
quizoa "Quiz Olympic (set 2)"
rdft2t "Raiden Fighters 2 (Taiwan, SPI)"
sf2mdt "Street Fighter II' - Champion Edition (Magic Delta Turbo, bootleg)"
sfz3ugd "Street Fighter Zero 3 Upper"
sharkpy "Shark Party"
sharkpya "Shark Party (alt)"
smoto16 "Super Moto (Italy, v1.6)"
smoto20 "Super Rider (Italy, v2.0)"
spyhuntp "Spy Hunter (Playtronic license)"
squaitsa "Squash (Itisa)"
sspac2k1 "Super Space 2001"
starfora "Star Force (encrypted, set 2)"
swatpolc "SWAT Police "
tankfrc4 "Tank Force (US, 4 Player)"
te0144 "Unknown italian gambling game"
terrafb "Terra Force (bootleg with additional Z80)"
tkdensha "Touki Denshou -Angel Eyes- (VER. 960427)"
tm8k "Touchmaster 8000 (v9.04 Standard)"
topbladv "Top Blade V"
toutrun "Turbo Out Run (cockpit, FD1094 317-0109)"
vf3a "Virtua Fighter 3 (Revision A)"
victor5 "Victor 5"
victor21 "Victor 21"
videomat "Videomat (polish bootleg)"
waverunr "Wave Runner (Revision A)"
wb35 "Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair (set 5, System 16A, FD1089A 317-xxxx)"
wizard "Wizard (Ver 1.0)"
wizta "Wiz (Taito, set 2)"
wofhfh "Sangokushi II: Huo Fenghuang (Chinese bootleg)"
Note that now that the MAME debugger is now a forced component, recording will not happen if -debug is enabled.
[Download] - Win32 binary, GCC 4.2.1 binary, commandline [Source]
1942w "1942 (Williams Electronics license)"
aerfboo2 "Aero Fighters (bootleg set 2)"
apple10 "Apple 10 (Ver 1.21)"
badlandb "Bad Lands (bootleg)"
beeline "Beeline (39-360-075)"
bjtwina "Bombjack Twin (set 2)"
cbombers "Chase Bombers"
cupsocs "Seibu Cup Soccer :Selection: (set 1)"
ddgn6809 "Double Dragon (bootleg with 3xM6809)"
deerhunc "Deer Hunting USA V2"
drmn2mpu "DrumMania 2nd Mix Session Power Up Kit (GE912 VER. JAB)"
dynwaru "Dynasty Wars (US set 2)"
ffightj2 "Final Fight (Japan 900112)"
forgott1 "Forgotten Worlds (World?)"
gngblita "Ghosts'n Goblins (Italian bootleg, harder)"
gpilotsh "Ghost Pilots (set 2)"
guab "Give us a Break (6th edition)"
guab3 "Give us a Break (3rd edition)"
heatbrl2 "Heated Barrel (World version 2)"
jrking "Junior King (bootleg of Donkey Kong Jr.)"
jpopnics "Jumping Pop (Nics, Korean bootleg of Plump Pop)"
ledstrm2 "Led Storm Rally 2011 (US)"
megat3te "Megatouch III Tournament Edition (9255-30-01 ROE)"
megat4a "Megatouch IV (9255-40-01 ROD)"
multigm3 "Multi Game III"
nndmseal "Nandemo Seal Iinkai"
offrodc1 "Off Road Challenge (v1.10)"
offrodc3 "Off Road Challenge (v1.30)"
paprazzi "Paparazzi"
raiden2f "Raiden 2 (set 7)"
raimaijo "Raimais (Japan / First Revision)"
rygar3 "Rygar (US set 3 Old Version)"
samshoh "Samurai Shodown / Samurai Spirits (set 2)"
sbishik "Super Bishi Bashi Championship (ver KAA)"
sfa2 "Street Fighter Alpha 2 (Euro 960229)"
sidebs2j "Side By Side 2 (Japan)"
shinobi5 "Shinobi (set 5, System 16B, unprotected)"
showhand "Show Hand"
smgpja "Super Monaco GP (set 1, Japan, Rev A, FD1094 317-0124a)"
tenballs "Ten Balls (Ver 1.05)"
tenup "Ten Up (compendium 17)"
tenup3 "Ten Up (compendium 3)"
tm3ka "Touchmaster 3000 (v5.01 Standard)"
tm5k "Touchmaster 5000 (v7.10 Standard)"
tm7k "Touchmaster 7000 (v8.04 Standard)"
tm7ka "Touchmaster 7000 (v8.00 Standard)"
Finally, a version that works! ;)
The new MAME INP format contains pretty much everything we need, so INPs should be interchangeable with standard MAME.
[Download] - Win32 binary, GCC 4.2.1 build, commandline.
amuse "Amuse (Version 50.08 IBA)"
comg076 "Cal Omega - Game 7.6 (Arcade Poker)"
comg079 "Cal Omega - Game 7.9 (Arcade Poker)"
comg094 "Cal Omega - Game 9.4 (Keno)"
comg107 "Cal Omega - Game 10.7 (Big Game)"
comg125 "Cal Omega - Game 12.5 (Bingo)"
comg127 "Cal Omega - Game 12.7 (Keno)"
comg128 "Cal Omega - Game 12.8 (Arcade Game)"
comg134 "Cal Omega - Game 13.4 (Nudge Bingo)"
comg145 "Cal Omega - Game 14.5 (Pixels)"
comg157 "Cal Omega - Game 15.7 (Double-Draw Poker)"
comg159 "Cal Omega - Game 15.9 (Wild Double-Up)"
comg164 "Cal Omega - Game 16.4 (Keno)"
comg168 "Cal Omega - Game 16.8 (Keno)"
comg172 "Cal Omega - Game 17.2 (Double Double Poker)"
comg175 "Cal Omega - Game 17.51 (Gaming Draw Poker)"
comg176 "Cal Omega - Game 17.6 (Nudge Bingo)"
comg181 "Cal Omega - Game 18.1 (Nudge Bingo)"
comg183 "Cal Omega - Game 18.3 (Pixels)"
comg185 "Cal Omega - Game 18.5 (Pixels)"
comg186 "Cal Omega - Game 18.6 (Pixels)"
comg204 "Cal Omega - Game 20.4 (Super Blackjack)"
comg208 "Cal Omega - Game 20.8 (Winner's Choice)"
comg227 "Cal Omega - Game 22.7 (Amusement Poker, d/d)"
comg236 "Cal Omega - Game 23.6 (Hotline)"
comg239 "Cal Omega - Game 23.9 (Gaming Draw Poker)"
comg246 "Cal Omega - Game 24.6 (Hotline)"
comg272a "Cal Omega - Game 27.2 (Keno, amusement)"
comg272b "Cal Omega - Game 27.2 (Keno, gaming)"
comg903d "Cal Omega - System 903 Diag.PROM"
comg905d "Cal Omega - System 905 Diag.PROM"
contra1 "Contra (US, Set 2)"
cpoker "Champion Poker"
fsoccerj "Fighting Soccer (Japan)"
jjpoker "Jackpot Joker Poker (set 1)"
jjpokerb "Jackpot Joker Poker (set 2)"
jolyc3x3 "Jolly Card (3x3 deal)"
jolyc980 "Jolly Card Professional 2.0"
jolyccrb "Jolly Card (croatian, set 2)"
jolycdev "Jolly Card (Evona Electronic)"
jolyjkra "Jolly Joker (50bet)"
jolyjokr "Jolly Joker"
galtaito "Galaxian (Taito)"
gngbl "Ghosts'n Goblins (bootleg with Cross)"
*gtsers1 "Trivia (Questions Series 1)"
*gtsers2 "Trivia (Questions Series 2)"
*gtsers3 "Trivia (Questions Series 3)"
*gtsers4 "Trivia (Questions Series 4)"
*gtsers5 "Trivia (Questions Series 5)"
*gtsers7 "Trivia (Questions Series 7)"
*gtsersa "Trivia (Alt revision questions set 1)"
*gtsersb "Trivia (Alt revision questions set 2)"
lluck3x3 "Lucky Lady (3x3 deal)"
lluck4x1 "Lucky Lady (4x1 aces)"
magiccda "Magic Card II (green TAB or Impera board)"
magiccdb "Magic Card II (blue TAB board, encrypted)"
megat4 "Megatouch IV"
megat4te "Megatouch IV Tournament Edition"
mslug5h "Metal Slug 5 (AES Cart)"
pitfalla "Pitfall II (315-5093, Flicky Conversion)"
potgame "Pot Game (italian)"
rbff1a "Real Bout Fatal Fury / Real Bout Garou Densetsu (bug fix revision)"
rdfta "Raiden Fighters (Austria)"
redhawke "Red Hawk (Excellent Co., Ltd)"
sandscrb "Sand Scorpion (Revised Hardware)"
shadfgtr "Shadow Fighters"
sjcd2kx3 "Super Joly 2000 - 3x"
ssipkr24 "SSI Poker (v2.4)"
ssipkr30 "SSI Poker (v3.0)"
ssipkr40 "SSI Poker (v4.0)"
tdragon1 "Thunder Dragon (4th Jun. 1991)"
toyfight "Toy Fighter"
vcombat "Virtual Combat"
vegasfst "Royal Vegas Joker Card (fast deal)"
vegasfte "Royal Vegas Joker Card (fast deal, english gfx)"
vegasslw "Royal Vegas Joker Card (slow deal)"
wpksocv2 "World PK Soccer V2 (ver 1.1)"
zerowng2 "Zero Wing (2 player simultaneous ver.)"
bigfight "Big Fight - Big Trouble In The Atlantic Ocean"
blazlaz "Blazing Lazers"
bnstars "Vs. Janshi Brandnew Stars (MegaSystem32 Version)"
dangcurv "Dangerous Curves"
dodge "Dodge City"
dspirita "Dragon Spirit (Atari license)"
galgbios "Galaxy Games BIOS"
geebeeb "Gee Bee (F.lli Bertolino license)"
gtfrk3ma "Guitar Freaks 3rd Mix (GE949 VER. JAB)"
inttoote "International Toote (Germany)"
invasnv4 "Invasion - The Abductors (version 4.0)"
leadang "Lead Angle (Japan)"
lockon "Lock-On (rev. E)"
mutantf3 "Mutant Fighter (World ver EM-3)"
nclubv3 "Name Club Ver.3 (J 970723 V1.000)"
nstockr2 "Night Stocker (set 2)"
paranoia "Paranoia"
pepp0065 "Player's Edge Plus (PP0065) Jokers Wild Poker"
pepp0250 "Player's Edge Plus (PP0250) Double Down Stud Poker"
pepp0447 "Player's Edge Plus (PP0447) Standard Draw Poker"
pexmp006 "Player's Edge Plus (XMP00006) Multi-Poker"
promutrc "Progressive Music Trivia (Question set 4)"
puzzlet "Puzzlet (Japan)"
qos "A Question of Sport (39-960-107)"
roadrunm "Road Runner (Midway)"
simp2pa "The Simpsons (2 Players Asia)"
smarinef "Sega Marine Fishing"
spfghmk2 "Space Fighter Mark II (set 1)"
spfgmk22 "Space Fighter Mark II (set 2)"
thegrid "The Grid (version 1.2)"
trivia12 "Trivial Pursuit (Genus I) (set 2)"
*wcbwl13 "World Class Bowling (v1.3)"
wheelrun "Wheels Runner"