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Added an improved score on Timber (one player) from Clu.
Added two easter eggs from Mikko Hermanni Hyppönen - one for Star Gate and one for Sinistar.
Added a non-cheated game of Galaga from Rodimus Prime.
Added another game of Centipede by myself. I just beat my previous best score, but this one gets into a lot more scary situations!
Received two replay files for Timber from Clu. One shows him playing on his own and the other shows a 2 player game with his friend Tyger.
Added another Silkworm (Jeep) recording from Krool. Can anyone confirm that the timer is supposed to be reset to zero when you die? Apparently the bonus you get at the end of each level is based on the current value of the timer, and in MAME 0.30 the timer just keeps going up and up!
Added my recordings of Splat and Fire Trap. The Splat one is pretty awful, but in Fire Trap I manage to finish the first building.
Added my recording of Galaxian Part X.
Split off another new page for the high scores, since it was taking too long to load.
The Silkworm war between Krool and JSW has just escalated one step further...
Added 2 requests from Rodimus Prime. Please have a read and see if you can help him out!
Added 2 replay files showing me playing Centipede and Stargate.
Added a recording of Krool playing 1942, and another of him playing Exerion.
Added a replay file for a game I didn't even realise existed, called Warlords from Aquatarkus.
Added a new Bombjack high score from BeeJay.
Added new replay files for Silkworm (Heli) from JSW and Exed Exes from Krool.
Added replay file for Pac'n'Pal from Rodimus Prime.
Added replay file for Q-Bert from Nonney.
Added replay file for Super Basketball from Kyle Norman.
Added replay file for Mario Brothers from Kyle Norman.
Added replay file for Green Beret from GBE.
Added replay file for Bomb Jack from BeeJay.
Added replay file for Satan's Hollow from BBH.
Added replay file for Donkey Kong 3 from Tony "ACL" Driessen.
Updated replay files for Bank Panic, Traverse USA and Xevious (Namco) from Kleuber Rodrigues Amorim. Some of these weren't working previously, apparently. Also deleted his Star Force recording, since he tells me that it doesn't play back, either.
Added replay file for Food Fight from Alan Bryant.
Added replay file for Reactor from Clu.
Added replay file for the jeep in Silk Worm from Clu.
Added request for Tron from Clu.
Added replay file for Kung Fu Master from JSW.
I'm back. Sorry for the absence, but I had to go to Cornwall to make sure a friend of mine finally got married, to drink far too much and to fall into a large hole and bruise my bum. Normal service should now be resumed.
A recording of Neil's friend Rick playing Tutankham.
A recording of Nonney playing Berzerk.
A recording of Myx finishing Ghosts'n Goblins (Japanese) without losing a life!
5 from Rodimus Prime, for these games: Burger Time (Midway), Donkey Kong 3, Galaga (Midway), Krull and Mario Brothers.
8 from Kleuber Rodrigues Amorim, for these games: Bank Panic, Green Beret, Kung Fu Master, Pinball Action, Star Force, Traverse USA, Vulgus and Xevious (Namco)!
There were 16 new recordings waiting in my mailbox this morning:
I'll be away until Monday 23rd, so don't expect any more updates until then. Please keep sending the recordings though!
Added Joust request from Rodimus Prime.
Added a replay file for 10 yard wossit from Aquatarkus.
Added replay files for Krull and Elevator Action (Bootleg) from Clu.
I made a new page with a list of all the games from MAME 0.30. I've put high scores next to the games which I have replay files for, so that people can see at a glance which games are missing from the collection.
Added a replay file by myself for Millipede.
Added a recording of Zwaxy playing Berzerk. Pitifully badly.
Added a recording of Rodimus Prime playing Q*Bert.
Added a recording of Neil playing Lady Bug.
Added recordings of Chow Kwok Fai playing Bobble Bobble and Super Bobble Bobble.
Added a recording of Dean Ryan playing Make Trax.
Added two recordings from Roto, one of Galaga (Midway) and one of Galaga (Namco). Quoth the Roto: "I didn't do any double fighters in the Midway Galaga, but got about the same score as the Namco."
Added a couple of requests for the Galaga cheat. I think they're both asking for the same thing, but I'm not sure.