This site contains no ROMs at all. All email requesting ROMs will be ignored.
Want to communicate with others at MARP? Click here!
Please Submit your game selections with a reply to this Post. A few things will change, one of them is that this tourney you can submit 4 games for potential inclusion in the 9 games that will be selected for tournament play.
*** new originals
choko "Choko (Japan 010820)"
mkyawdim "Mortal Kombat (Yawdim bootleg)"
moremore "More More"
pitfigh4 "Pit Fighter (rev 4)"
rdftj "Raiden Fighters (Japan set 2)"
rdft2a "Raiden Fighters 2 (Asia, Dream Island license, SPI)"
rdft2j "Raiden Fighters 2 (Japan, SPI)"
rfjetj "Raiden Fighters Jet (Japan)"
ringkinw "Ring King (US, Woodplace license)"
viprp1s "Viper Phase 1 (Switzerland, New Version)"
viprp1ot "Viper Phase 1 (Germany)"
sfzbr1 "Street Fighter Zero (Brazil 950727)"
sfz2h "Street Fighter Zero 2 (Hispanic 960304)"
timecrs2 "Time Crisis 2"
twinkle "Twinkle"
*** changed long
3in1semi "3-in-1 (SemiCom)" -> "XESS - The New Revolution (SemiCom 3-in-1)"
gloc "G-LOC Air Battle" -> "G-LOC Air Battle (US)"
pitfight "Pit Fighter (rev 4)" -> "Pit Fighter (rev 5)"
rchase "Rail Chase" -> "Rail Chase (Japan)"
rdft "Raiden Fighters (Japan)" -> "Raiden Fighters (Japan set 1)"
rdft2 "Raiden Fighters 2 (Europe, SPI)" -> "Raiden Fighters 2 (Asia, Metrotainment license, SPI)"
strkfgtr "Strike Fighter" -> "Strike Fighter (Japan)"
yard "10 Yard Fight (Japan)" -> "10-Yard Fight (Japan)"
vsyard "10 Yard Fight (Vs. version World, 11/05/84)" -> "Vs 10-Yard Fight (World, 11/05/84)"
vsyard2 "10 Yard Fight (Vs. version Japan, set 2)" -> "Vs 10-Yard Fight (Japan)"
*** changed short
puzloop2-pm -> pzloop2j-pm "Puzz Loop 2 (Japan 010205) [Power Mode]"
puzloop2-sm -> pzloop2j-sm "Puzz Loop 2 (Japan 010205) [Stage Mode]"
*** changed both
viperp1 -> viprp1 "Viper Phase 1 (New Version)" -> "Viper Phase 1 (Japan, New Version)"
viperp1o -> viprp1o "Viper Phase 1" -> "Viper Phase 1 (Japan)"
*** deleted
hyperpaa "Hyper Pacman (set 2)"
Racing for 6th week ; there will be a special bonus point for the first player who will finish the game (6 races) with 6 first places
In 7-Zip format for size (and UPX crappyness) reasons.
[Download] - Win32 console and GUI, GCC 3.4.2 build, 7,083kB
*** new
acombat "Astro Combat"
aliens3 "Aliens (World set 3)"
aliensj2 "Aliens (Japan set 2)"
alphamis "Alpha Mission"
defense "Defense (System 16B, FD1089A 317-0028)"
gdariusb "G-Darius (Ver 2.02A)"
ghoshunt "Ghost Hunter"
hiimpacp "High Impact Football (prototype, rev 8.6 12/09/90)"
lithero "Little Hero"
mquake "Moonquake"
sprcrs2a "Super Cross 2 (Japan set 2)"
sprmatkd "Super Missile Attack (not encrypted)"
suratk "Surprise Attack (Asia ver. L)"
turbosub "Turbo Sub"
tutstomb "Tuts Tomb"
ufosensb "Ufo Senshi Yohko Chan (not encrypted)"
*** changed short
surpratk -> suratkj "Surprise Attack (Japan ver. M)"
*** changed both
rf2_eur -> rdft2 "Raiden Fighters 2 (EUR, SPI)" -> "Raiden Fighters 2 (Europe, SPI)"
rf2_us -> rdft2us "Raiden Fighters 2 (US, Single Board)" -> "Raiden Fighters 2.1 (US, Single Board)"
rf2_2k -> rdft22kc "Raiden Fighters 2 - 2000" -> "Raiden Fighters 2 - 2000 (China)"
[Download] - Win32 binaries, console and GUI, GCC 3.4.2 build
Volleyball for 5th week ; rankings updated, Ace13 leads with 3 points at half tournament
The 4th game is Chrono Soldier (short name = tokisens)
This week's game is Zintrick [zintrckb].
*** new
bronx "Bronx"
cartfury "Cart Fury"
champbwl "Championship Bowling"
champb2a "Champion Baseball II (set 2)"
colt "Colt"
couple "Couples, The"
dambust "Dambusters (set 2)"
dambustr "Dambusters (set 1)"
eggvent7 "Egg Venture (Release 7)"
futflash "Futur Flash"
gauntdl "Gauntlet Dark Legacy"
gauntleg "Gauntlet Legends (version 1.5)"
gauntl12 "Gauntlet Legends (version 1.2)"
gt2k "Golden Tee 2K (v1.00)"
gt2ks100 "Golden Tee 2K (v1.00S)"
gt2kt500 "Golden Tee 2K Tournament (v5.00)"
gt3d "Golden Tee 3D Golf (v1.93N)"
gt3dl192 "Golden Tee 3D Golf (v1.92L)"
gt3dl191 "Golden Tee 3D Golf (v1.91L)"
gt3ds192 "Golden Tee 3D Golf (v1.92S)"
gt3dv18 "Golden Tee 3D Golf (v1.8)"
gt3dv17 "Golden Tee 3D Golf (v1.7)"
gt3dv16 "Golden Tee 3D Golf (v1.6)"
gt3dv15 "Golden Tee 3D Golf (v1.5)"
gt3dv14 "Golden Tee 3D Golf (v1.4)"
gt3dt231 "Golden Tee 3D Golf Tournament (v2.31)"
gt97 "Golden Tee '97 (v1.30)"
gt97v122 "Golden Tee '97 (v1.22)"
gt97v121 "Golden Tee '97 (v1.21)"
gt97s121 "Golden Tee '97 (v1.21S)"
gt97v120 "Golden Tee '97 (v1.20)"
gt97t240 "Golden Tee '97 Tournament (v2.40)"
gt98 "Golden Tee '98 (v1.10)"
gt98v100 "Golden Tee '98 (v1.00)"
gt98s100 "Golden Tee '98 (v1.00S)"
gt98t303 "Golden Tee '98 Tournament (v3.03)"
gt99 "Golden Tee '99 (v1.00)"
gt99s100 "Golden Tee '99 (v1.00S)"
gt99t400 "Golden Tee '99 Tournament (v4.00)"
gtclassc "Golden Tee Classic (v1.00)"
gtclassp "Golden Tee Classic (v1.00) Alt"
gtcls100 "Golden Tee Classic (v1.00S)"
gunpey "Gunpey"
hyperpaa "Hyper Pacman (set 2)"
jockeygp "Jockey Grand Prix"
joinem "Joinem"
karatblj "Karate Blazers (Japan)"
kothello "Kyuukyoku no Othello"
kof97pls "King of Fighters '97 Plus, The (bootleg)"
kof2002 "King of Fighters 2002, The"
laserbas "Laser Base (set 1)"
laserbsa "Laser Base (set 2)"
landbrka "Land Breaker (World) / Miss Tang Ja Ru Gi (Korea) (ver 3.02)"
matrim "Matrimelee"
minesw4p "Minesweeper (4-Player)"
monzagp "Monza GP"
ms4plus "Metal Slug 4 Plus (bootleg)"
nbashowt "NBA Showtime: NBA on NBC"
nbanfl "NBA Showtime / NFL Blitz 2000"
ppking "Ping Pong King"
ptblank2 "Point Blank 2 (GNB3/VER.A)"
puckmanh "Puckman (Falcom?)"
pushmana "Pushman (Korea, set 2)"
racknrol "Rack + Roll"
rezont "Rezon (Taito)"
roadburn "Road Burners"
rotd "Rage of the Dragons"
sfru2049 "San Francisco Rush 2049"
spaceg "Space Guerilla"
suprtrio "Super Trio"
tenthdeg "Tenth Degree"
trvchlng "Trivia Challenge"
vliner "V-Liner (set 1)"
vlinero "V-Liner (set 2)"
wallca "Wall Crash (set 2)"
warfa "War: The Final Assault"
wcbwl140 "World Class Bowling Tournament (v1.40)"
wcbowldx "World Class Bowling Deluxe (v2.00)"
wldarrow "Wild Arrow"
*** changes
Too many to list -- see msg board
[Download] - Win32 console and GUI, GCC 3.4.2 build
This week's game is madgear - "Mad Gear (US)"
*** new
11beat "Eleven Beat"
4in1boot "Puzzle King (bootleg)"
anteatgb "Anteater, The (UK)"
bomblord "Bomber Lord (bootleg)"
clshrdst "Clash-Road (Status license)"
ctrpllrp "Caterpillar Pacman Hack"
dacholer "Dacholer"
ddp2 "Bee Storm - DoDonPachi II"
ertictac "Erotictac/Tactic"
ga2 "Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder (World)"
gtmr2u "Great 1000 Miles Rally 2 USA (95/05/18)"
jumpshtp "Jump Shot Engineering Sample"
kabukiz "Kabuki-Z (World)"
kickboy "Kick Boy"
kof2001 "King of Fighters 2001, The (set 1)"
kof2001h "King of Fighters 2001, The (set 2)"
merlinmm "Merlins Money Maze"
mslug4 "Metal Slug 4"
mtetrisc "Magical Tetris Challenge (981009 Japan)"
othundrj "Operation Thunderbolt (Japan)"
pontoon "Pontoon"
puzloop2 "Puzz Loop 2 (Japan 010205)"
puzzli2 "Puzzli 2 Super"
shangupb "Super Hang-On (Hang-On upgrade, bootleg)"
shangonc "Super Hang-On (set 4, FD1089B 317-0034)"
shtridra "Shot Rider (Sigma license)"
snowbro3 "Snow Brothers 3 - Magical Adventure"
sprglobp "Super Glob (Pac-Man hardware)"
ssfindo "See See Find Out"
tarzan "Tarzan"
tazzmang "Tazz-Mania (Galaxian Hardware)"
thnderxa "Thunder Cross (Set 2)"
topracrb "Top Racer (set 3)"
vanvanb "Van-Van Car (set 3)"
winspike "Winning Spike (ver EAA)"
*** changed
ga2 -> ga2u "Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder (US)"
kabukiz -> kabukizj "Kabuki-Z (Japan)"
sleague -> smleague "Super Major League (U 960108 V1.000)"
spidey -> spideyu "Spider-Man: The Videogame (US)"
spideyj -> spidey "Spider-Man: The Videogame (Japan / World?)" -> "Spider-Man: The Videogame (World)"
winspike -> winspikj "Winning Spike (ver JAA)"
Wcc5 is starting today ; 1st game is "ddonpach" ; rules under "WCC" in the upper banner
[Download] - Win32 console and GUI, GCC build
*** new originals
abcop "A.B. Cop (FD1094 317-0169b)"
ar_airh "SportTime Table Hockey (Arcadia)"
ar_bowl "SportTime Bowling (Arcadia, V 2.1)"
ar_dart "World Darts (Arcadia, V 2.1)"
ar_fast "Magic Johnson's Fast Break (Arcadia, V 2.8?)"
ar_ldrb-ed "Leader Board Golf (Arcadia, V 2.4?) [Edinburgh]"
ar_ldrb-fk "Leader Board Golf (Arcadia, V 2.4?) [Florida Keys]"
ar_ldrb-os "Leader Board Golf (Arcadia, V 2.4?) [Osaka]"
ar_ldrb-ps "Leader Board Golf (Arcadia, V 2.4?) [Palm Springs]"
ar_ldrba-ed "Leader Board Golf (Arcadia, V 2.5) [Edinburgh]"
ar_ldrba-fk "Leader Board Golf (Arcadia, V 2.5) [Florida Keys]"
ar_ldrba-os "Leader Board Golf (Arcadia, V 2.5) [Osaka]"
ar_ldrba-ps "Leader Board Golf (Arcadia, V 2.5) [Palm Springs]"
ar_ninj "Ninja Mission (Arcadia, V 2.5)"
ar_rdwr "Road Wars (Arcadia, V 2.3)"
ar_sdwr "Sidewinder (Arcadia, V 2.1)"
ar_spot "Cool Spot (Arcadia, Prototype?)"
ar_sprg "Space Ranger (Arcadia)"
ar_xeon "Xenon (Arcadia, V 2.3)"
bass "Sega Bass Fishing"
buccanrs "Buccaneers"
crysking "Crystal of Kings, The"
daytona2 "Daytona USA 2"
desertbr "Desert Breaker (FD1094 317-0196)"
dirtdvls "Dirt Devils"
evosocc "Evolution Soccer"
harley "Harley-Davidson and L.A. Riders"
kabukiz "Kabuki-Z (Japan)"
kdeadeye "Dead Eye (Konami)"
lostwsga "Lost World, The"
metlhawk "Metal Hawk"
mt_arrow "Arrow Flash (Mega-Tech)"
mt_astrm "Alien Storm (Mega-Tech"
ordyne "Ordyne (Japan, English Version)"
pokrdice "Poker Dice"
progear "Progear (US 010117)"
promutrv "Progressive Music Trivia"
rachero "Racing Hero (FD1094 317-0144)"
riot "Riot"
scorpion "Scorpion (set 1)"
scud "Scud Race (Australia)"
srally2 "Sega Rally 2"
srmp6 "Super Real Mahjong P6 (Japan)"
swtrilgy "Star Wars Trilogy"
trvmstr "Trivia Master"
vf3 "Virtua Fighter 3"
von2 "Virtual On 2: Oratorio Tangram"
vs2 "Virtua Striker 2 (Step 2.0)"
vs298 "Virtua Striker 2 '98 (Step 2.0)"
vs2v991 "Virtua Striker 2 '99.1"
*** new clones
abattle "Astro Battle (set 1)" [astrof]
abattle2 "Astro Battle (set 2)" [astrof]
afire "Astro Fire" [astrof]
arabfgtj "Arabian Fight (Japan)" [arabfgt]
astormb "Alien Storm (US, 3 Players, FD1094 317-0147)" [astorm]
bayroutb "Bay Route (Japan, FD1094 317-0115)" [bayroute]
bloodbra "Blood Bros. (set 2)" [bloodbro]
cottona "Cotton (US, FD1094 317-0180)" [cotton]
eswatj "E-Swat - Cyber Police (Japan, FD1094 317-0128)" [eswat]
greatgur "Great Gurianos (Japan?)" [gladiatr]
gt103ab "Trivia (Version 1.03a Alt questions 2)" [gt103a]
hncholms "Hunchback Olympic (Scramble hardware)" [huncholy]
jchan2 "Jackie Chan in Fists of Fire" [jchan]
jumpcoat "Jump Coaster (Taito)" [jumpcoas]
lckywldj "Lucky & Wild (Japan)" [luckywld]
loffirej "Line of Fire (Japan, FD1094 317-0134)" [loffire]
progeara "Progear (Asia 010117)" [progear]
progearj "Progear no Arashi (Japan 010117)" [progear]
radmu "Rad Mobile (US)" [radm]
scrpiona "Scorpion (set 2)" [scorpion]
scuda "Scud Race (Export)" [scud]
sgunnerj "Steel Gunner (Japan)" [sgunner]
shinobaa "Shinobi (set 3, System 16A, unprotected)" [shinobi]
shinobic "Shinobi (set 4, System 16B, unprotected)" [shinobi]
smgpe "Super Monaco GP (set 6, World, 'Air Drive Cabinet', FD1094 317-0126)" [smgp]
smgpf "Super Monaco GP (set 7, World, Rev B, 'Twin', FD1094 317-0126a)" [smgp]
sspirtf "Scramble Spirits (FD1094 317-0058-02)" [sspirtf]
tetrisaa "Tetris (Japan, System 16A, FD1094 317-0093a)" [tetris]
umk3r10 "Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (rev 1.0)" [mk3]
vf3tb "Virtua Fighter 3 Team Battle" [vf3]
von254g "Virtual On 2: Oratorio Tangram (ver 5.4g)" [von2]
vs215 "Virtua Striker 2 (Step 1.5)" [vs2]
vs29815 "Virtua Striker 2 '98 (Step 1.5)" [vs298]
vs299 "Virtua Striker 2 '99" [vs2v991]
wrestwrb "Wrestle War (World, FD1094 317-0102)" [wrestwar]
wwallyb "Where's Wally? (FD1094 317-?)" [wwally]
*** changed short
gt103asa -> gt103aa "Trivia (Version 1.03a Alt questions 1)"
metlhawk -> metlhwkj "Metal Hawk (Japan)"
ordyne -> ordynej "Ordyne (Japan)"
tetrisa -> tetrisb "Tetris (Japan, set 1, System 16B, FD1094 317-0092)"
tetrisb -> tetrisba "Tetris (Japan, set 2, System 16B, FD1094 317-0091)"
tnzs -> tnzsj "NewZealand Story, The (Japan)"
*** changed both
tnzs2 -> tnzs "NewZealand Story 2, The (World)" -> "NewZealand Story, The (World, newer)"
tnzsb -> tnzso "NewZealand Story, The (World, bootleg)" -> "NewZealand Story, The (World, older)"
Get yer Progear inps ready. :)
Some extra code changes this time, mostly due to core changes, so there should be no difference in functionality. Just warning you now, just in case it all goes pair-shaped (it shouldn't but you never know) :)
[Download] - Win32 binaries, console and GUI, GCC build
Important info on this version here. Please read, or else. :)
[Download] - Win32 binaries, console and GUI, GCC build.
Before last week, a drop game : hatch catch (htchctch) ; results of previous rounds there
A shooter this week : ecofghtr ; congratulations to Valter "TRB" who won the 100$ prize on Speed Coin ; results of previous rounds there
7th game is an old game : Speed Coin (spdcoin) ... you said "coins" ? John Cunningham offers 100$ to the first place at the end of the week, thanks to him !
Results of previous rounds there
6th game is "pass" ; results of previous rounds there
Lots of long name changes (1/2 platform related). Email me if you want them.
*** new originals
bmcompm2 "beatmania complete MIX 2 (ver JA-A)"
borntofi "Born To Fight"
bullet "Bullet (FD1094 317-0041)"
dcclubfd "Dynamic Country Club (Floppy DS3-5000-09d, FD1094 317-0058-09d)"
gforce2 "Galaxy Force 2"
gloc "G-LOC Air Battle"
gprider "GP Rider (set 1, US, FD1094 317-0162)"
hcrash "Hyper Crash"
mf_achas "Astro Chase (Max-A-Flex)"
mf_bdash "Boulder Dash (Max-A-Flex)"
mf_brist "Bristles (Max-A-Flex)"
mf_flip "Flip & Flop (Max-A-Flex)"
pdrift "Power Drift"
rchase "Rail Chase"
rfjet "Raiden Fighters Jet"
sfexp "Street Fighter EX Plus (USA 970407)"
sjryuko "Sukeban Jansi Ryuko (System 16B, FD1094 317-5021)"
smgp "Super Monaco GP (set 1, US, FD1094 317-0125a)"
strkfgtr "Strike Fighter"
suplup "Super Lup Lup Puzzle / Zhuan Zhuan Puzzle (version 4.0 / 990518)"
twinsqua "Twin Squash"
wizzquiz "Wizz Quiz (version ?)"
woodpek "Woodpecker (set 1)"
*** new clones
altbeasa "Altered Beast (Version 1?, 8751 317-0078)" [altbeast]
astorma "Alien Storm (317-0148)" [astorm]
cltchtrj "Clutch Hitter (Japan, FD1094 317-0175)" [cltchitr]
flowerbl "Flower (bootleg)" [flower]
forcebrk "Force Break (Japan)" [brkthru]
gforce2j "Galaxy Force 2 (Japan)" [gforce2]
goldnxj2 "Golden Axe (Version 1, World, FD1094 317-0120)" [goldnaxe]
gpridera "GP Rider (set 2, FD1094 317-0163)" [gprider]
gunball "Gun Ball (Japan)" [nitrobal]
hotbubl "Hot Bubble" [bubl2000]
hotroda "Hot Rod (World, 3 Players, Turbo set 2)" [hotrod]
hotrodj "Hot Rod (Japan, 4 Players)" [hotrod]
jrpacmbl "Jr. Pac-Man (Pengo hardware)" [pengo]
jyuohki2 "Jyuohki (Japan, FD1094 317-0068)" [altbeast]
lghosta "Laser Ghost (317-0166)" [lghost]
meteorts "Meteorites" [asteroid]
mvpj "MVP (Japan, FD1094 317-0142)" [mvp]
mwalkbl "Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (bootleg)" [mwalk]
pdriftj "Power Drift (Japan)" [pdrift]
plottina "Plotting (World set 2)" [plotting]
rdftau "Raiden Fighters (Australia)" [rdft]
rfjetu "Raiden Fighters Jet (US)" [rfjet]
rfjeta "Raiden Fighters Jet (ASIAN)" [rfjet]
rfjetus "Raiden Fighters Jet (US, Single Board)" [rfjet]
senkyua "Senkyu (Japan, set 2)" [senkyu]
sfz3j "Street Fighter Zero 3 (Japan 980904)" [sfa3]
sgmastc "Jumbo Ozaki Super Masters Golf (FD1094 317-0058-05c)" [sgmast]
sjryukoa "Sukeban Jansi Ryuko (System 16A, FD1094 317-5021)" [sjryuko]
sspirtfc "Scramble Spirits (FD1094 317-0058-02c)" [sspirits]
suprmanj "Superman (Japan)" [superman]
tigerodb "Tiger Road (US bootleg)" [tigeroad]
timescna "Time Scanner (System 16A, FD1094 317-0024)" [timescn]
toutrunk "Turbo Out Run (set 3, upgrade kit, 317-0118)" [toutrun]
smgpa "Super Monaco GP (set 2, US, FD1094 317-0125a)" [smgp]
smgpb "Super Monaco GP (set 3, FD1094 317-?)" [smgp]
smgpc "Super Monaco GP (set 4, Japan, FD1094 317-0124a)" [smgp]
smgpd "Super Monaco GP (set 5, US, FD1094 317-0125a)" [smgp]
vanguarj "Vanguard (Japan)" [vanguard]
wb3ba "Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair (World, System 16B, FD1094 317-0089)" [wb3b]
wb3bb "Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair (Japan, System 16B, FD1094 317-0085)" [wb3b]
woodpeka "Woodpecker (set 2)" [woodpek]
wrestwra "Wrestle War (FD1094, 317-unknown)" [wrestwar]
wwfwfstb-br "WWF WrestleFest (US bootleg) [Battle Royal]" [wwfwfest]
wwfwfstb-tm "WWF WrestleFest (US bootleg) [Tag Match]" [wwfwfest]
yachtmn "Yachtsman" [mermaid]
*** changed short
raidnfgt -> rdft "Raiden Fighters"
sf1 -> sf "Street Fighter (World)"
sf1us -> sfus "Street Fighter (US)"
sf1jp -> sfjp "Street Fighter (Japan)"
sf1p -> sfp "Street Fighter (prototype)"
sfexp -> sfexpu1 "Street Fighter EX Plus (USA 970311)"
sfz3j -> sfz3jr1 "Street Fighter Zero 3 (Japan 980727)"
sfz3jr1 -> sfz3jr2 "Street Fighter Zero 3 (Japan 980629)"
wizzquiz -> wizzquza "Wizz Quiz (version 4)"
*** changed both
altb8571 -> altb8751 "Altered Beast (8571 protected)" -> "Altered Beast (8751 317-unknown)"
cottona -> cottonj "Cotton" -> "Cotton (Japan, FD1094 317-0179a)"
jyuo8571 -> jyuo8751 "Jyuohki (Japan, 8571 protected)" -> "Jyuohki (Japan, 8751 317-unknown)"
moonwalk -> mwalk "Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (Set 1)" -> "Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (Set 1, 317-0159)"
moonwlka -> mwalka "Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (Set 2)" -> "Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (Set 2, US, 317-0158)"
moonwlkb -> mwalkb "Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (bootleg)" -> "Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (Set 3, Japan, 317-0157)"
timscanr -> timescn "Time Scanner" -> "Time Scanner (System 16B)"
wb3bl -> wb3bbl "Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair (bootleg)" -> "Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair (bootleg)"
*** archived
galag88b "Galaga '88 (set 2)"
wb3 "Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair (set 1, not encrypted)"
[Download] - Win32 binaries, console and GUI, GCC build.
The 5th game is a fighter : Power Instinct (powerins) : who will be the first to finish it ? results of previous rounds there
The 4th game is Evil Stone ; results of previous rounds there
The 3rd game is a racing game : Drift Out 94 (drifto94).
Results of previous rounds there.
The 2nd game is NEOBATTL ; results of week 1 there
In comparing games in MAME 0.88 with those in the MARP database, I've made the following changes...
*** additions
hydrap2 "Hydra (prototype 5/25/90)"
sfz2ab-sm "Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (Brazil 960813) [Survival Mode]"
*** archived
*4in1boot-g1 "4-in-1 bootleg [Game 1 - Pacman 2]"
*4in1boot-g2 "4-in-1 bootleg [Game 2 - Tetris]"
*4in1boot-g3 "4-in-1 bootleg [Game 3 - Hyperman 2]"
*4in1boot-g4 "4-in-1 bootleg [Game 4 - Snow]"
*capbowl3 "Capcom Bowling (set 3)"
*cyberb2p-gb "Cyberball 2072 (2 player) [Game Breakers]"
*cyberb2p-reg "Cyberball 2072 (2 player) [Regulation]"
*ghostmun "Ghost Muncher"
*rtypeb "R-Type (bootleg)"
*statriv4 "Triv Four"
*stratgyb "Strategy X (Stern)"
*wcbwl161 "World Class Bowling (v1.61)"
*** new originals
apache3 "Apache 3"
bel "Behind Enemy Lines"
btchamp "Beat the Champ (GV053 UAA01)"
cyclwarr "Cycle Warriors"
daytona "Daytona USA (Japan)"
ddux "Dynamite Dux (317-0096)"
desert "Desert Tank"
doa "Dead or Alive (Model 2B)"
dynabb "Dynamite Baseball '97"
dynamcop "Dynamite Cop (Model 2A)"
explbrkr "Explosive Breaker"
funystrp "Funny Strip"
fvipers "Fighting Vipers"
glpracr3 "Gallop Racer 3 (JAPAN)"
gs4002 "Selection (Version 40.02TMB)"
gunblade "Gunblade NY"
hotd "House of the Dead"
indy500 "Indianapolis 500"
lastbrnx "Last Bronx (Export, Rev A)"
manxtt "Manx TT Superbike"
mwarr "Mighty Warriors"
olds "Oriental Legend Super (Korea 101)"
pclubys "Puzzle Club (Yun Sung)"
pltkids "Pilot Kids (Model 2B)"
popbingo "Pop Bingo"
ppmast93 "Ping Pong Masters '93"
qb3 "QB-3 (prototype)"
raiders "Raiders"
roundup5 "Round Up 5 - Super Delta Force"
schamp "Sonic The Fighters"
sfex2 "Street Fighter EX 2 (USA 980526)"
sgt24h "Super GT 24h"
skytargt "Sky Target"
sonicbom "Sonic Boom"
sraider "Space Raider"
srallyc "Sega Rally Championship"
stcc "Sega Touring Car Championship"
taitogn "Taito GNET"
tank8 "Tank 8 (set 1)"
topskatr "Top Skater"
twinbrat "Twin Brats"
twins "Twins"
vcop "Virtua Cop"
vcop2 "Virtua Cop 2"
vf2 "Virtua Fighter 2 (ver 2.1)"
von "Virtual On Cyber Troopers (Japan)"
vstriker "Virtua Striker"
zerogun "Zero Gunner (Model 2B)"
*** new clones
99lstwrk "'99: The Last War (Kyugo)" [sonofphx]
astrob2a "Astro Blaster (version 2a)" [astrob]
atlantol "Atlant Olimpic" [trackfld]
bcstrya "BC Story (set 2)" [bcstry]
cclmbr2a "Crazy Climber 2 (Japan Harder)" [cclimbr2]
darkedgj "Dark Edge (Japan)" [darkedge]
daytonam "Daytona USA (Japan, To The MAXX)" [daytona]
daytonat "Daytona USA (Japan, Turbo hack)" [daytona]
ddcrewa "D. D. Crew (Europe, 4 Player, 317-?)" [ddcrew]
ddcrewb "D. D. Crew (Europe, 2 Player, 317-0184)" [ddcrew]
ddcrewc "D. D. Crew (Europe, 3 Player, 317-0187)" [ddcrew]
doaa "Dead or Alive (Model 2A)" [doa]
dyndeka2 "Dynamite Deka 2 (Japan, Model 2A)" [dynamcop]
dynmcopb "Dynamite Cop (Model 2B)" [dynamcop]
eagle3 "Eagle (set 3)" [mooncrst]
eswatu "E-Swat - Cyber Police (US)" [eswat]
farmer "Farmers Rebellion" [ikki]
fixeighb "FixEight (bootleg)" [fixeight]
gingania "Ginga NinkyouDen (set 2)" [ginganin]
gt103a3 "Trivia (Version 1.03a) (alt 3)" [gt103a]
invader4 "Space Invaders Part Four" [invaders]
kinstp "Killer Instinct (proto v4.7)" [kinst]
kinst2k "Killer Instinct 2 (v1.4k, upgrade kit)" [kinst2]
kinst210 "Killer Instinct 2 (v1.0)" [kinst2]
lastbrnj "Last Bronx (Japan, Rev A)" [lastbrnx]
mzrblzra "Mazer Blazer (set 2)" [mazerbla]
nibblero "Nibbler (Olympia)" [nibbler]
olds100 "Oriental Legend Super (100)" [olds]
olds100a "Oriental Legend Super (100 alt)" [olds]
othunduo "Operation Thunderbolt (US, older)" [othunder]
paintlad "Painted Lady (Splash) (Ver. 1.3 US)" [splash]
pengo4 "Pengo (set 4)" [pengo]
pltkidsa "Pilot Kids (Model 2A)" [pltkids]
skelagon "Skelagon" [sfx]
sspacat3 "Space Attack (upright set 3)" [sspaceat]
supergx "Super GX" [moonal2]
tank8a "Tank 8 (set 2)" [tank8]
tank8b "Tank 8 (set 3)" [tank8]
tank8c "Tank 8 (set 4)" [tank8]
tank8d "Tank 8 (set 5)" [tank8]
tetrisb "Tetris (System 16B, set 2, 317-0091)" [tetris]
titlefu "Title Fight (US, bad dump?)" [titlef]
topracra "Top Racer (set 2)" [polepos]
tron3 "Tron (set 3)" [tron]
tron4 "Tron (set 4)" [tron]
vf2b "Virtua Fighter 2 (ver B)" [vf2]
vf2o "Virtua Fighter 2 (original)" [vf2]
vformula "Virtua Formula" [vr]
vonusa "Virtual On Cyber Troopers (US)" [von]
vstrikra "Virtua Striker (Rev A)" [vstriker]
wb3b "Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair (set 3, 317-0085)" [wb3b]
wotwc "War of the Worlds (color)" [wotw]
zeroguna "Zero Gunner (Model 2A)" [zerogun]
zerogunj "Zero Gunner (Japan Model 2B)" [zerogun]
zeroteaa "Zero Team (set 2)" [zeroteam]
*** changed short
sfex2 -> sfex2j "Street Fighter EX 2 (JAPAN 980312)"
*** changed long
bcstry "BC Story" -> "BC Story (set 1)"
darkedge "Dark Edge" -> "Dark Edge (World)"
ddcrew "DD Crew" -> "D. D. Crew (US, 4 Player, 317-0186)"
ginganin "Ginga NinkyouDen" -> "Ginga NinkyouDen (set 1)"
guardian "Guardians of the Hood" -> "Guardians of the 'Hood"
hatena "Adventure Quiz 2 Hatena Hatena no Dai-Bouken (Japan)" -> "Adventure Quiz 2 Hatena Hatena no Dai-Bouken (Japan 900228)"
marukin "Super Marukin-Ban" -> "Super Marukin-Ban (Japan 901017)"
mazerbla "Mazer Blazer" -> "Mazer Blazer (set 1)"
sbbros-pm "Super Buster Bros. (US) [Panic Mode]" -> "Super Buster Bros. (US 901001) [Panic Mode]"
sbbros-tm "Super Buster Bros. (US) [Tour Mode]" -> "Super Buster Bros. (US 901001) [Tour Mode]"
sfiii3 "Street Fighter III 3rd Strike - Fight for the Future" -> "Street Fighter III 3rd Strike - Fight for the Future"
spang-pm "Super Pang (World) [Panic Mode]" -> "Super Pang (World 900914) [Panic Mode]"
spang-tm "Super Pang (World) [Tour Mode]" -> "Super Pang (World 900914) [Tour Mode]"
spangj-pm "Super Pang (Japan) [Panic Mode]" -> "Super Pang (Japan 901023) [Panic Mode]"
spangj-tm "Super Pang (Japan) [Tour Mode]" -> "Super Pang (Japan 901023) [Tour Mode]"
sspaceat "Space Attack (upright)" -> "Space Attack (upright set 1)"
sspacat2 "Space Attack (upright, older)" -> "Space Attack (upright set 2)"
tetrisbl "Tetris (Sega bootleg)" -> "Tetris (bootleg)"
titlef "Title Fight" -> "Title Fight (World)"
topracer "Top Racer" -> "Top Racer (set 1)"
wb3 "Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair (set 1)" -> "Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair (set 1, not encrypted)"
zeroteam "Zero Team" -> "Zero Team (set 1)"
The latest MAME 0.88 games have been added to the site. I'll need another day or so for the final list of changes. In the meantime, go ahead and upload!
Today is the first day for WCC4 ; the game choosen for 1st week is "pururun" ; rules are there, the WCC4 page is there
Download - [Win32 binaries, console and GUI, GCC 3.2.2 build]
Download - [Win32 source diff, for GCC]
Finally got around to fixing up MAME Plus so that I could compile it with Visual C++. :) This build will give speedups in some drivers, and yet should still be compatible with the GCC build.
Note: I've commented out one opcode in the i960 CPU core, as it uses a function that doesn't appear to be in the MS C runtime. So you should definitely mention which build you use for games that use this CPU.
Download - [Win32 binary, console and GUI, Visual C++ build]
The Fourth MAME Championship is over, and the winner is BBH. In second place came Gavin Ward followed by two players from team which was JYD> and Sawys.
We have decided to do a small update on the NVRAM rule (2.D) at MARP. The reason is that it has been a lot of discussions about what the "extraordinary circumstances" really are and how to interprate them.
Now you can all have normal sized INP files. ;)
Download [Win32 binary, console and GUI]
*** new originals
4psimasy "Mahjong 4P Simasyo (Japan)"
abunai "Abunai Houkago - Mou Matenai (Japan 890325)"
acommand "Alien Command"
commandw "Command War - Super Special Battle & War Game (Prototype)"
dmndrbya "Diamond Derby (set 2)"
fatfurwa "Fatal Fury: Wild Ambition (rev.A)"
fghtbskt "Fighting Basketball"
hotblock "Hot Blocks - Tetrix II"
janbari "Mahjong Janjan Baribari (Japan)"
jituroku "Jitsuroku Maru-chi Mahjong (Japan)"
kaguya2f "Mahjong Kaguyahime Sono2 Fukkokuban [BET] (Japan 010808)"
korinaim "Mahjong-zukino Korinai Menmen [BET] (Japan 880920)"
livegal "Live Gal (Japan 870530)"
mgion "Gionbana [BET] (Japan 890207)"
mhhonban "Mahjong Housoukyoku Honbanchuu (Japan)"
mjcamerb "Mahjong Camera Kozou (set 2) (Japan 881109)"
mjgottub "Medal Mahjong Gottsu ee-kanji [BET] (Japan)"
mmaiko "Maikobana [BET] (Japan 900911)"
msbingo "Miss Bingo"
musobana "Musoubana (Japan)"
nightlov "Night Love (Japan 860705)"
nmg5 "Multi 5 / New Multi Game 5"
omotesnd "Omotesandou (Japan 890215)"
pairsnb "Pairs (Nichibutsu) (Japan 890822)"
pntnpuzl "Paint & Puzzle"
raystorm "Ray Storm (Ver 2.06A)"
recalh "Recalhorn (Prototype)"
roadedge "Roads Edge / Round Trip (rev.B)"
rvschool "Rival Schools (USA 971117)"
sams64_2 "Samurai Shodown: Warrior's Rage"
schmeisr "Schmeiser Robo"
sfex2p "Street Fighter EX 2 Plus (USA 990611)"
suprgolf "Super Crown Golf"
taiwanmb "Taiwan Mahjong [BET] (Japan 881208)"
trucocl "Truco Clemente"
wcatcher "Mahjong Wakuwaku Catcher (Japan)"
wingwar "Wing War (US)"
yosimoto "Mahjong Yoshimoto Gekijou (Japan)"
*** new clones
ddtodj "Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom (Japan 940125)" [ddtod]
dmndrby "Diamond Derby (set 1)" [dmndrby]
iemotom "Iemoto [BET] (Japan 871118)" [iemoto]
kaguya2 "Mahjong Kaguyahime Sono2 [BET] (Japan 890829)" [kaguya2]
kyuhito "Kyukyoku no Hito [BET] (Japan 880824)" [kanatuen]
lovehous "Mahjong Love House [BET] (Japan 901024)" [club90s]
mcitylov "City Love [BET] (Japan 860904)" [citylove]
mjsikakc "Mahjong Shikaku (Japan 880806)" [mjsikaku]
mjsikakd "Mahjong Shikaku (Japan 880802)" [mjsikaku]
mkoiuraa "Mahjong Koi Uranai (set 2) (Japan)" [mjkoiura]
mmsikaku "Mahjong Shikaku [BET] (Japan 880929)" [mjsikaku]
mvsca "Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Asia 980123)" [mvsc]
orangeci "Orange Club - Maru-hi Ippatsu Kaihou [BET] (Japan 880221)" [orangec]
ojousanm "Ojousan [BET] (Japan 870108)" [ojousan]
ryuuha "Ryuuha [BET] (Japan 871027)" [iemoto]
sailorwa "Mahjong Sailor Wars (Japan) (set 2)" [sailorws]
sf2hf "Street Fighter II' - Hyper Fighting (World 921209)" [sf2ce]
tetrista "Tetris (Japan, B-System, YM2203)" [tetris]
zero "Zero ?" [defender]
*** changed short
ddtodj -> ddtodjr1 "Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom (Japan 940113)"
dw -> dynwar "Dynasty Wars (World)"
dwj -> dynwarj "Tenchi wo Kurau (Japan)"
mvsca -> mvscar1 "Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Asia 980112)"
pastelgl -> pastelg "Pastel Gal (Japan 851224)"
raystorm -> raystorj "Ray Storm (Ver 2.05J)"
rvschool -> rvschola "Rival Schools (ASIA 971117)"
sfex2p -> sfex2pa "Street Fighter EX 2 Plus (ASIA 990611)"
wingwar -> wingwara "Wing War"
*** changed long
bonkadv "Bonks Adventure" -> "Bonk's Adventure"
buriki "Buriki One" -> "Buriki One (rev.B)"
ffightj "Final Fight (Japan set 1)" -> "Final Fight (Japan)"
ffightj1 "Final Fight (Japan set 2)" -> "Final Fight (Japan 900305)"
misncrft "Mission Craft" -> "Mission Craft (version 2.4)"
mjcamera "Mahjong Camera Kozou (Japan 881109)" -> "Mahjong Camera Kozou (set 1) (Japan 881109)"
mmcamera "(Medal) Mahjong Camera Kozou [BET] (Medal) Mahjong Camera Kozou [BET] (Japan 890509)" -> "Mahjong Camera Kozou [BET] (Japan 890509)"
mt_revsh "Mega-Tech: The Revenge Of Shinobi" -> "Mega-Tech: The Revenge of Shinobi"
mt_sonic "Mega-Tech: Sonic the Hedgehog (set 1)" -> "Mega-Tech: Sonic The Hedgehog (set 1)"
mt_sonia "Mega-Tech: Sonic the Hedgehog (set 2)" -> "Mega-Tech: Sonic The Hedgehog (set 2)"
mt_soni2 "Mega-Tech: Sonic the Hedgehog 2" -> "Mega-Tech: Sonic The Hedgehog 2"
mp_sonic "MegaPlay: Sonic the Hedgehog" -> "Mega Play: Sonic The Hedgehog"
mp_gaxe2 "MegaPlay: Golden Axe II" -> "Mega Play: Golden Axe II"
mp_twc "MegaPlay: Tecmo World Cup" -> "Mega Play: Tecmo World Cup"
orunners "Outrunners (US)" -> "OutRunners (US)"
sonic "Segasonic the Hedgehog (Japan rev. C)" -> "SegaSonic The Hedgehog (Japan rev. C)"
sonicp "Segasonic the Hedgehog (Japan prototype)" -> "SegaSonic The Hedgehog (Japan prototype)"
tetrist "Tetris (Japan, B-System)" -> "Tetris (Japan, B-System, YM2610)"
vamphalf "Vamp 1/2" -> "Vamp 1/2 (Korea)"
vf1 "Virtua Fighter 1" -> "Virtua Fighter"
vipclub "Vip Club [BET] (Japan 880310)" -> "Vip Club - Maru-hi Ippatsu Kaihou [BET] (Japan 880310)"
yumefuda "(Medal) Yumefuda (Medal) Yumefuda" -> "(Medal) Yumefuda [BET] (Medal) Yumefuda [BET]"
*** changed both
racoon -> raccoon "Racoon World" -> "Raccoon World"
whizquiz -> wizzquiz "Whiz Quiz" -> "Wizz Quiz (version 4)"
Here you go...
[Download] - Win32 binary, console and GUI.
[Download] - unicows.dll, required for non-east-asian versions of Win9x/Me.
*** new originals
bigfghtr "Tatakae! Big Fighter"
coolmini "Cool Mini"
coolridr "Cool Riders"
fgoal "Field Goal"
gradius4 "Gradius 4: Fukkatsu"
gticlub "GTI Club"
midnrun "Midnight Run"
phrcraze "Phraze Craze"
pitboss "Pit Boss"
prtytime "Party Time: Gonta the Diver II"
racingj "Racing Jam"
robowres "Robo Wres 2001"
sscope "Silent Scope"
sscope2 "Silent Scope 2"
tcobra2 "Twin Cobra 2 (World)"
thrilld "Thrill Drive"
tictac "Tic Tac Trivia"
trvwhiz "Trivia Whiz"
trvwhzii "Trivia Whiz II ?"
windheat "Winding Heat"
*** new clones
countrb2 "Counter Run (bootleg set 2)" [countrun]
fgoala "Field Goal (different)" [fgoal]
goldmeda "Gold Medalist (alt)" [goldmedl]
racingj2 "Racing Jam: Chapter 2" [racingj]
robowrb "Robo Wres 2001 (bootleg)" [robowres]
tcobra2u "Twin Cobra 2 (US)" [tcobra2]
vsnetscj "Versus Net Soccer (ver JAB)" [vsnetscr]
*** changed long
countrnb "Counter Run (bootleg)" -> "Counter Run (bootleg set 1)"
Updated already...
Download [Win32 binaries, Console and GUI, GCC build]
Fixed a couple of minor bugs - the correct version should now be recorded.
Re-downloading is strongly encouraged. URL is the same as below.
Finally, an 0.85 build of MAME Plus appeared.
Do be aware that there may be some MAME Plus related bugs, as I am unsure of whether this version is a proper release. It may be some more time until I make a VC++ build, as the setup was a bit screwy in 0.84u5 (related to expat and zlib).
Download [Win32 binaries, console and GUI, GCC build]
The fourth MAME Championship started tonight. For more information check out the Board or go here:
Tournament page
*** new originals
bm6thmix "beatmania 6th MIX (ver JA-A)"
chmplst2 "Champion List II"
columns2 "Columns II: The Voyage Through Time"
conquer "Conquer"
crusnexo "Cruis'n Exotica"
cybots "Cyberbots: Fullmetal Madness (Euro 950424)"
diggerc "Digger (CVS)"
dunkmnia "Dunk Mania (DM2/VER.C)"
harem "Harem"
gnbarich "Gunbarich"
hiimpact "High Impact Football (rev LA4 02/04/91)"
invasn "Invasion (Midway)"
jongbou "Mahjong Block Jongbou (Japan)"
lhb "Long Hu Bang"
mfjump "Monster Farm Jump (JAPAN)"
mk4 "Mortal Kombat 4 (rev L3)"
puzlstar "Puzzle Star"
thegrid "Grid, The"
trvgns "Trivia Genius"
twinfalc "Twin Falcons"
vbowl "Virtual Bowling"
xymg "Xing Yen Man Guan"
*** new clones
altb8571 "Altered Beast (8571 protected)" [altbeast]
bagnarda "Le Bagnard (set 2)" [bagman]
bloxeedu "Bloxeed (US, C System)" [bloxeed]
*capbowl4 "Capcom Bowling (set 4)" [capbowl]
chugokur "Chuugokuryuu (Japan)" [chindrag]
ckongb "Crazy Kong (Alternative levels)" [ckong]
fantlnda "Fantasy Land (set 2)" [fantland]
faxa "Fax (alt. questions)" [fax]
flashgla "Flashgal (set 2)" [flashgal]
galpania "Gals Panic (set 3)" [galpanic]
gtmr2a "Mille Miglia 2: Great 1000 Miles Rally (95/04/04)" [gtmr2]
jyuo8571 "Jyuohki (Japan, 8571 protected)" [altbeast]
lastforg "Last Fortress - Toride (German)" [lastfort]
nibblerb "Nibbler (set 3)" [nibbler]
pop_hh "Popper (Hard Head bootleg)" [hardhead]
portrata "Portraits (set 2)" [portrait]
radru "Rad Rally (US)" [radr]
sqixa "Super Qix (set 2)" [sqix]
*** changed short
columns2 -> column2j "Columns II: The Voyage Through Time (Japan)"
cybots -> cybotsu "Cyberbots: Fullmetal Madness (US 950424)"
dunkmnia -> dunkmnic "Dunk Mania (DM1/VER.C)"
hiimpact -> hiimpac3 "High Impact Football (rev LA3 12/27/90)"
*** changed long
bagnard "Le Bagnard" -> "Le Bagnard (set 1)"
blitz2k "NFL Blitz 2000" -> "NFL Blitz 2000 Gold Edition"
centipdb "Centipede (bootleg set 1)" -> "Centipede (bootleg)"
flashgal "Flashgal" -> "Flashgal (set 1)"
gtmr2 "Mille Miglia 2: Great 1000 Miles Rally" -> "Mille Miglia 2: Great 1000 Miles Rally (95/05/24)"
portrait "Portraits" -> "Portraits (set 1)"
*** changed both
centipb2 -> caterplr "Centipede (bootleg set 2)" -> "Caterpillar"
mspacman-fast -> mspacmnf "Ms. Pac-Man [with speedup cheat]" -> "Ms. Pac-Man (with speedup hack)"
pacman-fast -> pacmanf "Pac-Man (Midway) [with speedup cheat]" -> "Pac-Man (Midway, with speedup hack)"
puckman-fast -> puckmanf "PuckMan (Japan set 1) [with speedup cheat]" -> "PuckMan (Japan set 1 with speedup hack)"
superqix -> sqix "Super Qix" -> "Super Qix (set 1)"
*** archived
hangly-fast -> *hangly-fast "Hangly-Man (set 1) [with speedup cheat]"
hangly2-fast -> *hangly2-fast "Hangly-Man (set 2) [with speedup cheat]"
hangly3-fast -> *hangly3-fast "Hangly-Man (set 3) [with speedup cheat]"
joyman-fast -> *joyman-fast "Joyman [with speedup cheat]"
jrpacman-fast -> *jrpacman-fast "Jr. Pac-Man [with speedup cheat]"
mspacmab-fast -> *mspacmab-fast "Ms. Pac-Man (bootleg) [with speedup cheat]"
mspacmat-fast -> *mspacmat-fast "Ms. Pac Attack [with speedup cheat]"
mspacpls-fast -> *mspacpls-fast "Ms. Pac-Man Plus [with speedup cheat]"
newpuc2-fast -> *newpuc2-fast "Newpuc2 [with speedup cheat]"
newpuc2b-fast -> *newpuc2b-fast "Newpuc2 (set 2) [with speedup cheat]"
newpuckx-fast -> *newpuckx-fast "New Puck-X [with speedup cheat]"
pacgal-fast -> *pacgal-fast "Pac-Gal [with speedup cheat]"
pacheart-fast -> *pacheart-fast "Pac-Man (Hearts) [with speedup cheat]"
pacmod-fast -> *pacmod-fast "Pac-Man (Midway, harder) [with speedup cheat]"
pacplus-fast -> *pacplus-fast "Pac-Man Plus [with speedup cheat]"
piranha-fast -> *piranha-fast "Piranha [with speedup cheat]"
piranhah-fast -> *piranhah-fast "Piranha (hack) [with speedup cheat]"
piranhao-fast -> *piranhao-fast "Piranha (older) [with speedup cheat]"
puckmana-fast -> *puckmana-fast "PuckMan (Japan set 2) [with speedup cheat]"
puckmod-fast -> *puckmod-fast "PuckMan (harder?) [with speedup cheat]"
*** unarchived
*sengoku3 -> sengoku3 "Sengoku 3"
*vasara2 -> vasara2 "Vasara 2 (set 1)"
*vasara2a -> vasara2a "Vasara 2 (set 2)"
*zupapa -> zupapa "Zupapa!"
Special rules has been updated for "Roc'n rope" [rocnrope] and Roc'n Rope (Kosuka) [rocnropk]. To prevent endless leeching, the dipswitch "Grant repeated bonus" MUST be set to "NO", which will make it a 3 man game (+ 1 possible extra man).
MARP's Fourth MAME Championship will start August the 14th. To sign up go here:
Updated code to 0.84u2. This fixes the problem with changing default inputs (plus other stuff too).
Download [x86 Win32 binaries, Console and GUI]
New features:
* rand() fix for Bubble Bobble
* CPU type check
* -sound/-nosound check
* -cheat is no longer enabled by default by the GUI (never was for commandline users)
Download [x86 Win32 binaries, console and GUI]
*** new originals
backfire "Backfire!"
bmcbowl "BMC Bowling"
boogwing "Boogie Wings"
chainrec "Chain Reaction"
charlien "Charlie Ninja"
dblewing "Double Wings"
dblpoint "Double Point"
dietgo "Diet Go Go"
drgnbowl "Dragon Bowl"
drgw2 "Dragon World II (ver. 110X, Export)"
empcityu "Empire City: 1931 (US)"
galpani3 "Gals Panic 3"
gangonta "Ganbare! Gonta!! 2"
gt102b "Trivia (Version 1.02B)"
gt102c "Trivia (Version 1.02C)"
gt103a "Trivia (Version 1.03a)"
gt5 "Trivia (Version 5)"
hangman "Hangman"
hvysmsh "Heavy Smash"
joemacr "Joe & Mac Returns"
killbld "Killing Blade, The"
kngtmare "Knightmare (prototype)"
meijinsn "Meijinsen "
osman "Osman"
pktgaldx "Pocket Gal Deluxe"
puchicar "Puchi Carat (World)"
squash "Squash (Ver. 1.0)"
strtdriv "Street Drivin' (prototype)"
suchipi "Idol Janshi Su-Chi-Pi Special"
thoop "Thunder Hoop"
wcvol95 "World Cup Volley '95"
*** new clones
dietgoa "Diet Go Go (alt)" [dietgo]
dietgoe "Diet Go Go (Euro v1.1)" [dietgo]
finalbu "Final Blow (US)" [finalb]
gt102c1 "Trivia (Version 1.02C Alt questions 1)" [gt102c]
gt102c2 "Trivia (Version 1.02C Alt questions 2)" [gt102c]
gt102c3 "Trivia (Version 1.02C Alt questions 3)" [gt102c]
gt103asa "Trivia (Version 1.03a Alt questions 1)" [gt103a]
gt103asx "Trivia (Version 1.03a Sex questions)" [gt103a]
joemacra "Joe & Mac Returns (set 2)" [joemacr]
magdrop "Magical Drop" [chainrec]
magdropp "Magical Drop Plus" [chainrec]
megazona "Mega Zone (Konami set 2)" [megazone]
megazonb "Mega Zone (Kosuka set 1)" [megazone]
megazonc "Mega Zone (Kosuka set 2)" [megazone]
motofrft "Moto Frenzy (Field Test Version)" [motofren]
motofrmd "Moto Frenzy (Mini Deluxe)" [motofren]
motomdft "Moto Frenzy (Mini Deluxe Field Test Version)" [motofren]
mvscb "Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Brazil 980123)" [mvsc]
psyfrcex "Psychic Force EX (Ver 2.0J)" [psyforce]
sabotnba "Saboten Bombers (set 2)" [sabotenb]
sextriv2 "Sexual Trivia (Version 1.02SB set 2)" [sextriv1]
sfa3b "Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Brazil 980629)" [sfa3]
sfar2 "Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams (Euro 950627)" [sfa]
sfz2n "Street Fighter Zero 2 (Oceania 960229)" [sfa2]
spclordb "Space Lords (rev B)" [spclords]
spclordg "Space Lords (rev A, German)" [spclords]
stfighta "Street Fight" [empcity]
tornado1 "Tornado? (bootleg set 1)" [defender]
tornado2 "Tornado? (bootleg set 2)" [defender]
vaportrp "Vapor TRX (prototype)" [vaportrx]
*** changed short
dragwld2 -> drgw2c "Zhong Guo Long II (ver. 100C, China)"
dw3 -> drgw3 "Dragon World 3"
dw3k -> drgw3k "Dragon World 3 (Korean Board)"
puchicar -> puchicrj "Puchi Carat (Japan)"
sfar2 -> sfar3 "Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams (Euro 950605)"
*** changed long
fantland "Fantasy Land" -> "Fantasy Land (set 1)"
findout "Find Out" -> "Find Out (Version 4.04)"
hvnsgate "Heavens Gate" -> "Heaven's Gate"
megazone "Mega Zone" -> "Mega Zone (Konami set 1)"
megaznik "Mega Zone (Kosuka)" -> "Mega Zone (Interlogic + Kosuka)"
mgcldate "Magical Date (Ver 2.02J)" -> "Magical Date / Magical Date - dokidoki kokuhaku daisakusen (Ver 2.02J)"
mgcldtex "Magical Date EX (Ver 2.01J)" -> "Magical Date EX / Magical Date - sotsugyou kokuhaku daisakusen (Ver 2.01J)"
sabotenb "Saboten Bombers" -> "Saboten Bombers (set 1)"
spclorda "Space Lords (alternate)" -> "Space Lords (rev A)"
spclords "Space Lords" -> "Space Lords (rev C)"
*** changed both
getrv1 -> gt507uk "Trivia 1 (UK Version 5.07)" -> "Trivia (UK Version 5.07)"
getrv2 -> gt103a1 "Trivia 2 (Version 1.03a)" -> "Trivia (Version 1.03a) (alt 1)"
getrv3 -> gt103a2 "Trivia 3 (Version 1.03a)" -> "Trivia (Version 1.03a) (alt 2)"
getrv4 -> gt103 "Trivia 4 (Version 1.03)" -> "Trivia (Version 1.03)"
getrivia -> sextriv1 "Trivia (V. 1.02B)" -> "Sexual Trivia (Version 1.02SB set 1)"