MAME Action Replay Page - News

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What's new at the MAME Action Replay Page? This is:

20th March, 2005

10th March, 2005

9th March, 2005

7th March, 2005

2nd March, 2005

1st March, 2005

23rd February, 2005

15th February, 2005

14th February, 2005

8th February, 2005

7th February, 2005

2nd February, 2005

1st February, 2005

8th January, 2005

6th January, 2005

1st January, 2005

22nd December, 2004

15th December, 2004

8th December, 2004

1st December, 2004

29th November, 2004

24th November, 2004

17th November, 2004

10th November, 2004

3rd November, 2004

31th October, 2004

29th October, 2004

28th October, 2004

27th October, 2004

25th October, 2004

14th October, 2004

8th October, 2004

6th October, 2004
  • The NVRAM rule [7:06am] QRS
    We have decided to do a small update on the NVRAM rule (2.D) at MARP. The reason is that it has been a lot of discussions about what the "extraordinary circumstances" really are and how to interprate them.

30th September, 2004
  • WolfMAME Plus 0.87u1 [7:01am] BR
    Now you can all have normal sized INP files. ;)

    Download [Win32 binary, console and GUI]

22nd September, 2004
  • MAME 0.87 Game Changes [4:45pm] ***PL***
    *** new originals
    4psimasy "Mahjong 4P Simasyo (Japan)"
    abunai "Abunai Houkago - Mou Matenai (Japan 890325)"
    acommand "Alien Command"
    commandw "Command War - Super Special Battle & War Game (Prototype)"
    dmndrbya "Diamond Derby (set 2)"
    fatfurwa "Fatal Fury: Wild Ambition (rev.A)"
    fghtbskt "Fighting Basketball"
    hotblock "Hot Blocks - Tetrix II"
    janbari "Mahjong Janjan Baribari (Japan)"
    jituroku "Jitsuroku Maru-chi Mahjong (Japan)"
    kaguya2f "Mahjong Kaguyahime Sono2 Fukkokuban [BET] (Japan 010808)"
    korinaim "Mahjong-zukino Korinai Menmen [BET] (Japan 880920)"
    livegal "Live Gal (Japan 870530)"
    mgion "Gionbana [BET] (Japan 890207)"
    mhhonban "Mahjong Housoukyoku Honbanchuu (Japan)"
    mjcamerb "Mahjong Camera Kozou (set 2) (Japan 881109)"
    mjgottub "Medal Mahjong Gottsu ee-kanji [BET] (Japan)"
    mmaiko "Maikobana [BET] (Japan 900911)"
    msbingo "Miss Bingo"
    musobana "Musoubana (Japan)"
    nightlov "Night Love (Japan 860705)"
    nmg5 "Multi 5 / New Multi Game 5"
    omotesnd "Omotesandou (Japan 890215)"
    pairsnb "Pairs (Nichibutsu) (Japan 890822)"
    pntnpuzl "Paint & Puzzle"
    raystorm "Ray Storm (Ver 2.06A)"
    recalh "Recalhorn (Prototype)"
    roadedge "Roads Edge / Round Trip (rev.B)"
    rvschool "Rival Schools (USA 971117)"
    sams64_2 "Samurai Shodown: Warrior's Rage"
    schmeisr "Schmeiser Robo"
    sfex2p "Street Fighter EX 2 Plus (USA 990611)"
    suprgolf "Super Crown Golf"
    taiwanmb "Taiwan Mahjong [BET] (Japan 881208)"
    trucocl "Truco Clemente"
    wcatcher "Mahjong Wakuwaku Catcher (Japan)"
    wingwar "Wing War (US)"
    yosimoto "Mahjong Yoshimoto Gekijou (Japan)"

    *** new clones
    ddtodj "Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom (Japan 940125)" [ddtod]
    dmndrby "Diamond Derby (set 1)" [dmndrby]
    iemotom "Iemoto [BET] (Japan 871118)" [iemoto]
    kaguya2 "Mahjong Kaguyahime Sono2 [BET] (Japan 890829)" [kaguya2]
    kyuhito "Kyukyoku no Hito [BET] (Japan 880824)" [kanatuen]
    lovehous "Mahjong Love House [BET] (Japan 901024)" [club90s]
    mcitylov "City Love [BET] (Japan 860904)" [citylove]
    mjsikakc "Mahjong Shikaku (Japan 880806)" [mjsikaku]
    mjsikakd "Mahjong Shikaku (Japan 880802)" [mjsikaku]
    mkoiuraa "Mahjong Koi Uranai (set 2) (Japan)" [mjkoiura]
    mmsikaku "Mahjong Shikaku [BET] (Japan 880929)" [mjsikaku]
    mvsca "Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Asia 980123)" [mvsc]
    orangeci "Orange Club - Maru-hi Ippatsu Kaihou [BET] (Japan 880221)" [orangec]
    ojousanm "Ojousan [BET] (Japan 870108)" [ojousan]
    ryuuha "Ryuuha [BET] (Japan 871027)" [iemoto]
    sailorwa "Mahjong Sailor Wars (Japan) (set 2)" [sailorws]
    sf2hf "Street Fighter II' - Hyper Fighting (World 921209)" [sf2ce]
    tetrista "Tetris (Japan, B-System, YM2203)" [tetris]
    zero "Zero ?" [defender]

    *** changed short
    ddtodj -> ddtodjr1 "Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom (Japan 940113)"
    dw -> dynwar "Dynasty Wars (World)"
    dwj -> dynwarj "Tenchi wo Kurau (Japan)"
    mvsca -> mvscar1 "Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Asia 980112)"
    pastelgl -> pastelg "Pastel Gal (Japan 851224)"
    raystorm -> raystorj "Ray Storm (Ver 2.05J)"
    rvschool -> rvschola "Rival Schools (ASIA 971117)"
    sfex2p -> sfex2pa "Street Fighter EX 2 Plus (ASIA 990611)"
    wingwar -> wingwara "Wing War"

    *** changed long
    bonkadv "Bonks Adventure" -> "Bonk's Adventure"
    buriki "Buriki One" -> "Buriki One (rev.B)"
    ffightj "Final Fight (Japan set 1)" -> "Final Fight (Japan)"
    ffightj1 "Final Fight (Japan set 2)" -> "Final Fight (Japan 900305)"
    misncrft "Mission Craft" -> "Mission Craft (version 2.4)"
    mjcamera "Mahjong Camera Kozou (Japan 881109)" -> "Mahjong Camera Kozou (set 1) (Japan 881109)"
    mmcamera "(Medal) Mahjong Camera Kozou [BET] (Medal) Mahjong Camera Kozou [BET] (Japan 890509)" -> "Mahjong Camera Kozou [BET] (Japan 890509)"
    mt_revsh "Mega-Tech: The Revenge Of Shinobi" -> "Mega-Tech: The Revenge of Shinobi"
    mt_sonic "Mega-Tech: Sonic the Hedgehog (set 1)" -> "Mega-Tech: Sonic The Hedgehog (set 1)"
    mt_sonia "Mega-Tech: Sonic the Hedgehog (set 2)" -> "Mega-Tech: Sonic The Hedgehog (set 2)"
    mt_soni2 "Mega-Tech: Sonic the Hedgehog 2" -> "Mega-Tech: Sonic The Hedgehog 2"
    mp_sonic "MegaPlay: Sonic the Hedgehog" -> "Mega Play: Sonic The Hedgehog"
    mp_gaxe2 "MegaPlay: Golden Axe II" -> "Mega Play: Golden Axe II"
    mp_twc "MegaPlay: Tecmo World Cup" -> "Mega Play: Tecmo World Cup"
    orunners "Outrunners (US)" -> "OutRunners (US)"
    sonic "Segasonic the Hedgehog (Japan rev. C)" -> "SegaSonic The Hedgehog (Japan rev. C)"
    sonicp "Segasonic the Hedgehog (Japan prototype)" -> "SegaSonic The Hedgehog (Japan prototype)"
    tetrist "Tetris (Japan, B-System)" -> "Tetris (Japan, B-System, YM2610)"
    vamphalf "Vamp 1/2" -> "Vamp 1/2 (Korea)"
    vf1 "Virtua Fighter 1" -> "Virtua Fighter"
    vipclub "Vip Club [BET] (Japan 880310)" -> "Vip Club - Maru-hi Ippatsu Kaihou [BET] (Japan 880310)"
    yumefuda "(Medal) Yumefuda (Medal) Yumefuda" -> "(Medal) Yumefuda [BET] (Medal) Yumefuda [BET]"

    *** changed both
    racoon -> raccoon "Racoon World" -> "Raccoon World"
    whizquiz -> wizzquiz "Whiz Quiz" -> "Wizz Quiz (version 4)"
  • WolfMAME Plus 0.87 [6:07am] BR
    Here you go...

    [Download] - Win32 binary, console and GUI.
    [Download] - unicows.dll, required for non-east-asian versions of Win9x/Me.

23rd August, 2004
  • MAME 0.86 Game Changes [10:15am] ***PL***

    *** new originals
    bigfghtr "Tatakae! Big Fighter"
    coolmini "Cool Mini"
    coolridr "Cool Riders"
    fgoal "Field Goal"
    gradius4 "Gradius 4: Fukkatsu"
    gticlub "GTI Club"
    midnrun "Midnight Run"
    phrcraze "Phraze Craze"
    pitboss "Pit Boss"
    prtytime "Party Time: Gonta the Diver II"
    racingj "Racing Jam"
    robowres "Robo Wres 2001"
    sscope "Silent Scope"
    sscope2 "Silent Scope 2"
    tcobra2 "Twin Cobra 2 (World)"
    thrilld "Thrill Drive"
    tictac "Tic Tac Trivia"
    trvwhiz "Trivia Whiz"
    trvwhzii "Trivia Whiz II ?"
    windheat "Winding Heat"

    *** new clones
    countrb2 "Counter Run (bootleg set 2)" [countrun]
    fgoala "Field Goal (different)" [fgoal]
    goldmeda "Gold Medalist (alt)" [goldmedl]
    racingj2 "Racing Jam: Chapter 2" [racingj]
    robowrb "Robo Wres 2001 (bootleg)" [robowres]
    tcobra2u "Twin Cobra 2 (US)" [tcobra2]
    vsnetscj "Versus Net Soccer (ver JAB)" [vsnetscr]

    *** changed long
    countrnb "Counter Run (bootleg)" -> "Counter Run (bootleg set 1)"
  • WolfMAME Plus 0.86 [6:35am] BR
    Updated already...

    Download [Win32 binaries, Console and GUI, GCC build]

20th August, 2004
  • WolfMAME updated [7:33pm] BR
    Fixed a couple of minor bugs - the correct version should now be recorded.

    Re-downloading is strongly encouraged. URL is the same as below.

19th August, 2004
  • WolfMAME Plus 0.85u2 [7:26pm] BR
    Finally, an 0.85 build of MAME Plus appeared.
    Do be aware that there may be some MAME Plus related bugs, as I am unsure of whether this version is a proper release. It may be some more time until I make a VC++ build, as the setup was a bit screwy in 0.84u5 (related to expat and zlib).

    Download [Win32 binaries, console and GUI, GCC build]

14th August, 2004
  • Fourth MAME Championship have started. [2:47am] Frankie
    The fourth MAME Championship started tonight. For more information check out the Board or go here:

    Tournament page

11th August, 2004
  • MAME 0.85 Game Changes [12:30am] ***PL***

    *** new originals
    bm6thmix "beatmania 6th MIX (ver JA-A)"
    chmplst2 "Champion List II"
    columns2 "Columns II: The Voyage Through Time"
    conquer "Conquer"
    crusnexo "Cruis'n Exotica"
    cybots "Cyberbots: Fullmetal Madness (Euro 950424)"
    diggerc "Digger (CVS)"
    dunkmnia "Dunk Mania (DM2/VER.C)"
    harem "Harem"
    gnbarich "Gunbarich"
    hiimpact "High Impact Football (rev LA4 02/04/91)"
    invasn "Invasion (Midway)"
    jongbou "Mahjong Block Jongbou (Japan)"
    lhb "Long Hu Bang"
    mfjump "Monster Farm Jump (JAPAN)"
    mk4 "Mortal Kombat 4 (rev L3)"
    puzlstar "Puzzle Star"
    thegrid "Grid, The"
    trvgns "Trivia Genius"
    twinfalc "Twin Falcons"
    vbowl "Virtual Bowling"
    xymg "Xing Yen Man Guan"

    *** new clones
    altb8571 "Altered Beast (8571 protected)" [altbeast]
    bagnarda "Le Bagnard (set 2)" [bagman]
    bloxeedu "Bloxeed (US, C System)" [bloxeed]
    *capbowl4 "Capcom Bowling (set 4)" [capbowl]
    chugokur "Chuugokuryuu (Japan)" [chindrag]
    ckongb "Crazy Kong (Alternative levels)" [ckong]
    fantlnda "Fantasy Land (set 2)" [fantland]
    faxa "Fax (alt. questions)" [fax]
    flashgla "Flashgal (set 2)" [flashgal]
    galpania "Gals Panic (set 3)" [galpanic]
    gtmr2a "Mille Miglia 2: Great 1000 Miles Rally (95/04/04)" [gtmr2]
    jyuo8571 "Jyuohki (Japan, 8571 protected)" [altbeast]
    lastforg "Last Fortress - Toride (German)" [lastfort]
    nibblerb "Nibbler (set 3)" [nibbler]
    pop_hh "Popper (Hard Head bootleg)" [hardhead]
    portrata "Portraits (set 2)" [portrait]
    radru "Rad Rally (US)" [radr]
    sqixa "Super Qix (set 2)" [sqix]

    *** changed short
    columns2 -> column2j "Columns II: The Voyage Through Time (Japan)"
    cybots -> cybotsu "Cyberbots: Fullmetal Madness (US 950424)"
    dunkmnia -> dunkmnic "Dunk Mania (DM1/VER.C)"
    hiimpact -> hiimpac3 "High Impact Football (rev LA3 12/27/90)"

    *** changed long
    bagnard "Le Bagnard" -> "Le Bagnard (set 1)"
    blitz2k "NFL Blitz 2000" -> "NFL Blitz 2000 Gold Edition"
    centipdb "Centipede (bootleg set 1)" -> "Centipede (bootleg)"
    flashgal "Flashgal" -> "Flashgal (set 1)"
    gtmr2 "Mille Miglia 2: Great 1000 Miles Rally" -> "Mille Miglia 2: Great 1000 Miles Rally (95/05/24)"
    portrait "Portraits" -> "Portraits (set 1)"

    *** changed both
    centipb2 -> caterplr "Centipede (bootleg set 2)" -> "Caterpillar"
    mspacman-fast -> mspacmnf "Ms. Pac-Man [with speedup cheat]" -> "Ms. Pac-Man (with speedup hack)"
    pacman-fast -> pacmanf "Pac-Man (Midway) [with speedup cheat]" -> "Pac-Man (Midway, with speedup hack)"
    puckman-fast -> puckmanf "PuckMan (Japan set 1) [with speedup cheat]" -> "PuckMan (Japan set 1 with speedup hack)"
    superqix -> sqix "Super Qix" -> "Super Qix (set 1)"

    *** archived
    hangly-fast -> *hangly-fast "Hangly-Man (set 1) [with speedup cheat]"
    hangly2-fast -> *hangly2-fast "Hangly-Man (set 2) [with speedup cheat]"
    hangly3-fast -> *hangly3-fast "Hangly-Man (set 3) [with speedup cheat]"
    joyman-fast -> *joyman-fast "Joyman [with speedup cheat]"
    jrpacman-fast -> *jrpacman-fast "Jr. Pac-Man [with speedup cheat]"
    mspacmab-fast -> *mspacmab-fast "Ms. Pac-Man (bootleg) [with speedup cheat]"
    mspacmat-fast -> *mspacmat-fast "Ms. Pac Attack [with speedup cheat]"
    mspacpls-fast -> *mspacpls-fast "Ms. Pac-Man Plus [with speedup cheat]"
    newpuc2-fast -> *newpuc2-fast "Newpuc2 [with speedup cheat]"
    newpuc2b-fast -> *newpuc2b-fast "Newpuc2 (set 2) [with speedup cheat]"
    newpuckx-fast -> *newpuckx-fast "New Puck-X [with speedup cheat]"
    pacgal-fast -> *pacgal-fast "Pac-Gal [with speedup cheat]"
    pacheart-fast -> *pacheart-fast "Pac-Man (Hearts) [with speedup cheat]"
    pacmod-fast -> *pacmod-fast "Pac-Man (Midway, harder) [with speedup cheat]"
    pacplus-fast -> *pacplus-fast "Pac-Man Plus [with speedup cheat]"
    piranha-fast -> *piranha-fast "Piranha [with speedup cheat]"
    piranhah-fast -> *piranhah-fast "Piranha (hack) [with speedup cheat]"
    piranhao-fast -> *piranhao-fast "Piranha (older) [with speedup cheat]"
    puckmana-fast -> *puckmana-fast "PuckMan (Japan set 2) [with speedup cheat]"
    puckmod-fast -> *puckmod-fast "PuckMan (harder?) [with speedup cheat]"

    *** unarchived
    *sengoku3 -> sengoku3 "Sengoku 3"
    *vasara2 -> vasara2 "Vasara 2 (set 1)"
    *vasara2a -> vasara2a "Vasara 2 (set 2)"
    *zupapa -> zupapa "Zupapa!"
  • Roc'n Rope [11:08am] QRS
    Special rules has been updated for "Roc'n rope" [rocnrope] and Roc'n Rope (Kosuka) [rocnropk]. To prevent endless leeching, the dipswitch "Grant repeated bonus" MUST be set to "NO", which will make it a 3 man game (+ 1 possible extra man).

16th July, 2004
  • Fourth MAME Championship. [6:48pm] Frankie
    MARP's Fourth MAME Championship will start August the 14th. To sign up go here:

11th July, 2004
  • WolfMAME Plus 0.84u2 [6:00pm] BR
    Updated code to 0.84u2. This fixes the problem with changing default inputs (plus other stuff too).

    Download [x86 Win32 binaries, Console and GUI]

9th July, 2004
  • WolfMAME Plus 0.84u1 [7:07am] BR
    New features:

    * rand() fix for Bubble Bobble
    * CPU type check
    * -sound/-nosound check
    * -cheat is no longer enabled by default by the GUI (never was for commandline users)

    Download [x86 Win32 binaries, console and GUI]

6th July, 2004
  • MAME 0.84 Game Changes [2:10pm] ***PL***

    *** new originals
    backfire "Backfire!"
    bmcbowl "BMC Bowling"
    boogwing "Boogie Wings"
    chainrec "Chain Reaction"
    charlien "Charlie Ninja"
    dblewing "Double Wings"
    dblpoint "Double Point"
    dietgo "Diet Go Go"
    drgnbowl "Dragon Bowl"
    drgw2 "Dragon World II (ver. 110X, Export)"
    empcityu "Empire City: 1931 (US)"
    galpani3 "Gals Panic 3"
    gangonta "Ganbare! Gonta!! 2"
    gt102b "Trivia (Version 1.02B)"
    gt102c "Trivia (Version 1.02C)"
    gt103a "Trivia (Version 1.03a)"
    gt5 "Trivia (Version 5)"
    hangman "Hangman"
    hvysmsh "Heavy Smash"
    joemacr "Joe & Mac Returns"
    killbld "Killing Blade, The"
    kngtmare "Knightmare (prototype)"
    meijinsn "Meijinsen "
    osman "Osman"
    pktgaldx "Pocket Gal Deluxe"
    puchicar "Puchi Carat (World)"
    squash "Squash (Ver. 1.0)"
    strtdriv "Street Drivin' (prototype)"
    suchipi "Idol Janshi Su-Chi-Pi Special"
    thoop "Thunder Hoop"
    wcvol95 "World Cup Volley '95"

    *** new clones
    dietgoa "Diet Go Go (alt)" [dietgo]
    dietgoe "Diet Go Go (Euro v1.1)" [dietgo]
    finalbu "Final Blow (US)" [finalb]
    gt102c1 "Trivia (Version 1.02C Alt questions 1)" [gt102c]
    gt102c2 "Trivia (Version 1.02C Alt questions 2)" [gt102c]
    gt102c3 "Trivia (Version 1.02C Alt questions 3)" [gt102c]
    gt103asa "Trivia (Version 1.03a Alt questions 1)" [gt103a]
    gt103asx "Trivia (Version 1.03a Sex questions)" [gt103a]
    joemacra "Joe & Mac Returns (set 2)" [joemacr]
    magdrop "Magical Drop" [chainrec]
    magdropp "Magical Drop Plus" [chainrec]
    megazona "Mega Zone (Konami set 2)" [megazone]
    megazonb "Mega Zone (Kosuka set 1)" [megazone]
    megazonc "Mega Zone (Kosuka set 2)" [megazone]
    motofrft "Moto Frenzy (Field Test Version)" [motofren]
    motofrmd "Moto Frenzy (Mini Deluxe)" [motofren]
    motomdft "Moto Frenzy (Mini Deluxe Field Test Version)" [motofren]
    mvscb "Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Brazil 980123)" [mvsc]
    psyfrcex "Psychic Force EX (Ver 2.0J)" [psyforce]
    sabotnba "Saboten Bombers (set 2)" [sabotenb]
    sextriv2 "Sexual Trivia (Version 1.02SB set 2)" [sextriv1]
    sfa3b "Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Brazil 980629)" [sfa3]
    sfar2 "Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams (Euro 950627)" [sfa]
    sfz2n "Street Fighter Zero 2 (Oceania 960229)" [sfa2]
    spclordb "Space Lords (rev B)" [spclords]
    spclordg "Space Lords (rev A, German)" [spclords]
    stfighta "Street Fight" [empcity]
    tornado1 "Tornado? (bootleg set 1)" [defender]
    tornado2 "Tornado? (bootleg set 2)" [defender]
    vaportrp "Vapor TRX (prototype)" [vaportrx]

    *** changed short
    dragwld2 -> drgw2c "Zhong Guo Long II (ver. 100C, China)"
    dw3 -> drgw3 "Dragon World 3"
    dw3k -> drgw3k "Dragon World 3 (Korean Board)"
    puchicar -> puchicrj "Puchi Carat (Japan)"
    sfar2 -> sfar3 "Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams (Euro 950605)"

    *** changed long
    fantland "Fantasy Land" -> "Fantasy Land (set 1)"
    findout "Find Out" -> "Find Out (Version 4.04)"
    hvnsgate "Heavens Gate" -> "Heaven's Gate"
    megazone "Mega Zone" -> "Mega Zone (Konami set 1)"
    megaznik "Mega Zone (Kosuka)" -> "Mega Zone (Interlogic + Kosuka)"
    mgcldate "Magical Date (Ver 2.02J)" -> "Magical Date / Magical Date - dokidoki kokuhaku daisakusen (Ver 2.02J)"
    mgcldtex "Magical Date EX (Ver 2.01J)" -> "Magical Date EX / Magical Date - sotsugyou kokuhaku daisakusen (Ver 2.01J)"
    sabotenb "Saboten Bombers" -> "Saboten Bombers (set 1)"
    spclorda "Space Lords (alternate)" -> "Space Lords (rev A)"
    spclords "Space Lords" -> "Space Lords (rev C)"

    *** changed both
    getrv1 -> gt507uk "Trivia 1 (UK Version 5.07)" -> "Trivia (UK Version 5.07)"
    getrv2 -> gt103a1 "Trivia 2 (Version 1.03a)" -> "Trivia (Version 1.03a) (alt 1)"
    getrv3 -> gt103a2 "Trivia 3 (Version 1.03a)" -> "Trivia (Version 1.03a) (alt 2)"
    getrv4 -> gt103 "Trivia 4 (Version 1.03)" -> "Trivia (Version 1.03)"
    getrivia -> sextriv1 "Trivia (V. 1.02B)" -> "Sexual Trivia (Version 1.02SB set 1)"

newer | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | ( 10 ) | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | older