The MAME Action Replay Kiwi-Z Page


This is where I'm going to make notes on the progress of my The New Zealand Story driver that I'm writing for MAME.


If you know of any others, please let me know!


I need:


Wednesday 25th March

Wednesday 18th March

Well it's been a few days so I thought I'd update this page again. Not much has changed, really. One thing I did was get another ROM set working. The ROMs that are on nzs Victor's ( -- page -- broken link) are quite different from the set that Cabbe dumped, but they're missing some graphics. The nzs Victor set do a complete checksum of all the Z80 ROMs when they start up, and it took me a while to get past this checksum, due to problems with MAME's banking. I'm probably misunderstanding how it should be used. Once I got the nzs Victor set running, the game was quite different from the Cabbe set. Now, I'm pretty crap at playing the game, and can't get past level 1-4, but up to that point the levels are different between the two ROM sets! The nzs Victor set has 'L' shaped walls on 1-1, horizontal platforms going across from a vertical support. The picture on the left is how level 1-1 starts, and the picture on the right shows the first platforms you get to, just one screenful to the right of the start screen:

That's how I remember the game from when I used to play it on the Atari ST, so I guess these ROMs are the 'proper' set. I don't really know what the Cabbe set are though - it seems unlikely that the bootleg would be so different. Maybe it's an early version of the game. As well as the levels being different, there are none of the 'snail-type' creatures that I think I remember ought to be on 1-1. In the nzs Victor set, pictured above, the baddies appear as solid white rectangles - this may be because the graphics ROMs were dumped incorrectly, so I think I need a new ROM set. Any one got the board and the ability to dump some ROMs please???

Sunday 15th March

Saturday 14th March

Wednesday 11th March

Tuesday 10th March