Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
1st | Gun Fight (set 1) (*gunfight) | jordani11 (@) | 07 Jun 20 00:11:30 | 17 | wolf151 get MAME | |
10th | 005 (005) | jordani11 (@) | 18 Feb 18 23:37:29 | 87,360 | wolf151 get MAME | |
[GAME FINISHED WITH 1 CC] #22 - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/JY16bSoN8gs | ||||||
15th has 3 clones special rules | 1941: Counter Attack (World 900227) (1941) | jordani11 (@) | 05 Nov 19 20:05:29 | 2,586,400 | wolf151 get MAME | |
[MAME A to Z] #34 - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/9MDugznUrwQ | ||||||
8th has 5 clones | Three Wonders (World 910520) [Action] (3wonders-act) | jordani11 (@) | 13 Jun 17 18:15:27 | 1,197,500 | wolf183 get MAME | |
[GAME FINISHED WITH 1 CC] #27 - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/y5pX3ReDiUc | ||||||
11th has 2 clones | '88 Games (88games) | jordani11 (@) | 21 Nov 18 21:18:28 | 65,290 | wolf151 get MAME | |
[MAME A to Z] #1 - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/ZhxGG2ehdrA | ||||||
5th has 3 clones | A.B. Cop (World) (FD1094 317-0169b) (abcop) | jordani11 (@) | 19 May 19 21:18:24 | 61,565,060 | wolf151 get MAME | |
[MAME A to Z] #2 - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/K8q8ZzesNSs | ||||||
7th has 5 clones | Aero Fighters (World / USA + Canada / Korea / Hong Kong / Taiwan) (newer hardware) (aerofgt) | jordani11 (@) | 03 Jan 24 12:20:50 | 672,600 | wolf245 get MAME | |
1st has 3 clones | Air Duel (World, M82 hardware) (airduel) | jordani11 (@) | 09 Nov 22 18:26:10 | 554,900 | wolf151 get MAME | |
9th has 1 clone: alibabab special rules | Ali Baba and 40 Thieves (alibaba) | jordani11 (@) | 17 Mar 23 17:23:58 | 41,400 | wolf245 get MAME | |
4th has 7 clones special rules | Aliens (World set 1) (aliens) | jordani11 (@) | 09 Nov 22 18:39:54 | 674,500 | wolf151 get MAME | |
2nd has 4 clones | Alligator Hunt (World, protected) (aligator) | jordani11 (@) | 09 Nov 22 20:38:35 | 2,148,400 | wolf245 get MAME | |
2nd clone of aligator | Alligator Hunt (Spain, protected) (aligators) | jordani11 (@) | 09 Nov 22 20:46:37 | 1,759,200 | wolf231 get MAME | |
16th clone of amidar | Amidar (older) (amidar1) | jordani11 (@) | 16 Dec 14 00:37:50 | 192,290 | wolf106 get MAME | |
[GAME FINISHED WITH 1 CC] #1 - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/PXInuX8B-6Y | ||||||
8th has 1 clone: arabiana | Arabian (arabian) | jordani11 (@) | 09 Nov 22 20:16:57 | 104,200 | wolf245 get MAME | |
2nd clone of asterix | Asterix (ver JAD) (asterixj) | jordani11 (@) | 01 Dec 15 23:34:18 | 58,800 | wolf166 get MAME | |
Member Of Arcadespain ---- Home Site: http://arcadespain.info/Foro/index.php | ||||||
9th | Baluba-louk no Densetsu (Japan) (baluba) | jordani11 (@) | 05 Jun 20 18:26:32 | 154,160 | wolf151 get MAME | |
DESCUBRIENDO JUEGOS DEL M.A.M.E - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/wvj42sJv_R0 | ||||||
20th has 1 clone: bankpt | Bank Panic (bankp) | jordani11 (@) | 09 Nov 22 18:27:59 | 413,650 | wolf151 get MAME | |
2nd has 7 clones | Armed Police Batrider (Europe) (Fri Feb 13 1998) (batrider) | jordani11 (@) | 06 Apr 23 19:47:47 | 3,020,680 | wolf245 get MAME | |
3rd has 3 clones special rules | Battle Bakraid - Unlimited Version (USA) (Tue Jun 8 1999) (bbakraid) | jordani11 (@) | 13 Apr 23 20:27:35 | 5,170,890 | wolf245 get MAME | |
5th clone of berzerk special rules | Berzerk (revision RC28) (berzerkb) | jordani11 (@) | 02 Sep 17 23:36:42 | 32,550 | wolf151 get MAME | |
Sorry Guys. Please playback with sound on
[GAME FINISHED WITH 1 CC] #16 - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/SbQyy5gRKVE | ||||||
5th | Blazer (Japan) (blazer) | jordani11 (@) | 05 Jun 20 18:32:26 | 62,780 | wolf151 get MAME | |
DESCUBRIENDO JUEGOS DEL M.A.M.E - GAME NOT OVER -->https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Dgw9IZQM-M | ||||||
17th | Blazing Star (blazstar) | jordani11 (@) | 05 Jun 20 18:29:37 | 812,570 | wolf151 get MAME | |
DESCUBRIENDO JUEGOS DEL M.A.M.E - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/Nnom5-aUzlY | ||||||
6th has 7 clones | Black Tiger (blktiger) | jordani11 (@) | 05 Jun 20 18:15:12 | 1,473,450 | wolf151 get MAME | |
Member Of Arcadespain ---- Home Site: http://arcadespain.info/Foro/index.php | ||||||
6th has 1 clone: bouldashj | Boulder Dash / Boulder Dash Part 2 (World) [Part 1] (bouldash-pt1) | jordani11 (@) | 22 May 20 23:10:58 | 144,620 | wolf151 get MAME | |
DESCUBRIENDO JUEGOS DEL M.A.M.E - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/RbjA_cUj57c | ||||||
2nd has 4 clones | Break Thru (US) (brkthru) | jordani11 (@) | 07 Apr 17 23:15:39 | 495,700 | wolf180 get MAME | |
Member Of Arcadespain ---- Home Site: http://arcadespain.info/Foro/index.php |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
1st clone of brkthru | Kyohkoh-Toppa (Japan) (brkthruj) | jordani11 (@) | 08 Apr 17 00:33:11 | 546,200 | wolf180 get MAME | |
Member Of Arcadespain ---- Home Site: http://arcadespain.info/Foro/index.php | ||||||
3rd has 21 clones | Bubble Bobble (Japan, Ver 0.1) (bublbobl) | jordani11 (@) | 02 Sep 22 13:54:49 | 4,771,330 | wolf231 get MAME | |
20th clone of bublbobl | Bubble Bobble (Japan, Ver 0.0) (bublbobl1) | jordani11 (@) | 02 Oct 14 22:00:31 | 1,117,020 | wolf106 get MAME | |
Member Of Arcadespain ---- Home Site: http://arcadespain.info/Foro/index.php | ||||||
6th has 5 clones | Bucky O'Hare (ver EAB) (bucky) | jordani11 (@) | 28 Sep 15 22:04:34 | 27,150 | wolf151 get MAME | |
DESCUBRIENDO JUEGOS DEL M.A.M.E - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/XlMYacGGpBc | ||||||
7th clone of bwings | B-Wings (Japan old Ver.) (bwingso) | jordani11 (@) | 19 May 19 21:24:11 | 73,750 | wolf151 get MAME | |
[MAME A to Z] #3 - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/gjeCF3tZlLk | ||||||
4th has 7 clones | Cabal (World, Joystick) (cabal) | jordani11 (@) | 15 Jul 17 09:37:14 | 2,925,450 | wolf151 get MAME | |
[GAME FINISHED WITH 1 CC] #14 - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/HVuYMTlQkjQ | ||||||
10th has 6 clones special rules | Carnival (upright, AY8912 music) (carnival) | jordani11 (@) | 09 Nov 22 18:38:19 | 31,970 | wolf151 get MAME | |
12th has 3 clones | Chase H.Q. (World) (chasehq) | jordani11 (@) | 09 Nov 22 20:19:10 | 10,622,140 | wolf245 get MAME | |
11th | Cheeky Mouse (cheekyms) | jordani11 (@) | 09 Nov 22 18:41:08 | 12,650 | wolf231 get MAME | |
5th has 4 clones | Chelnov - Atomic Runner (World) (chelnov) | jordani11 (@) | 09 Nov 22 19:50:31 | 322,900 | wolf245 get MAME | |
6th clone of chelnov | Chelnov - Atomic Runner (US) (chelnovu) | jordani11 (@) | 08 Sep 22 20:21:02 | 252,000 | wolf231 get MAME | |
16th clone of chopper | Chopper I (US) (chopperb) | jordani11 (@) | 17 Sep 17 13:44:25 | 78,900 | wolf151 get MAME | |
2nd clone of citybomb | City Bomber (Japan) (citybombj) | jordani11 (@) | 29 Jun 16 18:14:52 | 1,644,170 | wolf151 get MAME | |
[GAME FINISHED WITH 1 CC] #10 - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/kWwem97VpLc | ||||||
8th has 5 clones | Combat School (joystick) (combatsc) | jordani11 (@) | 13 Mar 21 13:28:17 | 375,610 | wolf227 get MAME | |
3rd has 2 clones | Crack Down (World, Floppy Based, FD1094 317-0058-04c) (crkdown) | jordani11 (@) | 29 May 22 19:48:15 | 114,750 | wolf151 get MAME | |
7th has 15 clones | Crush Roller (set 1) (crush) | jordani11 (@) | 09 Nov 22 19:57:38 | 30,170 | wolf245 get MAME | |
1st has 4 clones special rules | Ufo Robo Dangar (4/09/1987) (dangar) | jordani11 (@) | 22 Mar 17 00:33:07 | 2,317,400 | wolf183 get MAME | |
Member Of Arcadespain ---- Home Site: http://arcadespain.info/Foro/index.php | ||||||
3rd clone of dangar | Ufo Robo Dangar (12/1/1986) (dangara) | jordani11 (@) | 15 Nov 15 01:24:16 | 1,769,000 | wolf106 get MAME | |
[GAME FINISHED WITH 1 CC] #5 - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/EO4YNa8GaeU | ||||||
2nd has 2 clones | Double Wings (set 1) (dblewing) | jordani11 (@) | 13 Mar 21 15:26:21 | 1,943,400 | wolf137 get MAME | |
1st clone of dblewing | Double Wings (Asia) (dblewingb) | jordani11 (@) | 13 Mar 21 15:18:50 | 1,769,700 | wolf227 get MAME | |
5th has 12 clones | D. D. Crew (World, 3 Players) (FD1094 317-0190) (ddcrew) | jordani11 (@) | 19 May 19 21:37:33 | 82 | wolf151 get MAME | |
[MAME A to Z] #5 - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/2tEwQDbbljU | ||||||
11th has 2 clones | DoDonPachi (World, 1997 2/ 5 Master Ver.) (ddonpach) | jordani11 (@) | 02 Sep 22 14:09:01 | 36,282,730 | wolf245 get MAME | |
2nd clone of ddonpach | DoDonPachi (2012/02/12 Arrange Ver. 1.1) (hack) (ddonpacha) | jordani11 (@) | 09 Nov 22 20:49:25 | 126,507,350 | wolf231 get MAME | |
10th clone of dietgo | Diet Go Go (Europe v1.1 1992.09.26, set 3) (dietgoea) | jordani11 (@) | 13 Mar 21 13:55:07 | 2,362,700 | wolf220 get MAME | |
4th | Dragon Unit / Castle of Dragon (drgnunit) | jordani11 (@) | 09 Nov 22 19:20:49 | 1,374,060 | wolf241 get MAME |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
3rd has 6 clones | Dynablaster / Bomber Man (dynablst) | jordani11 (@) | 17 Jan 15 00:28:54 | 390,300 | wolf106 get MAME | |
Member of Arcadespain ---- Home site:http://arcadespain.info/Foro/index.php ----- | ||||||
9th has 3 clones | U.N. Defense Force: Earth Joker (US / Japan, set 1) (earthjkr) | jordani11 (@) | 20 May 20 20:53:53 | 344,800 | wolf151 get MAME | |
[MAME A to Z] #27 - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/PTqeTlHgMO0 | ||||||
8th has 4 clones | E.D.F. : Earth Defense Force (set 1) (edf) | jordani11 (@) | 19 May 19 21:46:12 | 298,200 | wolf151 get MAME | |
[MAME A to Z] #6 - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/xwph5AHlK3o | ||||||
2nd clone of eyes | Eyes (bootleg set 1) (eyesb) | jordani11 (@) | 27 Dec 21 20:57:27 | 3,356,250 | wolf151 get MAME | |
Primera Jornada del "Maratón Carnage Arcadespain", dedicada a todos los participantes de esta Liga Arcade | ||||||
8th has 2 clones | F-1 Dream (f1dream) | jordani11 (@) | 19 May 19 22:05:08 | 15 | wolf151 get MAME | |
[MAME A to Z] #7 - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/uI6UaYWUN38 | ||||||
3rd has 1 clone: fhawkj | Fighting Hawk (World) (fhawk) | jordani11 (@) | 08 Jan 23 23:38:44 | 1,640,150 | wolf245 get MAME | |
2nd | '96 Flag Rally (flagrall) | jordani11 (@) | 21 May 20 23:12:34 | 74,280 | wolf220 get MAME | |
[MAME A to Z] #33 - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/LLS5opWzF_U | ||||||
1st clone of brkthru | Force Break (bootleg) (forcebrk) | jordani11 (@) | 09 Apr 17 23:14:46 | 705,200 | wolf180 get MAME | |
Member Of Arcadespain ---- Home Site: http://arcadespain.info/Foro/index.php | ||||||
22nd has 15 clones | Frogger (frogger) | jordani11 (@) | 08 Nov 15 23:30:46 | 28,080 | wolf106 get MAME | |
[GAME FINISHED WITH 1 CC] #9 - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/ng58WW9O8Vs | ||||||
3rd has 1 clone: futariblj | Mushihime-Sama Futari Black Label - Another Ver (2009/11/27 INTERNATIONAL BL) [Original] (futaribl-ori) | jordani11 (@) | 09 Nov 22 18:47:28 | 250,289,444 | wolf245 get MAME | |
33rd has 7 clones special rules | Galaga (Namco rev. B) (galaga) | jordani11 (@) | 17 Feb 21 10:46:37 | 132,790 | wolf151 get MAME | |
3rd | Galactic Storm (Japan) (galastrm) | jordani11 (@) | 11 Mar 21 19:45:58 | 2,020,750 | wolf200 get MAME | |
3rd has 5 clones | Gals Panic (Export, EXPRO-02 PCB) (galsnew) | jordani11 (@) | 04 Feb 23 16:30:59 | 452,400 | wolf245 get MAME | |
10th has 2 clones special rules | Green Beret (gberet) | jordani11 (@) | 13 Aug 17 12:47:02 | 253,970 | wolf151 get MAME | |
TG - Normal difficulty - bonus @ 30k/70k
Member Of Arcadespain ---- Home Site: http://arcadespain.info/Foro/index.php | ||||||
5th clone of gberet special rules | Green Beret (bootleg) (gberetb) | jordani11 (@) | 13 Aug 17 12:37:41 | 265,540 | wolf151 get MAME | |
TG - Finished - Perfect first loop, no death - stage 07 (loop 2, stage 3) Normal difficulty, bonus @ 30k/70k
[GAME FINISHED WITH 1 CC] #15 - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/aLgPuFbVoDo | ||||||
4th clone of gdarius2 | G-Darius Ver.2 (Ver 2.03J) (gdariusj) | jordani11 (@) | 24 May 20 23:57:03 | 3,149,570 | wolf200 get MAME | |
[MAME A to Z] #8 - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/VDRxkw-9J7A | ||||||
3rd has 2 clones | Gunforce - Battle Fire Engulfed Terror Island (World) (gunforce) | jordani11 (@) | 22 Mar 24 23:20:23 | 2,184,800 | wolf245 get MAME | |
13th has 3 clones special rules | Gyruss (gyruss) | jordani11 (@) | 09 Nov 22 20:33:01 | 251,650 | wolf151 get MAME | |
2nd has 3 clones | Hacha Mecha Fighter (19th Sep. 1991, protected, set 1) (hachamf) | jordani11 (@) | 24 May 20 23:49:50 | 3,076,700 | wolf151 get MAME | |
Member Of Arcadespain ---- Home Site: http://arcadespain.info/Foro/index.php | ||||||
2nd clone of hachamf | Hacha Mecha Fighter (19th Sep. 1991, unprotected, bootleg Thunder Dragon conversion) (hachamfb) | jordani11 (@) | 24 May 20 23:52:18 | 3,543,990 | wolf200 get MAME | |
[MAME A to Z] #9 - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/rOaK35b5Zto | ||||||
25th has 3 clones | Hang-On (Rev A) (hangon) | jordani11 (@) | 04 May 23 20:37:22 | 19,218,950 | wolf151 get MAME | |
3rd has 6 clones | Hammerin' Harry (World, M81 hardware) (hharry) | jordani11 (@) | 03 Jan 15 00:58:59 | 3,982,000 | wolf106 get MAME | |
[GAME FINISHED WITH 1 CC] #4 - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/lT86C3f17NQ | ||||||
6th has 6 clones | Hippodrome (US) (hippodrm) | jordani11 (@) | 12 Mar 21 13:14:56 | 279,050 | wolf227 get MAME | |
11th has 2 clones | Hyper Sports (hyperspt) | jordani11 (@) | 04 Apr 17 20:50:18 | 178,900 | wolf106 get MAME | |
[GAME FINISHED WITH 1 CC] #12 - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/lczSVjXkXnA | ||||||
3rd has 1 clone: imagoa | Imago (cocktail set) (imago) | jordani11 (@) | 30 May 23 20:19:27 | 153,200 | wolf245 get MAME |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
5th has 1 clone: imsorryj | I'm Sorry (315-5110, US) (imsorry) | jordani11 (@) | 24 May 20 01:01:11 | 238,311 | wolf151 get MAME | |
[MAME A to Z] #10 - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/9RLCd5fFt6o | ||||||
13th has 2 clones | Insector X (World) (insectx) | jordani11 (@) | 24 Mar 21 10:59:40 | 612,000 | wolf227 get MAME | |
35th has 5 clones special rules | Jackal (World, 8-way Joystick) (jackal) | jordani11 (@) | 05 Jun 20 18:37:07 | 86,700 | wolf151 get MAME | |
DESCUBRIENDO JUEGOS DEL M.A.M.E - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/w3O-v4v4fSg | ||||||
8th has 7 clones | Jungle King (Japan) (junglek) | jordani11 (@) | 09 Nov 22 20:09:43 | 30,250 | wolf245 get MAME | |
1st has 1 clone: kabukizj | Kabuki-Z (World) (kabukiz) | jordani11 (@) | 24 May 20 00:34:13 | 30 | wolf151 get MAME | |
Member Of Arcadespain ---- Home Site: http://arcadespain.info/Foro/index.php | ||||||
1st clone of kabukiz | Kabuki-Z (Japan) (kabukizj) | jordani11 (@) | 24 May 20 00:25:57 | 40 | wolf151 get MAME | |
[MAME A to Z] #12 - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/GIiDNDyRIOw | ||||||
7th has 3 clones | Kamikaze (kamikaze) | jordani11 (@) | 19 May 16 23:01:42 | 27,700 | wolf151 get MAME | |
[GAME FINISHED WITH 1 CC] #7 - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/S3g3wao940c | ||||||
1st has 3 clones | Karnov (US, rev 6) (karnov) | jordani11 (@) | 09 Nov 22 18:23:36 | 999,999 | wolf245 get MAME | |
1st clone of karnov | Karnov (US, rev 5) (karnova) | jordani11 (@) | 09 Nov 22 18:24:43 | 999,999 | wolf245 get MAME | |
2nd has 9 clones | Karate Champ (US) (kchamp) | jordani11 (@) | 19 Oct 15 15:59:30 | 1,475,500 | wolf106 get MAME | |
[GAME FINISHED WITH 1 CC] #3 - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/Ig6yoieWis4 | ||||||
10th has 1 clone: kingballj | King & Balloon (US) (kingball) | jordani11 (@) | 08 Sep 22 20:06:49 | 48,740 | wolf151 get MAME | |
4th clone of kungfum | Kung-Fu Senjyo (bootleg, Spanish) (kungfub3s) | jordani11 (@) | 31 Aug 22 20:17:46 | 227,210 | wolf245 get MAME | |
34th has 3 clones | Lady Bug (ladybug) | jordani11 (@) | 23 May 20 23:47:25 | 43,720 | wolf151 get MAME | |
[MAME A to Z] #13 - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/BWjDNv4bLog | ||||||
2nd has 1 clone: moegonta | Lady Killer (ladykill) | jordani11 (@) | 07 Jun 15 00:10:15 | 223,700 | wolf151 get MAME | |
Member Of Arcadespain ---- Home Site: http://arcadespain.info/Foro/index.php | ||||||
9th has 5 clones | Legend of Hero Tonma (World) (loht) | jordani11 (@) | 05 Apr 21 16:11:44 | 168,600 | wolf227 get MAME | |
8th | M-4 (m4) | jordani11 (@) | 23 May 20 23:41:54 | 195 | wolf151 get MAME | |
[MAME A to Z] #14 - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/tZY--F0jXGc | ||||||
5th has 2 clones | Mad Alien (set 1) (madalien) | jordani11 (@) | 12 Feb 21 12:58:23 | 13,720 | wolf227 get MAME | |
4th has 2 clones | Mad Gear (US) (madgear) | jordani11 (@) | 15 Jun 23 21:49:51 | 6,244,015 | wolf245 get MAME | |
no shot available | 1st | A Day In Space (31/03/87) (mag_day) | jordani11 (@) | 05 Jun 20 18:11:05 | 127,400 | wolf220 get MAME |
[MAME A to Z] #35 - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/VtdtHIbL4jA | ||||||
2nd | Xain'd Sleena (SC 3.0, Magnet System) (mag_xain) | jordani11 (@) | 20 Nov 17 23:25:46 | 658,800 | wolf183 get MAME | |
The game is unplayable[confirmed, but damn that's boring to watch -br] | ||||||
12th has 1 clone: mappyj | Mappy (US) (mappy) | jordani11 (@) | 04 Jan 22 22:06:01 | 156,650 | wolf151 get MAME | |
2nd has 1 clone: mazingerj | Mazinger Z (World) (mazinger) | jordani11 (@) | 07 Jan 24 18:26:59 | 6,296,700 | wolf245 get MAME | |
10th has 3 clones | Mercs (World 900302) (mercs) | jordani11 (@) | 24 Mar 23 15:38:48 | 830,050 | wolf245 get MAME | |
9th has 4 clones | Metamorphic Force (ver EAA) (metamrph) | jordani11 (@) | 15 May 19 21:10:17 | 138 | wolf151 get MAME | |
3rd | Metal Freezer (Japan) (metlfrzr) | jordani11 (@) | 31 Dec 22 18:54:27 | 135,050 | wolf245 get MAME |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
13th has 2 clones special rules | Magical Crystals (World, 92/01/10) (mgcrystl) | jordani11 (@) | 13 Mar 21 17:47:02 | 445,102 | wolf151 get MAME | |
10th has 3 clones special rules | Mikie (mikie) | jordani11 (@) | 21 Mar 24 14:07:39 | 121,700 | wolf245 get MAME | |
3rd has 2 clones | Mirax (set 1) (mirax) | jordani11 (@) | 20 Dec 15 00:25:28 | 145,360 | wolf166 get MAME | |
Member Of Arcadespain ---- Home Site: http://arcadespain.info/Foro/index.php | ||||||
2nd clone of ladykill | Moeyo Gonta!! (Japan) (moegonta) | jordani11 (@) | 03 May 17 23:26:14 | 288,300 | wolf180 get MAME | |
Member Of Arcadespain ---- Home Site: http://arcadespain.info/Foro/index.php | ||||||
12th has 36 clones | Moon Cresta (Nichibutsu) (mooncrst) | jordani11 (@) | 09 Nov 22 19:56:36 | 47,750 | wolf106 get MAME | |
19th has 2 clones | Moon Patrol (mpatrol) | jordani11 (@) | 09 Nov 22 19:58:37 | 86,290 | wolf245 get MAME | |
2nd has 1 clone: mustachei special rules | Mustache Boy (Japan) (mustache) | jordani11 (@) | 11 Aug 15 23:06:41 | 3,578,710 | wolf106 get MAME | |
Member Of Arcadespain ---- Home Site: http://arcadespain.info/Foro/index.php | ||||||
12th has 4 clones | Ninja Baseball Bat Man (World) (nbbatman) | jordani11 (@) | 15 Oct 19 22:07:17 | 57,220 | wolf200 get MAME | |
Member Of Arcadespain ---- Home Site: http://arcadespain.info/Foro/index.php | ||||||
10th has 2 clones | Nebulas Ray (World, NR2) (nebulray) | jordani11 (@) | 28 May 19 20:11:05 | 298,290 | wolf200 get MAME | |
7th | N-Sub (upright) (nsub) | jordani11 (@) | 23 May 20 00:47:58 | 14,650 | wolf200 get MAME | |
[MAME A to Z] #15 - GAME NOT OVER --> https://youtu.be/K-i9gigUotk | ||||||
2nd has 5 clones special rules | Off Road Challenge (v1.63) [Baja] (offroadc-baj) | jordani11 (@) | 22 May 20 23:45:33 | 89,084 | wolf151 get MAME | |
[MAME A to Z] #18 - GAME NOT OVER --> 1'49''16 (1st place) https://youtu.be/A9bRRdUC27o | ||||||
2nd has 5 clones special rules | Off Road Challenge (v1.63) [El Paso] (offroadc-elp) | jordani11 (@) | 22 May 20 23:52:32 | 89,904 | wolf151 get MAME | |
[MAME A to Z] #20 - GAME NOT OVER --> 1'40''96 (1st place) https://youtu.be/cqYBher1Qh0 | ||||||
2nd has 5 clones special rules | Off Road Challenge (v1.63) [Mojave] (offroadc-moj) | jordani11 (@) | 22 May 20 23:37:18 | 89,227 | wolf151 get MAME | |
[MAME A to Z] #16 - GAME NOT OVER --> 1'47''73 (1st place) https://youtu.be/vUg2wrYIprM | ||||||
2nd has 5 clones special rules | Off Road Challenge (v1.63) [Ol' South] (offroadc-ols) | jordani11 (@) | 23 May 20 00:08:12 | 88,020 | wolf151 get MAME | |
[MAME A to Z] #24 - GAME NOT OVER --> 1'59''80 (4st place) https://youtu.be/1I_dOSdPxUc | ||||||
2nd has 5 clones special rules | Off Road Challenge (v1.63) [Pikes Peak] (offroadc-pip) | jordani11 (@) | 23 May 20 00:02:53 | 90,620 | wolf151 get MAME | |
[MAME A to Z] #22 - GAME NOT OVER --> 1'33''80 (1st place) https://youtu.be/ZBJtS0H99Xg | ||||||
2nd has 5 clones special rules | Off Road Challenge (v1.63) [Vegas] (offroadc-vgs) | jordani11 (@) | 23 May 20 00:22:35 | 87,537 | wolf151 get MAME | |
[MAME A to Z] #26 - GAME NOT OVER --> 2'04''63 (4st place) https://youtu.be/y9iJAga5Tag | ||||||
5th has 2 clones special rules | OutRunners (World) (orunners) | jordani11 (@) | 12 Feb 18 21:42:14 | 7,370 | wolf151 get MAME | |
[GAME FINISHED WITH 1 CC] #20 - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/ypKJWdf_CqI | ||||||
1st has 4 clones | Psycho-Nics Oscar (World revision 0) (oscar) | jordani11 (@) | 09 Nov 22 19:54:35 | 657,100 | wolf241 get MAME | |
2nd has 3 clones | The Outfoxies (World, OU2) (outfxies) | jordani11 (@) | 09 Nov 22 18:37:07 | 10,450,000 | wolf151 get MAME | |
34th has 9 clones special rules | Out Run (sitdown/upright, Rev B) (outrun) | jordani11 (@) | 17 Mar 18 01:16:27 | 12,553,240 | wolf151 get MAME | |
[GAME FINISHED WITH 1 CC] #23 - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/nCwgBh73p9g DIFFICULTY HARDEST | ||||||
17th has 5 clones | Out Zone (outzone) | jordani11 (@) | 21 Mar 17 19:39:54 | 631,870 | wolf183 get MAME | |
Member Of Arcadespain ---- Home Site: http://arcadespain.info/Foro/index.php | ||||||
14th has 4 clones | P-47 - The Phantom Fighter (World) (p47) | jordani11 (@) | 23 May 20 00:38:37 | 186,500 | wolf151 get MAME | |
[MAME A to Z] #17 - GAME NOT OVER --> https://youtu.be/M6cRSWWj6rE | ||||||
18th clone of puckman | Pac-Man (Midway) (pacman) | jordani11 (@) | 12 Sep 22 19:17:36 | 73,610 | wolf245 get MAME | |
7th clone of pacmania | Pac-Mania (Japan) (pacmaniaj) | jordani11 (@) | 10 Feb 16 18:53:23 | 196,780 | wolf151 get MAME | |
[MAME A to Z] #34 - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/nOxwwitJnqA | ||||||
17th has 9 clones | Pang (World) (pang) | jordani11 (@) | 16 Oct 17 21:08:56 | 2,715,020 | wolf151 get MAME | |
[GAME FINISHED WITH 1 CC] #17 - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/hDwFdKH79Nk |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
2nd has 7 clones | Pang! 3 (Europe 950601) [Panic] (pang3-pan) | jordani11 (@) | 15 May 19 20:42:19 | 1,502,000 | wolf151 get MAME | |
2nd | Paparazzi (paprazzi) | jordani11 (@) | 28 Jul 17 22:34:29 | 115,400 | wolf183 get MAME | |
Member Of Arcadespain ---- Home Site: http://arcadespain.info/Foro/index.php [stage 12] | ||||||
22nd has 4 clones | Pinball Action (set 1) (pbaction) | jordani11 (@) | 09 Nov 22 20:08:44 | 592,700 | wolf245 get MAME | |
9th | Peter Pack Rat (peterpak) | jordani11 (@) | 14 Jun 23 16:54:57 | 69,897 | wolf245 get MAME | |
2nd has 1 clone: pheliosj | Phelios [Easy] (phelios-eas) | jordani11 (@) | 09 Nov 22 19:37:36 | 383,600 | wolf245 get MAME | |
17th clone of phelios | Phelios (Japan) [Easy] (pheliosj-eas) | jordani11 (@) | 09 Nov 22 19:26:42 | 529,780 | wolf151 get MAME | |
25th has 35 clones | Phoenix (Amstar, set 1) (phoenix) | jordani11 (@) | 09 Nov 22 20:13:41 | 36,230 | wolf245 get MAME | |
6th has 8 clones | Popeye (revision D) (popeye) | jordani11 (@) | 10 Mar 23 17:41:57 | 131,580 | wolf245 get MAME | |
2nd has 1 clone: psychic5j | Psychic 5 (World) (psychic5) | jordani11 (@) | 09 Nov 22 19:46:39 | 6,845,200 | wolf151 get MAME | |
no shot available | 1st | Psyvariar -Revision- (V2.04J 2000/08/11 22:00) (psyvarrv) | jordani11 (@) | 31 Dec 22 18:58:26 | 9,397,000 | wolf245 get MAME |
7th has 2 clones | PuLiRuLa (World, dual PCB) (pulirula) | jordani11 (@) | 31 Aug 22 09:51:42 | 61,500 | wolf231 get MAME | |
4th | QB-3 (prototype) (qb3) | jordani11 (@) | 23 May 20 00:33:25 | 43,460 | wolf151 get MAME | |
[MAME A to Z] #19 - GAME NOT OVER --> https://youtu.be/E9P_QC8DxWg | ||||||
2nd has 3 clones | Quartet (Rev A, 8751 315-5194) (quartet) | jordani11 (@) | 10 Jan 24 21:49:34 | 1,889,100 | wolf245 get MAME | |
3rd clone of raimais | Raimais (Japan, rev 1) (raimaisj) | jordani11 (@) | 25 Mar 18 18:13:32 | 1,332,210 | wolf151 get MAME | |
2nd clone of roadblst | Road Blasters (upright, rev 1) (roadblst1) | jordani11 (@) | 08 Dec 18 23:02:39 | 337,590 | wolf151 get MAME | |
7th has 7 clones | Robocop (World, revision 4) (robocop) | jordani11 (@) | 11 Apr 16 22:30:27 | 790,200 | wolf168 get MAME | |
[GAME FINISHED WITH 1 CC] #2 - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/9eryJ-y_vj4 | ||||||
8th | R-Shark (rshark) | jordani11 (@) | 21 May 20 23:18:53 | 322,100 | wolf151 get MAME | |
[MAME A to Z] #21 - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/eSiBQHJBGVU | ||||||
4th clone of rthunder | Rolling Thunder (rev 2) (rthunder2) | jordani11 (@) | 29 Sep 15 23:16:50 | 149,900 | wolf151 get MAME | |
Member Of Arcadespain ---- Home Site: http://arcadespain.info/Foro/index.php | ||||||
6th has 4 clones | Salamander (version D) (salamand) | jordani11 (@) | 04 May 23 16:57:59 | 733,900 | wolf247 get MAME | |
11th has 25 clones special rules | Scramble (scramble) | jordani11 (@) | 09 Nov 22 20:14:40 | 88,850 | wolf245 get MAME | |
7th has 53 clones special rules | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (World 920513) (sf2ce) | jordani11 (@) | 20 Jan 22 21:37:19 | 731,000 | wolf151 get MAME | |
9th has 9 clones | Super Hang-On (sitdown/upright) (unprotected) [Beginner] (shangon-beg) | jordani11 (@) | 09 Nov 22 20:16:09 | 13,178,390 | wolf245 get MAME | |
14th has 3 clones | Side Arms - Hyper Dyne (World, 861129) (sidearms) | jordani11 (@) | 19 Apr 14 00:30:50 | 420,900 | wolf152 get MAME | |
Member of Arcadespain ---- Home site:http://arcadespain.info/Foro/index.php ----- | ||||||
10th clone of simpsons | The Simpsons (2 Players Japan) (simpsons2pj) | jordani11 (@) | 25 Dec 15 02:36:19 | 101,700 | wolf151 get MAME | |
Member Of Arcadespain ---- Home Site: http://arcadespain.info/Foro/index.php | ||||||
2nd clone of alcon | Slap Fight (A76 set, GX-006-A PCB) (slapfigha) | jordani11 (@) | 14 Jun 23 20:36:51 | 353,220 | wolf245 get MAME |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
3rd has 1 clone: solomonj | Solomon's Key (US) (solomon) | jordani11 (@) | 05 Jun 20 18:21:11 | 211,110 | wolf151 get MAME | |
DESCUBRIENDO JUEGOS DEL M.A.M.E - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/XS3vH1bgc-I | ||||||
5th | SOS Game (sos) | jordani11 (@) | 20 May 20 23:30:37 | 4,260 | wolf151 get MAME | |
[MAME A to Z] #23 - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/hxo9-WivRP0 | ||||||
7th has 2 clones | Spatter (315-5096) (spatter) | jordani11 (@) | 05 Oct 15 23:08:55 | 225,970 | wolf106 get MAME | |
DESCUBRIENDO JUEGOS DEL M.A.M.E - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/qr0GU-brFHA | ||||||
2nd has 2 clones | Spider-Man: The Videogame (World) (spidman) | jordani11 (@) | 12 Sep 22 14:07:58 | 251,760 | wolf151 get MAME | |
2nd clone of spidman | Spider-Man: The Videogame (Japan) (spidmanj) | jordani11 (@) | 06 Dec 15 22:21:37 | 0 | wolf166 get MAME | |
Member Of Arcadespain ---- Home Site: http://arcadespain.info/Foro/index.php | ||||||
3rd clone of spidman | Spider-Man: The Videogame (US, Rev A) (spidmanu) | jordani11 (@) | 13 Dec 15 23:26:20 | 51,890 | wolf106 get MAME | |
Member Of Arcadespain ---- Home Site: http://arcadespain.info/Foro/index.php | ||||||
5th has 14 clones | Sunset Riders (4 Players ver EAC) (ssriders) | jordani11 (@) | 17 Dec 21 15:37:11 | 993,950 | wolf231 get MAME | |
5th has 2 clones | Sorcer Striker (sstriker) | jordani11 (@) | 26 Feb 23 13:34:11 | 1,752,000 | wolf245 get MAME | |
5th has 1 clone: stompina | Stompin' (4/4/86) (stompin) | jordani11 (@) | 31 May 19 23:27:19 | 181,450 | wolf151 get MAME | |
RULETA GAMER [GAME NOT OVER - JORDANI]--> https://youtu.be/TraenacVU7c | ||||||
2nd has 4 clones | Super Chase - Criminal Termination (World) (superchs) | jordani11 (@) | 11 Jan 22 00:21:50 | 4,149,590 | wolf151 get MAME | |
4th special rules | Tang Tang (ver. 0526, 26/05/2000) (tangtang) | jordani11 (@) | 09 Nov 22 19:21:56 | 353,250 | wolf241 get MAME | |
15th has 4 clones special rules | Tehkan World Cup (set 1) (tehkanwc) | jordani11 (@) | 09 Nov 22 20:04:40 | 743 | wolf245 get MAME | |
16-0/8-0/6-2/5-0/4-0/2-1/5-0 | ||||||
14th has 5 clones | Tempest (rev 3, Revised Hardware) (tempest) | jordani11 (@) | 14 Jun 20 20:39:46 | 65,585 | wolf220 get MAME | |
2nd has 3 clones | Terra Cresta (YM3526 set 1) (terracre) | jordani11 (@) | 26 Mar 24 13:13:20 | 173,500 | wolf245 get MAME | |
3rd clone of terraf | Terra Force (Japan) (terrafj) | jordani11 (@) | 28 May 18 23:36:46 | 503,300 | wolf151 get MAME | |
[GAME FINISHED WITH 1 CC] #24 - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/3huuhQ-O4xo | ||||||
2nd | Thunder Heroes (theroes) | jordani11 (@) | 22 May 20 22:01:46 | 4,896,000 | wolf151 get MAME | |
LA RULETA GAMER - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/vGqEgm5I6EI | ||||||
3rd special rules | Thunder Hoop (ver. 1, checksum 02a09f7d) (thoop) | jordani11 (@) | 29 Jun 14 21:44:12 | 275,000 | wolf152 get MAME | |
Level 5 with all lifes, then lost 1st life, so game crashed (DEDICATED TO EMPARDOPO)################## Member of Arcadespain ---- Home site:http://arcadespain.info/Foro/index.php ----- | ||||||
6th has 3 clones | Thunder & Lightning (set 1) (thunderl) | jordani11 (@) | 07 Apr 23 18:09:10 | 25,430,060 | wolf245 get MAME | |
6th has 3 clones | Tiger Road (US) (tigeroad) | jordani11 (@) | 14 May 17 22:45:26 | 237,250 | wolf180 get MAME | |
Member Of Arcadespain ---- Home Site: http://arcadespain.info/Foro/index.php | ||||||
2nd clone of tigeroad | Tiger Road (US bootleg) (tigeroadb) | jordani11 (@) | 14 Mar 17 00:30:10 | 48,400 | wolf183 get MAME | |
Member Of Arcadespain ---- Home Site: http://arcadespain.info/Foro/index.php | ||||||
2nd clone of tigeroad | Tiger Road (US, Romstar license) (tigeroadu) | jordani11 (@) | 14 Mar 17 00:59:50 | 55,220 | wolf183 get MAME | |
Member Of Arcadespain ---- Home Site: http://arcadespain.info/Foro/index.php | ||||||
23rd has 4 clones special rules | Time Pilot (timeplt) | jordani11 (@) | 23 Nov 22 18:58:54 | 299,700 | wolf245 get MAME | |
4th clone of tinstar | The Tin Star (TS, 5 PCB version) (tinstara) | jordani11 (@) | 14 Feb 18 22:45:37 | 33,450 | wolf151 get MAME | |
[GAME FINISHED WITH 1 CC] #21 - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/A6ARPnpt8nI | ||||||
4th has 1 clone: tmdo | Touchmaster (v3.00 Euro) [Hot Hoops (Action)] (tm-hth) | jordani11 (@) | 21 Jan 18 13:48:24 | 170 | wolf151 get MAME | |
1st has 4 clones | T-MEK (v5.1, The Warlords) (tmek) | jordani11 (@) | 20 May 20 23:22:53 | 663,170 | wolf200 get MAME | |
3 FASES MODE EASY = 304.5OO + 306.000 + 52.670
[MAME A to Z] #25 - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/9C0ovN0NgLM |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp | ||||
4th clone of tigeroad | Tora e no Michi (Japan) (toramich) | jordani11 (@) | 14 Mar 17 01:27:35 | 54,650 | wolf183 get MAME | |||||
Member Of Arcadespain ---- Home Site: http://arcadespain.info/Foro/index.php | ||||||||||
26th has 9 clones special rules | Track & Field (trackfld) | jordani11 (@) | 13 Mar 21 13:20:01 | 76,050 | wolf151 get MAME | |||||
14th | Twinkle Star Sprites [Character Mode] (twinspri-cm) | jordani11 (@) | 09 Sep 18 14:24:20 | 873,610 | wolf151 get MAME | |||||
[GAME FINISHED WITH 1 CC] #26 - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/y4NOn5JQyZ4 | ||||||||||
11th | Twinkle Star Sprites [Story Mode] (twinspri-sm) | jordani11 (@) | 16 Aug 18 20:54:45 | 918,250 | wolf151 get MAME | |||||
[GAME FINISHED WITH 1 CC] #25 - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/amVOX98Wq8I | ||||||||||
16th clone of grindstm | V-Five (Japan) (vfive) | jordani11 (@) | 20 May 20 20:46:58 | 373,100 | wolf151 get MAME | |||||
[MAME A to Z] #28 - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/aEMLfcZP-2Q | ||||||||||
3rd special rules | J-League Soccer V-Shoot (Japan) (vshoot) | jordani11 (@) | 24 May 20 00:55:49 | 151 | wolf200 get MAME | |||||
[MAME A to Z] #11 - GAME NOT OVER (1-0,2-1[1-1],1-2[1-1]) -->https://youtu.be/PxcNDQC7fZo | ||||||||||
8th has 3 clones | Vulgus (set 1) (vulgus) | jordani11 (@) | 09 Nov 22 20:11:49 | 272,300 | wolf245 get MAME | |||||
12th | Wacko (wacko) | jordani11 (@) | 20 May 20 20:40:46 | 51,750 | wolf106 get MAME | |||||
[MAME A to Z] #29 - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/ZRaAaGN1Nxo | ||||||||||
2nd | Wanted (wanted) | jordani11 (@) | 09 Nov 22 20:06:23 | 75,960 | wolf245 get MAME | |||||
2nd has 2 clones | Wild Fang / Tecmo Knight (World?) (wildfang) | jordani11 (@) | 22 May 20 21:56:01 | 294,950 | wolf151 get MAME | |||||
LA RULETA GAMER - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/Kel6LPA1iIs | ||||||||||
1st has 1 clone: xmultiplm72 | X Multiply (World, M81 hardware) (xmultipl) | jordani11 (@) | 20 May 20 20:34:48 | 1,942,800 | wolf151 get MAME | |||||
[MAME A to Z] #30 - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/DfT_phSr7v4 | ||||||||||
1st has 5 clones special rules | Xain'd Sleena (World) (xsleena) | jordani11 (@) | 09 Nov 22 19:42:54 | 1,625,010 | wolf151 get MAME | |||||
5th special rules | XX Mission (xxmissio) | jordani11 (@) | 22 May 20 22:30:32 | 282,300 | wolf151 get MAME | |||||
DESCUBRIENDO JUEGOS DEL M.A.M.E - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/e-FZAAMXiyI | ||||||||||
6th has 1 clone: yamato2 | Yamato (US) (yamato) | jordani11 (@) | 20 May 20 20:21:10 | 48,700 | wolf106 get MAME | |||||
[MAME A to Z] #31 - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/V9-TvWKo2MA | ||||||||||
11th has 2 clones | Yam! Yam!? (yamyam) | jordani11 (@) | 27 May 20 00:04:09 | 820,600 | wolf151 get MAME | |||||
[GAME FINISHED WITH 1 CC] #28 - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/TKM9z9nG6is | ||||||||||
4th has 1 clone: zavigaj | Zaviga (zaviga) | jordani11 (@) | 20 May 20 20:12:41 | 86,265 | wolf151 get MAME | |||||
[MAME A to Z] #32 - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/Wcm8lq8565E | ||||||||||
22nd clone of galaxian | Zero Time (Petaco S.A.) (zerotime) | jordani11 (@) | 01 Dec 14 22:24:06 | 13,790 | wolf106 get MAME | |||||
[GAME FINISHED WITH 1 CC] #6 - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/OAdSLxDqIJ4 | ||||||||||
there were 192 hits there now follows a list of the recordings which beat jordani11... | ||||||||||
1st | 005 (005) | VERTEX-DAN (W) | 02 Jul 23 00:17:27 | 2,385,860 | wolf250 get MAME | |||||
2nd | 005 (005) | KingTT (@) | 13 Apr 06 04:37:38 | 1,025,960 | wolf105 get MAME | |||||
Broke a million and said screw it | ||||||||||
3rd | 005 (005) | F_A.jp | 19 May 03 02:13:57 | 580,840 | tgmame66 get MAME | |||||
4th | 005 (005) | Sawys aka Sebastien Giraud (W) | 11 Oct 04 23:45:47 | 358,290 | wolf83 get MAME | |||||
Stage 36 or Scene 12
I am surprised to reach this level RDTSC - Windowed - Fs0 | ||||||||||
5th | 005 (005) | Frankie (@) | 30 Dec 01 22:21:23 | 186,140 | mame56 get MAME | |||||
6th | 005 (005) | Angry (@) | 16 Jan 99 09:21:43 | 170,960 | mame34 get MAME | |||||
7th | 005 (005) | Gmitra (@) | 06 Nov 01 22:07:01 | 107,800 | mame56 get MAME |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
8th | 005 (005) | Wonder@jvrm.net (@) | 30 Apr 05 03:40:57 | 100,860 | wolf91u1 get MAME | |
9th | 005 (005) | JLr-DF (@) | 03 Jun 03 02:06:47 | 93,380 | m37b14 get MAME | |
with sound and frameskip 0 | ||||||
1st has 3 clones special rules | 1941: Counter Attack (World 900227) (1941) | Locut0s (@) | 22 Feb 05 06:55:14 | 11,489,800 | wolf89 get MAME | |
gui | ||||||
2nd has 3 clones special rules | 1941: Counter Attack (World 900227) (1941) | Novice@Team2ch.jp | 07 Apr 02 09:05:57 | 11,374,800 | mame55 get MAME | |
3rd has 3 clones special rules | 1941: Counter Attack (World 900227) (1941) | Smraedis (@) | 12 Oct 09 18:05:16 | 11,347,700 | wolf98 get MAME | |
ALL :) | ||||||
4th has 3 clones special rules | 1941: Counter Attack (World 900227) (1941) | BBH (@) | 16 Jan 01 05:41:50 | 11,245,800 | m35tg3b get MAME | |
Finished on default settings. If only the last level of 1943 was this easy. | ||||||
5th has 3 clones special rules | 1941: Counter Attack (World 900227) (1941) | GSH (@) | 13 Apr 02 03:57:31 | 10,629,700 | mame57 get MAME | |
Completed. | ||||||
6th has 3 clones special rules | 1941: Counter Attack (World 900227) (1941) | Gundarf@jvrm.net (@) | 25 Mar 02 11:47:32 | 10,484,200 | mame59 get MAME | |
7th has 3 clones special rules | 1941: Counter Attack (World 900227) (1941) | INNUENDO (@) | 22 Jan 02 14:31:12 | 10,473,600 | m36b8 get MAME | |
8th has 3 clones special rules | 1941: Counter Attack (World 900227) (1941) | mickey@jvrm.net (@) | 20 Mar 02 13:24:16 | 10,333,400 | win57 get MAME | |
Member of JeuxVideo.Records.Mame Home site : http://www.jvrm.net | ||||||
9th has 3 clones special rules | 1941: Counter Attack (World 900227) (1941) | Krool (@) | 01 Oct 98 00:00:00 | 10,238,400 | m34b3 get MAME | |
COMPLETED - Difficulty : DEFAULT - Final Ranking : Major General - this recording is dedicated to THE one...Exodus :) | ||||||
10th has 3 clones special rules | 1941: Counter Attack (World 900227) (1941) | JLr-DF (@) | 12 Apr 02 00:53:21 | 10,145,100 | m37b14 get MAME | |
with sound. | ||||||
11th has 3 clones special rules | 1941: Counter Attack (World 900227) (1941) | zlk | 17 Jun 03 15:41:17 | 8,590,500 | tgmame70 get MAME | |
finished | ||||||
12th has 3 clones special rules | 1941: Counter Attack (World 900227) (1941) | Wonder@jvrm.net (@) | 21 May 06 01:48:37 | 8,437,600 | win60 get MAME | |
Game Finished | ||||||
13th has 3 clones special rules | 1941: Counter Attack (World 900227) (1941) | Frankie (@) | 28 Apr 02 20:10:37 | 3,702,900 | win59 get MAME | |
There's no way I'm going to complete that sixth stage and complete this game. NO WAY :-( | ||||||
14th has 3 clones special rules | 1941: Counter Attack (World 900227) (1941) | saulonpb@TeamBrazil (@) | 04 Jul 23 17:21:56 | 3,481,000 | wolf232 get MAME | |
1st has 5 clones | Three Wonders (World 910520) [Action] (3wonders-act) | el_fumador (@) | 21 Nov 10 18:00:13 | 1,517,500 | wolf106 get MAME | |
Default settings. | ||||||
2nd has 5 clones | Three Wonders (World 910520) [Action] (3wonders-act) | Alpha (@) | 06 Sep 06 21:13:18 | 1,463,900 | wolf108 get MAME | |
Finished with 5 lives and 87 hearts left. What am I doing. I'm gaming every evening lately. I'd better catch up with sleeping. But what the fu* :-) | ||||||
3rd has 5 clones | Three Wonders (World 910520) [Action] (3wonders-act) | Antras75 | 07 Aug 16 22:56:05 | 1,449,500 | wolf155 get MAME | |
Default settings. No miss and 5 lives remaining, game completed but not enough leeching to get top score... :-( | ||||||
4th has 5 clones | Three Wonders (World 910520) [Action] (3wonders-act) | DEXS@AIVA (@) | 25 Apr 06 13:36:43 | 1,445,300 | win104 get MAME | |
All clear no miss | ||||||
5th has 5 clones | Three Wonders (World 910520) [Action] (3wonders-act) | RedStar | 25 Apr 05 18:46:18 | 1,428,600 | wolf95 get MAME | |
6th has 5 clones | Three Wonders (World 910520) [Action] (3wonders-act) | essekappa@M.R.A. (@) | 01 Aug 03 07:42:03 | 1,384,400 | tgmame67 get MAME | |
7th has 5 clones | Three Wonders (World 910520) [Action] (3wonders-act) | DieseL@HotTeam.pl (@) | 31 Mar 03 15:16:53 | 1,273,700 | win66 get MAME | |
1st has 2 clones | '88 Games (88games) | TJT (@) | 12 Jan 01 10:13:33 | 1,027,240 | mame36 get MAME | |
1M | ||||||
2nd has 2 clones | '88 Games (88games) | ROUGH (@) | 03 Nov 99 21:33:12 | 203,500 | m36b8 get MAME | |
Autofire was not used. :) |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
3rd has 2 clones | '88 Games (88games) | preload (@) | 01 Oct 03 12:41:28 | 165,720 | win74 get MAME | |
4th has 2 clones | '88 Games (88games) | GameGuru (@) | 09 Feb 00 17:53:12 | 124,810 | m36b16 get MAME | |
non autofire, played on keyboard! [Advertised 144020. - PM] | ||||||
5th has 2 clones | '88 Games (88games) | Wonder@jvrm.net (@) | 23 Jan 02 01:48:42 | 105,520 | win57 get MAME | |
Second loop. Member of JeuxVideo.Records.Mame Home site : http://www.jvrm.net | ||||||
6th has 2 clones | '88 Games (88games) | gio6088 (@) | 18 Sep 08 16:55:47 | 99,250 | wolf106 get MAME | |
[claimed 96350 but final score is 99250 after 2900 more points from skeet -- PhL] | ||||||
7th has 2 clones | '88 Games (88games) | Locut0s (@) | 29 Nov 03 00:58:14 | 95,920 | win75 get MAME | |
8th has 2 clones | '88 Games (88games) | SportsDude (@) | 24 Aug 99 01:47:19 | 88,720 | m36b3 get MAME | |
No spectacular performances, but managed to qualify in every event...played until the 2nd Skeet Shooting area. BTW, check out the High Jump...my qualifying attempt is an old school high jump! =) | ||||||
9th has 2 clones | '88 Games (88games) | zarouk@jvrm.net (@) | 27 Nov 05 22:35:33 | 83,440 | wolf102 get MAME | |
10th has 2 clones | '88 Games (88games) | MadMat (@) | 08 Feb 00 22:21:41 | 70,600 | win36b16 get MAME | |
1st has 3 clones | A.B. Cop (World) (FD1094 317-0169b) (abcop) | Zerstorung | 04 Jan 22 12:29:20 | 72,058,220 | wolf183 get MAME | |
Played 05 Feb 21. | ||||||
2nd has 3 clones | A.B. Cop (World) (FD1094 317-0169b) (abcop) | RAX@M.R.A. | 04 Jun 17 20:43:42 | 69,891,700 | wolf106 get MAME | |
Regards to Outrunner :) | ||||||
3rd has 3 clones | A.B. Cop (World) (FD1094 317-0169b) (abcop) | OutRunner (W) | 04 Jun 17 13:49:25 | 67,503,960 | wolf182 get MAME | |
Regards to RAX. | ||||||
4th has 3 clones | A.B. Cop (World) (FD1094 317-0169b) (abcop) | powerman7t (@) | 27 Dec 07 00:26:24 | 62,072,230 | wolf106 get MAME | |
XP/fs0/wolf106. I finally FINISHED. I got too excited while typing in my initials, so sorry about that. Difficulty is shown at the end of the INP (Normal for time/enemies and no continues allowed, which is also TG settings, I think). Oh yeah, one more thing. After you beat the alien at the end (6-2), you go through a bonus round, hitting small dummies of the bosses. I am so happy :-) :-). | ||||||
1st has 5 clones | Aero Fighters (World / USA + Canada / Korea / Hong Kong / Taiwan) (newer hardware) (aerofgt) | Baron Rojo (@) | 25 Jun 16 00:06:00 | 1,305,100 | wolf106 get MAME | |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lN97w4QUIo4 ALL CLEAR | ||||||
2nd has 5 clones | Aero Fighters (World / USA + Canada / Korea / Hong Kong / Taiwan) (newer hardware) (aerofgt) | INNUENDO (@) | 26 Aug 14 02:44:04 | 1,135,400 | wolf106 get MAME | |
3rd has 5 clones | Aero Fighters (World / USA + Canada / Korea / Hong Kong / Taiwan) (newer hardware) (aerofgt) | Rodrigo Lopes (@) | 14 Oct 08 23:05:05 | 1,028,600 | wolf106 get MAME | |
4th has 5 clones | Aero Fighters (World / USA + Canada / Korea / Hong Kong / Taiwan) (newer hardware) (aerofgt) | WRX2 | 12 Dec 02 16:02:56 | 1,012,200 | win62 get MAME | |
5th has 5 clones | Aero Fighters (World / USA + Canada / Korea / Hong Kong / Taiwan) (newer hardware) (aerofgt) | Midas (@) | 08 Jun 99 20:01:23 | 956,900 | m35b13 get MAME | |
Finished and started over. | ||||||
6th has 5 clones | Aero Fighters (World / USA + Canada / Korea / Hong Kong / Taiwan) (newer hardware) (aerofgt) | nii-san | 15 Mar 13 09:20:52 | 769,200 | wolf106 get MAME | |
1st has 1 clone: alibabab special rules | Ali Baba and 40 Thieves (alibaba) | chrisbo_old | 19 Apr 11 03:56:15 | 120,200 | wolf106 get MAME | |
MARP T11 | ||||||
2nd has 1 clone: alibabab special rules | Ali Baba and 40 Thieves (alibaba) | Sampras@AIVA (@) | 03 Oct 01 17:15:55 | 70,400 | win55 get MAME | |
3rd has 1 clone: alibabab special rules | Ali Baba and 40 Thieves (alibaba) | Rick Carter (@) | 02 Dec 03 06:05:38 | 66,200 | omame77 | |
unofficial macmame+ 0.77 used | ||||||
4th has 1 clone: alibabab special rules | Ali Baba and 40 Thieves (alibaba) | Q.T.Quazar (W) | 07 Aug 01 16:18:59 | 63,800 | m37b16 get MAME | |
Default. Scores may need to be wiped for this game if a better dump is released. Enemies managed to go off the maze once during the game; not sure if this is due to the dump or a glitch in the game itself. [mamew only, playsback with mame53ver rom.] | ||||||
5th has 1 clone: alibabab special rules | Ali Baba and 40 Thieves (alibaba) | Cicca (@) | 03 Apr 00 11:29:01 | 58,600 | mame36 get MAME | |
6th has 1 clone: alibabab special rules | Ali Baba and 40 Thieves (alibaba) | Frankie (@) | 23 Sep 00 23:25:55 | 56,200 | m37b7 get MAME | |
Level 4 [confirmed with crcs of alibaba.4a = 3eb3a8e4 AND alibaba.7f = 2fc650bd ] | ||||||
7th has 1 clone: alibabab special rules | Ali Baba and 40 Thieves (alibaba) | TRB_MetroidTeam | 17 Apr 11 06:31:32 | 47,100 | wolf141 get MAME | |
T11 |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
8th has 1 clone: alibabab special rules | Ali Baba and 40 Thieves (alibaba) | IIOPAII (@) | 05 Apr 11 16:01:35 | 42,600 | wolf106 get MAME | |
RETROTEAM - T11 - Crazy game [desyncs at 38100 ; you must use -noafs so that it playbacks correctly -- PhL] | ||||||
1st has 7 clones special rules | Aliens (World set 1) (aliens) | MGM from Brazil (@) | 08 Mar 01 01:14:25 | 1,022,600 | m37b12f get MAME | |
2nd has 7 clones special rules | Aliens (World set 1) (aliens) | BBH (@) | 05 Mar 01 12:05:37 | 990,500 | mame36 get MAME | |
Yes! First person to finish both loops on one of the non-Japanese romsets ;) | ||||||
3rd has 7 clones special rules | Aliens (World set 1) (aliens) | Giovanni "Gby "Solinas (@) | 09 Sep 99 22:18:47 | 769,100 | m36b4 get MAME | |
1st has 4 clones | Alligator Hunt (World, protected) (aligator) | Jarl | 25 Nov 22 21:47:46 | 5,698,400 | wolf248 get MAME | |
JUNK | ||||||
1st clone of aligator | Alligator Hunt (Spain, protected) (aligators) | Jarl | 02 Nov 17 18:05:28 | 6,207,600 | wolf191 get MAME | |
Finished /Terminado | ||||||
1st clone of amidar | Amidar (older) (amidar1) | dazzer | 11 Apr 21 00:07:32 | 3,200,000 | wolf228 get MAME | |
TG | ||||||
2nd clone of amidar | Amidar (older) (amidar1) | Mike Dietrich (@) | 09 Aug 16 08:53:30 | 3,006,630 | wolf106 get MAME | |
TG settings | ||||||
3rd clone of amidar | Amidar (older) (amidar1) | NotMan (@) | 29 Oct 04 19:18:24 | 2,999,980 | wolf88 get MAME | |
Sorry! Drunk version! Had 5 pints of beers and could not able to marathon this version any farther. ;) | ||||||
4th clone of amidar | Amidar (older) (amidar1) | Angry (@) | 19 Apr 99 07:24:07 | 2,000,000 | m35b10 get MAME | |
5th clone of amidar | Amidar (older) (amidar1) | Sickboy (@) | 03 Dec 02 19:17:22 | 769,910 | win61 get MAME | |
6th clone of amidar | Amidar (older) (amidar1) | kbz3pa (@) | 03 Oct 13 22:39:24 | 715,940 | wolf150 get MAME | |
7th clone of amidar | Amidar (older) (amidar1) | Phil Lamat (@) | 14 Apr 00 12:28:04 | 533,430 | m35tg3 get MAME | |
8th clone of amidar | Amidar (older) (amidar1) | TER (@) | 11 Dec 18 06:58:05 | 412,180 | wolf204 get MAME | |
9th clone of amidar | Amidar (older) (amidar1) | Stig Remnes (@) | 31 Mar 13 20:17:24 | 329,770 | mame148 get MAME | |
TG, how could i miss that banana | ||||||
10th clone of amidar | Amidar (older) (amidar1) | Cicca (@) | 15 Dec 98 05:19:19 | 328,590 | m34b6 get MAME | |
11th clone of amidar | Amidar (older) (amidar1) | DrBarnes (@) | 03 Feb 98 01:15:00 | 262,560 | mame30 get MAME | |
12th clone of amidar | Amidar (older) (amidar1) | MvdV (@) | 01 Aug 99 14:37:08 | 259,500 | m36b1 get MAME | |
13th clone of amidar | Amidar (older) (amidar1) | Barthax (W) | 05 Aug 12 10:37:17 | 212,470 | wolf106 get MAME | |
14th clone of amidar | Amidar (older) (amidar1) | Lord AxE (@) | 27 Jul 12 18:27:28 | 206,530 | wolf146 get MAME | |
15th clone of amidar | Amidar (older) (amidar1) | Chris Parsley (@) | 05 Feb 02 05:35:42 | 200,690 | win58 get MAME | |
1st has 1 clone: arabiana | Arabian (arabian) | destructor@HotTeam.pl (@) | 11 Apr 07 11:05:07 | 221,750 | wolf83 get MAME | |
2nd has 1 clone: arabiana | Arabian (arabian) | Sampras@AIVA (@) | 20 Aug 04 20:50:28 | 201,500 | wolf84u2 get MAME | |
GEGOTW | ||||||
3rd has 1 clone: arabiana | Arabian (arabian) | franz lanzinger (@) | 26 Dec 03 19:17:51 | 176,200 | tgmame66 get MAME | |
[stage 3-4] | ||||||
4th has 1 clone: arabiana | Arabian (arabian) | VERTEX-DAN (W) | 11 Nov 03 23:26:16 | 176,050 | win76 get MAME | |
3-3 |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
5th has 1 clone: arabiana | Arabian (arabian) | ILLSeaBass | 03 Jun 19 15:51:51 | 171,600 | wolf209 get MAME | |
MGL ~ VIDEO | ||||||
6th has 1 clone: arabiana | Arabian (arabian) | Brian McLean (@) | 12 Sep 00 20:13:47 | 152,350 | m35tg3 get MAME | |
No sound, KoA. 3-3, otherwise known as the kill screen. ;) | ||||||
7th has 1 clone: arabiana | Arabian (arabian) | ScalNeCuS (@) | 12 Sep 00 18:04:18 | 141,500 | m35tg3 get MAME | |
KoA. Section 3 Page 2. | ||||||
1st clone of asterix | Asterix (ver JAD) (asterixj) | RAX@M.R.A. | 01 Jul 12 13:57:19 | 92,300 | wolf145 get MAME | |
1st | Baluba-louk no Densetsu (Japan) (baluba) | GMU (@) | 03 Apr 15 12:36:52 | 3,297,300 | wolf106 get MAME | |
Round 42. Greetings to Vertex-Dan and BrainBug :) | ||||||
2nd | Baluba-louk no Densetsu (Japan) (baluba) | VERTEX-DAN (W) | 23 Oct 07 11:04:00 | 3,057,660 | wolf106 get MAME | |
R38 | ||||||
3rd | Baluba-louk no Densetsu (Japan) (baluba) | sentoo cow arcade (@) | 28 Apr 05 18:49:39 | 2,061,910 | win59 get MAME | |
4th | Baluba-louk no Densetsu (Japan) (baluba) | ciumek@HotTeam.pl (@) | 31 Jan 05 19:41:06 | 1,434,650 | wolf89 get MAME | |
5th | Baluba-louk no Densetsu (Japan) (baluba) | Frankie (@) | 15 Jul 03 13:19:49 | 670,080 | wolf71 get MAME | |
6th | Baluba-louk no Densetsu (Japan) (baluba) | Q.T.Quazar (W) | 14 May 00 04:26:02 | 475,000 | win36 get MAME | |
Default. Kudos to me friend Jeff for his kind help. | ||||||
7th | Baluba-louk no Densetsu (Japan) (baluba) | Sampras@AIVA (@) | 19 Nov 00 21:57:56 | 416,950 | win37b9 get MAME | |
8th | Baluba-louk no Densetsu (Japan) (baluba) | Ray Atkinson (@) | 11 Mar 00 03:27:59 | 378,280 | m36rc1 get MAME | |
1st has 1 clone: bankpt | Bank Panic (bankp) | Lodgikal (@) | 19 Dec 11 04:54:13 | 9,999,999 | wolf144 get MAME | |
1st has 1 clone: bankpt | Bank Panic (bankp) | R-Tanaka.jp | 10 Jul 02 12:59:18 | 9,999,999 | win58 get MAME | |
3rd has 1 clone: bankpt | Bank Panic (bankp) | Alex Weir | 29 May 01 10:09:31 | 5,682,200 | win35tg3 get MAME | |
Final Deca2001 entry . Decided to have one more go for 10m , and was doing well until a bizzare around Level 80 or so . I had 'E-X-T-R ' spelt out , shot a guy for the next letter , the music indicated that I`d got the extra man , but as this happened , a guy shot me after that happened. Then all the letters were lit-up .Lost that life , didn`t get the extra , and the letters remained lit-up for the rest of the game, and this meant I got no more extras..........bleh.... | ||||||
4th has 1 clone: bankpt | Bank Panic (bankp) | Pat Garrigue (@) | 11 Aug 03 13:07:27 | 4,188,950 | mame36 get MAME | |
5th has 1 clone: bankpt | Bank Panic (bankp) | Barra (@) | 07 Feb 22 09:09:10 | 3,088,200 | wolf238 get MAME | |
Yolympics 2022. Stage 52 | ||||||
6th has 1 clone: bankpt | Bank Panic (bankp) | gastrainga (@) | 17 Aug 14 22:01:59 | 3,037,300 | wolf152 get MAME | |
Stage 65 - Quit with 8 lives left | ||||||
7th has 1 clone: bankpt | Bank Panic (bankp) | Evilvic | 07 May 98 00:00:00 | 2,211,850 | mame30 get MAME | |
(not mame31) | ||||||
8th has 1 clone: bankpt | Bank Panic (bankp) | Ben Jos Walbeehm (@) | 03 Mar 01 16:45:48 | 1,853,450 | m35tg3 get MAME | |
Same as Deca2001 entry. | ||||||
9th has 1 clone: bankpt | Bank Panic (bankp) | Prow | 16 May 23 01:07:32 | 1,759,550 | wolf250 get MAME | |
10th has 1 clone: bankpt | Bank Panic (bankp) | ILLSeaBass | 13 Jul 20 01:30:52 | 1,462,050 | wolf220 get MAME | |
MGL | ||||||
11th has 1 clone: bankpt | Bank Panic (bankp) | J.. | 29 Jul 13 21:27:09 | 1,409,500 | wolf103 get MAME | |
round 23 | ||||||
12th has 1 clone: bankpt | Bank Panic (bankp) | TJT (@) | 26 Feb 01 10:12:22 | 1,315,450 | m35tg3b get MAME | |
Deca2001 | ||||||
13th has 1 clone: bankpt | Bank Panic (bankp) | Riccardo Cable (@) | 04 Mar 03 02:08:29 | 1,275,150 | win65 get MAME |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
14th has 1 clone: bankpt | Bank Panic (bankp) | Evan04 | 28 May 23 18:24:14 | 1,204,850 | wolf254 get MAME | |
Played for MGL55 | ||||||
15th has 1 clone: bankpt | Bank Panic (bankp) | Sampras@AIVA (@) | 20 Aug 00 11:06:59 | 906,550 | win37b5 get MAME | |
16th has 1 clone: bankpt | Bank Panic (bankp) | KRA (@) | 24 Apr 98 00:00:00 | 816,400 | mame30 get MAME | |
17th has 1 clone: bankpt | Bank Panic (bankp) | Thomas_P | 15 May 04 14:13:06 | 582,600 | wolf82 get MAME | |
STAGE 12 | ||||||
18th has 1 clone: bankpt | Bank Panic (bankp) | Osman Shahaj (@) | 01 Nov 99 12:15:02 | 494,700 | m36b7 get MAME | |
19th has 1 clone: bankpt | Bank Panic (bankp) | Chris Gushue (@) | 03 Dec 00 10:42:39 | 465,300 | m37b9 get MAME | |
1st has 7 clones | Armed Police Batrider (Europe) (Fri Feb 13 1998) (batrider) | black tail | 13 Jul 12 03:16:19 | 8,467,540 | wolf145 get MAME | |
1st has 3 clones special rules | Battle Bakraid - Unlimited Version (USA) (Tue Jun 8 1999) (bbakraid) | Zerstorung | 02 Nov 12 01:42:24 | 22,570,420 | wolf145 get MAME | |
whoops i died | ||||||
2nd has 3 clones special rules | Battle Bakraid - Unlimited Version (USA) (Tue Jun 8 1999) (bbakraid) | Kaiser | 16 Mar 10 15:33:39 | 8,398,870 | wolf135 get MAME | |
Finished Advanced Course, 3 months of practice paid off. Kudos to rgb, plasmo, third_strike, m3tallica and my old mentor Destructor. | ||||||
1st clone of berzerk special rules | Berzerk (revision RC28) (berzerkb) | Phil Younger (@) | 03 Sep 06 06:41:01 | 389,870 | wolf78 get MAME | |
TG settings, 4 hours, My patented loop, can take this much higher. | ||||||
2nd clone of berzerk special rules | Berzerk (revision RC28) (berzerkb) | ThomasTHC | 03 May 14 03:51:11 | 83,260 | wolf148 get MAME | |
Random play | ||||||
3rd clone of berzerk special rules | Berzerk (revision RC28) (berzerkb) | simpsons99 (@) | 17 Feb 13 04:09:37 | 63,810 | wolf148 get MAME | |
Sorry Guys but i upped my score ... Please playback with sound on | ||||||
4th clone of berzerk special rules | Berzerk (revision RC28) (berzerkb) | mjfoxtrot | 15 May 02 04:23:03 | 36,380 | mame60 get MAME | |
Plays back with sound OFF | ||||||
1st | Blazer (Japan) (blazer) | M.jp | 24 Feb 02 15:18:19 | 10,459,800 | win57 get MAME | |
2nd | Blazer (Japan) (blazer) | Dumple (@) | 23 Jan 23 01:16:02 | 10,330,520 | wolf251 get MAME | |
1cc | ||||||
3rd | Blazer (Japan) (blazer) | Ken Okamoto (@) | 03 Nov 99 14:06:24 | 263,690 | m36b7 get MAME | |
4th | Blazer (Japan) (blazer) | GNU | 17 Dec 08 12:25:40 | 118,160 | omame122 | |
used WOLFMAMESCORE 0.122 | ||||||
1st | Blazing Star (blazstar) | Luy@teambrasil (@) | 08 Aug 16 19:05:28 | 51,485,030 | wolf106 get MAME | |
TG true Last Boss no finished | ||||||
2nd | Blazing Star (blazstar) | BBH (@) | 26 Sep 07 02:48:25 | 42,590,820 | wolf106 get MAME | |
oops, not finished. older all clear replay is available here. | ||||||
3rd | Blazing Star (blazstar) | HAS.jp | 27 Mar 03 13:49:29 | 42,119,150 | tgmame66 get MAME | |
stage7(level8). | ||||||
4th | Blazing Star (blazstar) | Sampras@AIVA (@) | 21 Mar 04 12:42:13 | 30,062,780 | wolf76 get MAME | |
5th | Blazing Star (blazstar) | nii-san | 14 Sep 12 16:02:14 | 21,364,590 | wolf106 get MAME | |
6th | Blazing Star (blazstar) | Skyline (@) | 05 Feb 03 02:08:43 | 16,234,170 | tgmame63 get MAME | |
AlphaMAME 0.63, Stage 6. My inexperience at Stage 6 shows...workin' on it though. | ||||||
7th | Blazing Star (blazstar) | Johnny Galaga | 01 Nov 02 11:04:57 | 15,097,210 | mame61 get MAME | |
I'm getting closer BBH ! Can you beat my stage 1 score ? | ||||||
8th | Blazing Star (blazstar) | mickey@jvrm.net (@) | 10 Jul 03 10:21:19 | 13,537,840 | tgmame68 get MAME |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
9th | Blazing Star (blazstar) | Midas (@) | 15 May 99 21:18:48 | 3,156,290 | mame34 get MAME | |
[playback problems] | ||||||
10th | Blazing Star (blazstar) | magorn | 10 Oct 02 21:31:13 | 2,803,550 | mame61 get MAME | |
member of jeuxvideo.records.mame Site web : http://www.jvrm.net | ||||||
11th | Blazing Star (blazstar) | Willou@jvrm.net (@) | 28 Jul 02 21:11:15 | 1,583,260 | mame61 get MAME | |
nothing to say... (www.jvrm.net) | ||||||
12th | Blazing Star (blazstar) | zarouk@jvrm.net (@) | 28 Nov 04 00:37:52 | 1,477,210 | wolf88 get MAME | |
13th | Blazing Star (blazstar) | Romulous (@) | 30 Nov 98 20:14:17 | 1,355,830 | m34b6 get MAME | |
[playback problems] | ||||||
14th | Blazing Star (blazstar) | maximumbob | 22 Sep 01 11:54:42 | 1,258,270 | win37b10 get MAME | |
[playback problems] [can't seem to track down the right you-know-what to make 3rd check. arglll] {QCN} | ||||||
15th | Blazing Star (blazstar) | gameboy9 (@) | 10 May 00 21:51:53 | 1,115,790 | m37b2 get MAME | |
First legal million score! Woohoo! | ||||||
16th | Blazing Star (blazstar) | Ray Atkinson (@) | 26 Jul 02 23:04:14 | 1,005,700 | mame61 get MAME | |
1st has 7 clones | Black Tiger (blktiger) | AJMetalLord (@) | 19 Jan 23 04:18:31 | 2,006,700 | wolf184 get MAME | |
TG Settings. First person to break 2 million, Lots of skelly farming fun! :) | ||||||
2nd has 7 clones | Black Tiger (blktiger) | TBT__TheBigtoe | 17 Dec 19 20:39:15 | 1,811,250 | wolf212 get MAME | |
TG settings except continues left on, due to laziness, but not used. | ||||||
3rd has 7 clones | Black Tiger (blktiger) | Jarl | 02 May 15 23:44:01 | 1,703,900 | wolf161 get MAME | |
4th has 7 clones | Black Tiger (blktiger) | INNUENDO (@) | 15 Apr 14 02:55:16 | 1,677,500 | wolf106 get MAME | |
5th has 7 clones | Black Tiger (blktiger) | SJW | 09 Dec 09 05:32:49 | 1,591,450 | wolf106 get MAME | |
Used TG's Wolf MAME 0.106 (GUI) and TG official settings (Difficulty: 5, Lives: 3, Continues: No). This game was also submitted to TG on December 8, 2009 | ||||||
1st has 1 clone: bouldashj | Boulder Dash / Boulder Dash Part 2 (World) [Part 1] (bouldash-pt1) | destructor@HotTeam.pl (@) | 03 Oct 05 13:15:04 | 1,148,730 | win62 get MAME | |
[5771 gems collected] {QCN} | ||||||
2nd has 1 clone: bouldashj | Boulder Dash / Boulder Dash Part 2 (World) [Part 1] (bouldash-pt1) | Blost (@) | 08 Oct 01 16:05:43 | 806,320 | win55 get MAME | |
Spent a few of my 12 lives left leeching at 6-5 and 6-6 to get to 800k. Finished/default with 6 lives left. | ||||||
3rd has 1 clone: bouldashj | Boulder Dash / Boulder Dash Part 2 (World) [Part 1] (bouldash-pt1) | Donut (@) | 07 Sep 01 01:38:34 | 735,620 | mame54 get MAME | |
4th has 1 clone: bouldashj | Boulder Dash / Boulder Dash Part 2 (World) [Part 1] (bouldash-pt1) | MvdV (@) | 31 Oct 99 08:30:17 | 685,820 | m36b7 get MAME | |
5th has 1 clone: bouldashj | Boulder Dash / Boulder Dash Part 2 (World) [Part 1] (bouldash-pt1) | Lagavulin (@) | 11 Sep 01 22:35:44 | 511,090 | mame53 get MAME | |
No leeching. Level 6-1 | ||||||
1st has 4 clones | Break Thru (US) (brkthru) | The_Pro (@) | 01 Jul 05 00:59:00 | 1,102,500 | wolf78 get MAME | |
TG June 2005 MAME Challenge | ||||||
1st has 21 clones | Bubble Bobble (Japan, Ver 0.1) (bublbobl) | ArcadePlayer_ABC (@) | 12 Apr 20 15:03:12 | 9,999,990 | wolf216 get MAME | |
Super Bubble Bobble 9999990 MAME ARCADE normal play no power up | ||||||
1st has 21 clones | Bubble Bobble (Japan, Ver 0.1) (bublbobl) | essekappa@M.R.A. (@) | 22 Nov 17 16:51:30 | 9,999,990 | wolf185 get MAME | |
power up & original game [confirmed, but please don't use fskip10 to unthrottle, it's a bug and defiintely shouldn't happen -br] | ||||||
1st clone of bublbobl | Bubble Bobble (Japan, Ver 0.0) (bublbobl1) | Paolo Colman@M.R.A. (@) | 20 Apr 20 09:26:14 | 8,015,720 | wolf219 get MAME | |
lot of safe spot | ||||||
2nd clone of bublbobl | Bubble Bobble (Japan, Ver 0.0) (bublbobl1) | ZEK.@Team2ch.jp | 15 Apr 02 14:40:28 | 6,702,600 | win59 get MAME | |
No Power-up and No Original Game.Game over total ROUND 141. | ||||||
3rd clone of bublbobl | Bubble Bobble (Japan, Ver 0.0) (bublbobl1) | hd2dj07 (@) | 20 Jun 04 16:28:06 | 4,696,070 | win82 get MAME | |
default setting. power up , original game enabled [can't seem to track down the right you-know-what to play this back] {QCN} | ||||||
4th clone of bublbobl | Bubble Bobble (Japan, Ver 0.0) (bublbobl1) | bubble (@) | 07 Mar 00 21:09:29 | 4,446,200 | m36rc1 get MAME |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
5th clone of bublbobl | Bubble Bobble (Japan, Ver 0.0) (bublbobl1) | essekappa@M.R.A. (@) | 01 Aug 00 11:49:38 | 4,439,830 | mame36 get MAME | |
no power ups; played with bub | ||||||
6th clone of bublbobl | Bubble Bobble (Japan, Ver 0.0) (bublbobl1) | JGustavo (@) | 20 Feb 99 03:09:36 | 3,927,110 | m35b3 get MAME | |
7th clone of bublbobl | Bubble Bobble (Japan, Ver 0.0) (bublbobl1) | el_fumador (@) | 01 May 12 09:00:08 | 3,413,170 | wolf140 get MAME | |
Power Up and Original game | ||||||
8th clone of bublbobl | Bubble Bobble (Japan, Ver 0.0) (bublbobl1) | mogue (@) | 23 Mar 16 19:23:20 | 3,379,070 | wolf151 get MAME | |
Visita mi blog http://arcadesmogue.blogspot.com.es | ||||||
9th clone of bublbobl | Bubble Bobble (Japan, Ver 0.0) (bublbobl1) | pat33999 (@) | 27 Aug 16 18:54:00 | 3,151,750 | wolf106 get MAME | |
TG Deca 2009 - Super mode | ||||||
10th clone of bublbobl | Bubble Bobble (Japan, Ver 0.0) (bublbobl1) | Sorceress (@) | 11 Jul 99 00:45:42 | 2,659,100 | mame35 get MAME | |
11th clone of bublbobl | Bubble Bobble (Japan, Ver 0.0) (bublbobl1) | Fungo (@) | 29 Jul 02 11:08:14 | 2,573,290 | win61 get MAME | |
.oOo. Power-Up Enabled .oOo. 2,573,290 .oOo. Fungo .oOo. | ||||||
12th clone of bublbobl | Bubble Bobble (Japan, Ver 0.0) (bublbobl1) | XTC (@) | 08 May 00 20:08:26 | 2,472,380 | m35tg3 get MAME | |
TG [advertised 2213610 -ztt] | ||||||
13th clone of bublbobl | Bubble Bobble (Japan, Ver 0.0) (bublbobl1) | Alex Weir | 01 Feb 00 22:19:26 | 2,427,960 | m35tg3 get MAME | |
Worth watching for the worst move in BB history ( fast forward to level 39 ) | ||||||
14th clone of bublbobl | Bubble Bobble (Japan, Ver 0.0) (bublbobl1) | Jerry Depew (@) | 26 May 09 22:38:19 | 1,923,310 | wolf83 get MAME | |
Entered the first two Secret Rooms (despite death in room 30), got the Super Fireball Bubble, and then brain got shut down at room 32. Also: My brother and I have the same initials (JWD) so I took QQQ awhile ago. I'll try to remember to use JQD in future MARP recordings. ;-) [can't track down the right you-know-what to play this back] {QCN} | ||||||
15th clone of bublbobl | Bubble Bobble (Japan, Ver 0.0) (bublbobl1) | Joe Kristoff (@) | 25 Oct 01 20:49:41 | 1,586,000 | win37b13 get MAME | |
Round 43! (Update 12-13-01: Improved my personal best by 550,000 pts. since October, to 2,415,720/Rd. 50. I finally get to see the Willy Whistles!) It is easy to reach Rd. 99 in the NES version, but this game brings a challenge. Bring it on! [can't track down the right you-know-what to play this back] {QCN} | ||||||
16th clone of bublbobl | Bubble Bobble (Japan, Ver 0.0) (bublbobl1) | Tech Knight | 26 Nov 00 00:18:34 | 1,576,740 | win37b9 get MAME | |
Default settings, non-Super, no powerup codes. I lost my rhythm around level 33. After 14 years of playing this game, I can still only make it to levels 40-55 on one credit :) [can't seem to track down the right you-know-what to play this back] {QCN} | ||||||
17th clone of bublbobl | Bubble Bobble (Japan, Ver 0.0) (bublbobl1) | goan74 (@) | 17 Sep 00 21:58:04 | 1,387,920 | win37b5 get MAME | |
[can't track down correct you-know-what fort his game] {QCN} | ||||||
18th clone of bublbobl | Bubble Bobble (Japan, Ver 0.0) (bublbobl1) | ballas | 24 Jun 09 10:48:20 | 1,298,220 | wolf106 get MAME | |
TG | ||||||
19th clone of bublbobl | Bubble Bobble (Japan, Ver 0.0) (bublbobl1) | Flobeamer1922 | 25 Oct 17 04:45:05 | 1,227,380 | wolf189 get MAME | |
Original Mode and Power-Up Mode used. | ||||||
1st has 5 clones | Bucky O'Hare (ver EAB) (bucky) | jijiruo@ezteam.cn (@) | 27 Jul 18 15:26:24 | 136,450 | wolf106 get MAME | |
default settings.no miss all. | ||||||
2nd has 5 clones | Bucky O'Hare (ver EAB) (bucky) | Metrackle (W) | 03 Mar 04 05:23:09 | 104,000 | tgmame68 get MAME | |
2-5 with Deadeye Duck. | ||||||
3rd has 5 clones | Bucky O'Hare (ver EAB) (bucky) | Caseh (@) | 29 Feb 04 20:58:11 | 100,850 | wolf79 get MAME | |
Completed, at long last. Got to end of level 5 on second loop. | ||||||
4th has 5 clones | Bucky O'Hare (ver EAB) (bucky) | DeFrenZ@AIVA | 28 Oct 08 21:09:57 | 60,250 | wolf106 get MAME | |
Just to explain a missing special rule :) I think this inp will be banned soon. Since this score is made on beginning of 1-1 :P [although this subjectively against the rules, you do have to make "progress" to leech this way and thus it can't be done infinitely, needs depating ] If done well you can get 400pts/2pxl of stage... I think there is quite enough to do counter stop in 1-2 max that way :) | ||||||
5th has 5 clones | Bucky O'Hare (ver EAB) (bucky) | BBH (@) | 27 Mar 02 12:23:56 | 36,200 | mame59 get MAME | |
hmm, might have a chance at getting through this one... | ||||||
1st clone of bwings | B-Wings (Japan old Ver.) (bwingso) | F_A.jp | 25 May 03 10:48:03 | 9,999,999 | tgmame68 get MAME | |
STAGE45 CLEAR ALPHAMAME32 68.0.0 | ||||||
1st clone of bwings | B-Wings (Japan old Ver.) (bwingso) | SBY@Team2ch (@) | 28 May 03 17:45:38 | 9,999,999 | tgmame69 get MAME | |
3rd clone of bwings | B-Wings (Japan old Ver.) (bwingso) | sakai (@) | 25 May 03 03:57:54 | 3,455,851 | tgmame68 get MAME | |
http://sakai2003.tripod.com/ | ||||||
4th clone of bwings | B-Wings (Japan old Ver.) (bwingso) | negative1 (@) | 22 Feb 20 01:54:17 | 286,292 | wolf212 get MAME | |
3men+bonus, an ok start, not sure which wings to use, used Sega Saturn joystick through USB for control+shooting | ||||||
5th clone of bwings | B-Wings (Japan old Ver.) (bwingso) | Rossi | 25 May 03 16:57:36 | 151,110 | tgmame69 get MAME |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
6th clone of bwings | B-Wings (Japan old Ver.) (bwingso) | simpsons99 (@) | 15 Jun 12 19:50:21 | 111,780 | wolf145 get MAME | |
1st has 7 clones | Cabal (World, Joystick) (cabal) | saulonpb@TeamBrazil (@) | 12 May 15 20:02:51 | 4,097,000 | wolf153 get MAME | |
melhor do teclado-primeiro a atingir 4000000 [advertised 4097420, and wolf103 instead of wolf153. But hey, at least there was no autofire this time... - bbh-- oo^1000000000--go to universe most antique--rumo ao universo mais antigo-- | ||||||
2nd has 7 clones | Cabal (World, Joystick) (cabal) | essekappa@M.R.A. (@) | 13 Mar 11 19:00:04 | 3,958,260 | wolf140 get MAME | |
3rd has 7 clones | Cabal (World, Joystick) (cabal) | Neverbackdown | 08 Apr 11 12:51:41 | 3,161,950 | wolf141 get MAME | |
1st has 6 clones special rules | Carnival (upright, AY8912 music) (carnival) | Phil Lamat (@) | 03 Feb 00 02:10:08 | 68,590 | m33b4 get MAME | |
2nd has 6 clones special rules | Carnival (upright, AY8912 music) (carnival) | Skito (W) | 20 Mar 99 05:00:43 | 53,770 | m33b4 get MAME | |
yep there is life after the 4th, too bad it's not 5 bears :) | ||||||
3rd has 6 clones special rules | Carnival (upright, AY8912 music) (carnival) | Sampras@AIVA (@) | 26 Jan 02 16:04:14 | 52,670 | win57 get MAME | |
4th has 6 clones special rules | Carnival (upright, AY8912 music) (carnival) | PacWhiz (@) | 20 Feb 10 12:16:59 | 50,810 | wolf106 get MAME | |
5th has 6 clones special rules | Carnival (upright, AY8912 music) (carnival) | diabolik (@) | 18 Jan 02 12:48:04 | 49,710 | mame57 get MAME | |
6th has 6 clones special rules | Carnival (upright, AY8912 music) (carnival) | Mark Longridge (@) | 07 Jul 98 00:00:00 | 47,760 | m33b4 get MAME | |
7th has 6 clones special rules | Carnival (upright, AY8912 music) (carnival) | creech | 20 Jan 18 11:21:13 | 40,620 | wolf169 get MAME | |
TG | ||||||
8th has 6 clones special rules | Carnival (upright, AY8912 music) (carnival) | homerwannabee (@) | 27 Nov 17 02:18:38 | 37,710 | wolf185 get MAME | |
9th has 6 clones special rules | Carnival (upright, AY8912 music) (carnival) | German Krol (@) | 14 Mar 99 23:47:55 | 37,430 | m33b4 get MAME | |
1st has 3 clones | Chase H.Q. (World) (chasehq) | Zerstorung | 06 Mar 22 00:48:35 | 16,458,460 | wolf238 get MAME | |
2nd has 3 clones | Chase H.Q. (World) (chasehq) | Prow | 03 Mar 22 05:02:43 | 15,086,230 | wolf238 get MAME | |
Yolympics 2022 | ||||||
3rd has 3 clones | Chase H.Q. (World) (chasehq) | Barra (@) | 06 Mar 22 10:21:25 | 12,146,430 | wolf238 get MAME | |
Yolympics 2022 | ||||||
4th has 3 clones | Chase H.Q. (World) (chasehq) | Paolo Colman@M.R.A. (@) | 27 Sep 17 14:11:31 | 11,714,720 | wolf160 get MAME | |
ciao bit | ||||||
5th has 3 clones | Chase H.Q. (World) (chasehq) | OutRunner (W) | 27 May 16 12:04:48 | 11,431,040 | wolf170 get MAME | |
Default Settings. | ||||||
6th has 3 clones | Chase H.Q. (World) (chasehq) | hilts (@) | 09 Feb 03 15:00:58 | 11,406,730 | win64 get MAME | |
7th has 3 clones | Chase H.Q. (World) (chasehq) | Sawys aka Sebastien Giraud (W) | 21 Jun 08 13:58:53 | 11,291,870 | wolf125 get MAME | |
End... I'll be back ;-) | ||||||
8th has 3 clones | Chase H.Q. (World) (chasehq) | Dumple (@) | 19 Feb 22 02:41:05 | 10,984,990 | wolf238 get MAME | |
1cc for Winter Yolympics 2022 | ||||||
9th has 3 clones | Chase H.Q. (World) (chasehq) | mickey@jvrm.net (@) | 26 Apr 03 00:15:28 | 10,897,530 | tgmame67 get MAME | |
End Member of JeuxVideo.Records.Mame Home site : http://www.jvrm.net | ||||||
10th has 3 clones | Chase H.Q. (World) (chasehq) | Caseh (@) | 22 Feb 04 18:37:16 | 10,848,520 | wolf79 get MAME | |
11th has 3 clones | Chase H.Q. (World) (chasehq) | RedStar | 28 Oct 08 21:17:38 | 10,682,430 | wolf106 get MAME | |
K7 | ||||||
1st | Cheeky Mouse (cheekyms) | JasonV91 (@) | 30 Nov 21 06:12:25 | 92,990 | wolf167 get MAME | |
Performed 12/15/2016 |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
2nd | Cheeky Mouse (cheekyms) | Dax (@) | 16 Aug 09 05:59:59 | 49,010 | wolf106 get MAME | |
In order to be proficient you really have to whip the joystick back and forth on a dime. On the original Universal cabinet the joystick was designed to withstand this punishment by being inset within a metal housing that prevented you from ripping it right off the cabinet. | ||||||
3rd | Cheeky Mouse (cheekyms) | TRB_MetroidTeam | 21 Jan 17 02:38:00 | 40,560 | wolf106 get MAME | |
TG DECA2011! - stage 17 | ||||||
4th | Cheeky Mouse (cheekyms) | Welby (@) | 09 Dec 03 07:06:45 | 38,300 | wolf77 get MAME | |
5th | Cheeky Mouse (cheekyms) | Lagavulin (@) | 11 Jan 99 18:30:49 | 31,510 | win34 get MAME | |
6th | Cheeky Mouse (cheekyms) | Barra (@) | 01 Mar 11 01:42:30 | 29,230 | wolf106 get MAME | |
TG Deca2k11 submission | ||||||
7th | Cheeky Mouse (cheekyms) | Sampras@AIVA (@) | 01 May 01 16:37:37 | 22,390 | win37b13 get MAME | |
8th | Cheeky Mouse (cheekyms) | diabolik (@) | 15 Jul 02 14:40:17 | 16,190 | mame36 get MAME | |
9th | Cheeky Mouse (cheekyms) | bicchiere (@) | 08 Jan 99 05:44:24 | 15,040 | mame34 get MAME | |
default settings | ||||||
10th | Cheeky Mouse (cheekyms) | Timmykins (@) | 07 Jun 01 16:48:07 | 12,890 | win37b13 get MAME | |
1st has 4 clones | Chelnov - Atomic Runner (World) (chelnov) | Shahbaz (@) | 22 Aug 12 16:43:18 | 491,950 | wolf106 get MAME | |
Another favorite game, played with my own some extra risky actions. But i missed some enemies and i am not satisfied yet. (There is my previous record on TG). | ||||||
2nd has 4 clones | Chelnov - Atomic Runner (World) (chelnov) | INNUENDO (@) | 14 Aug 12 06:07:29 | 489,700 | wolf104 get MAME | |
I´ve missed some enemies to kill, but I´m very satisfied with this result. | ||||||
3rd has 4 clones | Chelnov - Atomic Runner (World) (chelnov) | edusword (@) | 02 Mar 11 20:27:24 | 456,700 | wolf138 get MAME | |
4th has 4 clones | Chelnov - Atomic Runner (World) (chelnov) | Arjen Gnodde (@) | 20 Aug 08 09:57:36 | 415,950 | wolf106 get MAME | |
1st clone of chelnov | Chelnov - Atomic Runner (US) (chelnovu) | INNUENDO (@) | 17 Aug 12 03:09:55 | 417,200 | wolf104 get MAME | |
2nd clone of chelnov | Chelnov - Atomic Runner (US) (chelnovu) | edusword (@) | 02 Mar 11 20:31:20 | 389,550 | wolf138 get MAME | |
Default settings. This set is shorter and easier than the rest of the sets. | ||||||
3rd clone of chelnov | Chelnov - Atomic Runner (US) (chelnovu) | Arjen Gnodde (@) | 01 Sep 08 13:45:40 | 364,650 | wolf106 get MAME | |
4th clone of chelnov | Chelnov - Atomic Runner (US) (chelnovu) | Tony Montana (@) | 24 Jul 01 03:55:21 | 348,100 | m36b15 get MAME | |
5th clone of chelnov | Chelnov - Atomic Runner (US) (chelnovu) | HoLeCorna | 03 Nov 01 00:16:32 | 273,550 | m37b15 get MAME | |
1st clone of chopper | Chopper I (US) (chopperb) | edusword (@) | 22 Jul 12 19:01:12 | 3,078,200 | wolf145 get MAME | |
Stage 2-5 - Default settings - WWW.RETROVICIO.ORG | ||||||
2nd clone of chopper | Chopper I (US) (chopperb) | john mcallister (@) | 21 Aug 09 21:05:51 | 570,800 | wolf106 get MAME | |
Completed the first loop, game really doesnt get harder after that. When playing back you cant speed up or loose focus or game will loose sync. | ||||||
3rd clone of chopper | Chopper I (US) (chopperb) | WRX2 | 02 Aug 04 16:08:20 | 392,700 | tgmame70 get MAME | |
[Lost sync at 385k for me -br][playback 5 time also 392.7k ,anyone can get this score? -wrx2] | ||||||
4th clone of chopper | Chopper I (US) (chopperb) | Arjen Gnodde (@) | 04 Aug 00 17:09:54 | 345,700 | win37b5 get MAME | |
5th clone of chopper | Chopper I (US) (chopperb) | saulonpb@TeamBrazil (@) | 13 Jan 13 15:41:00 | 290,700 | wolf106 get MAME | |
T12-normal difficult | ||||||
6th clone of chopper | Chopper I (US) (chopperb) | Ken Okamoto (@) | 08 Aug 99 15:11:14 | 284,000 | m36b1 get MAME | |
7th clone of chopper | Chopper I (US) (chopperb) | Zerstorung | 23 Jan 13 06:08:18 | 283,000 | wolf141 get MAME | |
T12 - I no-missed up until I died. |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
8th clone of chopper | Chopper I (US) (chopperb) | INNUENDO (@) | 25 Jul 12 02:32:12 | 278,500 | wolf145 get MAME | |
Campeonato Retrovicio 2012 | ||||||
9th clone of chopper | Chopper I (US) (chopperb) | Midas (@) | 03 Jun 99 10:53:10 | 249,300 | m35b13 get MAME | |
10th clone of chopper | Chopper I (US) (chopperb) | Vaz (@) | 27 Dec 99 08:32:14 | 135,700 | m36b2 get MAME | |
11th clone of chopper | Chopper I (US) (chopperb) | MarcoMarocco@AIVA (@) | 02 Feb 13 15:35:13 | 127,800 | wolf106 get MAME | |
T12 | ||||||
12th clone of chopper | Chopper I (US) (chopperb) | mickey@jvrm.net (@) | 14 Jul 03 15:16:16 | 124,000 | tgmame68 get MAME | |
13th clone of chopper | Chopper I (US) (chopperb) | PauloValmir@TeamBrazil (@) | 31 Jan 13 17:43:36 | 90,700 | wolf106 get MAME | |
T12 | ||||||
14th clone of chopper | Chopper I (US) (chopperb) | FOXMULDER (@) | 03 Jul 07 13:11:46 | 86,700 | wolf115 get MAME | |
The truth is out there | ||||||
15th clone of chopper | Chopper I (US) (chopperb) | ballas | 30 Jan 13 05:49:07 | 86,600 | wolf106 get MAME | |
T12 | ||||||
1st clone of citybomb | City Bomber (Japan) (citybombj) | miyuu (@) | 02 Nov 01 19:16:09 | 3,191,080 | win55 get MAME | |
1st has 5 clones | Combat School (joystick) (combatsc) | SFCHAMPION@M.R.A. (@) | 22 Apr 19 18:59:40 | 396,880 | wolf200 get MAME | |
2nd has 5 clones | Combat School (joystick) (combatsc) | b_a_t (@) | 15 Aug 11 09:08:30 | 395,900 | wolf106 get MAME | |
Three terrorist rows in five points in the mission. ZONADEJUEGOS. | ||||||
3rd has 5 clones | Combat School (joystick) (combatsc) | Phantomas | 22 May 11 22:44:43 | 395,420 | wolf106 get MAME | |
T11 - Finished without leeching on final stage. | ||||||
4th has 5 clones | Combat School (joystick) (combatsc) | WoodElf (@) | 25 Dec 10 12:21:58 | 383,990 | wolf106 get MAME | |
Default settings. Christmas Competition 2010 RETROVICIO | ||||||
5th has 5 clones | Combat School (joystick) (combatsc) | The Onion Knight | 13 Apr 11 20:32:35 | 380,360 | wolf141 get MAME | |
T11 | ||||||
6th has 5 clones | Combat School (joystick) (combatsc) | Kale | 14 Oct 02 18:23:55 | 376,220 | mame61 get MAME | |
1cc | ||||||
7th has 5 clones | Combat School (joystick) (combatsc) | Stig Remnes (@) | 17 Aug 01 23:44:05 | 375,660 | mame53 get MAME | |
1st has 2 clones | Crack Down (World, Floppy Based, FD1094 317-0058-04c) (crkdown) | BBH (@) | 30 May 22 02:43:59 | 147,552 | wolf234 get MAME | |
2nd has 2 clones | Crack Down (World, Floppy Based, FD1094 317-0058-04c) (crkdown) | TER (@) | 03 Sep 24 09:40:07 | 116,050 | wolf269 get MAME | |
1st has 15 clones | Crush Roller (set 1) (crush) | TER (@) | 09 Jan 18 06:38:11 | 4,305,530 | wolf193 get MAME | |
TG settings, Hard, 5 lives. However, submitting here for score after 3+1 lives (i.e. default lives). Final score after 5+1 lives is 6016180 | ||||||
2nd has 15 clones | Crush Roller (set 1) (crush) | Crash (@) | 03 Jul 98 00:00:00 | 1,212,380 | m33b6 get MAME | |
3rd has 15 clones | Crush Roller (set 1) (crush) | Mark Longridge (@) | 15 Nov 01 22:54:42 | 435,890 | mame55 get MAME | |
TG settings. May as well submit this as a regular score. | ||||||
4th has 15 clones | Crush Roller (set 1) (crush) | creech | 20 Jan 18 12:27:16 | 272,940 | wolf169 get MAME | |
TG | ||||||
5th has 15 clones | Crush Roller (set 1) (crush) | Tass (@) | 26 Sep 04 13:53:02 | 49,160 | win74 get MAME | |
6th has 15 clones | Crush Roller (set 1) (crush) | Stephen M. Krogman (@) | 26 Jun 17 03:47:00 | 34,610 | wolf106 get MAME | |
1st clone of dangar | Ufo Robo Dangar (12/1/1986) (dangara) | Karras76 (@) | 23 Mar 17 09:02:39 | 4,077,200 | wolf151 get MAME | |
Special thanks to http://arcadespain.info and https://vadearcade.blogspot.com.es/ [uploaded as "dangar" but what was "dangar" with m151 became "dangara" in m175 -- PhL] |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
2nd clone of dangar | Ufo Robo Dangar (12/1/1986) (dangara) | edusword (@) | 15 Nov 15 13:30:27 | 2,086,500 | wolf166 get MAME | |
Default settings | ||||||
1st has 2 clones | Double Wings (set 1) (dblewing) | Gemant ZBL-Fukuda@M.R.A. (@) | 14 Jun 10 20:23:14 | 2,227,300 | wolf137 get MAME | |
1st has 12 clones | D. D. Crew (World, 3 Players) (FD1094 317-0190) (ddcrew) | PG3 (@) | 01 Jan 22 00:00:07 | 371 | wolf183 get MAME | |
HAPPY NEW YEAR 17.09.17 - STAGE 7 - FINAL BOSS 20.09.17 - 369 - 1CC - [370] | ||||||
2nd has 12 clones | D. D. Crew (World, 3 Players) (FD1094 317-0190) (ddcrew) | P21 | 28 Nov 11 14:51:40 | 364 | wolf106 get MAME | |
[score is 363 at the finished end, but there was no bonus points for finishing the master boss, i think the score should be 364.] I see.Score change 364 | ||||||
3rd has 12 clones | D. D. Crew (World, 3 Players) (FD1094 317-0190) (ddcrew) | BBH (@) | 04 Feb 06 23:22:14 | 288 | wolf103 get MAME | |
4th has 12 clones | D. D. Crew (World, 3 Players) (FD1094 317-0190) (ddcrew) | GNU | 16 Apr 08 11:19:53 | 132 | omame122 | |
level 4 - recorded with WOLFMAMESCORE 0.122 | ||||||
1st has 2 clones | DoDonPachi (World, 1997 2/ 5 Master Ver.) (ddonpach) | Zerstorung | 20 Feb 13 21:41:23 | 110,724,980 | wolf99 get MAME | |
C-S, 2-5. Finally joining the 100m club. | ||||||
2nd has 2 clones | DoDonPachi (World, 1997 2/ 5 Master Ver.) (ddonpach) | fool (@) | 10 Jun 09 05:02:06 | 101,430,780 | wolf90 get MAME | |
I'm really insane though my IQ is 88 ,i need more bomb!!! | ||||||
3rd has 2 clones | DoDonPachi (World, 1997 2/ 5 Master Ver.) (ddonpach) | buttman@jvrm.net | 10 Jan 07 20:35:35 | 87,036,970 | wolf90 get MAME | |
stage 2-5. No miss until 1st loop last boss :) | ||||||
4th has 2 clones | DoDonPachi (World, 1997 2/ 5 Master Ver.) (ddonpach) | nii-san | 01 Jan 10 20:08:26 | 86,269,600 | wolf99 get MAME | |
2-3 | ||||||
5th has 2 clones | DoDonPachi (World, 1997 2/ 5 Master Ver.) (ddonpach) | Smraedis (@) | 25 Jan 06 01:03:34 | 67,393,380 | wolf103 get MAME | |
2-3, somehow.. | ||||||
6th has 2 clones | DoDonPachi (World, 1997 2/ 5 Master Ver.) (ddonpach) | BBH (@) | 30 Jan 06 04:14:25 | 66,267,510 | wolf103 get MAME | |
White Men Can't Chain | ||||||
7th has 2 clones | DoDonPachi (World, 1997 2/ 5 Master Ver.) (ddonpach) | Bigboudda@jvrm.net | 21 Jul 06 12:39:46 | 62,084,780 | wolf101 get MAME | |
Bigboudda | ||||||
8th has 2 clones | DoDonPachi (World, 1997 2/ 5 Master Ver.) (ddonpach) | GSH (@) | 06 Apr 05 04:57:16 | 60,227,110 | wolf94 get MAME | |
2-2. A-L | ||||||
9th has 2 clones | DoDonPachi (World, 1997 2/ 5 Master Ver.) (ddonpach) | Edge (@) | 20 Dec 07 16:16:12 | 52,631,000 | wolf97 get MAME | |
Mostly relying on Bomb Maximum Bonus, with some intended suicides. Blue Ship/Shot - 1-6 - 370 Max Hit | ||||||
10th has 2 clones | DoDonPachi (World, 1997 2/ 5 Master Ver.) (ddonpach) | The_Pro (@) | 29 Feb 16 02:53:43 | 38,513,790 | wolf169 get MAME | |
Yolympics 2016 | ||||||
1st clone of ddonpach | DoDonPachi (2012/02/12 Arrange Ver. 1.1) (hack) (ddonpacha) | BBH (@) | 22 Jun 16 23:51:07 | 189,356,950 | wolf174 get MAME | |
hi trap | ||||||
1st clone of dietgo | Diet Go Go (Europe v1.1 1992.09.26, set 3) (dietgoea) | Krj | 21 Mar 20 20:31:21 | 3,398,400 | wolf194 get MAME | |
2nd clone of dietgo | Diet Go Go (Europe v1.1 1992.09.26, set 3) (dietgoea) | ballas | 08 Jan 14 11:57:43 | 3,360,190 | wolf106 get MAME | |
3rd clone of dietgo | Diet Go Go (Europe v1.1 1992.09.26, set 3) (dietgoea) | Swos | 02 Jun 10 10:52:48 | 3,140,900 | wolf106 get MAME | |
1CC 1 miss | ||||||
4th clone of dietgo | Diet Go Go (Europe v1.1 1992.09.26, set 3) (dietgoea) | WoodElf (@) | 12 Feb 12 14:30:26 | 3,048,700 | wolf106 get MAME | |
Retrovicio - CPM 2011 - Default Settings | ||||||
5th clone of dietgo | Diet Go Go (Europe v1.1 1992.09.26, set 3) (dietgoea) | Craig R. Gallant (@) | 21 Mar 10 21:35:13 | 2,795,253 | wolf106 get MAME | |
TG | ||||||
6th clone of dietgo | Diet Go Go (Europe v1.1 1992.09.26, set 3) (dietgoea) | zarouk@jvrm.net (@) | 29 Aug 05 07:03:10 | 2,608,600 | wolf99 get MAME | |
Finished | ||||||
7th clone of dietgo | Diet Go Go (Europe v1.1 1992.09.26, set 3) (dietgoea) | Estel G | 18 Jun 14 00:46:18 | 2,533,706 | wolf106 get MAME | |
Default/Finished | ||||||
8th clone of dietgo | Diet Go Go (Europe v1.1 1992.09.26, set 3) (dietgoea) | Gatts@jvrm.net (@) | 28 Aug 05 13:24:04 | 2,530,356 | wolf99 get MAME | |
finished :) |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
9th clone of dietgo | Diet Go Go (Europe v1.1 1992.09.26, set 3) (dietgoea) | simpsons99 (@) | 16 Jun 11 03:53:10 | 2,467,300 | wolf106 get MAME | |
I beat it!! Over 2 Millon! | ||||||
1st | Dragon Unit / Castle of Dragon (drgnunit) | Kale | 30 Mar 21 20:09:07 | 1,590,120 | wolf229 get MAME | |
1cc | ||||||
2nd | Dragon Unit / Castle of Dragon (drgnunit) | Josh the FunkDOC (@) | 06 Jan 04 07:31:19 | 1,558,930 | win77 get MAME | |
Well, I wanted my first upload to be a 1st place, and here it is! =) I completely mess up the fight with the two dragons, but everything else goes pretty much the way I wanted it to. [nice. you might check out wolfmame and use that the next time you record -skito] | ||||||
3rd | Dragon Unit / Castle of Dragon (drgnunit) | BBH (@) | 20 Apr 03 03:10:59 | 1,550,490 | tgdmame67 get MAME | |
Finished | ||||||
1st has 6 clones | Dynablaster / Bomber Man (dynablst) | Krj | 22 Oct 13 18:01:28 | 1,523,500 | wolf149 get MAME | |
2nd has 6 clones | Dynablaster / Bomber Man (dynablst) | Potante (@) | 07 Oct 06 15:58:56 | 598,800 | wolf106 get MAME | |
stage 3-4 | ||||||
1st has 3 clones | U.N. Defense Force: Earth Joker (US / Japan, set 1) (earthjkr) | Shienryu@Team2ch.jp | 21 Oct 02 11:45:33 | 1,603,300 | win61 get MAME | |
2nd has 3 clones | U.N. Defense Force: Earth Joker (US / Japan, set 1) (earthjkr) | NoMercy (@) | 26 Jan 01 17:34:27 | 801,300 | m37b11 get MAME | |
3rd has 3 clones | U.N. Defense Force: Earth Joker (US / Japan, set 1) (earthjkr) | Barra (@) | 07 Apr 16 11:11:44 | 759,700 | wolf169 get MAME | |
4th has 3 clones | U.N. Defense Force: Earth Joker (US / Japan, set 1) (earthjkr) | Midas (@) | 15 Nov 00 20:39:45 | 501,400 | m37b9 get MAME | |
5th has 3 clones | U.N. Defense Force: Earth Joker (US / Japan, set 1) (earthjkr) | mameshane (@) | 29 Mar 16 07:33:40 | 441,300 | wolf169 get MAME | |
TG | ||||||
6th has 3 clones | U.N. Defense Force: Earth Joker (US / Japan, set 1) (earthjkr) | BBH (@) | 11 Nov 00 06:35:36 | 409,600 | m37b9 get MAME | |
only 2 lives? WTF? | ||||||
7th has 3 clones | U.N. Defense Force: Earth Joker (US / Japan, set 1) (earthjkr) | FOXMULDER (@) | 27 Jan 09 15:22:37 | 402,700 | wolf128 get MAME | |
8th has 3 clones | U.N. Defense Force: Earth Joker (US / Japan, set 1) (earthjkr) | Gerhard Schindler (@) | 19 Mar 05 12:14:31 | 389,400 | wolf94 get MAME | |
1st has 4 clones | E.D.F. : Earth Defense Force (set 1) (edf) | M.jp | 11 Feb 02 13:49:43 | 2,252,400 | win58 get MAME | |
2nd has 4 clones | E.D.F. : Earth Defense Force (set 1) (edf) | NoMercy (@) | 08 Feb 01 18:46:36 | 1,375,800 | m37b11 get MAME | |
3rd has 4 clones | E.D.F. : Earth Defense Force (set 1) (edf) | BBH (@) | 09 May 04 09:51:34 | 1,281,800 | wolf82 get MAME | |
4th has 4 clones | E.D.F. : Earth Defense Force (set 1) (edf) | Midas (@) | 30 May 99 22:17:52 | 1,205,700 | m35b13 get MAME | |
Replay with NO sound! | ||||||
5th has 4 clones | E.D.F. : Earth Defense Force (set 1) (edf) | _tobedeleted | 05 Apr 02 06:31:06 | 758,100 | mame56 get MAME | |
Sound off, Fastmame. In case someone was wondering, yes, I'm back, but just for a while -- I wanted to take a break from the site I'm now running. | ||||||
6th has 4 clones | E.D.F. : Earth Defense Force (set 1) (edf) | saulonpb@TeamBrazil (@) | 09 Jul 23 05:04:57 | 483,300 | wolf232 get MAME | |
7th has 4 clones | E.D.F. : Earth Defense Force (set 1) (edf) | mickey@jvrm.net (@) | 17 Nov 02 20:13:03 | 306,800 | mame61 get MAME | |
Member of JeuxVideo.Records.Mame Home site : http://www.jvrm.net | ||||||
1st clone of eyes | Eyes (bootleg set 1) (eyesb) | nibbler 69@M.R.A. (@) | 19 Aug 24 10:15:13 | 8,806,200 | wolf248 get MAME | |
1st has 2 clones | F-1 Dream (f1dream) | gameboy9 (@) | 26 May 99 14:51:53 | 90 | m35b13 get MAME | |
A more honest attempt... now that the bugs are fixed with this version... | ||||||
1st has 2 clones | F-1 Dream (f1dream) | kbz3pa (@) | 07 Oct 06 17:45:51 | 90 | wolf106 get MAME | |
3rd has 2 clones | F-1 Dream (f1dream) | Kale | 06 Sep 02 21:50:46 | 66 | mame61 get MAME | |
1cc 18+15+33 |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
4th has 2 clones | F-1 Dream (f1dream) | Dumple (@) | 15 Jun 24 23:31:41 | 65 | wolf264 get MAME | |
1cc: 17+17+31 | ||||||
5th has 2 clones | F-1 Dream (f1dream) | Manuca (@) | 06 Jan 01 16:22:46 | 36 | win37b10 get MAME | |
default settings | ||||||
6th has 2 clones | F-1 Dream (f1dream) | Chris Parsley (@) | 14 Jun 99 14:38:21 | 29 | win35b12 get MAME | |
3 1sts 1 2nd 1 really bad race... Enough said [someone else can score this] {QCN} | ||||||
7th has 2 clones | F-1 Dream (f1dream) | SportsDude (@) | 02 Aug 99 11:58:40 | 19 | win35 get MAME | |
Pretty good showing...but I'm not sure if it'll stay at this score, should our scores include F-3000? | ||||||
1st has 1 clone: fhawkj | Fighting Hawk (World) (fhawk) | edusword (@) | 11 Feb 12 00:55:40 | 1,964,100 | wolf138 get MAME | |
Game completed - Default settings - WWW.RETROVICIO.ORG | ||||||
2nd has 1 clone: fhawkj | Fighting Hawk (World) (fhawk) | WRX2 | 15 Jul 06 08:14:01 | 1,874,450 | wolf78 get MAME | |
1st | '96 Flag Rally (flagrall) | Giro-X@Mame R.A. (@) | 30 Sep 19 20:46:08 | 126,420 | wolf213 get MAME | |
That escalated quickly. | ||||||
1st has 15 clones | Frogger (frogger) | ***PL*** (@) | 16 Aug 17 02:00:21 | 1,033,790 | wolf108 get MAME | |
5h 27m | ||||||
2nd has 15 clones | Frogger (frogger) | Don Hayes (@) | 03 Jan 09 02:23:17 | 881,150 | wolf106 get MAME | |
TGTS - Happy New Year! George who?? | ||||||
3rd has 15 clones | Frogger (frogger) | nibbler 69@M.R.A. (@) | 08 Dec 08 23:58:24 | 500,060 | wolf106 get MAME | |
4th has 15 clones | Frogger (frogger) | Alessandro.S (@) | 29 Dec 08 20:47:06 | 479,050 | wolf106 get MAME | |
Last frog killed after 170k points when I had managed to get into the easy transition once more... guess I was tasting the top spot a bit too early. Oh well, but I'll get there :p [well, okay, maybe I won't - GREAT score Don ! Replay of the year granted in advance !!] | ||||||
5th has 15 clones | Frogger (frogger) | JasonV91 (@) | 30 Nov 21 06:37:08 | 291,590 | wolf167 get MAME | |
TG settings (performed 2/10/2016) | ||||||
6th has 15 clones | Frogger (frogger) | German Krol (@) | 09 Dec 06 12:21:12 | 232,110 | wolf106 get MAME | |
Made it on Dec 6th but not submitted. Is it on time for GEGOTW? I'll try to improve for the bonus but 800K ??!?! Sounds impossible | ||||||
7th has 15 clones | Frogger (frogger) | zylquin (@) | 02 Aug 08 02:56:23 | 224,910 | wolf106 get MAME | |
8th has 15 clones | Frogger (frogger) | gastrainga (@) | 15 Dec 06 04:03:16 | 210,470 | wolf78 get MAME | |
TG (5 Frogs to start, extra at 20K) | ||||||
9th has 15 clones | Frogger (frogger) | Sampras@AIVA (@) | 03 Mar 03 20:15:15 | 189,480 | win35tg3 get MAME | |
Same as DECA 2003 entry. TG settings used. | ||||||
10th has 15 clones | Frogger (frogger) | MarcoMarocco@AIVA (@) | 29 Nov 08 08:42:15 | 114,100 | wolf106 get MAME | |
TG | ||||||
11th has 15 clones | Frogger (frogger) | Buddude1 | 11 Jan 03 03:45:13 | 105,920 | m35tg3b get MAME | |
Deca2003 TG Settings | ||||||
12th has 15 clones | Frogger (frogger) | Barra (@) | 11 Mar 20 06:35:54 | 95,680 | wolf183 get MAME | |
Yolympics 2020 | ||||||
13th has 15 clones | Frogger (frogger) | CrazyKongFan | 28 Jun 12 17:28:23 | 58,230 | wolf106 get MAME | |
GEGOTW 2012 | ||||||
14th has 15 clones | Frogger (frogger) | RAT (@) | 19 Apr 03 11:51:02 | 49,700 | tgmame67 get MAME | |
alphamame32 0.67-2 TG settings, sound on, auto frameskip. | ||||||
15th has 15 clones | Frogger (frogger) | TheSupremacyCabinet | 24 Nov 22 00:05:34 | 34,900 | wolf248 get MAME | |
16th has 15 clones | Frogger (frogger) | BeeJay | 30 Jun 12 00:48:03 | 34,660 | wolf106 get MAME | |
GEGOTW 2012 Off to such a good start, for me anyway, but then I crashed and burned. :( | ||||||
17th has 15 clones | Frogger (frogger) | DaLar | 30 Jun 12 16:24:18 | 34,550 | wolf106 get MAME | |
gegotw '12 -- Stage 10(!) | ||||||
18th has 15 clones | Frogger (frogger) | kernzy (@) | 17 Oct 13 00:17:45 | 34,490 | wolf150 get MAME |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
19th has 15 clones | Frogger (frogger) | Stephen M. Krogman (@) | 29 May 23 06:27:19 | 34,160 | wolf106 get MAME | |
MGL55. New PB. | ||||||
20th has 15 clones | Frogger (frogger) | homerwannabee (@) | 09 Apr 13 20:53:52 | 30,240 | wolf106 get MAME | |
TG Settings | ||||||
21st has 15 clones | Frogger (frogger) | AGODZILLA@M.R.A. (@) | 30 Jun 12 06:31:01 | 28,340 | wolf106 get MAME | |
GEGOTW 2012 | ||||||
1st has 1 clone: futariblj | Mushihime-Sama Futari Black Label - Another Ver (2009/11/27 INTERNATIONAL BL) [Original] (futaribl-ori) | Zerstorung | 06 Aug 24 20:45:08 | 472,453,356 | wolf261 get MAME | |
1cc | ||||||
2nd has 1 clone: futariblj | Mushihime-Sama Futari Black Label - Another Ver (2009/11/27 INTERNATIONAL BL) [Original] (futaribl-ori) | BBH (@) | 08 Feb 21 23:17:20 | 307,394,932 | wolf225 get MAME | |
too hard without the proper slowdown lol | ||||||
1st has 7 clones special rules | Galaga (Namco rev. B) (galaga) | Stephen M. Krogman (@) | 05 Feb 17 02:25:17 | 6,800,910 | wolf106 get MAME | |
Rank: D (Hardest) : Extras: 20K/70K/Every 70K. A nice improvement over my last submission and a new WR in the process. Results: Stage 506. Shots Fired: 33,186. # of Hits: 28,692. Hit-Miss Ratio: 86.9%. VIDEO | ||||||
2nd has 7 clones special rules | Galaga (Namco rev. B) (galaga) | Barra (@) | 03 Feb 19 01:17:02 | 6,169,130 | wolf183 get MAME | |
TG first try. Yolympics 2019 (5 lives only) Lost my first two before 600k then went on a killer run of 3m+ without dying. Approx 450k on my single ship at the end too | ||||||
3rd has 7 clones special rules | Galaga (Namco rev. B) (galaga) | gastrainga (@) | 06 Nov 13 08:00:22 | 4,351,080 | wolf106 get MAME | |
TG Settings: Rank D - Hardest Difficulty, Extras at 20K/70K/Every 70K. Stage 360 (256 + 104). | ||||||
4th has 7 clones special rules | Galaga (Namco rev. B) (galaga) | GSH (@) | 13 Dec 05 07:11:41 | 3,899,880 | wolf101 get MAME | |
TG settings | ||||||
5th has 7 clones special rules | Galaga (Namco rev. B) (galaga) | Flobeamer1922 | 14 Jan 20 04:03:50 | 3,194,700 | wolf216 get MAME | |
Stage 0 kill screen. Default settings. | ||||||
6th has 7 clones special rules | Galaga (Namco rev. B) (galaga) | DGO (@) | 23 Dec 04 09:59:11 | 2,121,890 | wolf83 get MAME | |
TG - Stage 173 - After a sleepless night: very tired but concentration was quite ok (until the end..) | ||||||
7th has 7 clones special rules | Galaga (Namco rev. B) (galaga) | BeeJay | 09 Jan 13 08:19:01 | 1,709,960 | wolf106 get MAME | |
T12 - Stage 148. Muggins stupidly lost his last ship with a ship captured. :( | ||||||
8th has 7 clones special rules | Galaga (Namco rev. B) (galaga) | Johnny Galaga | 21 Mar 02 19:33:47 | 1,667,060 | win58 get MAME | |
Stage 138. 87.0 % hit-miss ratio. | ||||||
9th has 7 clones special rules | Galaga (Namco rev. B) (galaga) | Paolo Colman@M.R.A. (@) | 15 Aug 13 12:42:29 | 1,326,050 | wolf106 get MAME | |
play for THE MAME EVENT! Classic Gaming's Weekend Warriors i can do better,but i am satisfacted of this score [claimed 1,326,650 -br] | ||||||
10th has 7 clones special rules | Galaga (Namco rev. B) (galaga) | NotMan (@) | 18 Jan 13 00:04:28 | 1,017,660 | wolf106 get MAME | |
T12 | ||||||
11th has 7 clones special rules | Galaga (Namco rev. B) (galaga) | BBH (@) | 23 Feb 15 04:01:22 | 1,000,960 | wolf158 get MAME | |
Yolympics (Hardest, 5 lives) | ||||||
12th has 7 clones special rules | Galaga (Namco rev. B) (galaga) | damon fleming | 07 Oct 00 06:41:52 | 990,050 | mame36 get MAME | |
TG. Too tired to play. Had a good run, then started going down hill. 1st attempt and first upload, not to shabby. Next game will probably be Ms Pacman-fast to see if I can break my 817,500 I have in the arcades. | ||||||
13th has 7 clones special rules | Galaga (Namco rev. B) (galaga) | TER (@) | 11 Jan 16 10:18:19 | 958,620 | wolf169 get MAME | |
TG Marathon settings (rank D, 20k/70k/70k, 3 ships start). Still no million... sigh! | ||||||
14th has 7 clones special rules | Galaga (Namco rev. B) (galaga) | Thunky (@) | 14 Sep 98 00:00:00 | 625,720 | m34b2 get MAME | |
Default settings, stage 53 | ||||||
15th has 7 clones special rules | Galaga (Namco rev. B) (galaga) | homerwannabee (@) | 08 Feb 19 12:59:38 | 569,370 | wolf183 get MAME | |
5 Man TG settings | ||||||
16th has 7 clones special rules | Galaga (Namco rev. B) (galaga) | nibbler 69@M.R.A. (@) | 27 Oct 12 11:49:36 | 362,460 | wolf106 get MAME | |
17th has 7 clones special rules | Galaga (Namco rev. B) (galaga) | Estel G | 29 Apr 14 23:19:31 | 359,070 | wolf106 get MAME | |
Rank D | ||||||
18th has 7 clones special rules | Galaga (Namco rev. B) (galaga) | Phantomas | 28 Feb 13 20:33:19 | 346,040 | wolf106 get MAME | |
STAGE 38 | ||||||
19th has 7 clones special rules | Galaga (Namco rev. B) (galaga) | MarcoMarocco@AIVA (@) | 25 Jan 13 11:08:13 | 318,430 | wolf106 get MAME | |
T12 | ||||||
20th has 7 clones special rules | Galaga (Namco rev. B) (galaga) | saulonpb@TeamBrazil (@) | 01 Feb 13 17:04:46 | 258,730 | wolf106 get MAME | |
T12 |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
21st has 7 clones special rules | Galaga (Namco rev. B) (galaga) | PauloValmir@TeamBrazil (@) | 11 Jan 13 14:51:40 | 256,610 | wolf106 get MAME | |
T12 | ||||||
22nd has 7 clones special rules | Galaga (Namco rev. B) (galaga) | IB_Angelo__@AIVA (@) | 12 Jun 11 17:03:47 | 237,530 | wolf92 get MAME | |
23rd has 7 clones special rules | Galaga (Namco rev. B) (galaga) | Zerstorung | 22 Jan 13 08:38:54 | 220,770 | wolf141 get MAME | |
T12 | ||||||
24th has 7 clones special rules | Galaga (Namco rev. B) (galaga) | 1up | 10 Jan 13 13:13:16 | 219,780 | wolf141 get MAME | |
T12 | ||||||
25th has 7 clones special rules | Galaga (Namco rev. B) (galaga) | jaydawg (@) | 03 Dec 19 07:58:57 | 214,140 | wolf183 get MAME | |
26th has 7 clones special rules | Galaga (Namco rev. B) (galaga) | Evan04 | 22 Jun 24 10:14:38 | 213,200 | wolf266 get MAME | |
MGL60 Marathon Settings | ||||||
27th has 7 clones special rules | Galaga (Namco rev. B) (galaga) | simpsons99 (@) | 13 Jan 13 03:54:19 | 202,260 | wolf106 get MAME | |
T12 | ||||||
28th has 7 clones special rules | Galaga (Namco rev. B) (galaga) | Dick Moreland (@) | 25 Jan 13 06:27:37 | 201,430 | wolf106 get MAME | |
T12 | ||||||
29th has 7 clones special rules | Galaga (Namco rev. B) (galaga) | artz (@) | 17 Aug 02 00:45:17 | 188,410 | win61 get MAME | |
TG settings. Stage 20. | ||||||
30th has 7 clones special rules | Galaga (Namco rev. B) (galaga) | Phil Lamat (@) | 04 Feb 13 23:19:31 | 173,090 | wolf141 get MAME | |
T12 | ||||||
31st has 7 clones special rules | Galaga (Namco rev. B) (galaga) | Roto (@) | 16 Feb 98 00:00:00 | 149,270 | mame30 get MAME | |
32nd has 7 clones special rules | Galaga (Namco rev. B) (galaga) | yacc | 29 Feb 04 19:23:01 | 135,200 | wolf79 get MAME | |
1st | Galactic Storm (Japan) (galastrm) | edusword (@) | 28 Dec 15 06:33:17 | 2,714,750 | wolf150 get MAME | |
Area 11 - Default settings | ||||||
2nd | Galactic Storm (Japan) (galastrm) | gomaz (@) | 08 Oct 17 07:17:10 | 2,292,100 | omame152 | |
arcadespain.info | ||||||
1st has 5 clones | Gals Panic (Export, EXPRO-02 PCB) (galsnew) | TK2012 | 26 Mar 17 01:27:33 | 612,800 | wolf170 get MAME | |
2nd has 5 clones | Gals Panic (Export, EXPRO-02 PCB) (galsnew) | Paolo Colman@M.R.A. (@) | 30 Dec 14 10:07:50 | 524,100 | wolf156 get MAME | |
ALL | ||||||
1st has 2 clones special rules | Green Beret (gberet) | FAD_BR (@) | 24 Oct 10 21:38:59 | 999,999 | wolf106 get MAME | |
Not my best performance, but maximum score reached - So many deaths in stage 4 - Finished - 2 loops - Stage 12. | ||||||
1st has 2 clones special rules | Green Beret (gberet) | INNUENDO (@) | 12 Apr 14 02:51:04 | 999,999 | wolf106 get MAME | |
TG settings. Played using notebook´s keyboard. 324K+ in the 1st stage. Dedicated to my friend Raimundo. This gameplay is to you, brother. | ||||||
3rd has 2 clones special rules | Green Beret (gberet) | HAN (@) | 10 Aug 17 06:27:42 | 664,360 | wolf182 get MAME | |
stage 11 (loop 3, stage 3) Normal difficulty, bonus @ 30k/70k | ||||||
4th has 2 clones special rules | Green Beret (gberet) | Vignenzo (@) | 05 Jul 16 01:51:23 | 475,420 | wolf160 get MAME | |
5th has 2 clones special rules | Green Beret (gberet) | GiganT (@) | 06 Jan 00 10:43:50 | 388,540 | mame35 get MAME | |
stage 08 | ||||||
6th has 2 clones special rules | Green Beret (gberet) | Robert T Mruczek (@) | 04 Jan 05 00:53:52 | 361,050 | wolf78 get MAME | |
Starting lives = 3, Bonus lives at 30K then every 70K, Difficulty = Medium, Unknowns = OFF (all)...Reached Stage 4 | ||||||
7th has 2 clones special rules | Green Beret (gberet) | ciumek@HotTeam.pl (@) | 19 Feb 05 14:11:37 | 313,530 | wolf89 get MAME | |
8th has 2 clones special rules | Green Beret (gberet) | ciumek> | 16 Feb 05 13:21:55 | 285,340 | wolf89 get MAME | |
9th has 2 clones special rules | Green Beret (gberet) | Ray Atkinson (@) | 20 Jun 14 06:40:31 | 268,360 | wolf141 get MAME |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
1st clone of gberet special rules | Green Beret (bootleg) (gberetb) | INNUENDO (@) | 07 Apr 14 13:20:58 | 829,770 | wolf106 get MAME | |
2nd clone of gberet special rules | Green Beret (bootleg) (gberetb) | FAD_BR (@) | 07 Nov 10 03:11:13 | 828,120 | wolf106 get MAME | |
TG - Finished - Perfect first loop, no death - 2 loops - Stage 11 | ||||||
3rd clone of gberet special rules | Green Beret (bootleg) (gberetb) | GiganT (@) | 06 Jan 00 10:44:37 | 388,690 | mame35 get MAME | |
stage 08 | ||||||
4th clone of gberet special rules | Green Beret (bootleg) (gberetb) | ciumek@HotTeam.pl (@) | 12 Feb 05 22:28:27 | 289,640 | wolf78 get MAME | |
1st clone of gdarius2 | G-Darius Ver.2 (Ver 2.03J) (gdariusj) | asn007@HotTeam.pl (@) | 05 Aug 07 09:27:58 | 8,056,930 | wolf117 get MAME | |
beginer mode, finished, no miss | ||||||
2nd clone of gdarius2 | G-Darius Ver.2 (Ver 2.03J) (gdariusj) | Kaiser | 04 Aug 07 07:52:51 | 7,606,850 | wolf106 get MAME | |
Meh, junk | ||||||
3rd clone of gdarius2 | G-Darius Ver.2 (Ver 2.03J) (gdariusj) | Smraedis (@) | 22 Mar 06 20:48:28 | 4,279,810 | wolf104 get MAME | |
1st has 2 clones | Gunforce - Battle Fire Engulfed Terror Island (World) (gunforce) | edusword (@) | 18 Jan 15 21:38:39 | 3,419,600 | wolf154 get MAME | |
ALL Clear - Default settings | ||||||
2nd has 2 clones | Gunforce - Battle Fire Engulfed Terror Island (World) (gunforce) | JoshF (@) | 23 Aug 08 11:30:03 | 2,208,900 | wolf106 get MAME | |
Stupid preliminary attempt at leeching. The best spot to suicide seems to be the area right before the laser wall, but you don't get a full timer after dying. Maybe it's still worth it. | ||||||
1st has 3 clones special rules | Gyruss (gyruss) | KIG666 (@) | 31 Jan 14 18:49:55 | 4,217,250 | wolf106 get MAME | |
My new 1 ship only record on hardest settings (level 8) One life, one chance – that's all we have LOL [4.2 million and 334 stages on 1 life... looks like 5 lives is too many for you as that's pretty much a marathon score with only one ship!! BJ] | ||||||
2nd has 3 clones special rules | Gyruss (gyruss) | MarcoMarocco@AIVA (@) | 12 Feb 06 09:23:59 | 626,900 | wolf103 get MAME | |
France vs Italy challenge dedicated to my wife [1st: 107,000 2nd: 279,650 3rd: 416,700 4th: 552,600 5th: 626,900 End: 1,389,500 BJ] | ||||||
3rd has 3 clones special rules | Gyruss (gyruss) | Cicca (@) | 12 Oct 99 12:00:53 | 542,950 | mame35 get MAME | |
#2 in T1 (this .inp is TG) [QCN] [Adjusted 5-lives score. Original score : 1,739,950. BJ] | ||||||
4th has 3 clones special rules | Gyruss (gyruss) | JSW (@) | 08 Dec 98 03:31:59 | 472,650 | m34b8 get MAME | |
TG Settings (Lives 3/; Difficulty/Average; Bonus/30K then every 60K) [Adjusted 5-lives score. Original score : 2,062,000. BJ] | ||||||
5th has 3 clones special rules | Gyruss (gyruss) | Sampras@AIVA (@) | 12 Feb 06 09:27:55 | 459,500 | wolf103 get MAME | |
France Vs Italy challenge [1st: 195,750 2nd: 229,200 3rd: 229,250 4th: 233,650 5th: 459,500 End: 687,300 BJ] | ||||||
6th has 3 clones special rules | Gyruss (gyruss) | Sawys aka Sebastien Giraud (W) | 28 Mar 06 22:01:36 | 451,850 | wolf103 get MAME | |
Stage 93
France vs Italy Challenge [1st: 241,350 2nd: 271,200 3rd: 375,850 4th: 435,750 5th: 451,850 End: 1,018,150. BJ] | ||||||
7th has 3 clones special rules | Gyruss (gyruss) | Griphin (@) | 06 Aug 03 04:55:06 | 420,900 | mame71 get MAME | |
I got lazy and paid fer it... [1st: 181,100 2nd: 350,100 3rd: 410,650 4th: 413,150 5th: 420,900 End: 908,300. BJ] | ||||||
8th has 3 clones special rules | Gyruss (gyruss) | KiLLerCloWn (@) | 14 Sep 01 00:19:55 | 411,150 | m36b1 get MAME | |
TG Settings - Argh, still short of the elusive million...:( [Adjusted 5-lives score. Original score : 958,300. BJ] | ||||||
9th has 3 clones special rules | Gyruss (gyruss) | Q.T.Quazar (W) | 21 Jul 99 02:15:52 | 326,100 | win35 get MAME | |
(TG) From tourney. [Adjusted 5-lives score. Original score : 399,350. BJ] | ||||||
10th has 3 clones special rules | Gyruss (gyruss) | Stephen M. Krogman (@) | 24 Nov 23 08:25:34 | 314,100 | wolf106 get MAME | |
11th has 3 clones special rules | Gyruss (gyruss) | RAT (@) | 11 Aug 03 06:47:58 | 289,850 | wolf72 get MAME | |
Wolfmame32 0.72 default dips, auto frameskip, sound on [1st: 211,850 2nd: 215,850 3rd: 219,350 4th: 277,500 5th: 289,850 End: 389,400 BJ] | ||||||
12th has 3 clones special rules | Gyruss (gyruss) | Rodimus Prime (@) | 04 Feb 98 00:20:00 | 265,900 | mame30 get MAME | |
[1st: 97,450 2nd: 164,300 3rd: 202,300 4th: 204,600 5th: 265,900 End: 287,050 BJ] | ||||||
1st has 3 clones | Hacha Mecha Fighter (19th Sep. 1991, protected, set 1) (hachamf) | Shahbaz (@) | 18 Mar 14 17:07:26 | 5,695,050 | wolf152 get MAME | |
One of My Colourful Memories just seen it after 15 years!! '(Seems this game working fast)'. | ||||||
1st clone of hachamf | Hacha Mecha Fighter (19th Sep. 1991, unprotected, bootleg Thunder Dragon conversion) (hachamfb) | Shahbaz (@) | 13 Nov 14 13:35:26 | 5,699,870 | wolf155 get MAME | |
1st has 3 clones | Hang-On (Rev A) (hangon) | OutRunner (W) | 12 Mar 17 20:37:17 | 47,365,810 | wolf182 get MAME | |
Remaining 32.1 Seconds | ||||||
2nd has 3 clones | Hang-On (Rev A) (hangon) | The_Pro (@) | 28 Jan 17 23:35:17 | 46,005,580 | wolf181 get MAME | |
Yolympics 2017 |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
3rd has 3 clones | Hang-On (Rev A) (hangon) | RedStar | 30 Jan 14 10:01:46 | 45,272,630 | wolf152 get MAME | |
4'51"89 | ||||||
4th has 3 clones | Hang-On (Rev A) (hangon) | RAX@M.R.A. | 29 Mar 13 16:58:46 | 42,764,040 | wolf148 get MAME | |
K10, I'll try to reach 47M later. My best run without G-spot is 34,913,750 - 4'43"71, Wolf140, remain time 19.3 sec http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-K0_1viNhE | ||||||
5th has 3 clones | Hang-On (Rev A) (hangon) | Paolo Colman@M.R.A. (@) | 01 Apr 13 19:14:32 | 42,056,940 | wolf148 get MAME | |
40 millions broken! | ||||||
6th has 3 clones | Hang-On (Rev A) (hangon) | pat33999 (@) | 06 Mar 17 09:58:27 | 39,064,400 | wolf181 get MAME | |
Yolympics 2017 | ||||||
7th has 3 clones | Hang-On (Rev A) (hangon) | AGODZILLA@M.R.A. (@) | 29 Mar 13 21:10:20 | 38,468,540 | wolf148 get MAME | |
K10 | ||||||
8th has 3 clones | Hang-On (Rev A) (hangon) | *Goldtimes* (@) | 28 Mar 13 13:09:39 | 37,851,480 | wolf106 get MAME | |
K10 - A great score, after all.. | ||||||
9th has 3 clones | Hang-On (Rev A) (hangon) | Kale | 29 Mar 13 16:32:14 | 37,129,970 | wolf148 get MAME | |
K10 - 1cc 5'00"75 | ||||||
10th has 3 clones | Hang-On (Rev A) (hangon) | Barra (@) | 02 Apr 13 11:39:46 | 36,741,660 | wolf148 get MAME | |
Test submission from RU. Can someone please see if this playsback correctly? Thanks | ||||||
11th has 3 clones | Hang-On (Rev A) (hangon) | oldtimes | 27 Mar 13 15:51:55 | 35,586,900 | wolf106 get MAME | |
K10 | ||||||
12th has 3 clones | Hang-On (Rev A) (hangon) | Sawys aka Sebastien Giraud (W) | 24 Mar 13 14:23:40 | 35,010,810 | wolf148 get MAME | |
K10 - 57s98 - 57s05 - 58s61 - 1m12s13 (trick) - 56s00
Total = 5m01s77 (20,3 sec left) Now, i understand why the world record is at 53M but there is maybe another trick in this game ? | ||||||
13th has 3 clones | Hang-On (Rev A) (hangon) | nii-san | 29 Mar 13 10:53:33 | 33,356,280 | wolf106 get MAME | |
K10 - 5'03"55 | ||||||
14th has 3 clones | Hang-On (Rev A) (hangon) | el_fumador (@) | 29 Mar 13 23:31:51 | 32,972,180 | wolf148 get MAME | |
K10 | ||||||
15th has 3 clones | Hang-On (Rev A) (hangon) | Pengafin! | 27 Mar 13 04:29:32 | 30,323,620 | wolf106 get MAME | |
K10. K10. The F710 screwed me in the 1st round. Now they tell me some joysticks shouldn't be used. Heck, why don't put that in the rules? Man... y' know what I think, they were super shealous that I was much close to beat that game. Yeah, that was it. Anyway, there's no shooting in Hang-On, so this time there isn't no chance I'm doing anything bad. And I did a decent score of 7th place, after a trillion plays in this frustranting game. So if I have luck with the next selection of game, I can yet qualificate for the next round. [there are no rules against using certain joysticks, but if your joystick has an option to use turbo/autofire, you have to turn it off. Autofire is not allowed in the tournament, or at MARP in general... and that's in the rules. - bbh] | ||||||
16th has 3 clones | Hang-On (Rev A) (hangon) | Dax (@) | 28 Mar 13 06:22:04 | 29,969,000 | wolf106 get MAME | |
K10 | ||||||
17th has 3 clones | Hang-On (Rev A) (hangon) | INNUENDO (@) | 29 Mar 13 21:04:04 | 25,640,190 | wolf106 get MAME | |
K10 | ||||||
18th has 3 clones | Hang-On (Rev A) (hangon) | BBH (@) | 22 Mar 13 23:47:47 | 25,417,820 | wolf148 get MAME | |
4'52"62 | ||||||
19th has 3 clones | Hang-On (Rev A) (hangon) | Gat | 23 May 09 19:52:25 | 25,407,820 | wolf106 get MAME | |
20th has 3 clones | Hang-On (Rev A) (hangon) | TheBSM (@) | 29 Mar 13 18:17:40 | 24,471,260 | wolf106 get MAME | |
K10 | ||||||
21st has 3 clones | Hang-On (Rev A) (hangon) | negative1 (@) | 01 Nov 02 00:39:17 | 22,730,840 | win36 get MAME | |
1 man .. / lap times, 1 00:58'53", 2 00:59'00", 3 00:56'45", 4 01:02'28",5 00:56'48" - total: 04:52'74", time left : 9.3sec .. / no .NVRAM file, but use no sound to playback .. / used logitech wingman for movement+accelerate | ||||||
22nd has 3 clones | Hang-On (Rev A) (hangon) | hp (@) | 02 Dec 01 09:18:38 | 22,377,190 | mame36 get MAME | |
sound off! | ||||||
23rd has 3 clones | Hang-On (Rev A) (hangon) | MarcoMarocco@AIVA (@) | 29 Mar 13 18:14:22 | 21,923,430 | wolf106 get MAME | |
K10 | ||||||
24th has 3 clones | Hang-On (Rev A) (hangon) | mogue (@) | 16 May 16 23:08:04 | 20,747,650 | wolf151 get MAME | |
Visita mi blog http://arcadesmogue.blogspot.com.es | ||||||
1st has 6 clones | Hammerin' Harry (World, M81 hardware) (hharry) | Antras75 | 16 Aug 16 13:38:35 | 5,033,600 | wolf155 get MAME | |
Default settings. ALL CLEAR. | ||||||
2nd has 6 clones | Hammerin' Harry (World, M81 hardware) (hharry) | mogue (@) | 15 Feb 15 21:43:08 | 3,998,500 | wolf151 get MAME | |
Visita mi blog http://arcadesmogue.blogspot.com.es | ||||||
1st has 6 clones | Hippodrome (US) (hippodrm) | JYD | 20 Apr 04 16:28:19 | 299,580 | wolf81 get MAME | |
Default settings |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
2nd has 6 clones | Hippodrome (US) (hippodrm) | Tim Morrow (@) | 10 Nov 02 04:08:02 | 295,880 | win35 get MAME | |
Recorded this long ago, never uploaded it. 5/8 perfects. Completed in win35 on default settings - see text file for details. [playback details here] | ||||||
3rd has 6 clones | Hippodrome (US) (hippodrm) | Metrackle (W) | 18 Jan 04 00:34:59 | 289,750 | tgmame70 get MAME | |
Finished. Five perfects and three "ghetto perfects." | ||||||
4th has 6 clones | Hippodrome (US) (hippodrm) | Sawys aka Sebastien Giraud (W) | 11 Apr 04 21:24:48 | 287,970 | wolf81 get MAME | |
The end ! JYD is better than me ! Sawys, the french touch from www.jvrm.net | ||||||
5th has 6 clones | Hippodrome (US) (hippodrm) | Kale | 16 Aug 02 21:56:03 | 282,600 | mame61 get MAME | |
1cc | ||||||
1st has 2 clones | Hyper Sports (hyperspt) | dskys (@) | 14 Oct 04 18:19:39 | 451,830 | wolf83 get MAME | |
Nothing special, no nv. Failed at usual place. | ||||||
2nd has 2 clones | Hyper Sports (hyperspt) | Alex Weir | 13 Aug 00 03:20:48 | 431,330 | win36b11 get MAME | |
God damned failed on 50sec Swimming again :( But watch out for 45sec51 on 1st Round Swimming....and the ULTRA RARE...19.39m on Triple Jump ( 3rd round ). | ||||||
3rd has 2 clones | Hyper Sports (hyperspt) | AGODZILLA@M.R.A. (@) | 30 May 10 13:05:11 | 342,370 | wolf106 get MAME | |
I feel stupid,'cause i fail at 9.50 !! Thanks to AL for gave me some good hints..;-) | ||||||
4th has 2 clones | Hyper Sports (hyperspt) | JYD | 23 Sep 05 15:33:35 | 305,310 | wolf99 get MAME | |
Default settings | ||||||
5th has 2 clones | Hyper Sports (hyperspt) | GameGuru (@) | 06 Aug 01 17:01:49 | 292,660 | m37b16 get MAME | |
getting better... | ||||||
6th has 2 clones | Hyper Sports (hyperspt) | kevlight (@) | 03 Nov 03 18:15:39 | 282,970 | mame64 get MAME | |
Failed on 9.50 Long Horse | ||||||
7th has 2 clones | Hyper Sports (hyperspt) | RedStar | 01 Mar 04 06:25:18 | 276,970 | wolf79 get MAME | |
8th has 2 clones | Hyper Sports (hyperspt) | Vignenzo (@) | 05 Jul 16 01:40:37 | 269,370 | wolf106 get MAME | |
9th has 2 clones | Hyper Sports (hyperspt) | Octavian (@) | 04 Jun 99 18:13:08 | 258,090 | win34 get MAME | |
[claimed 250,089 -br] | ||||||
10th has 2 clones | Hyper Sports (hyperspt) | kernzy (@) | 11 Feb 12 23:19:26 | 247,270 | wolf106 get MAME | |
1st has 1 clone: imagoa | Imago (cocktail set) (imago) | Don Hayes (@) | 15 Sep 06 02:54:53 | 280,300 | wolf106 get MAME | |
GEGOTW | ||||||
2nd has 1 clone: imagoa | Imago (cocktail set) (imago) | Welby (@) | 26 Nov 04 07:52:28 | 233,600 | wolf87u1 get MAME | |
TG | ||||||
1st has 1 clone: imsorryj | I'm Sorry (315-5110, US) (imsorry) | jerky (@) | 26 Nov 21 16:34:32 | 1,254,389 | wolf220 get MAME | |
...::: Factory Default Settings. Rounds 1-12. Warming up ;) :::... | ||||||
2nd has 1 clone: imsorryj | I'm Sorry (315-5110, US) (imsorry) | TER (@) | 01 Nov 21 11:53:08 | 915,054 | wolf237 get MAME | |
3rd has 1 clone: imsorryj | I'm Sorry (315-5110, US) (imsorry) | TECH-D.jp (@) | 13 Jul 02 09:50:20 | 711,389 | mac36 | |
BABA leeching : run out of material | ||||||
4th has 1 clone: imsorryj | I'm Sorry (315-5110, US) (imsorry) | JoustGod (@) | 04 Feb 99 06:52:42 | 621,535 | mame34 get MAME | |
1st has 2 clones | Insector X (World) (insectx) | el wil (@) | 16 Sep 17 08:11:28 | 703,400 | wolf179 get MAME | |
2nd has 2 clones | Insector X (World) (insectx) | gasparesollena | 07 Dec 02 14:47:47 | 693,700 | win62 get MAME | |
3rd has 2 clones | Insector X (World) (insectx) | Tekkaman (@) | 19 May 07 23:11:52 | 684,700 | wolf106 get MAME | |
4th has 2 clones | Insector X (World) (insectx) | Arjen Gnodde (@) | 23 Mar 08 08:48:31 | 673,600 | wolf106 get MAME | |
upgrading [claimed 673,300 -br] | ||||||
5th has 2 clones | Insector X (World) (insectx) | Guinness | 05 Jun 03 14:59:49 | 670,000 | tgmame69 get MAME | |
AlphaMAME32 0.69.1 |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
6th has 2 clones | Insector X (World) (insectx) | bubble (@) | 04 Dec 99 22:33:30 | 669,500 | m36b10 get MAME | |
7th has 2 clones | Insector X (World) (insectx) | Sawys aka Sebastien Giraud (W) | 12 Apr 10 16:15:26 | 652,700 | wolf137 get MAME | |
Update of my old score after the spring cup 2010 at mamescore | ||||||
8th has 2 clones | Insector X (World) (insectx) | Phil Lamat (@) | 11 Apr 10 20:48:37 | 645,900 | wolf135 get MAME | |
Last boss | ||||||
9th has 2 clones | Insector X (World) (insectx) | Kale | 08 Mar 02 21:42:08 | 630,300 | mame58 get MAME | |
1cc 1 miss | ||||||
10th has 2 clones | Insector X (World) (insectx) | ZeroMax (@) | 22 Jan 08 19:52:16 | 629,500 | wolf106 get MAME | |
11th has 2 clones | Insector X (World) (insectx) | HAN (@) | 10 Oct 20 04:11:40 | 615,100 | wolf224 get MAME | |
1CC, completed no deaths | ||||||
12th has 2 clones | Insector X (World) (insectx) | Vignenzo (@) | 18 Feb 01 17:53:58 | 614,300 | m37b11 get MAME | |
1st has 5 clones special rules | Jackal (World, 8-way Joystick) (jackal) | ciumek@HotTeam.pl (@) | 12 Jul 04 18:04:42 | 792,000 | wolf83 get MAME | |
2nd has 5 clones special rules | Jackal (World, 8-way Joystick) (jackal) | Kenneth (@) | 28 Oct 98 00:00:00 | 781,500 | m34b6 get MAME | |
Game completed. | ||||||
3rd has 5 clones special rules | Jackal (World, 8-way Joystick) (jackal) | Unknown | 21 Jul 01 22:32:37 | 592,900 | m37b16 get MAME | |
4th has 5 clones special rules | Jackal (World, 8-way Joystick) (jackal) | RedStar | 28 Mar 14 13:36:19 | 581,900 | wolf152 get MAME | |
K11 | ||||||
5th has 5 clones special rules | Jackal (World, 8-way Joystick) (jackal) | Krj | 27 Mar 14 20:39:00 | 540,800 | wolf152 get MAME | |
K11 | ||||||
6th has 5 clones special rules | Jackal (World, 8-way Joystick) (jackal) | maximumbob | 07 Jun 03 16:30:35 | 469,000 | win59 get MAME | |
7th has 5 clones special rules | Jackal (World, 8-way Joystick) (jackal) | FOXMULDER (@) | 19 Nov 08 19:39:42 | 406,500 | wolf117 get MAME | |
8th has 5 clones special rules | Jackal (World, 8-way Joystick) (jackal) | nii-san | 29 Mar 14 08:48:16 | 391,100 | wolf152 get MAME | |
K11 | ||||||
9th has 5 clones special rules | Jackal (World, 8-way Joystick) (jackal) | kernzy (@) | 29 Mar 14 23:45:56 | 354,900 | wolf152 get MAME | |
k11 | ||||||
10th has 5 clones special rules | Jackal (World, 8-way Joystick) (jackal) | Tekkaman (@) | 29 Mar 14 17:29:19 | 317,700 | wolf152 get MAME | |
K11 | ||||||
11th has 5 clones special rules | Jackal (World, 8-way Joystick) (jackal) | TRB_MetroidTeam | 29 Mar 14 23:21:03 | 317,300 | wolf152 get MAME | |
K11 - not completed | ||||||
12th has 5 clones special rules | Jackal (World, 8-way Joystick) (jackal) | PauloValmir@TeamBrazil (@) | 26 Mar 14 15:16:11 | 315,000 | wolf152 get MAME | |
K11 | ||||||
13th has 5 clones special rules | Jackal (World, 8-way Joystick) (jackal) | Paolo Colman@M.R.A. (@) | 25 Mar 14 19:49:52 | 309,400 | wolf152 get MAME | |
K11 | ||||||
14th has 5 clones special rules | Jackal (World, 8-way Joystick) (jackal) | DaLar | 29 Mar 14 20:35:06 | 301,800 | wolf152 get MAME | |
K11 | ||||||
15th has 5 clones special rules | Jackal (World, 8-way Joystick) (jackal) | Dumple (@) | 23 May 22 00:05:33 | 261,200 | wolf242 get MAME | |
1cc | ||||||