Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
2nd | Jolly Card (Austrian, Funworld) (*jolycdat) | PP | 19 Mar 17 15:31:19 | 80 | wolf125 get MAME | |
2nd special rules | Mahjong The Mysterious Orient Part 2 ~ Exotic Dream ~ [BET] (Japan, v1.00) (*mjmyorn2) | PP | 01 Jul 16 02:59:58 | 0 | wolf165 get MAME | |
[claimed 8, which is score enlightened in red at the end because one random score of the table is doubled ; real score is 0 as inp shows a loss, plus a 2nd credit has been inserted in the middle of the hand which is also forbidden -- PhL] I know that a 2nd credit accidentally added, but I thought it didnt affect score. Looks like I was wrong, indeed my score is zero:D | ||||||
4th special rules | Mouse Attack (*mouseatk) | PP | 15 Jul 17 15:44:44 | 6 | wolf181 get MAME | |
no shot available | 2nd | 1943 Kai (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tv1943) | PP | 04 Jun 16 04:52:50 | 309,500 | wolf170 get MAME |
no shot available | 3rd | Aero Blasters (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvablast) | PP | 03 Jul 16 06:17:54 | 17,380,000 | wolf170 get MAME |
That was too close. | ||||||
no shot available | 2nd | After Burner (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvaburn) | PP | 07 Jun 16 04:17:01 | 592,960 | wolf170 get MAME |
no shot available | 2nd | Armed-F (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvarmedf) | PP | 21 Jun 16 03:27:41 | 113,800 | wolf170 get MAME |
no shot available | 3rd | Ballistix (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvbalstx) | PP | 07 Jun 16 04:19:50 | 16,100 | wolf170 get MAME |
no shot available | 2nd | Be Ball (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvbeball) | PP | 10 Jun 16 10:21:11 | 13,600 | wolf170 get MAME |
no shot available | 3rd | Bomberman (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvbomber) | PP | 10 Jun 16 10:22:04 | 11,600 | wolf170 get MAME |
no shot available | 2nd | Ch??zetsurinjin Beraboh Man (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvbrabho) | PP | 10 Jun 16 10:22:43 | 6,200 | wolf170 get MAME |
4th | Columns (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvcolumn) | PP | 03 Jul 16 06:10:29 | 62,270 | wolf153 get MAME | |
no shot available | 2nd | Coryoon (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvcoryon) | PP | 12 Jun 16 09:44:55 | 867,593 | wolf170 get MAME |
no shot available | 1st | Jinmu Densho (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvdensho) | PP | 12 Jun 16 09:45:35 | 3,290 | wolf170 get MAME |
no shot available | 4th | Devil Crash (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvdevilc) | PP | 12 Jun 16 09:44:07 | 7,572,500 | wolf170 get MAME |
level fast | ||||||
no shot available | 3rd | Dead Moon (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvdmoon) | PP | 12 Jun 16 09:46:12 | 178,500 | wolf170 get MAME |
no shot available | 3rd | Dragon Spirit (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvdrgnst) | PP | 13 Jun 16 14:55:24 | 18,360 | wolf170 get MAME |
no shot available | 2nd | Daisenpu (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvdsenpu) | PP | 13 Jun 16 14:56:16 | 134,350 | wolf170 get MAME |
no shot available | 1st | Veigues (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tveigues) | PP | 15 Aug 17 23:55:50 | 741,880 | wolf170 get MAME |
no shot available | 3rd | Final Blaster (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvfblast) | PP | 21 Jun 16 03:29:01 | 117,400 | wolf170 get MAME |
no shot available | 3rd | Gunhed (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvgunhed) | PP | 13 Jun 16 14:58:27 | 287,160 | wolf170 get MAME |
no shot available | 3rd | Kiki Kaikai (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvkaikai) | PP | 13 Jun 16 16:32:10 | 34,700 | wolf170 get MAME |
no shot available | 2nd | Mizubaku Daibouken Liquid Kids (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvlqkids) | PP | 14 Jun 16 06:18:54 | 36,700 | wolf170 get MAME |
no shot available | 2nd | Mr Heli (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvmrheli) | PP | 24 Jun 16 03:02:23 | 76,150 | wolf170 get MAME |
no shot available | 2nd | Ninja Ryukenden (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvninjar) | PP | 14 Jun 16 06:40:50 | 7,600 | wolf170 get MAME |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
2nd | Saiga No Nindou - Ninja Spirit (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvninjas) | PP | 10 Jul 16 06:05:00 | 232,300 | wolf170 get MAME | |
no shot available | 2nd | Operation Wolf (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvopwolf) | PP | 14 Jun 16 08:17:28 | 22,400 | wolf170 get MAME |
no shot available | 4th | Override (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvovride) | PP | 06 Jul 16 07:36:56 | 272,970 | wolf170 get MAME |
no shot available | 2nd | Pac-Land (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvpaclnd) | PP | 10 Jul 16 06:05:46 | 18,720 | wolf170 get MAME |
no shot available | 2nd | Psycho Chaser (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvpchasr) | PP | 18 Jun 16 16:07:55 | 64,590 | wolf170 get MAME |
no shot available | 3rd | Raiden (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvraiden) | PP | 11 Jun 16 04:13:56 | 156,150 | wolf170 get MAME |
no shot available | 2nd | Special Criminal Investigation (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvsci) | PP | 21 Jun 16 21:04:11 | 642,890 | wolf170 get MAME |
no shot available | 2nd | Side Arms (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvsdarms) | PP | 06 Jul 16 07:36:09 | 118,300 | wolf170 get MAME |
no shot available | 2nd | Shinobi (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvshnobi) | PP | 21 Jun 16 03:26:45 | 48,500 | wolf170 get MAME |
no shot available | 2nd | Skweek (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvskweek) | PP | 21 Jun 16 03:16:39 | 36,040 | wolf170 get MAME |
no shot available | 2nd | Salamander (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvslmndr) | PP | 14 Jun 16 13:31:55 | 119,700 | wolf170 get MAME |
no shot available | 2nd | Son Son II (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvsson2) | PP | 12 Jul 16 09:54:22 | 98,100 | wolf170 get MAME |
no shot available | 3rd | Chuka Taisen (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvtaisen) | PP | 14 Jun 16 13:35:18 | 32,300 | wolf170 get MAME |
no shot available | 2nd | Legend of Hero Tonma (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvtonma) | PP | 06 Jul 16 22:43:48 | 112,400 | wolf170 get MAME |
no shot available | 3rd | Tatsujin (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvtsujin) | PP | 21 Jun 16 03:28:24 | 158,570 | wolf170 get MAME |
no shot available | 2nd | Xevious (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvxvious) | PP | 02 Jul 16 07:21:00 | 28,280 | wolf170 get MAME |
5th clone of 1943 | 1943: Midway Kaisen (bootleg) (1943bj) | PP | 26 Jun 16 15:21:08 | 176,200 | wolf171 get MAME | |
2nd | 1943: The Battle of Midway Mark II (US) (1943mii) | PP | 09 Jul 16 07:46:05 | 207,710 | wolf175 get MAME | |
4th clone of 1943 | 1943: The Battle of Midway (US) (1943ua) | PP | 17 Jun 16 12:22:49 | 77,800 | wolf168 get MAME | |
3rd special rules | 1 on 1 Government (Japan) (1on1gov) | PP | 13 Feb 17 05:27:46 | 621 | wolf161 get MAME | |
6-4, 12-7, 12-10, 12-4, 12-8, 12-6, 6-12. | ||||||
1st | 1 on 1 Government (Japan) [2 vs 2] (1on1gov-2v2) | PP | 10 Feb 20 22:31:49 | 706 | wolf160 get MAME | |
6-4, 8-7, 10-8, 6-2, 6-4, 10-6, 4-2, 0-11 | ||||||
4th clone of 64street | 64th. Street - A Detective Story (Japan, set 2) (64streetja) | PP | 28 Jun 16 04:12:34 | 91,850 | wolf173 get MAME | |
2nd clone of abcop | A.B. Cop (World) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0169b set) (abcopd) | PP | 31 Jan 17 22:37:54 | 10,739,410 | wolf166 get MAME | |
3rd clone of abcop | A.B. Cop (Japan) (FD1094 317-0169b) (abcopj) | PP | 21 Jun 16 03:20:47 | 9,937,780 | wolf166 get MAME | |
2nd clone of abcop | A.B. Cop (Japan) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0169b set) (abcopjd) | PP | 31 Jan 17 22:36:41 | 13,743,600 | wolf166 get MAME |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
6th clone of astrof | Astro Combat (encrypted) (acombat4) | PP | 10 Jul 16 06:15:39 | 3,260 | wolf175 get MAME | |
4th clone of agallet | Air Gallet (older, Europe) (agalleta) | PP | 28 Oct 16 22:39:32 | 318,510 | wolf177 get MAME | |
3rd has 3 clones | Air Duel (World, M82 hardware) (airduel) | PP | 20 Jul 16 20:07:14 | 289,300 | wolf167 get MAME | |
3rd clone of altbeast | Juuouki (set 3, Japan) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0068 set) (altbeastj3d) | PP | 21 Jun 16 03:22:51 | 12,200 | wolf166 get MAME | |
2nd has 1 clone: androidpo | Android (prototype, later build) (androidp) | PP | 12 Aug 16 01:36:04 | 151,000 | wolf173 get MAME | |
2nd clone of androidp | Android (prototype, early build) (androidpo) | PP | 31 Jan 17 22:24:19 | 166,000 | wolf173 get MAME | |
3rd clone of apb | APB - All Points Bulletin (rev 1) (apb1) | PP | 19 Feb 17 16:22:52 | 7,603 | wolf170 get MAME | |
2nd clone of apb | APB - All Points Bulletin (rev 3) (apb3) | PP | 19 Feb 17 18:06:35 | 12,730 | wolf170 get MAME | |
2nd clone of apb | APB - All Points Bulletin (rev 4) (apb4) | PP | 25 Feb 17 22:53:48 | 18,850 | wolf170 get MAME | |
2nd clone of apb | APB - All Points Bulletin (rev 5) (apb5) | PP | 27 Feb 17 00:40:11 | 23,260 | wolf170 get MAME | |
2nd clone of apb | APB - All Points Bulletin (rev 6) (apb6) | PP | 19 Feb 17 19:44:32 | 9,680 | wolf170 get MAME | |
2nd clone of apb | APB - All Points Bulletin (French) (apbf) | PP | 17 Feb 17 15:38:15 | 6,065 | wolf170 get MAME | |
2nd clone of apb | APB - All Points Bulletin (German) (apbg) | PP | 18 Feb 17 11:30:36 | 7,700 | wolf170 get MAME | |
2nd has 1 clone: aquariumj | Aquarium (US) (aquarium) | PP | 14 Jun 16 13:40:10 | 79,150 | wolf169 get MAME | |
2nd clone of archrivl | Arch Rivals (rev 2.0 5/03/89, 8-way joystick bootleg) (archrivlb) | PP | 24 Aug 17 15:57:18 | 111 | wolf187 get MAME | |
75-64 | ||||||
2nd clone of astorm | Alien Storm (World, 3 Players) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0148 set) (astorm3d) | PP | 03 Sep 17 01:37:53 | 850 | wolf189 get MAME | |
2nd clone of astorm | Alien Storm (Japan, 2 Players) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0146 set) (astormjd) | PP | 22 Jun 16 15:51:04 | 830 | wolf166 get MAME | |
2nd clone of astorm | Alien Storm (US, 3 Players) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0147 set) (astormud) | PP | 02 Sep 17 15:00:46 | 782 | wolf189 get MAME | |
6th clone of galaxian | Astrians (clone of Swarm) (astrians) | PP | 03 Jul 16 06:09:10 | 8,210 | wolf165 get MAME | |
4th clone of batrider | Armed Police Batrider (Hong Kong) (Mon Dec 22 1997) (batriderhk) | PP | 29 May 16 08:06:04 | 666,080 | wolf172 get MAME | |
5th clone of batsugun | Batsugun (Korean PCB) (batsugunb) | PP | 29 May 16 08:05:00 | 437,080 | wolf172 get MAME | |
3rd clone of bayroute | Bay Route (set 3, World) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0116 set) (bayrouted) | PP | 21 Jun 16 21:00:41 | 8,000 | wolf166 get MAME | |
2nd clone of bayroute | Bay Route (set 2, Japan) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0115 set) (bayroutejd) | PP | 21 Jun 16 21:01:18 | 13,500 | wolf166 get MAME | |
2nd clone of bbusters | Beast Busters (US, Version 3) (bbustersu) | PP | 28 Feb 17 20:11:08 | 862,010 | wolf173 get MAME | |
2nd clone of bbusters special rules | Beast Busters (US, Version 2) (bbustersua) | PP | 01 Mar 17 14:53:06 | 695,910 | wolf173 get MAME |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
3rd clone of suprglob | Beastie Feastie (Pac-Man conversion) (beastfp) | PP | 17 Sep 16 01:13:59 | 3,780 | wolf176 get MAME | |
3rd clone of bigstrik special rules | Best League (bootleg of Big Striker, World Cup) (bestleaw) | PP | 26 Feb 15 08:06:53 | 664 | wolf150 get MAME | |
3-0, 6-2, 3-2, 3-0, 5-3, 2-1, 0-0 | ||||||
3rd clone of bestri | Bestri (Korea, set 2) (bestria) | PP | 05 Aug 16 17:48:39 | 78,260 | wolf173 get MAME | |
4th clone of bgaregga | Leishen Chuan / Thunder Deity Biography (Chinese hack of Battle Garegga) (bgareggabla) | PP | 23 Jul 16 16:18:52 | 835,140 | wolf160 get MAME | |
3rd clone of bigstrik special rules | Big Striker (bootleg w/Italian teams) (bigstrkba) | PP | 15 Feb 15 12:30:53 | 302 | wolf146 get MAME | |
3-2, 1-0, 2-1, 0-1 | ||||||
5th clone of bjtwin | Bombjack Twin (prototype? with adult pictures, set 2) (bjtwinpa) | PP | 07 Jan 17 20:34:27 | 224,470 | wolf179 get MAME | |
2nd has 4 clones | Block Block (World 911219 Joystick) (block) | PP | 16 Feb 17 09:06:02 | 111,160 | wolf175 get MAME | |
2nd clone of blswhstl | Bells & Whistles (Asia, version M) (blswhstla) | PP | 15 Feb 17 05:36:11 | 448,800 | wolf163 get MAME | |
3rd | beatmania Club MIX (ver JA-A) (bmclubmx) | PP | 24 Jul 17 00:54:59 | 5,783 | wolf187 get MAME | |
Will you now cut the craps? | ||||||
3rd clone of bublbobl | Bubble Bobble: Lost Cave V1.2 (for Bobble Bobble PCB) (boblcave) | PP | 27 Aug 17 22:45:14 | 2,315,720 | wolf172 get MAME | |
3rd clone of boogwing | Boogie Wings (USA v1.7, 92.12.14) (boogwingu) | PP | 01 Feb 17 18:26:29 | 87,730 | wolf161 get MAME | |
2nd clone of combatsc | Boot Camp (set 2) (bootcampa) | PP | 31 Jan 17 21:59:43 | 61,750 | wolf160 get MAME | |
2nd clone of bssoccer | Back Street Soccer (KRB-0032A PCB) (bssoccera) | PP | 09 Jan 20 21:10:23 | 203 | wolf215 get MAME | |
3-0, 2-1, 0-1 | ||||||
7th has 1 clone: bubbletrj special rules | Bubble Trouble - Golly! Ghost! 2 (World, Rev B) (bubbletr) | PP | 17 Sep 16 01:13:28 | 87 | wolf176 get MAME | |
9th has 21 clones | Bubble Bobble (Japan, Ver 0.1) (bublbobl) | PP | 09 Aug 17 14:15:41 | 2,294,900 | wolf188 get MAME | |
3rd clone of bublbobl | Bubble Bobble (prototype on Tokio hardware) (bublboblp) | PP | 14 Aug 17 21:28:19 | 1,774,470 | wolf188 get MAME | |
4th clone of bublbobl | Bubble Bobble: Lost Cave V1.2 (bublcave) | PP | 19 Jun 16 00:20:52 | 544,740 | wolf167 get MAME | |
2nd clone of bublbobl | Bubble Bobble: Lost Cave V1.0 (bublcave10) | PP | 19 Aug 17 20:30:08 | 2,023,000 | wolf167 get MAME | |
3rd clone of bublbobl | Bubble Bobble: Lost Cave V1.1 (bublcave11) | PP | 29 Aug 17 18:53:04 | 2,408,930 | wolf167 get MAME | |
don't make me laugh... just run | ||||||
2nd clone of bublbob2 | Bubble Symphony (bootleg with OKI6295) (bubsymphb) | PP | 25 Aug 17 14:18:24 | 237,370 | wolf188 get MAME | |
4th clone of buccanrs | Buccaneers (set 3, harder) (buccanrsb) | PP | 12 Mar 17 22:09:29 | 152,120 | wolf172 get MAME | |
3rd clone of cabal | Cabal (UK, Trackball) (cabaluk) | PP | 29 May 16 08:03:17 | 159,980 | wolf172 get MAME | |
2nd clone of cclimber | Crazy Climber (Spanish, Rodmar bootleg) (cclimbrrod) | PP | 31 May 16 07:15:58 | 700 | wolf172 get MAME | |
3rd clone of cgraplop | Graplop (DECO Cassette) (Japan) (cgraplopj) | PP | 28 Aug 17 20:02:41 | 29,021 | wolf187 get MAME | |
3rd clone of cobracom | Cobra-Command (World/US revision 4) (cobracoma) | PP | 17 Aug 17 22:58:53 | 101,200 | wolf188 get MAME |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
2nd clone of commando | Commando (US set 2) (commandou2) | PP | 26 May 17 18:55:11 | 54,000 | wolf170 get MAME | |
4th clone of contra | Contra (US / Asia, set 3) (contrae) | PP | 12 Jul 16 09:53:39 | 83,300 | wolf162 get MAME | |
2nd clone of cotton | Cotton (set 4, World) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0181a set) (cottond) | PP | 23 Jul 16 16:17:44 | 180,020 | wolf173 get MAME | |
3rd clone of cotton | Cotton (set 1, Japan, Rev A) (FD1094 317-0179a) (cottonja) | PP | 04 Jan 17 22:11:22 | 289,340 | wolf166 get MAME | |
2nd clone of cotton | Cotton (set 1, Japan, Rev A) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0179a set) (cottonjad) | PP | 03 Jan 17 18:22:37 | 234,830 | wolf166 get MAME | |
2nd clone of cotton | Cotton (set 2, Japan, Rev B) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0179b set) (cottonjd) | PP | 04 Jan 17 21:28:09 | 319,940 | wolf166 get MAME | |
2nd clone of cotton | Cotton (set 3, US) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0180 set) (cottonud) | PP | 22 Jun 16 15:47:29 | 45,580 | wolf166 get MAME | |
3rd has 3 clones | Crazy Rally (set 1) (crzrally) | PP | 03 Aug 17 21:48:03 | 77,131 | wolf78 get MAME | |
2nd clone of crzrally special rules | Crazy Rally (set 2) (crzrallya) | PP | 30 Jul 17 05:27:38 | 51,115 | wolf170 get MAME | |
8th has 4 clones special rules | Ufo Robo Dangar (4/09/1987) (dangar) | PP | 13 Jul 16 07:17:32 | 86,900 | wolf175 get MAME | |
4th clone of ddcrew | D. D. Crew (World, 4 Players) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0187 set) (ddcrew1d) | PP | 24 Jun 16 02:57:40 | 16 | wolf166 get MAME | |
3rd clone of ddcrew | D. D. Crew (World, 2 Players) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0184 set) (ddcrew2d) | PP | 24 Jun 16 02:59:19 | 56 | wolf166 get MAME | |
3rd clone of ddcrew | D. D. Crew (World, 3 Players) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0190 set) (ddcrewd) | PP | 06 Feb 17 21:39:34 | 63 | wolf166 get MAME | |
3rd clone of ddcrew | D. D. Crew (Japan, 2 Players) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0182 set) (ddcrewj2d) | PP | 06 Feb 17 21:40:49 | 66 | wolf166 get MAME | |
3rd clone of ddcrew | D. D. Crew (Japan, 4 Players) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0185 set) (ddcrewjd) | PP | 06 Feb 17 21:37:56 | 61 | wolf166 get MAME | |
3rd clone of ddcrew | D. D. Crew (US, 4 Players) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0186 set) (ddcrewud) | PP | 24 Jun 16 02:57:11 | 15 | wolf166 get MAME | |
5th clone of ddonpach | DoDonPachi (2012/02/12 Arrange Ver. 1.1) (hack) (ddonpacha) | PP | 20 Jun 16 00:41:43 | 9,667,450 | wolf167 get MAME | |
3rd clone of ddp3 | DoDonPachi Dai-Ou-Jou Black Label (Japan, 2002.10.07 Black Ver., bootleg Knights of Valour Super Heroes conversion) (ddpdojblkbl) | PP | 06 Jul 16 22:44:59 | 6,010,570 | wolf173 get MAME | |
2nd clone of hoops96 special rules | Dunk Dream '95 (Japan 1.4, EAM) (ddream95) | PP | 10 Aug 16 00:31:15 | 305 | wolf170 get MAME | |
11-6, 11-9, 9-8, 4-7. | ||||||
3rd clone of ddux | Dynamite Dux (set 3, World) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0096 set) (dduxd) | PP | 22 Jun 16 15:45:43 | 24,010 | wolf166 get MAME | |
3rd clone of ddux | Dynamite Dux (set 2, Japan) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0094 set) (dduxjd) | PP | 24 Jun 16 02:55:06 | 13,970 | wolf166 get MAME | |
5th has 3 clones | Deluxe 5 (ver. 0107, 07/01/2000, set 1) [Pang] (deluxe5-pn) | PP | 28 Feb 17 18:18:53 | 41,400 | wolf183 get MAME | |
(pang) | ||||||
4th clone of deluxe5 | Deluxe 5 (ver. 0107, 07/01/2000, set 2) [Pang] (deluxe5a-pn) | PP | 28 Feb 17 18:19:42 | 51,350 | wolf163 get MAME | |
(pang) | ||||||
2nd clone of demonwld | Demon's World / Horror Story (set 5) (demonwld4) | PP | 28 Feb 17 04:04:46 | 168,250 | wolf183 get MAME | |
4th | DoDonPachi Dai-Fukkatsu Black Label (2010/1/18 BLACK LABEL) (dfkbl) | PP | 11 Jul 16 04:35:50 | 42,207,886 | wolf161 get MAME |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
5th clone of baddudes | Dragonninja (bootleg with 68705) (drgninjab2) | PP | 15 Jun 16 13:57:36 | 28,500 | wolf169 get MAME | |
5th has 2 clones special rules | Dragon Saber (World, DO2) (dsaber) | PP | 08 Jul 16 07:34:42 | 18,300 | wolf173 get MAME | |
[claimed 19800, only playbacks to 18300 -- PhL] | ||||||
3rd clone of dsoccr94 | Dream Soccer '94 (Korea, M107 hardware) (dsoccr94k) | PP | 31 Jan 17 22:56:38 | 21,310 | wolf163 get MAME | |
2nd has 2 clones special rules | Dunk Shot (Rev C, FD1089A 317-0022) (dunkshot) | PP | 27 Feb 17 00:39:16 | 305 | wolf165 get MAME | |
106-103, 110-109, 113-109, 116-119. | ||||||
2nd clone of dunkshot special rules | Dunk Shot (Rev A, FD1089A 317-0022) (dunkshota) | PP | 26 Feb 17 01:34:58 | 199 | wolf165 get MAME | |
107-103, 111-109, 106-113. | ||||||
4th clone of edf | E.D.F. : Earth Defense Force (set 2) (edfa) | PP | 01 Jul 16 02:55:39 | 279,900 | wolf165 get MAME | |
3rd clone of enduror | Enduro Racer (bootleg of Rev A, YM2151, FD1089B 317-0013A set) (endurord) | PP | 14 Feb 17 07:00:46 | 1,549,035 | wolf166 get MAME | |
2nd clone of espgal | Espgaluda (2003/10/15 Master Ver, bootleg cartridge conversion) (espgalbl) | PP | 08 Jul 16 07:32:29 | 1,170,360 | wolf173 get MAME | |
2nd clone of eswat | E-Swat - Cyber Police (set 4, World) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0130 set) (eswatd) | PP | 24 Jun 16 18:42:57 | 219,500 | wolf166 get MAME | |
3rd clone of eswat | E-Swat - Cyber Police (set 1, Japan) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0131 set) (eswatj1d) | PP | 24 Jun 16 18:41:53 | 212,000 | wolf166 get MAME | |
3rd clone of eswat | E-Swat - Cyber Police (set 2, Japan) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0128 set) (eswatjd) | PP | 24 Jun 16 02:51:53 | 223,500 | wolf166 get MAME | |
2nd clone of eswat | E-Swat - Cyber Police (set 3, US) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0129 set) (eswatud) | PP | 24 Jun 16 18:42:29 | 222,000 | wolf166 get MAME | |
2nd has 2 clones | Vs. Excitebike (set EB4-3 E) (excitebk) | PP | 31 Jan 17 22:25:31 | 64,335 | wolf173 get MAME | |
2nd clone of exctleag | Excite League (bootleg of FD1094 317-0079 set) (exctleagd) | PP | 24 Apr 17 21:27:18 | 12,500 | wolf166 get MAME | |
3rd clone of extrmatn | Extermination (US, Romstar) (extrmatnur) | PP | 13 Jul 16 07:24:35 | 43,180 | wolf175 get MAME | |
3rd | Fire Ball (FM Work) (fball) | PP | 19 Feb 17 16:22:17 | 7,100 | wolf182 get MAME | |
2nd clone of hippodrm | Fighting Fantasy (Japan, revision 3) (ffantasy) | PP | 17 Sep 16 01:12:34 | 8,260 | wolf176 get MAME | |
5th clone of ffight | Final Fight (bootleg on Final Crash PCB) (ffightbla) | PP | 04 Jul 16 04:23:23 | 160,190 | wolf165 get MAME | |
6th clone of ffight | Final Fight (USA 900424) (ffightub) | PP | 21 Jun 16 03:25:21 | 201,170 | wolf171 get MAME | |
3rd has 1 clone: ffrevng10 | Final Fight Revenge / Final Revenge (JUET 990930 V1.100) (ffreveng) | PP | 02 Mar 17 04:48:09 | 52,700 | wolf168 get MAME | |
First match, speed 72%-117%, overall 94% | ||||||
3rd clone of fghthist | Fighter's History (Japan ver 41-07, DE-0395-1 PCB) (fghthistj) | PP | 01 Jul 16 02:56:57 | 1,900 | wolf165 get MAME | |
3rd clone of fghthist | Fighter's History (Japan ver 41-05, DE-0380-2 PCB) (fghthistja) | PP | 01 Jul 16 02:57:29 | 46,100 | wolf165 get MAME | |
4th clone of fghthist | Fighter's History (Japan ver 41-04, DE-0380-1 PCB) (fghthistjb) | PP | 01 Jul 16 02:58:04 | 1,500 | wolf165 get MAME | |
3rd clone of fghthist | Fighter's History (US ver 42-09, DE-0396-0 PCB) (fghthistu) | PP | 01 Jul 16 02:58:31 | 2,600 | wolf165 get MAME | |
4th clone of fghthist | Fighter's History (US ver 42-06, DE-0395-1 PCB) (fghthistua) | PP | 01 Jul 16 02:58:54 | 1,800 | wolf165 get MAME |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
2nd clone of fitegolf special rules | Lee Trevino's Fighting Golf (US, Ver 2, set 2) (fitegolfua) | PP | 23 Aug 17 01:32:26 | 113 | wolf188 get MAME | |
Worst golf ever made. | ||||||
5th | '96 Flag Rally (flagrall) | PP | 03 Jun 16 01:04:58 | 2,480 | wolf171 get MAME | |
4th clone of frogger | Frogger (Sega, set 3) (froggers3) | PP | 03 Jun 16 01:03:54 | 6,880 | wolf171 get MAME | |
4th clone of galaxian | Galaxian (bootleg, set 3) (galaxbsf2) | PP | 09 Jul 16 07:46:55 | 5,900 | wolf165 get MAME | |
4th clone of galaxian | Galaxian (bootleg, set 4) (galaxianbl2) | PP | 09 Jul 16 07:48:15 | 5,550 | wolf175 get MAME | |
4th clone of galpani3 | Gals Panic 3 (Hong Kong) (galpani3hk) | PP | 24 Feb 17 22:24:45 | 46,400 | wolf182 get MAME | |
95-86-(50)-87-80-(66) | ||||||
3rd clone of galpanis special rules | Gals Panic S - Extra Edition (Europe, set 2) (galpanise) | PP | 02 Mar 17 00:02:30 | 8,400 | wolf183 get MAME | |
3rd clone of galpanis special rules | Gals Panic S - Extra Edition (Korea, revision 1) (galpanisk) | PP | 02 Mar 17 00:01:36 | 8,000 | wolf170 get MAME | |
[80% then lost] | ||||||
3rd clone of gardia | Gardia (Japan, 317-0006) (gardiaj) | PP | 20 Jun 16 00:44:57 | 52,500 | wolf167 get MAME | |
1st clone of gladiatr | Golden Castle (prototype?) (gcastle) | PP | 17 Aug 17 14:47:24 | 160,700 | wolf159 get MAME | |
3rd clone of gemini | Gemini Wing (bootleg) (geminib) | PP | 28 Oct 16 22:40:04 | 122,790 | wolf178 get MAME | |
2nd has 1 clone: glpracr3j special rules | Gallop Racer 3 (Export) (glpracr3) | PP | 16 Sep 16 16:45:31 | 150,430 | wolf169 get MAME | |
1:35:70 Winner of first race [1600m], category 1 | ||||||
2nd clone of glpracr3 special rules | Gallop Racer 3 (Japan) (glpracr3j) | PP | 16 Sep 16 16:44:18 | 0 | wolf169 get MAME | |
1:35:5 Category 1 [time is correct, but course isn't cleared, see special rules -- PhL] lol... special rules after my uploaded inp? | ||||||
4th clone of goldnaxe | Golden Axe (set 1, World) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0110 set) (goldnaxe1d) | PP | 24 Jun 16 02:55:58 | 453 | wolf166 get MAME | |
3rd clone of goldnaxe | Golden Axe (set 3, World) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0120 set) (goldnaxe3d) | PP | 24 Jun 16 16:42:52 | 590 | wolf166 get MAME | |
3rd clone of goldnaxe | Golden Axe (set 4, Japan) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0121 set) (goldnaxejd) | PP | 10 Jul 17 21:21:34 | 683 | wolf166 get MAME | |
4th clone of goldnaxe | Golden Axe (set 5, US) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0122 set) (goldnaxeud) | PP | 24 Jun 16 16:43:54 | 803 | wolf166 get MAME | |
3rd has 5 clones | GP Rider (World, FD1094 317-0163) (Twin setup) (gprider) | PP | 25 Jun 16 14:26:26 | 21 | wolf166 get MAME | |
Lap 4, best lap 50:84, points 21. | ||||||
3rd clone of gprider | GP Rider (Japan, FD1094 317-0161) (Twin setup) (gpriderj) | PP | 26 Jun 16 15:24:04 | 37 | wolf166 get MAME | |
Lap 4, best lap 50:64, points 37. | ||||||
3rd clone of gprider | GP Rider (Japan, FD1094 317-0161) (gpriderjs) | PP | 25 Jun 16 14:25:36 | 28 | wolf166 get MAME | |
Lap 3, best lap 54:23, points 28. | ||||||
3rd clone of gprider | GP Rider (World, FD1094 317-0163) (gpriders) | PP | 24 Jun 16 19:50:28 | 15 | wolf174 get MAME | |
Lap 3, best lap 56:39, points 15. | ||||||
3rd clone of gprider | GP Rider (US, FD1094 317-0162) (Twin setup) (gprideru) | PP | 26 Jun 16 15:23:07 | 25 | wolf166 get MAME | |
Lap 4, best lap 51:57, points 25. | ||||||
3rd clone of gprider | GP Rider (US, FD1094 317-0162) (gpriderus) | PP | 24 Jun 16 17:04:09 | 12 | wolf166 get MAME | |
Lap 3, best lap 0:51:87, points 12. | ||||||
3rd clone of gradius3 | Gradius III (Japan, program code S, split) (gradius3js) | PP | 01 Jul 15 20:02:22 | 7,800 | wolf163 get MAME | |
4th clone of gtmr special rules | 1000 Miglia: Great 1000 Miles Rally (94/05/26) (gtmrb) | PP | 24 Jul 17 00:52:09 | 42,059 | wolf171 get MAME | |
54:57 / 53:11 / 55:63 / 56:10 |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
4th clone of gtmr special rules | 1000 Miglia: Great 1000 Miles Rally (94/05/10) (gtmro) | PP | 03 Jun 16 01:01:53 | 40,969 | wolf171 get MAME | |
55:11 / 59:97 / 56:02 / 59:21 | ||||||
4th clone of gundhara | Gundhara (Chinese, bootleg?) (gundharac) | PP | 06 Feb 17 21:34:07 | 244,770 | wolf163 get MAME | |
3rd clone of gunsmoke | Gun.Smoke (USA and Canada, 1985-11-15, set 1) (gunsmokeub) | PP | 01 Jul 16 02:59:28 | 6,900 | wolf165 get MAME | |
3rd clone of harddunk special rules | Hard Dunk (Japan) (harddunkj) | PP | 27 Dec 19 13:21:44 | 100 | wolf215 get MAME | |
12-7, 6-11 | ||||||
3rd clone of hexion | Hexion (Asia ver AAA, bootleg) (hexionb) | PP | 11 Nov 16 09:17:04 | 29,154 | wolf178 get MAME | |
2nd clone of hoops96 special rules | Hoops (Europe/Asia 1.7) (hoops95) | PP | 12 Aug 16 01:37:23 | 307 | wolf170 get MAME | |
12-7, 13-12, 11-6, 4-8. | ||||||
2nd clone of cupfinal | Hat Trick Hero '93 (Ver 1.0A 1993/02/28) (hthero93u) | PP | 11 Jul 16 04:38:31 | 355 | wolf169 get MAME | |
2-0, 1-0, 2-0, 0-0. | ||||||
2nd clone of hustler | Fatsy Gambler (bootleg of Video Hustler) (hustlerb2) | PP | 15 Jul 17 15:44:14 | 9,060 | wolf179 get MAME | |
2nd clone of hustler | Video Pool (bootleg of Video Hustler) (hustlerb3) | PP | 17 Jul 17 01:50:09 | 25,340 | wolf187 get MAME | |
3rd clone of hustler | Video Hustler (bootleg, set 2) (hustlerb4) | PP | 11 Jul 17 10:14:04 | 7,220 | wolf179 get MAME | |
2nd clone of hustler | Video Hustler (bootleg, set 3) (hustlerb5) | PP | 15 Jul 17 15:43:42 | 11,460 | wolf179 get MAME | |
2nd clone of hustler | Video Hustler (Dynamo Games) (hustlerd) | PP | 17 Jul 17 01:49:11 | 19,950 | wolf187 get MAME | |
3rd clone of trackfld | Hyper Olympic (bootleg, set 2) (hyprolymba) | PP | 16 Aug 17 19:02:29 | 78,110 | wolf188 get MAME | |
2nd clone of ikari3 | Ikari Three (Japan, Rotary Joystick) (ikari3j) | PP | 27 Jul 17 01:53:42 | 9,000 | wolf170 get MAME | |
2nd clone of ikari3 | Ikari Three (Korea, 8-Way Joystick) (ikari3k) | PP | 27 Jul 17 02:04:35 | 16,000 | wolf170 get MAME | |
3rd clone of ikari | Rambo 3 (bootleg of Ikari, Joystick hack) (ikariram) | PP | 04 Jun 16 04:54:28 | 40,900 | wolf170 get MAME | |
3rd special rules | Istrebiteli (istreb) | PP | 07 Jan 17 20:41:38 | 2 | wolf179 get MAME | |
2-0 | ||||||
3rd clone of jjsquawk | J. J. Squawkers (older) (jjsquawko) | PP | 21 Feb 17 21:00:17 | 174,900 | wolf166 get MAME | |
1st clone of svf special rules | The J.League 1994 (Japan, Rev A) (jleague) | PP | 15 Mar 19 18:35:31 | 309 | wolf196 get MAME | |
5-0, 3-0, 2-1 | ||||||
1st clone of svf special rules | The J.League 1994 (Japan) (jleagueo) | PP | 24 Jun 17 16:11:02 | 308 | wolf106 get MAME | |
5-0, 3-1, 1-0 | ||||||
4th clone of joemacr | Joe & Mac Returns (Japan, Version 1.2, 1994.06.06) (joemacrj) | PP | 19 Jun 16 00:24:25 | 11,300 | wolf167 get MAME | |
3rd clone of rbisland | Jumping (set 2) (jumpinga) | PP | 03 Jul 16 06:14:45 | 36,860 | wolf165 get MAME | |
3rd clone of rbisland | Jumping (set 3, Imnoe PCB) (jumpingi) | PP | 02 Jul 16 07:15:16 | 99,980 | wolf164 get MAME | |
4th | Jump Kun (prototype) (jumpkun) | PP | 29 Aug 17 18:51:21 | 24,600 | wolf187 get MAME | |
2nd has 3 clones | Kageki (World) (kageki) | PP | 14 Aug 17 21:26:39 | 1 | wolf188 get MAME |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
9th clone of kageki | Kageki (US) (kagekiu) | PP | 14 Aug 17 21:57:15 | 2 | wolf188 get MAME | |
4th clone of galaxian | Kamikaze (Potomac Games, bootleg of Galaxian) (kamikazp) | PP | 22 Jul 17 00:15:55 | 7,240 | wolf173 get MAME | |
3rd clone of karatblz | Karate Blazers (bootleg with Street Smart sound hardware) (karatblzbl) | PP | 11 Jul 16 04:37:14 | 13,610 | wolf165 get MAME | |
2nd clone of karatour | Chatan Yara Kuushanku - The Karate Tournament (Japan) (karatourj) | PP | 15 Mar 18 17:37:03 | 220,300 | wolf170 get MAME | |
2nd clone of ltswords | Ken-Go (Japan) (kengoj) | PP | 02 Mar 17 20:23:04 | 90,600 | wolf167 get MAME | |
2nd clone of ket | Ketsui: Kizuna Jigoku Tachi (2003/01/01. Master Ver.) (alt rom fill) (ket1) | PP | 20 Jun 16 00:40:55 | 3,760,716 | wolf167 get MAME | |
3rd clone of triplep | Knock Out!! (bootleg, set 3) (knockoutc) | PP | 18 Jun 16 11:57:50 | 76,950 | wolf174 get MAME | |
4th special rules | Kot-Rybolov (Terminal) (kot) | PP | 17 Sep 16 01:13:01 | 2 | wolf176 get MAME | |
[2 worms picked] | ||||||
2nd | Last Hope (bootleg AES to MVS conversion, no coin support) (lasthope) | PP | 25 Apr 17 22:14:42 | 11,500 | wolf173 get MAME | |
3rd clone of lastsurv | Last Survivor (Japan) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0083 set) (lastsurvd) | PP | 26 Jun 16 04:06:35 | 3,000 | wolf166 get MAME | |
3rd clone of leds2011 | Led Storm Rally 2011 (US) (leds2011u) | PP | 17 Aug 17 22:31:59 | 1,187,304 | wolf170 get MAME | |
2nd clone of legionna special rules | Legionnaire (Japan) (legionnaj) | PP | 04 Jun 16 04:55:54 | 0 | wolf170 get MAME | |
[you must use m186 or later as game was broken with previous versions, see special rules -- PhL] | ||||||
2nd clone of lethalen | Lethal Enforcers (ver EAA, 09/09/92 09:44) (lethaleneaa) | PP | 23 Feb 17 18:29:31 | 836 | wolf169 get MAME | |
2nd clone of lethalen | Lethal Enforcers (ver EAB, 10/14/92 19:53) (lethaleneab) | PP | 22 Feb 17 21:13:02 | 910 | wolf169 get MAME | |
2nd clone of lethalen | Lethal Enforcers (ver EAE, 11/19/92 16:24) (lethaleneae) | PP | 24 Feb 17 03:16:58 | 888 | wolf169 get MAME | |
3rd clone of lethalen | Lethal Enforcers (ver JAD, 12/04/92 17:16) (lethalenj) | PP | 20 Feb 17 14:43:13 | 573 | wolf142 get MAME | |
2nd clone of lethalen | Lethal Enforcers (ver UAA, 08/17/92 21:38) (lethalenua) | PP | 24 Feb 17 00:53:57 | 872 | wolf169 get MAME | |
2nd clone of lethalen | Lethal Enforcers (ver UAB, 09/01/92 11:12) (lethalenub) | PP | 24 Feb 17 00:53:15 | 646 | wolf169 get MAME | |
2nd clone of lethalen | Lethal Enforcers (ver unknown, US, 08/06/92 15:11, hacked/proto?) (lethalenux) | PP | 24 Feb 17 00:52:09 | 914 | wolf169 get MAME | |
2nd clone of lghost | Laser Ghost (World) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0166 set) (lghostd) | PP | 27 Jun 16 01:35:29 | 83,500 | wolf166 get MAME | |
2nd clone of lghost | Laser Ghost (Japan) (FD1094 317-0164) (lghostj) | PP | 04 Jun 16 04:56:36 | 99,700 | wolf170 get MAME | |
2nd clone of lghost | Laser Ghost (US) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0165 set) (lghostud) | PP | 27 Jun 16 01:35:02 | 74,300 | wolf166 get MAME | |
3rd | Lock On (Philko) (lockonph) | PP | 31 May 16 06:51:54 | 11,500 | wolf172 get MAME | |
2nd clone of loffire | Line of Fire / Bakudan Yarou (World) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0136 set) (loffired) | PP | 27 Jun 16 01:36:08 | 765,080 | wolf166 get MAME | |
2nd clone of loffire | Line of Fire / Bakudan Yarou (Japan) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0134 set) (loffirejd) | PP | 27 Jun 16 01:40:49 | 798,450 | wolf166 get MAME |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
2nd clone of loffire | Line of Fire / Bakudan Yarou (US) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0135 set) (loffireud) | PP | 27 Jun 16 01:36:35 | 513,000 | wolf166 get MAME | |
3rd clone of lresort | Last Resort (prototype) (lresortp) | PP | 31 May 16 06:49:25 | 52,700 | wolf172 get MAME | |
4th has 2 clones | Lightning Swords (World) (ltswords) | PP | 03 Mar 17 18:12:24 | 90,900 | wolf167 get MAME | |
3rd | Xain'd Sleena (SC 3.0, Magnet System) (mag_xain) | PP | 21 Mar 17 07:51:16 | 91,860 | wolf183 get MAME | |
Looks like you can only play one stage. | ||||||
2nd clone of ssi | Majestic Twelve - The Space Invaders Part IV (US, earlier code base) (majest12ub) | PP | 06 Jul 16 22:47:12 | 253,310 | wolf173 get MAME | |
2nd clone of mchampdx | Multi Champ Deluxe (ver. 1114, 14/11/1999) [Pacman] (mchampdxb-pm) | PP | 13 Sep 17 03:12:55 | 81,200 | wolf170 get MAME | |
3rd clone of mchampdx | Multi Champ Deluxe (ver. 1114, 14/11/1999) [Shanghai] (mchampdxb-sh) | PP | 03 Sep 17 15:37:46 | 5,350 | wolf170 get MAME | |
4th clone of mchampdx | Multi Champ Deluxe (ver. 1114, 14/11/1999) [Solitaire] (mchampdxb-sl) | PP | 03 Sep 17 15:38:46 | 800 | wolf170 get MAME | |
6th clone of mchampdx | Multi Champ Deluxe (ver. 1114, 14/11/1999) [Tetris] (mchampdxb-tt) | PP | 03 Sep 17 15:34:14 | 72,380 | wolf170 get MAME | |
4th clone of mchampdx | Multi Champ Deluxe (ver. 1114, 14/11/1999) [Word Bingo] (mchampdxb-wb) | PP | 09 Sep 17 04:35:54 | 5,800 | wolf170 get MAME | |
3rd has 5 clones special rules | Pit Boss Megatouch II (9255-10-01 R0G, Standard version) [Mem-O-Ree] (megat2-mem) | PP | 24 Mar 15 18:13:17 | 152,270 | wolf159 get MAME | |
6th has 13 clones | Megatouch IV (9255-40-01 R0E, Standard version) [Match'Em Up] (megat4-meu) | PP | 21 Mar 15 11:15:51 | 11,850 | wolf156 get MAME | |
2nd clone of commando | Mercenario (bootleg of Commando) (mercenario) | PP | 29 May 16 08:10:34 | 46,200 | wolf174 get MAME | |
5th clone of metamrph | Metamorphic Force (ver EAA - alternate) (metamrphe) | PP | 16 Jul 16 07:33:08 | 122 | wolf175 get MAME | |
5th clone of midres | Midnight Resistance (Joystick bootleg) (midresbj) | PP | 08 Jul 16 07:34:01 | 72,700 | wolf164 get MAME | |
2nd clone of minefld | Minefield (The Logicshop, bootleg) (minefldfe) | PP | 11 Mar 17 04:18:12 | 25,030 | wolf166 get MAME | |
2nd clone of mk | Mortal Kombat (Yawdim bootleg, set 4) (mkyawdim4) | PP | 05 Jul 16 09:47:45 | 314,000 | wolf164 get MAME | |
9th | Monkey Magic (mmagic) | PP | 04 Jul 16 04:24:42 | 430 | wolf164 get MAME | |
2nd clone of mmaze | Marchen Maze (Japan, hack?) (mmaze2) | PP | 27 Aug 17 22:41:09 | 5,900 | wolf187 get MAME | |
5th clone of mnight | Mutant Night (Japan) (mnightj) | PP | 26 May 17 18:56:11 | 213,300 | wolf181 get MAME | |
2nd clone of monymony | Money Money (set 2) (monymony2) | PP | 27 Aug 17 22:40:26 | 79,000 | wolf187 get MAME | |
4th clone of mooncrst | Moon Cresta (SegaSA / Sonic) (mooncrstso) | PP | 31 May 16 06:38:10 | 6,640 | wolf172 get MAME | |
2nd special rules | Tecmo World Cup (Mega Play) (mp_twcup) | PP | 06 Apr 19 09:47:27 | 404 | wolf207 get MAME | |
1-0, 2-1, 1-0, 2-0, 0-1. Game's problem is now fixed, continue works | ||||||
3rd clone of mtrap | Mouse Trap (version 2) (mtrap2) | PP | 15 Aug 17 23:54:40 | 28,100 | wolf188 get MAME | |
2nd clone of twinadv | Multi Game '96 (Italy) (multi96) | PP | 31 Jan 17 23:02:36 | 9 | wolf170 get MAME | |
Nine mini games completed. |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
1st | Music Ball (musicbal) | PP | 24 Jan 20 07:33:53 | 1,902,350 | wolf215 get MAME | |
2nd clone of mutantf | Mutant Fighter (World ver EM-2) (mutantf2) | PP | 12 Jul 16 09:56:12 | 20,500 | wolf161 get MAME | |
2nd clone of mwalk | Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (World) (bootleg of FD1094/8751 317-0159 set) (mwalkd) | PP | 27 Jun 16 01:41:28 | 38,800 | wolf166 get MAME | |
3rd clone of mwalk | Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (Japan) (bootleg of FD1094/8751 317-0157 set) (mwalkjd) | PP | 28 Jun 16 04:13:12 | 67,710 | wolf166 get MAME | |
6th clone of mwalk | Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (US) (bootleg of FD1094/8751 317-0158 set) (mwalkud) | PP | 27 Jun 16 01:42:52 | 38,940 | wolf166 get MAME | |
4th clone of mystwarr | Mystic Warriors (ver AAB) (mystwarra) | PP | 06 Feb 17 21:19:24 | 83,900 | wolf173 get MAME | |
2nd clone of ninjakd2 | Ninja-Kid II / NinjaKun Ashura no Shou (set 4) (ninjakd2c) | PP | 20 Jun 16 00:36:19 | 163,280 | wolf169 get MAME | |
2nd clone of ninjaw | The Ninja Warriors (World, earlier version) (ninjaw1) | PP | 01 Sep 17 06:23:31 | 70,120 | wolf188 get MAME | |
3rd clone of nova2001 | Nova 2001 (Japan, hack?) (nova2001h) | PP | 04 Jun 16 04:59:07 | 54,770 | wolf170 get MAME | |
4th has 5 clones special rules | Off Road Challenge (v1.63) [El Paso] (offroadc-elp) | PP | 01 May 15 17:42:28 | 88,417 | wolf147 get MAME | |
1'55"83 | ||||||
2nd clone of opwolf | Operation Wolf (World, rev 2, set 2) (opwolfa) | PP | 22 Feb 17 21:13:42 | 410,400 | wolf151 get MAME | |
3rd clone of opwolf | Operation Wolf (Japan, prototype) (opwolfp) | PP | 31 Aug 17 05:35:57 | 234,650 | wolf181 get MAME | |
4th clone of xexex | Orius (ver UAA) (orius) | PP | 19 Jun 16 00:14:36 | 52,100 | wolf169 get MAME | |
4th clone of orlegend | Oriental Legend / Xiyou Shi E Zhuan (ver. 111, Korean Board) (orlegend111k) | PP | 28 Jun 16 04:13:55 | 67,400 | wolf166 get MAME | |
1st | Otenami Haiken (V2.04J 1999/02/01 18:00:00) [Game 3 - Renju] (otenamih-g3) | PP | 06 Feb 17 21:03:50 | 2 | wolf160 get MAME | |
3rd has 5 clones | Operation Thunderbolt (World, rev 1) (othunder) | PP | 01 Sep 17 06:24:20 | 243,400 | wolf178 get MAME | |
3rd clone of othunder | Operation Thunderbolt (Japan, SC) (othunderjsc) | PP | 27 Aug 17 22:41:47 | 60,200 | wolf187 get MAME | |
3rd clone of outrun | Out Run (deluxe sitdown) (Enhanced Edition v1.0.3) (outrundxeha) | PP | 18 Jun 16 00:15:05 | 9,675,600 | wolf168 get MAME | |
4th clone of outrun | Out Run (sitdown/upright, Rev B) (Enhanced Edition v1.1.0) (outruneha) | PP | 18 Jun 16 00:16:02 | 11,576,490 | wolf168 get MAME | |
Finished:D | ||||||
3rd clone of outzone | Out Zone (Zero Wing TP-015 PCB conversion) (outzonecv) | PP | 08 Feb 17 02:43:33 | 228,050 | wolf175 get MAME | |
3rd clone of pang | Pang (bootleg, set 5) (pangbb) | PP | 04 Sep 17 19:18:03 | 1,895,180 | wolf188 get MAME | |
3rd clone of paradise | Paradise (set 2) (paradisea) | PP | 07 Feb 17 18:51:58 | 15,675 | wolf163 get MAME | |
3rd clone of paradise | Paradise (Escape) (paradisee) | PP | 02 Mar 17 18:35:37 | 22,875 | wolf165 get MAME | |
2nd clone of pcktgal | Pocket Gal 2 (Japanese) (pcktgal2j) | PP | 06 Mar 15 23:29:36 | 1,900 | wolf159 get MAME | |
4th has 1 clone: pheliosj | Phelios [Easy] (phelios-eas) | PP | 02 Aug 16 15:29:14 | 68,460 | wolf161 get MAME |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
2nd has 1 clone: pheliosj | Phelios [Hard] (phelios-hrd) | PP | 24 Jul 16 18:15:09 | 78,200 | wolf161 get MAME | |
2nd clone of phozon | Phozon (Sidam) (phozons) | PP | 06 Feb 17 20:56:37 | 58,460 | wolf165 get MAME | |
4th clone of pirates | Pirates (set 2) (piratesb) | PP | 15 Jun 16 14:09:05 | 67,420 | wolf169 get MAME | |
3rd clone of pitfight | Pit Fighter (rev 2) (pitfight2) | PP | 26 Jun 16 15:21:44 | 42,770 | wolf174 get MAME | |
3rd clone of pleiads | Pleiads (Niemer S.A.) (pleiadsn) | PP | 05 Aug 16 17:50:08 | 13,890 | wolf172 get MAME | |
3rd clone of polepos | Speed Up (Spanish bootleg of Pole Position) (ppspeed) | PP | 04 Jul 16 04:24:07 | 17,620 | wolf165 get MAME | |
5th has 3 clones | Punch-Out!! (Rev B) (punchout) | PP | 31 Jan 17 23:03:46 | 27,810 | wolf165 get MAME | |
3rd clone of puzznic | Puzznic (bootleg, set 2) (puzznicba) | PP | 31 Jan 17 23:09:01 | 62,200 | wolf161 get MAME | |
2nd clone of rachero | Racing Hero (bootleg of FD1094 317-0144 set) (racherod) | PP | 28 Jun 16 04:14:33 | 24,280,260 | wolf166 get MAME | |
3rd clone of boogwing | The Great Ragtime Show (Japan v1.3, 92.11.26) (ragtimea) | PP | 26 May 17 18:58:49 | 170,050 | wolf170 get MAME | |
2nd clone of raiden2 | Raiden II (Germany) (raiden2g) | PP | 13 Aug 17 12:19:35 | 559,030 | wolf184 get MAME | |
3rd clone of rastan | Rastan Saga (Japan Rev 1) (rastsaga) | PP | 15 Aug 17 23:55:09 | 58,800 | wolf188 get MAME | |
3rd clone of raystorm | Ray Storm (Ver 2.05O) (raystormo) | PP | 01 Jun 17 11:32:41 | 443,800 | wolf147 get MAME | |
4th clone of stagger1 | Red Hawk (Korea) (redhawkk) | PP | 13 Jul 16 07:23:54 | 474,800 | wolf161 get MAME | |
2nd clone of revx | Revolution X (prototype, rev 5.0 5/23/94) (revxp5) | PP | 23 Feb 17 18:13:04 | 190,500 | wolf166 get MAME | |
3rd clone of rodland | R&T (Rod-Land prototype) (rittam) | PP | 08 Jul 16 07:39:02 | 50,500 | wolf164 get MAME | |
2nd clone of roadblst | Road Blasters (upright, German, rev ?) (roadblstgu) | PP | 31 Jan 17 23:06:27 | 208,635 | wolf164 get MAME | |
2nd clone of robokid | Atomic Robo-kid (Japan) (robokidj3) | PP | 31 Jan 17 21:56:57 | 212,800 | wolf173 get MAME | |
2nd clone of rotd | Rage of the Dragons (NGH-2640?) (rotdh) | PP | 29 May 16 08:07:45 | 6,100 | wolf174 get MAME | |
2nd clone of sauro | Sauro (bootleg) (saurobl) | PP | 31 Jan 17 23:13:18 | 43,147 | wolf178 get MAME | |
3rd clone of sauro | Sauro (Recreativos Real S.A. license) (saurorr) | PP | 09 Feb 17 09:34:48 | 30,229 | wolf178 get MAME | |
2nd clone of bublbobl | Super Bubble Bobble (bootleg) (sboblboblc) | PP | 21 Jun 16 03:20:05 | 955,360 | wolf167 get MAME | |
3rd clone of schaser | Space Chaser (set 4) (schaserc) | PP | 21 Jun 16 03:24:32 | 7,470 | wolf170 get MAME | |
3rd clone of schaser | Space Chaser (Model Racing bootleg) (schaserm) | PP | 22 Jun 16 23:10:46 | 16,260 | wolf170 get MAME | |
2nd clone of sci | Super Special Criminal Investigation (Negro Torino hack) (scin) | PP | 10 Jun 16 10:15:39 | 1,604,700 | wolf174 get MAME |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
2nd clone of scobra | Super Cobra (Stern Electronics) (encrypted, KONATEC XC-103SS CPU) (scobrae) | PP | 03 Jul 16 06:09:47 | 15,650 | wolf165 get MAME | |
3rd clone of scramble | Scramble (Centromatic S.A., Spanish bootleg) (scramce) | PP | 21 May 15 21:54:31 | 23,760 | wolf161 get MAME | |
3rd clone of scross | Stadium Cross (World, linkable) (scrossa) | PP | 13 Jul 16 07:21:50 | 866 | wolf161 get MAME | |
3rd clone of sf2ce | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (M10, bootleg) (sf2m10) | PP | 15 Jun 16 14:09:44 | 10,200 | wolf169 get MAME | |
2nd clone of silkworm | Silk Worm (prototype) [Jeep] (silkwormp-jeep) | PP | 09 Aug 17 14:22:53 | 170,900 | wolf188 get MAME | |
2nd clone of rungun special rules | Slam Dunk (ver JAA 1993 10.8) (dual screen with demux adapter) (slmdunkjd) | PP | 10 Mar 18 17:20:50 | 250 | wolf169 get MAME | |
20-15, 28-27, 39-39. I guess this is the right calculation(100+100+50+6) [claimed 256, your scores are not separate games, this is the score evolution of a same match : Marp scoring gives 250 -- PhL] | ||||||
2nd clone of slrasslt | Solar Assault Revised (ver JAA) (slrassltj) | PP | 09 Aug 17 14:22:21 | 74,300 | wolf188 get MAME | |
2nd clone of secretag | Sly Spy (US, revision 4) (slyspy) | PP | 07 Jun 16 04:14:12 | 135,100 | wolf170 get MAME | |
2nd clone of smgp | Super Monaco GP (World) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0126 set) (smgp5d) | PP | 28 Jun 16 23:34:25 | 1,375 | wolf166 get MAME | |
Beginner | ||||||
2nd clone of smgp | Super Monaco GP (World, Rev A) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0126a set) (smgp6d) | PP | 28 Jun 16 23:31:33 | 1,501 | wolf166 get MAME | |
Beginner | ||||||
2nd clone of smgp | Super Monaco GP (World, Rev B) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0126a set) (smgpd) | PP | 28 Jun 16 23:32:03 | 1,199 | wolf166 get MAME | |
Beginner | ||||||
2nd clone of smgp | Super Monaco GP (Japan, Rev B) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0124a set) (smgpjd) | PP | 28 Jun 16 23:32:31 | 1,190 | wolf166 get MAME | |
Beginner | ||||||
2nd clone of smgp | Super Monaco GP (US, Rev B) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0125a set) (smgpu1d) | PP | 28 Jun 16 23:33:00 | 1,475 | wolf166 get MAME | |
Beginner | ||||||
2nd clone of smgp | Super Monaco GP (US, Rev A) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0125a set) (smgpu2d) | PP | 28 Jun 16 23:33:28 | 1,336 | wolf166 get MAME | |
Beginner | ||||||
2nd clone of smgp | Super Monaco GP (US, Rev C) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0125a set) (smgpud) | PP | 28 Jun 16 23:34:01 | 1,559 | wolf166 get MAME | |
Beginner | ||||||
1st has 4 clones special rules | Soccer Superstars (ver EAC) (soccerss) | PP | 08 Nov 19 23:11:53 | 561 | wolf166 get MAME | |
2-0, 2-0, 3-0, 2-1, 4-1, 1-1 | ||||||
1st clone of soccerss special rules | Soccer Superstars (ver AAA) (soccerssa) | PP | 27 Dec 19 13:20:36 | 559 | wolf166 get MAME | |
3-0, 2-0, 2-0, 1-0, 1-0, 1-1 | ||||||
1st clone of soccerss special rules | Soccer Superstars (ver JAC) (soccerssj) | PP | 27 Sep 19 00:06:22 | 511 | wolf166 get MAME | |
6-2, 2-0, 3-1, 3-1, 3-1, 0-1 | ||||||
1st clone of soccerss special rules | Soccer Superstars (ver JAA) (soccerssja) | PP | 13 Sep 19 18:17:02 | 661 | wolf166 get MAME | |
2-1, 3-0, 3-1, 4-2, 1-0, 3-1, 0-0 | ||||||
1st clone of soccerss special rules | Soccer Superstars (ver UAC) (soccerssu) | PP | 22 Nov 19 09:08:54 | 760 | wolf166 get MAME | |
2-0, 1-0, 2-0, 1-0, 1-0, 2-1, 2-0, 1-1 | ||||||
5th special rules | Solar War (solarwar) | PP | 11 May 15 21:03:12 | 224,430 | wolf156 get MAME | |
Wrong image, this is not about Xain'd Sleena. | ||||||
2nd clone of sonicbom | Sonic Boom (bootleg of FD1094 317-0053 set) (sonicbomd) | PP | 06 Feb 17 20:54:50 | 112,850 | wolf175 get MAME | |
3rd clone of spatter | Spatter (315-5099) (spattera) | PP | 15 Feb 17 07:12:54 | 220,260 | wolf175 get MAME | |
3rd clone of asteroid | Space Rocks (Spanish clone of Asteroids) (spcrocks) | PP | 03 Jun 16 00:58:55 | 3,480 | wolf171 get MAME | |
3rd clone of spectar | Spectar (revision 2, bootleg) (spectarrf) | PP | 24 Aug 17 15:58:37 | 20,610 | wolf187 get MAME |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
10th has 2 clones | Splendor Blast (set 1) (splndrbt) | PP | 07 Jan 17 20:44:58 | 80,910 | wolf179 get MAME | |
2nd | Splendor Blast II (splndrbt2) | PP | 07 Jan 17 22:43:38 | 213,130 | wolf179 get MAME | |
2nd clone of splndrbt | Splendor Blast (set 2) (splndrbta) | PP | 07 Jan 17 20:43:42 | 61,230 | wolf179 get MAME | |
2nd clone of splndrbt | Splendor Blast (set 3) (splndrbtb) | PP | 07 Jan 17 20:43:03 | 111,420 | wolf179 get MAME | |
2nd clone of spnchout | Super Punch-Out!! (Rev A) (spnchouta) | PP | 29 May 17 21:23:05 | 31,350 | wolf175 get MAME | |
2nd clone of ssriders | Sunset Riders 2 (bootleg 4 Players ver ADD) (ssriders2) | PP | 05 Aug 16 17:46:52 | 19,590 | wolf176 get MAME | |
Stage 1 clear. | ||||||
2nd clone of ssriders | Sunset Riders (bootleg 4 Players ver ADD) (ssridersb) | PP | 30 Jul 16 21:47:16 | 7,950 | wolf106 get MAME | |
Blind game. Almost first stage completed. | ||||||
3rd clone of ssriders | Sunset Riders (4 Players ver JAD) (ssridersjad) | PP | 09 Jul 16 07:41:47 | 76,760 | wolf164 get MAME | |
2nd clone of empcity | Street Fight (Germany - Benelux) (stfightgb) | PP | 31 Jan 17 23:18:20 | 10,410 | wolf174 get MAME | |
3rd clone of stmblade | Storm Blade (Japan) (stmbladej) | PP | 02 Aug 16 15:31:50 | 578,300 | wolf175 get MAME | |
"select the fighter with B+A button, your shot will be full-auto fire" | ||||||
2nd special rules | Street Hoop / Street Slam / Dunk Dream (DEM-004 ~ DEH-004) (strhoop) | PP | 17 Aug 14 19:57:07 | 1,004 | wolf101 get MAME | |
38-29 / 28-16 / 31-16/ 33-21 /26-17 / 24-14 / 30-21 / 26-12 / 24-10 = 900+(260-156) = 1004 | ||||||
3rd clone of strider | Strider (USA, B-Board 90629B-3, buggy Street Fighter II conversion) (strideruc) | PP | 07 Jun 16 04:15:24 | 7,250 | wolf170 get MAME | |
3rd has 4 clones | Super Chase - Criminal Termination (World) (superchs) | PP | 08 Sep 17 22:53:45 | 3,104,530 | wolf189 get MAME | |
2nd clone of superchs | Super Chase - Criminal Termination (Japan) (superchsj) | PP | 05 Sep 17 18:53:46 | 2,009,120 | wolf189 get MAME | |
2nd clone of superchs | Super Chase - Criminal Termination (1992/10/26 20:24:29 CHASE 3 VER 1.1, prototype) (superchsp) | PP | 02 Sep 17 15:01:31 | 1 | wolf189 get MAME | |
One stage completed. | ||||||
2nd clone of superchs | Super Chase - Criminal Termination (1992/01/18 18:29:18 CHASE 3 VER 1.3O, prototype) (superchsp2) | PP | 11 Sep 17 02:16:56 | 2,465,610 | wolf189 get MAME | |
3rd clone of galaxian | Super Galaxians (Silver Systems) (supergs) | PP | 06 Jul 16 22:49:06 | 6,070 | wolf168 get MAME | |
5th | Super Wing (superwng) | PP | 17 Jun 15 19:38:26 | 118,000 | wolf161 get MAME | |
1st | Team Hat Trick (11/16/84) (teamht) | PP | 13 Jun 19 15:51:43 | 102 | wolf200 get MAME | |
3-1 | ||||||
4th has 4 clones special rules | Tehkan World Cup (set 1) (tehkanwc) | PP | 02 May 19 12:15:22 | 802 | wolf196 get MAME | |
23-0, 23-0, 19-0, 15-0, 9-1, 7-0, 7-0 | ||||||
1st clone of tehkanwc special rules | Tehkan World Cup (set 2, bootleg?) (tehkanwcb) | PP | 09 May 19 19:54:18 | 798 | wolf192 get MAME | |
24-0, 22-0, 17-0, 13-0, 13-0, 6-1, 4-0 | ||||||
5th clone of tehkanwc | Tehkan World Cup (set 3, bootleg) (tehkanwcc) | PP | 13 Jun 19 15:50:32 | 50 | wolf203 get MAME | |
0-0 first match. Not easy to get 0-0 | ||||||
1st clone of tehkanwc | Tehkan World Cup (set 4, earlier) (tehkanwcd) | PP | 03 May 18 09:53:14 | 802 | wolf196 get MAME | |
22-0, 22-0, 19-0, 16-0, 10-0, 9-0, 4-0 | ||||||
1st clone of tehkanwc | Tehkan World Cup (1986 year hack) (tehkanwch) | PP | 16 Jun 19 19:55:03 | 800 | wolf202 get MAME | |
24-0, 22-0, 19-0, 14-0, 12-0, 7-0, 2-0 | ||||||
3rd clone of timekill | Time Killers (v1.32I) (timekill132i) | PP | 23 Aug 17 15:20:05 | 35,768 | wolf187 get MAME |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
6th has 3 clones special rules | Touchmaster 2000 Plus (v4.63 Standard) [5 Star Generals (Skill)] (tm2k-5sg) | PP | 26 May 17 18:58:07 | 165 | wolf140 get MAME | |
6th has 3 clones special rules | Touchmaster 2000 Plus (v4.63 Standard) [Solitaire High Score (Cards)] (tm2k-soh) | PP | 26 May 17 18:57:02 | 1,515 | wolf140 get MAME | |
[use m240 or later if you don't want game to freeze as soon as you click on a column with no hidden card -- PhL] | ||||||
4th has 3 clones special rules | Touchmaster 2000 Plus (v4.63 Standard) [Wordz (Words)] (tm2k-wdz) | PP | 26 May 17 18:57:37 | 30,400 | wolf140 get MAME | |
2nd clone of tmnt2 | Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles - Turtles in Time (4 Players ver EAA) (tmht24pe) | PP | 10 Jul 16 06:12:51 | 106 | wolf175 get MAME | |
4th clone of touchgo special rules | Touch and Go (Korea, unprotected) (touchgok) | PP | 31 Jan 17 23:32:41 | 204 | wolf173 get MAME | |
first game 15-11, 15-13 second game 13-15. | ||||||
2nd clone of loverboy | Triki Triki (bootleg of Lover Boy) (trikitri) | PP | 31 Jan 17 23:15:50 | 15,170 | wolf174 get MAME | |
2nd | Trivia R Us (v1.07) (trivrus) | PP | 19 Jun 16 00:12:19 | 20 | wolf168 get MAME | |
4th clone of turtship | Turtle Ship (Korea, 88/9) (turtshipkn) | PP | 01 Jul 15 20:04:26 | 56,600 | wolf163 get MAME | |
5th clone of turtship | Turtle Ship (Korea, older) (turtshipko) | PP | 02 Jul 15 12:29:57 | 79,300 | wolf163 get MAME | |
3rd clone of twcup94 special rules | Tecmo World Cup '94 (set 2) (twcup94a) | PP | 11 Mar 17 08:47:40 | 98 | wolf183 get MAME | |
Game let me played 3 matches: 1-0, 0-3, 0-0. So I guess my score is 148 ? [no, with a version where game isn't broken, you should have been game over after 2nd match, so score is 98 -- PhL] | ||||||
4th clone of uniwars | UniWar S (bootleg) (uniwarsa) | PP | 18 Dec 16 18:16:02 | 620 | wolf179 get MAME | |
2nd clone of varth | Varth: Operation Thunderstorm (bootleg, set 1) (varthb) | PP | 11 Jul 16 04:36:35 | 447,400 | wolf175 get MAME | |
4th clone of vendetta | Vendetta (Asia, 4 Players, ver. Z) (vendettaz) | PP | 09 Jul 16 19:37:07 | 41 | wolf174 get MAME | |
2nd has 1 clone: victorycb | Victory (Comsoft) (victoryc) | PP | 24 Aug 17 23:09:29 | 186,448 | wolf187 get MAME | |
2nd clone of victoryc | Victory (Comsoft) (bootleg) (victorycb) | PP | 23 Aug 17 15:18:55 | 180,786 | wolf187 get MAME | |
2nd clone of vsnetscr special rules | Versus Net Soccer (ver AAA) (vsnetscra) | PP | 18 Dec 15 18:25:20 | 202 | wolf138 get MAME | |
2-1, 2-0, 1-2. First inp (617) does not play to me [thanks to point it out, this was a nvram case -- PhL] | ||||||
2nd clone of wb3 | Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair (set 1, Japan, System 16A) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0084 set) (wb31d) | PP | 29 Jun 16 22:57:34 | 58,870 | wolf166 get MAME | |
2nd clone of wb3 | Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair (set 2, Japan, System 16B) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0085 set) (wb32d) | PP | 29 Jun 16 22:56:04 | 26,370 | wolf166 get MAME | |
2nd clone of wb3 | Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair (set 3, World, System 16B) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0089 set) (wb33d) | PP | 29 Jun 16 22:56:34 | 56,110 | wolf166 get MAME | |
2nd clone of wb3 | Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair (set 4, Japan, System 16B) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0087 set) (wb34d) | PP | 29 Jun 16 22:57:03 | 52,950 | wolf166 get MAME | |
2nd clone of wb3 | Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair (set 5, Japan, System 16A) (bootleg of FD1089A 317-0086 set) (wb35d) | PP | 29 Jun 16 22:55:18 | 58,870 | wolf166 get MAME | |
3rd clone of wbml | Wonder Boy in Monster Land (decrypted bootleg of Japan New Ver., MC-8123, 317-0043) (wbmld) | PP | 06 Feb 17 21:24:45 | 47,110 | wolf172 get MAME | |
3rd clone of wbml | Wonder Boy in Monster Land (decrypted bootleg of Japan Old Ver., MC-8123, 317-0043) (wbmljod) | PP | 06 Feb 17 21:23:16 | 42,300 | wolf172 get MAME | |
3rd clone of wbml | Wonder Boy in Monster Land (decrypted bootleg of English, Virtual Console release) (wbmlvcd) | PP | 06 Feb 17 21:26:05 | 56,250 | wolf172 get MAME | |
2nd clone of wcvol95 | World Cup Volley '95 Extra Version (Asia v2.0B) (wcvol95x) | PP | 31 Jan 17 23:24:17 | 12,000 | wolf171 get MAME |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp | ||||
7th | Wing Force (Japan, prototype) (wingforc) | PP | 10 Jun 16 10:23:53 | 502,500 | wolf170 get MAME | |||||
3rd clone of wondstck | Wonder Stick (set 2, censored) (wondstcka) | PP | 21 Jun 16 03:18:39 | 185,000 | wolf167 get MAME | |||||
4th clone of wrally2 special rules | World Rally 2: Twin Racing (EPROM version) (wrally2a) | PP | 01 Sep 17 06:21:37 | 30,550 | wolf188 get MAME | |||||
4th clone of wrally | World Rally (Version 1.0, Checksum 8AA2) (wrallyb) | PP | 03 Jun 16 02:08:11 | 26,028 | wolf171 get MAME | |||||
2nd clone of wrestwar | Wrestle War (set 1, Japan) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0090 set) (wrestwar1d) | PP | 26 Jun 16 04:08:04 | 74,700 | wolf166 get MAME | |||||
3rd clone of wrestwar | Wrestle War (set 2, World) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0102 set) (wrestwar2d) | PP | 26 Jun 16 04:07:24 | 49,000 | wolf166 get MAME | |||||
3rd has 2 clones | Xevious 3D/G (World, XV32/VER.B) (xevi3dg) | PP | 09 Aug 17 14:20:04 | 323,380 | wolf188 get MAME | |||||
3rd clone of xmen | X-Men (2 Players ver UAB) (xmen2pu) | PP | 31 Jan 17 23:29:38 | 114 | wolf161 get MAME | |||||
3rd clone of xmen | X-Men (4 Players ver AEA) (xmena) | PP | 16 Jul 16 19:55:00 | 91 | wolf161 get MAME | |||||
3rd clone of xsleena special rules | Xain'd Sleena (bootleg, bugfixed) (xsleenaba) | PP | 06 Feb 17 20:58:34 | 156,410 | wolf169 get MAME | |||||
4th clone of xsleena special rules | Xain'd Sleena (Japan) (xsleenaj) | PP | 21 May 15 21:55:49 | 120,060 | wolf160 get MAME | |||||
there were 386 hits there now follows a list of the recordings which beat PP... | ||||||||||
1st | Jolly Card (Austrian, Funworld) (*jolycdat) | TK2012 | 30 May 17 00:00:34 | 200 | wolf125 get MAME | |||||
1st special rules | Mahjong The Mysterious Orient Part 2 ~ Exotic Dream ~ [BET] (Japan, v1.00) (*mjmyorn2) | Phil Lamat (@) | 03 Jul 16 17:41:00 | 2 | wolf165 get MAME | |||||
1st special rules | Mouse Attack (*mouseatk) | Phil Lamat (@) | 02 Sep 17 18:20:48 | 7 | wolf180 get MAME | |||||
1st special rules | Mouse Attack (*mouseatk) | The Onion Knight | 12 Jul 17 11:34:40 | 7 | wolf181 get MAME | |||||
1st special rules | Mouse Attack (*mouseatk) | TK2012 | 17 Jul 17 17:34:01 | 7 | wolf181 get MAME | |||||
no shot available | 1st | 1943 Kai (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tv1943) | TK2012 | 06 Jun 16 13:08:39 | 372,800 | wolf170 get MAME | ||||
no shot available | 1st | Aero Blasters (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvablast) | Vignenzo (@) | 05 Jul 16 01:06:08 | 32,160,000 | wolf170 get MAME | ||||
no shot available | 2nd | Aero Blasters (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvablast) | tar | 27 Jun 16 19:41:51 | 17,390,000 | wolf170 get MAME | ||||
no shot available | 1st | After Burner (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvaburn) | BBH (@) | 18 Sep 17 08:46:50 | 1,059,440 | wolf172 get MAME | ||||
no shot available | 1st | Armed-F (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvarmedf) | BBH (@) | 18 Sep 17 08:47:42 | 172,000 | wolf172 get MAME | ||||
no shot available | 1st | Ballistix (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvbalstx) | simpsons99 (@) | 23 Jun 16 19:42:32 | 150,300 | wolf171 get MAME | ||||
no shot available | 2nd | Ballistix (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvbalstx) | tar | 23 Jun 16 14:42:43 | 57,750 | wolf170 get MAME | ||||
no shot available | 1st | Be Ball (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvbeball) | Kale | 10 Jul 17 16:59:01 | 1,010,640 | wolf186 get MAME | ||||
Finished x 1, playable after few stages in loop 2. |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
no shot available | 1st | Bomberman (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvbomber) | TK2012 | 13 Jun 16 05:13:14 | 120,110 | wolf170 get MAME |
no shot available | 2nd | Bomberman (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvbomber) | simpsons99 (@) | 11 Jun 16 16:53:25 | 14,200 | wolf171 get MAME |
no shot available | 1st | Ch??zetsurinjin Beraboh Man (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvbrabho) | BBH (@) | 18 Sep 17 08:47:17 | 60,500 | wolf172 get MAME |
1st | Columns (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvcolumn) | TheBSM (@) | 28 Feb 17 00:25:16 | 798,359 | wolf171 get MAME | |
2nd | Columns (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvcolumn) | Vignenzo (@) | 05 Jul 16 01:12:18 | 86,608 | wolf170 get MAME | |
3rd | Columns (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvcolumn) | tar | 06 Jul 16 15:43:59 | 63,680 | wolf170 get MAME | |
no shot available | 1st | Coryoon (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvcoryon) | Vaz (@) | 14 Jul 16 23:42:30 | 43,041,000 | wolf170 get MAME |
All clear. I guess this is the US set, the japanese one has 7 stages (this one has 8) and an ending text which is missing here. | ||||||
no shot available | 1st | Devil Crash (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvdevilc) | simpsons99 (@) | 16 Jul 16 21:04:29 | 87,370,400 | wolf171 get MAME |
no shot available | 2nd | Devil Crash (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvdevilc) | tar | 03 Jul 16 16:56:21 | 31,201,400 | wolf170 get MAME |
no shot available | 3rd | Devil Crash (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvdevilc) | mahlemiut | 28 Jun 16 13:12:31 | 9,576,000 | wolf172 get MAME |
Meh. [SDL, 64-bit] | ||||||
no shot available | 1st | Dead Moon (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvdmoon) | tar | 29 Feb 16 15:30:53 | 1,014,100 | wolf170 get MAME |
no shot available | 2nd | Dead Moon (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvdmoon) | Vaz (@) | 11 Jul 16 22:39:18 | 688,900 | wolf170 get MAME |
no shot available | 1st | Dragon Spirit (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvdrgnst) | tar | 06 Feb 16 18:27:08 | 339,200 | wolf170 get MAME |
[uses regular MAME 0.170? -br] | ||||||
no shot available | 2nd | Dragon Spirit (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvdrgnst) | Vaz (@) | 13 Jul 16 23:29:25 | 75,400 | wolf170 get MAME |
no shot available | 1st | Daisenpu (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvdsenpu) | BBH (@) | 18 Sep 17 09:04:23 | 181,350 | wolf172 get MAME |
no shot available | 1st | Final Blaster (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvfblast) | tar | 22 Jun 16 16:32:20 | 156,600 | wolf170 get MAME |
i dont blame you bea, stage 4 is total B.S. | ||||||
no shot available | 2nd | Final Blaster (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvfblast) | simpsons99 (@) | 22 Jun 16 03:40:31 | 121,600 | wolf171 get MAME |
GL I am not playing these anymore | ||||||
no shot available | 1st | Gunhed (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvgunhed) | tar | 16 Jul 16 15:04:42 | 3,325,470 | wolf170 get MAME |
no shot available | 2nd | Gunhed (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvgunhed) | Vaz (@) | 09 Jul 16 23:43:44 | 3,165,860 | wolf170 get MAME |
no shot available | 1st | Kiki Kaikai (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvkaikai) | Giro-X@Mame R.A. (@) | 18 Sep 17 21:07:41 | 186,300 | wolf170 get MAME |
Lost at boss 4, which then is a pain with such short shot range. Rusty. I always lose there...This conversion has 1 loop only, I may return and finish it one day. | ||||||
no shot available | 2nd | Kiki Kaikai (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvkaikai) | BBH (@) | 14 Sep 17 06:52:11 | 149,900 | wolf172 get MAME |
no shot available | 1st | Mizubaku Daibouken Liquid Kids (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvlqkids) | mahlemiut | 16 Jun 16 10:08:35 | 92,470 | wolf172 get MAME |
Round 3-2. [SDL, 64-bit] | ||||||
no shot available | 1st | Mr Heli (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvmrheli) | TK2012 | 28 Oct 17 21:28:14 | 83,250 | wolf166 get MAME |
no shot available | 1st | Ninja Ryukenden (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvninjar) | BBH (@) | 14 Sep 17 06:52:36 | 92,500 | wolf172 get MAME |
1st | Saiga No Nindou - Ninja Spirit (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvninjas) | Kale | 08 Apr 17 22:51:26 | 413,700 | wolf184 get MAME | |
Stage 7 - junk bomb only run |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
no shot available | 1st | Operation Wolf (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvopwolf) | BBH (@) | 14 Sep 17 06:53:42 | 236,600 | wolf172 get MAME |
no shot available | 1st | Override (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvovride) | Vaz (@) | 11 Jul 16 23:17:19 | 578,200 | wolf170 get MAME |
no shot available | 2nd | Override (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvovride) | tar | 06 Jul 16 19:47:41 | 449,820 | wolf170 get MAME |
no shot available | 3rd | Override (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvovride) | Vignenzo (@) | 05 Jul 16 01:13:01 | 336,020 | wolf170 get MAME |
no shot available | 1st | Pac-Land (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvpaclnd) | mahlemiut | 14 Sep 17 08:15:24 | 140,540 | wolf189 get MAME |
Many dumb deaths. :/ [SDL] | ||||||
no shot available | 1st | Psycho Chaser (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvpchasr) | BBH (@) | 18 Sep 17 08:48:19 | 133,110 | wolf172 get MAME |
no shot available | 1st | Raiden (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvraiden) | TK2012 | 13 Jun 16 05:12:22 | 339,250 | wolf170 get MAME |
no shot available | 2nd | Raiden (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvraiden) | simpsons99 (@) | 11 Jun 16 16:35:18 | 193,050 | wolf171 get MAME |
no shot available | 1st | Special Criminal Investigation (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvsci) | BBH (@) | 14 Sep 17 06:53:06 | 662,910 | wolf172 get MAME |
no shot available | 1st | Side Arms (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvsdarms) | Vignenzo (@) | 05 Jul 16 01:06:58 | 318,000 | wolf170 get MAME |
no shot available | 1st | Shinobi (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvshnobi) | Kale | 22 Jul 17 23:15:49 | 276,700 | wolf187 get MAME |
Jank Finished, gotta love gams w/o any bonus at the end, pending proposal | ||||||
no shot available | 1st | Skweek (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvskweek) | tar | 19 Jun 16 18:47:22 | 73,220 | wolf170 get MAME |
no shot available | 1st | Salamander (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvslmndr) | tar | 18 Jun 16 14:14:48 | 379,100 | wolf170 get MAME |
no shot available | 1st | Son Son II (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvsson2) | Kale | 10 Aug 17 22:34:10 | 539,400 | wolf187 get MAME |
Stage 7 - Rasetsu bodied me, better attempt at Nintendont 4 | ||||||
no shot available | 1st | Chuka Taisen (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvtaisen) | Vignenzo (@) | 05 Jul 16 01:08:28 | 101,800 | wolf170 get MAME |
no shot available | 2nd | Chuka Taisen (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvtaisen) | Vaz (@) | 26 Feb 17 23:45:59 | 75,500 | wolf170 get MAME |
no shot available | 1st | Legend of Hero Tonma (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvtonma) | Kale | 09 Jul 17 23:34:36 | 217,600 | wolf186 get MAME |
Finished | ||||||
no shot available | 1st | Tatsujin (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvtsujin) | Vignenzo (@) | 05 Jul 16 01:14:16 | 212,640 | wolf170 get MAME |
no shot available | 2nd | Tatsujin (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvtsujin) | Vaz (@) | 26 Feb 17 23:36:52 | 176,000 | wolf170 get MAME |
no shot available | 1st | Xevious (Tourvision PCE bootleg) (*tvxvious) | tar | 18 Feb 16 16:20:17 | 77,420 | wolf170 get MAME |
game may deserve a split , Phil? - fardraut/ arcade modes. | ||||||
1st clone of 1943 | 1943: Midway Kaisen (bootleg) (1943bj) | saulonpb@TeamBrazil (@) | 23 Jan 17 21:32:15 | 2,497,370 | wolf175 get MAME | |
the expert keyboard--the games gennius | ||||||
2nd clone of 1943 | 1943: Midway Kaisen (bootleg) (1943bj) | Vignenzo (@) | 05 Jul 16 00:52:35 | 502,300 | wolf174 get MAME | |
3rd clone of 1943 | 1943: Midway Kaisen (bootleg) (1943bj) | Vaz (@) | 30 Jun 16 22:25:29 | 198,130 | wolf173 get MAME | |
4th clone of 1943 | 1943: Midway Kaisen (bootleg) (1943bj) | Mr. Kelly R. Flewin (@) | 26 Jun 16 04:45:11 | 186,620 | wolf173 get MAME | |
1st | 1943: The Battle of Midway Mark II (US) (1943mii) | saulonpb@TeamBrazil (@) | 21 Jan 17 04:05:52 | 683,210 | wolf175 get MAME | |
the expert keyboard --2 tries |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
1st clone of 1943 | 1943: The Battle of Midway (US) (1943ua) | saulonpb@TeamBrazil (@) | 21 Jan 17 04:41:31 | 1,100,000 | wolf175 get MAME | |
2nd clone of 1943 | 1943: The Battle of Midway (US) (1943ua) | Vignenzo (@) | 05 Jul 16 00:53:11 | 511,020 | wolf174 get MAME | |
3rd clone of 1943 | 1943: The Battle of Midway (US) (1943ua) | Mr. Kelly R. Flewin (@) | 26 Jun 16 04:45:43 | 199,570 | wolf173 get MAME | |
1st special rules | 1 on 1 Government (Japan) (1on1gov) | Dumple (@) | 27 Dec 20 23:22:02 | 1,077 | wolf226 get MAME | |
Finished : 11-6, 12-6, 12-0, 11-8, 13-2, 12-6, 13-6, 12-3, 12-2, 10-2 | ||||||
2nd special rules | 1 on 1 Government (Japan) (1on1gov) | Phil Lamat (@) | 19 Feb 17 08:31:57 | 1,055 | wolf160 get MAME | |
Finished : 10-6, 12-4, 12-4, 12-7, 12-8, 12-10, 12-6, 12-8, 12-6, 12-4 | ||||||
1st clone of 64street | 64th. Street - A Detective Story (Japan, set 2) (64streetja) | Vaz (@) | 28 Jun 16 23:10:29 | 521,251 | wolf173 get MAME | |
2nd clone of 64street | 64th. Street - A Detective Story (Japan, set 2) (64streetja) | Mr. Kelly R. Flewin (@) | 26 Jun 16 23:57:47 | 471,951 | wolf173 get MAME | |
3rd clone of 64street | 64th. Street - A Detective Story (Japan, set 2) (64streetja) | simpsons99 (@) | 27 Jun 16 02:26:59 | 397,301 | wolf171 get MAME | |
1st clone of abcop | A.B. Cop (World) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0169b set) (abcopd) | OutRunner (W) | 03 Jun 17 15:12:03 | 66,428,710 | wolf182 get MAME | |
Test play for beepgamecenter.com | ||||||
1st clone of abcop | A.B. Cop (Japan) (FD1094 317-0169b) (abcopj) | OutRunner (W) | 03 Jun 17 15:12:56 | 66,602,070 | wolf182 get MAME | |
As always, Default Settings | ||||||
2nd clone of abcop | A.B. Cop (Japan) (FD1094 317-0169b) (abcopj) | Kale | 10 Jan 17 01:40:00 | 61,617,150 | wolf181 get MAME | |
1cc | ||||||
1st clone of abcop | A.B. Cop (Japan) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0169b set) (abcopjd) | OutRunner (W) | 04 Jun 17 13:43:58 | 66,734,520 | wolf182 get MAME | |
1st clone of astrof | Astro Combat (encrypted) (acombat4) | Germano DAlessandro | 01 Sep 24 15:21:18 | 21,310 | wolf250 get MAME | |
2nd clone of astrof | Astro Combat (encrypted) (acombat4) | kbz3pa (@) | 11 Dec 16 13:15:44 | 15,660 | wolf180 get MAME | |
3rd clone of astrof | Astro Combat (encrypted) (acombat4) | saulonpb@TeamBrazil (@) | 29 May 20 18:17:19 | 7,680 | wolf177 get MAME | |
4th clone of astrof | Astro Combat (encrypted) (acombat4) | tar | 02 Oct 16 18:39:43 | 6,820 | wolf178 get MAME | |
5th clone of astrof | Astro Combat (encrypted) (acombat4) | diabolik (@) | 09 Jul 16 20:55:23 | 6,030 | wolf175 get MAME | |
1st clone of agallet | Air Gallet (older, Europe) (agalleta) | BBH (@) | 28 Apr 22 02:31:27 | 2,974,580 | wolf230 get MAME | |
2nd clone of agallet | Air Gallet (older, Europe) (agalleta) | Vaz (@) | 27 Feb 17 23:46:29 | 579,300 | wolf183 get MAME | |
3rd clone of agallet | Air Gallet (older, Europe) (agalleta) | TER (@) | 19 Mar 20 12:06:45 | 370,000 | wolf219 get MAME | |
1st has 3 clones | Air Duel (World, M82 hardware) (airduel) | jordani11 (@) | 09 Nov 22 18:26:10 | 554,900 | wolf151 get MAME | |
2nd has 3 clones | Air Duel (World, M82 hardware) (airduel) | BBH (@) | 04 Mar 17 08:31:12 | 466,500 | wolf181 get MAME | |
rusty. | ||||||
1st clone of altbeast | Juuouki (set 3, Japan) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0068 set) (altbeastj3d) | INNUENDO (@) | 24 Jun 16 00:41:37 | 335,900 | wolf174 get MAME | |
2nd clone of altbeast | Juuouki (set 3, Japan) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0068 set) (altbeastj3d) | simpsons99 (@) | 30 Jul 17 03:07:26 | 76,300 | wolf186 get MAME | |
1st has 1 clone: androidpo | Android (prototype, later build) (androidp) | BBH (@) | 14 Sep 17 06:55:29 | 178,600 | wolf188 get MAME |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
1st clone of androidp | Android (prototype, early build) (androidpo) | BBH (@) | 14 Sep 17 06:55:42 | 296,200 | wolf188 get MAME | |
1st clone of apb | APB - All Points Bulletin (rev 1) (apb1) | TK2012 | 09 Mar 18 23:53:03 | 77,472 | wolf170 get MAME | |
2nd clone of apb | APB - All Points Bulletin (rev 1) (apb1) | BBH (@) | 14 Sep 17 06:50:18 | 75,569 | wolf188 get MAME | |
1st clone of apb | APB - All Points Bulletin (rev 3) (apb3) | BBH (@) | 14 Sep 17 06:50:39 | 85,117 | wolf188 get MAME | |
1st clone of apb | APB - All Points Bulletin (rev 4) (apb4) | BBH (@) | 14 Sep 17 06:50:56 | 81,558 | wolf188 get MAME | |
1st clone of apb | APB - All Points Bulletin (rev 5) (apb5) | BBH (@) | 14 Sep 17 06:51:05 | 79,262 | wolf188 get MAME | |
1st clone of apb | APB - All Points Bulletin (rev 6) (apb6) | BBH (@) | 14 Sep 17 06:51:16 | 77,690 | wolf188 get MAME | |
1st clone of apb | APB - All Points Bulletin (French) (apbf) | BBH (@) | 14 Sep 17 06:51:24 | 85,898 | wolf188 get MAME | |
1st clone of apb | APB - All Points Bulletin (German) (apbg) | BBH (@) | 14 Sep 17 06:51:35 | 80,820 | wolf188 get MAME | |
1st has 1 clone: aquariumj | Aquarium (US) (aquarium) | Giro-X@Mame R.A. (@) | 14 Jun 16 21:44:48 | 1,681,650 | wolf174 get MAME | |
All clear in 13m9s, no magic used. Improves my previous top by 6m11s (!!!) [video]Look, PP, your score was useful somehow, I really didn't see when this US version was added :V | ||||||
1st clone of archrivl | Arch Rivals (rev 2.0 5/03/89, 8-way joystick bootleg) (archrivlb) | kbz3pa (@) | 31 Jul 17 23:29:19 | 113 | wolf188 get MAME | |
86-73 | ||||||
1st clone of astorm | Alien Storm (World, 3 Players) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0148 set) (astorm3d) | BBH (@) | 03 Sep 17 21:25:14 | 866 | wolf189 get MAME | |
1st clone of astorm | Alien Storm (Japan, 2 Players) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0146 set) (astormjd) | BBH (@) | 03 Sep 17 21:25:32 | 880 | wolf189 get MAME | |
1st clone of astorm | Alien Storm (US, 3 Players) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0147 set) (astormud) | BBH (@) | 03 Sep 17 21:25:02 | 822 | wolf189 get MAME | |
1st clone of galaxian | Astrians (clone of Swarm) (astrians) | diabolik (@) | 21 Aug 16 10:18:19 | 19,210 | wolf176 get MAME | |
2nd clone of galaxian | Astrians (clone of Swarm) (astrians) | tar | 06 Aug 13 14:11:40 | 16,900 | wolf149 get MAME | |
3rd clone of galaxian | Astrians (clone of Swarm) (astrians) | saulonpb@TeamBrazil (@) | 27 May 20 15:34:24 | 11,900 | wolf177 get MAME | |
4th clone of galaxian | Astrians (clone of Swarm) (astrians) | simpsons99 (@) | 13 Feb 15 19:01:37 | 11,260 | wolf153 get MAME | |
Brian *The Big Bird Hater* Allen (Beast) | ||||||
5th clone of galaxian | Astrians (clone of Swarm) (astrians) | BeeJay | 10 Nov 14 08:50:51 | 9,440 | wolf155 get MAME | |
Whoever thought it was a good idea for your shots to move in sync with your ship deserves to be shot themselves. (BBHH) | ||||||
1st clone of batrider | Armed Police Batrider (Hong Kong) (Mon Dec 22 1997) (batriderhk) | Vignenzo (@) | 11 Jul 20 00:23:05 | 2,466,560 | wolf221 get MAME | |
2nd clone of batrider | Armed Police Batrider (Hong Kong) (Mon Dec 22 1997) (batriderhk) | saulonpb@TeamBrazil (@) | 29 Jan 17 16:09:25 | 1,854,090 | wolf181 get MAME | |
the expert keyboard | ||||||
3rd clone of batrider | Armed Police Batrider (Hong Kong) (Mon Dec 22 1997) (batriderhk) | simpsons99 (@) | 05 Aug 17 21:48:07 | 1,082,390 | wolf186 get MAME | |
1st clone of batsugun | Batsugun (Korean PCB) (batsugunb) | BBH (@) | 03 Jan 24 08:32:40 | 3,273,120 | wolf234 get MAME | |
Finished | ||||||
2nd clone of batsugun | Batsugun (Korean PCB) (batsugunb) | saulonpb@TeamBrazil (@) | 02 Feb 17 01:34:13 | 1,636,190 | wolf181 get MAME | |
the expert kaeyboard | ||||||
3rd clone of batsugun | Batsugun (Korean PCB) (batsugunb) | Vignenzo (@) | 05 Jul 16 01:02:15 | 1,442,500 | wolf174 get MAME |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
4th clone of batsugun | Batsugun (Korean PCB) (batsugunb) | Vaz (@) | 29 Jun 16 22:04:08 | 1,153,040 | wolf173 get MAME | |
1st clone of bayroute | Bay Route (set 3, World) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0116 set) (bayrouted) | BBH (@) | 01 Jul 16 00:15:10 | 276,600 | wolf174 get MAME | |
terrible RNG with item drops, what can you do | ||||||
2nd clone of bayroute | Bay Route (set 3, World) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0116 set) (bayrouted) | simpsons99 (@) | 05 Aug 17 22:02:47 | 16,350 | wolf186 get MAME | |
1st clone of bayroute | Bay Route (set 2, Japan) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0115 set) (bayroutejd) | BBH (@) | 26 Jun 16 04:23:57 | 375,950 | wolf174 get MAME | |
Finished | ||||||
1st clone of bbusters | Beast Busters (US, Version 3) (bbustersu) | BBH (@) | 27 Aug 17 21:54:35 | 1,005,130 | wolf188 get MAME | |
1st clone of bbusters special rules | Beast Busters (US, Version 2) (bbustersua) | BBH (@) | 27 Aug 17 21:54:46 | 1,185,080 | wolf188 get MAME | |
1st clone of suprglob | Beastie Feastie (Pac-Man conversion) (beastfp) | wolfman24 (@) | 11 Jun 18 07:01:37 | 93,341 | wolf186 get MAME | |
2nd clone of suprglob | Beastie Feastie (Pac-Man conversion) (beastfp) | simpsons99 (@) | 17 Sep 16 18:38:50 | 78,623 | wolf177 get MAME | |
1st clone of bigstrik special rules | Best League (bootleg of Big Striker, World Cup) (bestleaw) | Phil Lamat (@) | 28 Feb 15 17:15:54 | 770 | wolf150 get MAME | |
Finished : 13-0, 10-0, 8-1, 10-1, 12-0, 11-0, 9-1 | ||||||
2nd clone of bigstrik special rules | Best League (bootleg of Big Striker, World Cup) (bestleaw) | TK2012 | 18 Feb 15 20:33:49 | 717 | wolf150 get MAME | |
Finished : 4-0, 4-0, 4-1, 3-1, 1-0, 2-0, 1-0 | ||||||
1st clone of bestri | Bestri (Korea, set 2) (bestria) | Phil Lamat (@) | 04 Sep 16 13:53:39 | 173,150 | wolf175 get MAME | |
Stage 9 | ||||||
2nd clone of bestri | Bestri (Korea, set 2) (bestria) | tar | 07 Aug 16 16:37:28 | 132,730 | wolf174 get MAME | |
[claimed 132700] | ||||||
1st clone of bgaregga | Leishen Chuan / Thunder Deity Biography (Chinese hack of Battle Garegga) (bgareggabla) | KyoKusagani1999 (@) | 24 Dec 18 05:42:26 | 10,137,890 | wolf194 get MAME | |
Completed once and started over. Loop 2-5. | ||||||
2nd clone of bgaregga | Leishen Chuan / Thunder Deity Biography (Chinese hack of Battle Garegga) (bgareggabla) | saulonpb@TeamBrazil (@) | 29 Jan 17 16:40:27 | 1,718,030 | wolf181 get MAME | |
the expert keyboard | ||||||
3rd clone of bgaregga | Leishen Chuan / Thunder Deity Biography (Chinese hack of Battle Garegga) (bgareggabla) | Vignenzo (@) | 04 Apr 16 08:48:25 | 1,124,230 | wolf169 get MAME | |
1st clone of bigstrik special rules | Big Striker (bootleg w/Italian teams) (bigstrkba) | Phil Lamat (@) | 25 Feb 15 02:03:16 | 739 | wolf150 get MAME | |
Finished : 5-0, 7-1, 9-0, 6-1, 7-0, 4-0, 5-2 | ||||||
2nd clone of bigstrik special rules | Big Striker (bootleg w/Italian teams) (bigstrkba) | TK2012 | 17 Feb 15 15:52:48 | 661 | wolf150 get MAME | |
4-0, 2-0, 2-0, 1-0, 1-0, 1-0, 1-1 | ||||||
1st clone of bjtwin | Bombjack Twin (prototype? with adult pictures, set 2) (bjtwinpa) | Vignenzo (@) | 11 Jul 20 00:37:41 | 6,010,800 | wolf221 get MAME | |
2nd clone of bjtwin | Bombjack Twin (prototype? with adult pictures, set 2) (bjtwinpa) | saulonpb@TeamBrazil (@) | 01 Jun 17 14:59:40 | 1,311,860 | wolf183 get MAME | |
first try | ||||||
3rd clone of bjtwin | Bombjack Twin (prototype? with adult pictures, set 2) (bjtwinpa) | Paolo Colman@M.R.A. (@) | 12 Jan 17 21:10:53 | 999,990 | wolf180 get MAME | |
sloppy | ||||||
4th clone of bjtwin | Bombjack Twin (prototype? with adult pictures, set 2) (bjtwinpa) | simpsons99 (@) | 06 Aug 17 00:57:53 | 282,520 | wolf186 get MAME | |
rusty | ||||||
1st has 4 clones | Block Block (World 911219 Joystick) (block) | Phil Lamat (@) | 07 Feb 17 21:45:13 | 146,900 | wolf180 get MAME | |
1st clone of blswhstl | Bells & Whistles (Asia, version M) (blswhstla) | saulonpb@TeamBrazil (@) | 02 Mar 17 03:22:28 | 518,600 | wolf182 get MAME | |
1st | beatmania Club MIX (ver JA-A) (bmclubmx) | infinitephantasm (@) | 01 Apr 20 12:38:48 | 389,361 | wolf219 get MAME | |
2nd | beatmania Club MIX (ver JA-A) (bmclubmx) | BBH (@) | 24 Jul 17 04:50:54 | 367,960 | wolf181 get MAME | |
Can't believe someone bases all their arguments over the "I know you are but what am I" defense... it's sad, really |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
1st clone of bublbobl | Bubble Bobble: Lost Cave V1.2 (for Bobble Bobble PCB) (boblcave) | essekappa@M.R.A. (@) | 25 Mar 19 02:38:49 | 9,999,990 | wolf207 get MAME | |
power up & original game | ||||||
2nd clone of bublbobl | Bubble Bobble: Lost Cave V1.2 (for Bobble Bobble PCB) (boblcave) | BBH (@) | 28 Aug 17 08:16:39 | 2,862,000 | wolf188 get MAME | |
Cut the craps | ||||||
1st clone of boogwing | Boogie Wings (USA v1.7, 92.12.14) (boogwingu) | TK2012 | 30 Sep 17 20:10:09 | 133,070 | wolf161 get MAME | |
2nd clone of boogwing | Boogie Wings (USA v1.7, 92.12.14) (boogwingu) | el wil (@) | 16 Sep 17 08:05:30 | 130,490 | wolf179 get MAME | |
1st clone of combatsc | Boot Camp (set 2) (bootcampa) | Kale | 30 Jan 17 22:10:06 | 260,590 | wolf181 get MAME | |
Broken | ||||||
1st clone of bssoccer | Back Street Soccer (KRB-0032A PCB) (bssoccera) | Phil Lamat (@) | 06 Apr 20 00:25:04 | 834 | wolf200 get MAME | |
Finished : 6-1, 5-1, 5-0, 4-1, 5-1, 4-0, 4-1, 6-0 | ||||||
1st has 1 clone: bubbletrj special rules | Bubble Trouble - Golly! Ghost! 2 (World, Rev B) (bubbletr) | ILLSeaBass | 26 May 20 06:13:54 | 430 | wolf219 get MAME | |
CRAP Tournament 12 ~ VIDEO | ||||||
2nd has 1 clone: bubbletrj special rules | Bubble Trouble - Golly! Ghost! 2 (World, Rev B) (bubbletr) | Prow | 23 Jun 20 04:02:25 | 428 | wolf219 get MAME | |
Crap Tournament 12 | ||||||
3rd has 1 clone: bubbletrj special rules | Bubble Trouble - Golly! Ghost! 2 (World, Rev B) (bubbletr) | Kibbey93 | 01 Jun 22 03:49:34 | 382 | wolf183 get MAME | |
Crap Tourney 12 | ||||||
4th has 1 clone: bubbletrj special rules | Bubble Trouble - Golly! Ghost! 2 (World, Rev B) (bubbletr) | Phil Lamat (@) | 02 Apr 17 16:41:07 | 372 | wolf180 get MAME | |
All clear | ||||||
5th has 1 clone: bubbletrj special rules | Bubble Trouble - Golly! Ghost! 2 (World, Rev B) (bubbletr) | BBH (@) | 03 Mar 17 10:12:51 | 356 | wolf181 get MAME | |
1 try. | ||||||
6th has 1 clone: bubbletrj special rules | Bubble Trouble - Golly! Ghost! 2 (World, Rev B) (bubbletr) | xelnia (@) | 26 May 20 03:53:57 | 174 | wolf219 get MAME | |
CT XII | ||||||
1st has 21 clones | Bubble Bobble (Japan, Ver 0.1) (bublbobl) | ArcadePlayer_ABC (@) | 12 Apr 20 15:03:12 | 9,999,990 | wolf216 get MAME | |
Super Bubble Bobble 9999990 MAME ARCADE normal play no power up | ||||||
1st has 21 clones | Bubble Bobble (Japan, Ver 0.1) (bublbobl) | essekappa@M.R.A. (@) | 22 Nov 17 16:51:30 | 9,999,990 | wolf185 get MAME | |
power up & original game [confirmed, but please don't use fskip10 to unthrottle, it's a bug and defiintely shouldn't happen -br] | ||||||
3rd has 21 clones | Bubble Bobble (Japan, Ver 0.1) (bublbobl) | jordani11 (@) | 02 Sep 22 13:54:49 | 4,771,330 | wolf231 get MAME | |
4th has 21 clones | Bubble Bobble (Japan, Ver 0.1) (bublbobl) | Dumple (@) | 12 Feb 24 01:06:51 | 4,081,060 | wolf261 get MAME | |
1cc using Power Up code | ||||||
5th has 21 clones | Bubble Bobble (Japan, Ver 0.1) (bublbobl) | Lord AxE (@) | 27 Dec 13 21:59:23 | 3,404,470 | wolf151 get MAME | |
both power ups used. | ||||||
6th has 21 clones | Bubble Bobble (Japan, Ver 0.1) (bublbobl) | TER (@) | 11 Sep 17 11:24:00 | 3,346,010 | wolf186 get MAME | |
no codes (TG settings) | ||||||
7th has 21 clones | Bubble Bobble (Japan, Ver 0.1) (bublbobl) | el wil (@) | 08 Jul 07 07:34:22 | 3,231,200 | wolf99 get MAME | |
8th has 21 clones | Bubble Bobble (Japan, Ver 0.1) (bublbobl) | Ace13 (@) | 30 Mar 05 08:47:54 | 3,192,030 | wolf95 get MAME | |
1st clone of bublbobl | Bubble Bobble (prototype on Tokio hardware) (bublboblp) | Paolo Colman@M.R.A. (@) | 08 Apr 20 15:31:53 | 2,399,560 | wolf219 get MAME | |
no codes no doors | ||||||
2nd clone of bublbobl | Bubble Bobble (prototype on Tokio hardware) (bublboblp) | mahlemiut | 13 Aug 17 22:44:38 | 2,088,750 | wolf188 get MAME | |
Round 71. 5-level fireball on round 30. Interesting that they could make it appear, but never implemented its functionality. [SDL] | ||||||
1st clone of bublbobl | Bubble Bobble: Lost Cave V1.2 (bublcave) | essekappa@M.R.A. (@) | 12 Apr 19 00:40:37 | 9,999,990 | wolf207 get MAME | |
power up original game and super mode codes used | ||||||
2nd clone of bublbobl | Bubble Bobble: Lost Cave V1.2 (bublcave) | Krj | 09 Sep 17 15:06:14 | 4,340,900 | wolf189 get MAME | |
Round 100 | ||||||
3rd clone of bublbobl | Bubble Bobble: Lost Cave V1.2 (bublcave) | Flobeamer1922 | 22 Oct 17 02:59:18 | 844,360 | wolf189 get MAME | |
No codes used. |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
1st clone of bublbobl | Bubble Bobble: Lost Cave V1.0 (bublcave10) | BBH (@) | 22 Aug 17 07:16:21 | 2,606,660 | wolf188 get MAME | |
1st clone of bublbobl | Bubble Bobble: Lost Cave V1.1 (bublcave11) | Krj | 30 Aug 17 19:27:57 | 3,276,610 | wolf176 get MAME | |
2nd clone of bublbobl | Bubble Bobble: Lost Cave V1.1 (bublcave11) | BBH (@) | 30 Aug 17 12:35:15 | 2,652,480 | wolf188 get MAME | |
1st clone of bublbob2 | Bubble Symphony (bootleg with OKI6295) (bubsymphb) | Krj | 10 Sep 17 09:29:49 | 3,282,980 | wolf189 get MAME | |
1st clone of buccanrs | Buccaneers (set 3, harder) (buccanrsb) | Kale | 25 Mar 20 20:04:54 | 206,300 | wolf219 get MAME | |
¡Peor juego españolo! | ||||||
2nd clone of buccanrs | Buccaneers (set 3, harder) (buccanrsb) | TK2012 | 12 Nov 18 23:27:15 | 177,080 | wolf172 get MAME | |
3rd clone of buccanrs | Buccaneers (set 3, harder) (buccanrsb) | saulonpb@TeamBrazil (@) | 20 Apr 17 19:59:57 | 159,800 | wolf183 get MAME | |
1st clone of cabal | Cabal (UK, Trackball) (cabaluk) | saulonpb@TeamBrazil (@) | 15 Mar 19 19:34:22 | 2,644,180 | wolf177 get MAME | |
TG--finished--who knows the last mission? | ||||||
2nd clone of cabal | Cabal (UK, Trackball) (cabaluk) | el wil (@) | 16 Sep 17 08:09:08 | 1,244,910 | wolf179 get MAME | |
¡Sin salto!,jajaja... | ||||||
1st clone of cclimber | Crazy Climber (Spanish, Rodmar bootleg) (cclimbrrod) | Udirnel (@) | 09 Jun 16 21:56:36 | 371,900 | wolf173 get MAME | |
1st clone of cgraplop | Graplop (DECO Cassette) (Japan) (cgraplopj) | DaLar | 30 Aug 17 22:24:49 | 84,231 | wolf188 get MAME | |
Different than parent (US?) : Rules and stages not the same :) | ||||||
2nd clone of cgraplop | Graplop (DECO Cassette) (Japan) (cgraplopj) | Dumple (@) | 17 Feb 24 05:21:51 | 30,910 | wolf261 get MAME | |
1st clone of cobracom | Cobra-Command (World/US revision 4) (cobracoma) | BBH (@) | 18 Aug 17 07:31:01 | 430,650 | wolf188 get MAME | |
2nd clone of cobracom | Cobra-Command (World/US revision 4) (cobracoma) | simpsons99 (@) | 09 Mar 21 03:25:39 | 137,100 | wolf220 get MAME | |
1st clone of commando | Commando (US set 2) (commandou2) | BBH (@) | 28 May 17 07:43:48 | 54,900 | wolf181 get MAME | |
zzzzzz | ||||||
1st clone of contra | Contra (US / Asia, set 3) (contrae) | Kale | 15 Jan 17 23:27:52 | 1,314,400 | wolf181 get MAME | |
Sloppy 1cc with Lance | ||||||
2nd clone of contra | Contra (US / Asia, set 3) (contrae) | Paolo Colman@M.R.A. (@) | 12 Jul 16 19:31:52 | 1,287,500 | wolf171 get MAME | |
stop fake score | ||||||
3rd clone of contra | Contra (US / Asia, set 3) (contrae) | tar | 16 Jul 16 15:03:58 | 159,600 | wolf170 get MAME | |
1st clone of cotton | Cotton (set 4, World) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0181a set) (cottond) | BBH (@) | 06 Jan 17 08:19:53 | 580,970 | wolf181 get MAME | |
1st clone of cotton | Cotton (set 1, Japan, Rev A) (FD1094 317-0179a) (cottonja) | Kino | 10 Oct 21 22:31:56 | 1,002,880 | wolf183 get MAME | |
1 miss, 3/6 secret bonuses | ||||||
2nd clone of cotton | Cotton (set 1, Japan, Rev A) (FD1094 317-0179a) (cottonja) | BBH (@) | 06 Jan 17 08:17:10 | 468,020 | wolf181 get MAME | |
1st clone of cotton | Cotton (set 1, Japan, Rev A) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0179a set) (cottonjad) | BBH (@) | 06 Jan 17 08:17:22 | 461,530 | wolf181 get MAME | |
1st clone of cotton | Cotton (set 2, Japan, Rev B) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0179b set) (cottonjd) | BBH (@) | 27 Aug 17 21:54:20 | 477,330 | wolf188 get MAME | |
1st clone of cotton | Cotton (set 3, US) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0180 set) (cottonud) | BBH (@) | 06 Jan 17 08:21:50 | 684,670 | wolf181 get MAME | |
First loop clear score. I put in another credit to try the second loop, game over at 1,068,110 on Stage 10. Possible special rules to allow a second credit for second loop? | ||||||
1st has 3 clones | Crazy Rally (set 1) (crzrally) | TK2012 | 19 Mar 23 23:31:02 | 111,468 | wolf250 get MAME |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
2nd has 3 clones | Crazy Rally (set 1) (crzrally) | Rick Carter (@) | 10 Mar 04 05:24:13 | 89,002 | mac77u2 | |
reached the 3rd loop...and choked of course...although as tough as it was with almost always TWO of either the smoke car or oil car around. it will take great driving to get through that segment in time...and perhaps a tad of luck too. :P | ||||||
1st clone of crzrally special rules | Crazy Rally (set 2) (crzrallya) | TK2012 | 03 Oct 17 19:18:56 | 74,709 | wolf170 get MAME | |
1st has 4 clones special rules | Ufo Robo Dangar (4/09/1987) (dangar) | jordani11 (@) | 22 Mar 17 00:33:07 | 2,317,400 | wolf183 get MAME | |
Member Of Arcadespain ---- Home Site: http://arcadespain.info/Foro/index.php | ||||||
2nd has 4 clones special rules | Ufo Robo Dangar (4/09/1987) (dangar) | Karras76 (@) | 22 Mar 17 14:21:41 | 764,000 | wolf151 get MAME | |
Primera partida... | ||||||
3rd has 4 clones special rules | Ufo Robo Dangar (4/09/1987) (dangar) | WODAN (@) | 02 Jun 21 21:20:53 | 219,700 | wolf232 get MAME | |
4th has 4 clones special rules | Ufo Robo Dangar (4/09/1987) (dangar) | VIRIVASGA (@) | 06 Aug 17 10:51:47 | 122,200 | wolf187 get MAME | |
5th has 4 clones special rules | Ufo Robo Dangar (4/09/1987) (dangar) | simpsons99 (@) | 22 Jul 16 00:05:19 | 115,100 | wolf175 get MAME | |
6th has 4 clones special rules | Ufo Robo Dangar (4/09/1987) (dangar) | Vaz (@) | 13 Jul 16 23:13:17 | 109,100 | wolf175 get MAME | |
7th has 4 clones special rules | Ufo Robo Dangar (4/09/1987) (dangar) | saulonpb@TeamBrazil (@) | 03 Apr 19 22:19:43 | 91,800 | wolf177 get MAME | |
1st clone of ddcrew | D. D. Crew (World, 4 Players) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0187 set) (ddcrew1d) | PG3 (@) | 18 Sep 17 20:35:20 | 362 | wolf183 get MAME | |
STAGE 7 - BOSS 2 | ||||||
2nd clone of ddcrew | D. D. Crew (World, 4 Players) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0187 set) (ddcrew1d) | BBH (@) | 02 Jul 16 07:47:12 | 249 | wolf174 get MAME | |
3rd clone of ddcrew | D. D. Crew (World, 4 Players) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0187 set) (ddcrew1d) | Cooljay (@) | 12 Sep 17 07:53:09 | 20 | wolf189 get MAME | |
Just a start of competing on MARP | ||||||
1st clone of ddcrew | D. D. Crew (World, 2 Players) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0184 set) (ddcrew2d) | PG3 (@) | 18 Sep 17 11:04:03 | 364 | wolf183 get MAME | |
1CC - [365] | ||||||
2nd clone of ddcrew | D. D. Crew (World, 2 Players) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0184 set) (ddcrew2d) | BBH (@) | 05 Jul 16 00:31:20 | 292 | wolf174 get MAME | |
1st clone of ddcrew | D. D. Crew (World, 3 Players) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0190 set) (ddcrewd) | PG3 (@) | 17 Sep 17 16:43:16 | 361 | wolf183 get MAME | |
STAGE 7 - BOSS 5 | ||||||
2nd clone of ddcrew | D. D. Crew (World, 3 Players) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0190 set) (ddcrewd) | BBH (@) | 09 Feb 17 12:41:23 | 351 | wolf181 get MAME | |
Finished. Score 351 + last boss kill = 352? shrug | ||||||
1st clone of ddcrew | D. D. Crew (Japan, 2 Players) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0182 set) (ddcrewj2d) | PG3 (@) | 18 Sep 17 16:19:09 | 370 | wolf183 get MAME | |
1CC - [371] | ||||||
2nd clone of ddcrew | D. D. Crew (Japan, 2 Players) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0182 set) (ddcrewj2d) | BBH (@) | 09 Feb 17 12:29:43 | 255 | wolf181 get MAME | |
1st clone of ddcrew | D. D. Crew (Japan, 4 Players) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0185 set) (ddcrewjd) | PG3 (@) | 18 Sep 17 23:55:25 | 301 | wolf183 get MAME | |
19.09.17 - STAGE 5 | ||||||
2nd clone of ddcrew | D. D. Crew (Japan, 4 Players) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0185 set) (ddcrewjd) | BBH (@) | 09 Feb 17 12:29:31 | 249 | wolf181 get MAME | |
1st clone of ddcrew | D. D. Crew (US, 4 Players) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0186 set) (ddcrewud) | PG3 (@) | 19 Sep 17 11:21:37 | 308 | wolf183 get MAME | |
STAGE 6 | ||||||
2nd clone of ddcrew | D. D. Crew (US, 4 Players) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0186 set) (ddcrewud) | BBH (@) | 01 Jul 16 00:39:39 | 181 | wolf174 get MAME | |
rusty | ||||||
1st clone of ddonpach | DoDonPachi (2012/02/12 Arrange Ver. 1.1) (hack) (ddonpacha) | BBH (@) | 22 Jun 16 23:51:07 | 189,356,950 | wolf174 get MAME | |
hi trap | ||||||
2nd clone of ddonpach | DoDonPachi (2012/02/12 Arrange Ver. 1.1) (hack) (ddonpacha) | jordani11 (@) | 09 Nov 22 20:49:25 | 126,507,350 | wolf231 get MAME | |
3rd clone of ddonpach | DoDonPachi (2012/02/12 Arrange Ver. 1.1) (hack) (ddonpacha) | Flobeamer1922 | 30 Jul 20 20:37:41 | 114,847,950 | wolf216 get MAME | |
2-2, 561 MAX HIT |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
4th clone of ddonpach | DoDonPachi (2012/02/12 Arrange Ver. 1.1) (hack) (ddonpacha) | INNUENDO (@) | 24 Jun 16 01:34:25 | 16,132,640 | wolf174 get MAME | |
1st clone of ddp3 | DoDonPachi Dai-Ou-Jou Black Label (Japan, 2002.10.07 Black Ver., bootleg Knights of Valour Super Heroes conversion) (ddpdojblkbl) | wolfman24 (@) | 12 Jun 18 00:21:01 | 10,940,490 | wolf186 get MAME | |
2nd clone of ddp3 | DoDonPachi Dai-Ou-Jou Black Label (Japan, 2002.10.07 Black Ver., bootleg Knights of Valour Super Heroes conversion) (ddpdojblkbl) | simpsons99 (@) | 07 Jul 16 19:19:16 | 10,033,050 | wolf174 get MAME | |
1st clone of hoops96 special rules | Dunk Dream '95 (Japan 1.4, EAM) (ddream95) | Phil Lamat (@) | 09 Mar 17 19:59:53 | 912 | wolf160 get MAME | |
Good run : 10-7, 13-11, 11-8, 13-11, 13-12, 9-8, 13-12, 11-8, 13-10, 8-15 | ||||||
1st clone of ddux | Dynamite Dux (set 3, World) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0096 set) (dduxd) | simpsons99 (@) | 27 Sep 20 00:32:06 | 154,980 | wolf171 get MAME | |
2nd clone of ddux | Dynamite Dux (set 3, World) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0096 set) (dduxd) | wolfman24 (@) | 12 Jun 18 00:32:53 | 142,780 | wolf186 get MAME | |
1st clone of ddux | Dynamite Dux (set 2, Japan) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0094 set) (dduxjd) | simpsons99 (@) | 27 Sep 20 17:58:31 | 164,580 | wolf171 get MAME | |
2nd clone of ddux | Dynamite Dux (set 2, Japan) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0094 set) (dduxjd) | wolfman24 (@) | 12 Jun 18 00:48:05 | 145,980 | wolf186 get MAME | |
1st has 3 clones | Deluxe 5 (ver. 0107, 07/01/2000, set 1) [Pang] (deluxe5-pn) | Phil Lamat (@) | 11 May 20 01:18:31 | 133,250 | wolf200 get MAME | |
Round 23 | ||||||
2nd has 3 clones | Deluxe 5 (ver. 0107, 07/01/2000, set 1) [Pang] (deluxe5-pn) | Stephen M. Krogman (@) | 18 Apr 20 06:13:53 | 85,950 | wolf220 get MAME | |
Always loved Pang games. | ||||||
3rd has 3 clones | Deluxe 5 (ver. 0107, 07/01/2000, set 1) [Pang] (deluxe5-pn) | Chris.Porro.75 (@) | 01 Aug 24 17:22:12 | 54,000 | wolf247 get MAME | |
4th has 3 clones | Deluxe 5 (ver. 0107, 07/01/2000, set 1) [Pang] (deluxe5-pn) | TK2012 | 02 Jan 18 19:14:06 | 49,700 | wolf170 get MAME | |
(pang) | ||||||
1st clone of deluxe5 | Deluxe 5 (ver. 0107, 07/01/2000, set 2) [Pang] (deluxe5a-pn) | Phil Lamat (@) | 11 May 20 01:18:59 | 145,800 | wolf200 get MAME | |
Round 25 | ||||||
2nd clone of deluxe5 | Deluxe 5 (ver. 0107, 07/01/2000, set 2) [Pang] (deluxe5a-pn) | Stephen M. Krogman (@) | 18 Apr 20 06:14:34 | 126,700 | wolf220 get MAME | |
Always loved Pang games. | ||||||
3rd clone of deluxe5 | Deluxe 5 (ver. 0107, 07/01/2000, set 2) [Pang] (deluxe5a-pn) | TK2012 | 18 Jan 18 05:58:07 | 58,700 | wolf170 get MAME | |
(pang) | ||||||
1st clone of demonwld | Demon's World / Horror Story (set 5) (demonwld4) | The Onion Knight | 10 Jul 17 18:11:20 | 221,400 | wolf181 get MAME | |
1st | DoDonPachi Dai-Fukkatsu Black Label (2010/1/18 BLACK LABEL) (dfkbl) | Zerstorung | 15 Mar 24 00:13:54 | 148,027,666,100 | wolf250 get MAME | |
2nd | DoDonPachi Dai-Fukkatsu Black Label (2010/1/18 BLACK LABEL) (dfkbl) | Fordy | 30 Oct 16 14:56:48 | 1,901,639,071 | wolf175 get MAME | |
Stage 3. Type B. Bomb | ||||||
3rd | DoDonPachi Dai-Fukkatsu Black Label (2010/1/18 BLACK LABEL) (dfkbl) | TER (@) | 26 Nov 19 14:19:28 | 94,891,398 | wolf215 get MAME | |
Nope. No idea. | ||||||
1st clone of baddudes | Dragonninja (bootleg with 68705) (drgninjab2) | Jarl | 28 Feb 18 21:18:32 | 342,900 | wolf195 get MAME | |
2nd clone of baddudes | Dragonninja (bootleg with 68705) (drgninjab2) | Dark_Ryu | 30 Dec 19 20:41:02 | 329,600 | wolf169 get MAME | |
Web Dungeons & Dragons by Dark_Ryu https://dungeonsdragons2.webcindario.com | ||||||
3rd clone of baddudes | Dragonninja (bootleg with 68705) (drgninjab2) | TER (@) | 17 Apr 18 04:39:15 | 171,100 | wolf196 get MAME | |
4th clone of baddudes | Dragonninja (bootleg with 68705) (drgninjab2) | BBH (@) | 03 Jul 16 00:46:38 | 146,700 | wolf174 get MAME | |
garbage | ||||||
1st has 2 clones special rules | Dragon Saber (World, DO2) (dsaber) | TK2012 | 25 Feb 24 19:48:53 | 56,970 | wolf261 get MAME | |
2nd has 2 clones special rules | Dragon Saber (World, DO2) (dsaber) | Phil Lamat (@) | 19 Jun 21 05:50:15 | 53,690 | wolf230 get MAME | |
Stage 3 |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
3rd has 2 clones special rules | Dragon Saber (World, DO2) (dsaber) | saulonpb@TeamBrazil (@) | 14 Mar 21 03:36:53 | 27,950 | wolf219 get MAME | |
[playbacks to 36970 as claimed, but used 2 credits/3 lifes where default is 1 life only ; score at 1st death is 27950 -- PhL] | ||||||
4th has 2 clones special rules | Dragon Saber (World, DO2) (dsaber) | tar | 23 Jul 16 19:24:02 | 20,250 | wolf174 get MAME | |
1st clone of dsoccr94 | Dream Soccer '94 (Korea, M107 hardware) (dsoccr94k) | Phil Lamat (@) | 28 Oct 20 08:49:11 | 105,660 | wolf200 get MAME | |
8-0, 2-0, 3-1, 6-3, 1-4 | ||||||
2nd clone of dsoccr94 | Dream Soccer '94 (Korea, M107 hardware) (dsoccr94k) | Kale | 05 Apr 17 03:57:19 | 87,760 | wolf184 get MAME | |
Lost at the final again shrug | ||||||
1st has 2 clones special rules | Dunk Shot (Rev C, FD1089A 317-0022) (dunkshot) | Phil Lamat (@) | 03 Mar 17 22:44:59 | 410 | wolf170 get MAME | |
108-101, 111-107, 112-111, 114-111, 112-117 | ||||||
1st clone of dunkshot special rules | Dunk Shot (Rev A, FD1089A 317-0022) (dunkshota) | Phil Lamat (@) | 03 Mar 17 22:46:07 | 410 | wolf170 get MAME | |
112-105, 112-110, 112-110, 112-111, 115-117 | ||||||
1st clone of edf | E.D.F. : Earth Defense Force (set 2) (edfa) | BBH (@) | 02 Jul 16 07:48:29 | 1,069,100 | wolf174 get MAME | |
2nd clone of edf | E.D.F. : Earth Defense Force (set 2) (edfa) | saulonpb@TeamBrazil (@) | 09 Jul 23 17:50:25 | 552,200 | wolf232 get MAME | |
3rd clone of edf | E.D.F. : Earth Defense Force (set 2) (edfa) | Vaz (@) | 03 Jul 16 22:58:48 | 523,800 | wolf175 get MAME | |
1st clone of enduror | Enduro Racer (bootleg of Rev A, YM2151, FD1089B 317-0013A set) (endurord) | AGODZILLA@M.R.A. (@) | 18 Feb 17 22:10:49 | 15,012,251 | wolf180 get MAME | |
For some reasons this romset cannot be finished properly,in the latest wolf182 you do not receive either final bonus,as the game "freeze" without giving it. | ||||||
2nd clone of enduror | Enduro Racer (bootleg of Rev A, YM2151, FD1089B 317-0013A set) (endurord) | saulonpb@TeamBrazil (@) | 15 Feb 17 02:41:12 | 1,717,870 | wolf182 get MAME | |
1st clone of espgal | Espgaluda (2003/10/15 Master Ver, bootleg cartridge conversion) (espgalbl) | mahlemiut | 08 Jul 16 08:05:15 | 10,293,260 | wolf174 get MAME | |
Stage 4. Rusty. [SDL, 64-bit] | ||||||
1st clone of eswat | E-Swat - Cyber Police (set 4, World) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0130 set) (eswatd) | BBH (@) | 26 Jun 16 04:24:10 | 2,470,100 | wolf174 get MAME | |
Finished | ||||||
1st clone of eswat | E-Swat - Cyber Police (set 1, Japan) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0131 set) (eswatj1d) | BBH (@) | 26 Jun 16 04:24:25 | 2,481,800 | wolf174 get MAME | |
Finished | ||||||
2nd clone of eswat | E-Swat - Cyber Police (set 1, Japan) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0131 set) (eswatj1d) | Vaz (@) | 30 Jun 16 23:16:38 | 255,000 | wolf173 get MAME | |
1st clone of eswat | E-Swat - Cyber Police (set 2, Japan) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0128 set) (eswatjd) | BBH (@) | 01 Jul 16 00:16:15 | 2,437,100 | wolf174 get MAME | |
bad score for clear, oops | ||||||
2nd clone of eswat | E-Swat - Cyber Police (set 2, Japan) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0128 set) (eswatjd) | Vaz (@) | 30 Jun 16 23:17:03 | 383,400 | wolf173 get MAME | |
1st clone of eswat | E-Swat - Cyber Police (set 3, US) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0129 set) (eswatud) | BBH (@) | 02 Jul 16 07:49:17 | 2,466,300 | wolf174 get MAME | |
1st has 2 clones | Vs. Excitebike (set EB4-3 E) (excitebk) | Kale | 14 May 17 20:46:07 | 138,620 | wolf185 get MAME | |
Overrated piece of junk | ||||||
1st clone of exctleag | Excite League (bootleg of FD1094 317-0079 set) (exctleagd) | TK2012 | 26 Mar 18 08:28:20 | 13,800 | wolf166 get MAME | |
1st clone of extrmatn | Extermination (US, Romstar) (extrmatnur) | Paolo Colman@M.R.A. (@) | 14 Jul 16 21:31:21 | 1,335,650 | wolf175 get MAME | |
fake scores avenger | ||||||
2nd clone of extrmatn | Extermination (US, Romstar) (extrmatnur) | Vaz (@) | 12 Jul 16 23:28:28 | 125,850 | wolf175 get MAME | |
1st | Fire Ball (FM Work) (fball) | Dumple (@) | 22 Jun 24 20:08:22 | 29,200 | wolf264 get MAME | |
"We have Bomberman at home" | ||||||
2nd | Fire Ball (FM Work) (fball) | saulonpb@TeamBrazil (@) | 19 Feb 17 17:41:13 | 23,200 | wolf182 get MAME | |
1st clone of hippodrm | Fighting Fantasy (Japan, revision 3) (ffantasy) | Kale | 07 Jan 17 06:50:46 | 290,840 | wolf181 get MAME | |
1cc no miss, P x 4 + 1 "technical" at final boss |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
1st clone of ffight | Final Fight (bootleg on Final Crash PCB) (ffightbla) | PG3 (@) | 01 Mar 22 03:26:21 | 2,227,380 | wolf241 get MAME | |
ROUND 5 CLEAR | ||||||
2nd clone of ffight | Final Fight (bootleg on Final Crash PCB) (ffightbla) | Kale | 22 Jul 21 22:45:42 | 1,740,220 | wolf232 get MAME | |
temp, again a ghetto version which doesn't hold up together very well | ||||||
3rd clone of ffight | Final Fight (bootleg on Final Crash PCB) (ffightbla) | BBH (@) | 05 Jul 16 00:31:35 | 1,393,890 | wolf172 get MAME | |
4th clone of ffight | Final Fight (bootleg on Final Crash PCB) (ffightbla) | simpsons99 (@) | 04 Jul 16 05:56:59 | 318,840 | wolf174 get MAME | |
1st clone of ffight | Final Fight (USA 900424) (ffightub) | PG3 (@) | 24 Jun 19 00:13:04 | 1,800,010 | wolf210 get MAME | |
23.06.19 - ROUND 4 CLEAR | ||||||
2nd clone of ffight | Final Fight (USA 900424) (ffightub) | BBH (@) | 01 Jul 17 16:44:05 | 1,788,150 | wolf181 get MAME | |
poor | ||||||
3rd clone of ffight | Final Fight (USA 900424) (ffightub) | saulonpb@TeamBrazil (@) | 28 Jun 17 23:17:54 | 651,230 | wolf183 get MAME | |
4th clone of ffight | Final Fight (USA 900424) (ffightub) | INNUENDO (@) | 24 Jun 16 00:42:51 | 644,210 | wolf174 get MAME | |
5th clone of ffight | Final Fight (USA 900424) (ffightub) | simpsons99 (@) | 29 Jun 17 22:17:23 | 310,740 | wolf171 get MAME | |
1st has 1 clone: ffrevng10 | Final Fight Revenge / Final Revenge (JUET 990930 V1.100) (ffreveng) | SFCHAMPION@M.R.A. (@) | 03 Mar 17 20:49:12 | 637,600 | wolf168 get MAME | |
[average speed 94% - bbh] | ||||||
2nd has 1 clone: ffrevng10 | Final Fight Revenge / Final Revenge (JUET 990930 V1.100) (ffreveng) | Dumple (@) | 02 Jul 21 12:55:10 | 510,300 | wolf230 get MAME | |
1cc with Haggar | ||||||
1st clone of fghthist | Fighter's History (Japan ver 41-07, DE-0395-1 PCB) (fghthistj) | Paolo Colman@M.R.A. (@) | 16 Jul 21 19:44:33 | 784,300 | wolf226 get MAME | |
ray loses | ||||||
2nd clone of fghthist | Fighter's History (Japan ver 41-07, DE-0395-1 PCB) (fghthistj) | saulonpb@TeamBrazil (@) | 22 Jan 17 21:10:27 | 459,100 | wolf175 get MAME | |
the expert keyboard | ||||||
1st clone of fghthist | Fighter's History (Japan ver 41-05, DE-0380-2 PCB) (fghthistja) | Paolo Colman@M.R.A. (@) | 16 Aug 21 17:44:46 | 1,064,200 | wolf226 get MAME | |
2nd clone of fghthist | Fighter's History (Japan ver 41-05, DE-0380-2 PCB) (fghthistja) | saulonpb@TeamBrazil (@) | 23 Jan 17 00:39:24 | 874,300 | wolf175 get MAME | |
the expert keyboard--finished first try | ||||||
1st clone of fghthist | Fighter's History (Japan ver 41-04, DE-0380-1 PCB) (fghthistjb) | Paolo Colman@M.R.A. (@) | 07 Aug 21 05:46:03 | 995,900 | wolf226 get MAME | |
2nd clone of fghthist | Fighter's History (Japan ver 41-04, DE-0380-1 PCB) (fghthistjb) | saulonpb@TeamBrazil (@) | 23 Jan 17 01:53:57 | 819,500 | wolf175 get MAME | |
the expert keyboard--first try | ||||||
3rd clone of fghthist | Fighter's History (Japan ver 41-04, DE-0380-1 PCB) (fghthistjb) | BBH (@) | 02 Jul 16 07:47:36 | 504,300 | wolf174 get MAME | |
Marstorius loses | ||||||
1st clone of fghthist | Fighter's History (US ver 42-09, DE-0396-0 PCB) (fghthistu) | Paolo Colman@M.R.A. (@) | 11 Aug 21 16:45:00 | 756,900 | wolf226 get MAME | |
2nd clone of fghthist | Fighter's History (US ver 42-09, DE-0396-0 PCB) (fghthistu) | saulonpb@TeamBrazil (@) | 23 Jan 17 01:08:19 | 592,500 | wolf175 get MAME | |
the expert keyboard-- | ||||||
1st clone of fghthist | Fighter's History (US ver 42-06, DE-0395-1 PCB) (fghthistua) | Paolo Colman@M.R.A. (@) | 22 Aug 21 15:53:49 | 782,900 | wolf226 get MAME | |
2nd clone of fghthist | Fighter's History (US ver 42-06, DE-0395-1 PCB) (fghthistua) | saulonpb@TeamBrazil (@) | 23 Jan 17 16:12:09 | 690,000 | wolf175 get MAME | |
3rd clone of fghthist | Fighter's History (US ver 42-06, DE-0395-1 PCB) (fghthistua) | BBH (@) | 02 Jul 16 07:47:59 | 610,700 | wolf174 get MAME | |
1st clone of fitegolf special rules | Lee Trevino's Fighting Golf (US, Ver 2, set 2) (fitegolfua) | Kale | 20 Aug 17 01:44:06 | 126 | wolf188 get MAME | |
2cc +2 Lee Trevino buys the best stuff! | ||||||
1st | '96 Flag Rally (flagrall) | Giro-X@Mame R.A. (@) | 30 Sep 19 20:46:08 | 126,420 | wolf213 get MAME | |
That escalated quickly. |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
2nd | '96 Flag Rally (flagrall) | jordani11 (@) | 21 May 20 23:12:34 | 74,280 | wolf220 get MAME | |
[MAME A to Z] #33 - GAME NOT OVER -->https://youtu.be/LLS5opWzF_U | ||||||
3rd | '96 Flag Rally (flagrall) | Phil Lamat (@) | 05 Jul 16 07:59:11 | 60,490 | wolf171 get MAME | |
A modern version of Rally X, but I prefer the original | ||||||
4th | '96 Flag Rally (flagrall) | saulonpb@TeamBrazil (@) | 02 Jan 20 04:51:34 | 35,730 | wolf177 get MAME | |
2 tries | ||||||
1st clone of frogger | Frogger (Sega, set 3) (froggers3) | ***PL*** (@) | 30 Dec 16 18:14:01 | 163,230 | wolf181 get MAME | |
2nd clone of frogger | Frogger (Sega, set 3) (froggers3) | nibbler 69@M.R.A. (@) | 30 Dec 16 11:15:26 | 111,350 | wolf178 get MAME | |
3rd clone of frogger | Frogger (Sega, set 3) (froggers3) | Vignenzo (@) | 05 Jul 16 01:09:43 | 19,350 | wolf174 get MAME | |
1st clone of galaxian | Galaxian (bootleg, set 3) (galaxbsf2) | kbz3pa (@) | 11 Dec 17 19:34:00 | 73,380 | wolf192 get MAME | |
2nd clone of galaxian | Galaxian (bootleg, set 3) (galaxbsf2) | tar | 13 Feb 15 21:45:30 | 65,410 | wolf153 get MAME | |
3rd clone of galaxian | Galaxian (bootleg, set 3) (galaxbsf2) | simpsons99 (@) | 13 Feb 15 20:41:21 | 30,540 | wolf153 get MAME | |
Brian *The Big Bird Hater* Allen (Beast) | ||||||
1st clone of galaxian | Galaxian (bootleg, set 4) (galaxianbl2) | kbz3pa (@) | 23 Jul 17 17:33:12 | 33,640 | wolf187 get MAME | |
2nd clone of galaxian | Galaxian (bootleg, set 4) (galaxianbl2) | simpsons99 (@) | 21 Jul 17 22:38:35 | 33,160 | wolf175 get MAME | |
3rd clone of galaxian | Galaxian (bootleg, set 4) (galaxianbl2) | tar | 13 Oct 16 15:32:56 | 22,880 | wolf178 get MAME | |
1st clone of galpani3 | Gals Panic 3 (Hong Kong) (galpani3hk) | KyoKusagani1999 (@) | 25 Feb 18 08:12:38 | 122,100 | wolf194 get MAME | |
1CC. 100 + 88 + (100) + 81 + 98 + (100) + 93 + 96 + (100) + 80 + 100 + (100) + 85. | ||||||
2nd clone of galpani3 | Gals Panic 3 (Hong Kong) (galpani3hk) | Phil Lamat (@) | 16 Mar 17 10:42:48 | 119,600 | wolf160 get MAME | |
Finished [9 stages] : 91+85+(86)+94+91+(100)+90+90+(95)+90+100+(100)+84 | ||||||
3rd clone of galpani3 | Gals Panic 3 (Hong Kong) (galpani3hk) | saulonpb@TeamBrazil (@) | 02 Mar 17 18:18:43 | 98,900 | wolf182 get MAME | |
80+80+(90)+80+80+(76)+84+84+(77)+81+81+(96)=98900 | ||||||
1st clone of galpanis special rules | Gals Panic S - Extra Edition (Europe, set 2) (galpanise) | Phil Lamat (@) | 25 Jun 21 14:47:39 | 53,500 | wolf230 get MAME | |
6 stages cleared : 100+87+81+85+99+83 | ||||||
2nd clone of galpanis special rules | Gals Panic S - Extra Edition (Europe, set 2) (galpanise) | saulonpb@TeamBrazil (@) | 11 May 17 00:06:26 | 16,100 | wolf177 get MAME | |
[claimed wolf103 but used wolf177 ; 80+81] | ||||||
1st clone of galpanis special rules | Gals Panic S - Extra Edition (Korea, revision 1) (galpanisk) | Phil Lamat (@) | 19 Jun 21 05:48:49 | 54,300 | wolf230 get MAME | |
6 stages cleared : 99+86+94+90+84+90 | ||||||
2nd clone of galpanis special rules | Gals Panic S - Extra Edition (Korea, revision 1) (galpanisk) | saulonpb@TeamBrazil (@) | 11 May 17 00:17:51 | 24,500 | wolf177 get MAME | |
[claimed wolf103 but used wolf177 ; 85+80+80] | ||||||
1st clone of gardia | Gardia (Japan, 317-0006) (gardiaj) | Kale | 03 Mar 17 13:29:25 | 465,600 | wolf183 get MAME | |
TBD | ||||||
2nd clone of gardia | Gardia (Japan, 317-0006) (gardiaj) | saulonpb@TeamBrazil (@) | 23 Jan 17 22:22:01 | 85,400 | wolf175 get MAME | |
1st clone of gemini | Gemini Wing (bootleg) (geminib) | el wil (@) | 17 Mar 17 18:16:48 | 379,990 | wolf179 get MAME | |
2nd clone of gemini | Gemini Wing (bootleg) (geminib) | tar | 01 Nov 16 14:34:29 | 164,540 | wolf178 get MAME | |
1st has 1 clone: glpracr3j special rules | Gallop Racer 3 (Export) (glpracr3) | Phil Lamat (@) | 14 Mar 17 00:10:54 | 338,500 | wolf170 get MAME | |
Race 1 [1600m] : 1'34"90 = 150510 pts. Race 2 [2000m] : 2'00"10 = 187990 pts. | ||||||
1st clone of glpracr3 special rules | Gallop Racer 3 (Japan) (glpracr3j) | Phil Lamat (@) | 13 Mar 17 23:50:34 | 282,570 | wolf170 get MAME | |
Race 1 [1400m] : 1'20"60 = 131940 pts. Race 2 [1600m] : 1'33"70 = 150630 pts. |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
1st clone of goldnaxe | Golden Axe (set 1, World) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0110 set) (goldnaxe1d) | BBH (@) | 07 Aug 17 01:47:47 | 3,400 | wolf181 get MAME | |
2nd clone of goldnaxe | Golden Axe (set 1, World) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0110 set) (goldnaxe1d) | saulonpb@TeamBrazil (@) | 11 Jul 17 18:45:07 | 1,403 | wolf183 get MAME | |
the expert keyboard | ||||||
3rd clone of goldnaxe | Golden Axe (set 1, World) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0110 set) (goldnaxe1d) | Vignenzo (@) | 05 Jul 16 01:10:23 | 1,223 | wolf174 get MAME | |
1st clone of goldnaxe | Golden Axe (set 3, World) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0120 set) (goldnaxe3d) | BBH (@) | 07 Aug 17 01:47:34 | 3,510 | wolf181 get MAME | |
2nd clone of goldnaxe | Golden Axe (set 3, World) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0120 set) (goldnaxe3d) | saulonpb@TeamBrazil (@) | 20 Mar 17 17:29:16 | 1,070 | wolf183 get MAME | |
1st clone of goldnaxe | Golden Axe (set 4, Japan) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0121 set) (goldnaxejd) | BBH (@) | 07 Aug 17 01:48:01 | 3,325 | wolf181 get MAME | |
2nd clone of goldnaxe | Golden Axe (set 4, Japan) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0121 set) (goldnaxejd) | saulonpb@TeamBrazil (@) | 11 Jul 17 16:58:19 | 1,255 | wolf183 get MAME | |
1st clone of goldnaxe | Golden Axe (set 5, US) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0122 set) (goldnaxeud) | BBH (@) | 07 Aug 17 01:48:15 | 3,430 | wolf181 get MAME | |
2nd clone of goldnaxe | Golden Axe (set 5, US) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0122 set) (goldnaxeud) | saulonpb@TeamBrazil (@) | 11 Jul 17 17:47:44 | 2,445 | wolf183 get MAME | |
the expert keyboard --my male power | ||||||
3rd clone of goldnaxe | Golden Axe (set 5, US) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0122 set) (goldnaxeud) | INNUENDO (@) | 07 Jan 16 03:04:17 | 1,723 | wolf168 get MAME | |
1st has 5 clones | GP Rider (World, FD1094 317-0163) (Twin setup) (gprider) | OutRunner (W) | 16 Sep 16 10:51:10 | 90 | wolf170 get MAME | |
1st has 5 clones | GP Rider (World, FD1094 317-0163) (Twin setup) (gprider) | TK2012 | 16 Aug 18 18:42:26 | 90 | wolf170 get MAME | |
1st clone of gprider | GP Rider (Japan, FD1094 317-0161) (Twin setup) (gpriderj) | OutRunner (W) | 16 Sep 16 10:54:25 | 105 | wolf170 get MAME | |
1st clone of gprider | GP Rider (Japan, FD1094 317-0161) (Twin setup) (gpriderj) | TK2012 | 04 Nov 18 15:02:18 | 105 | wolf170 get MAME | |
1st clone of gprider | GP Rider (Japan, FD1094 317-0161) (gpriderjs) | OutRunner (W) | 16 Sep 16 10:55:22 | 105 | wolf170 get MAME | |
1st clone of gprider | GP Rider (Japan, FD1094 317-0161) (gpriderjs) | TK2012 | 13 Aug 18 17:17:09 | 105 | wolf170 get MAME | |
1st clone of gprider | GP Rider (World, FD1094 317-0163) (gpriders) | OutRunner (W) | 17 Dec 16 19:16:54 | 90 | wolf170 get MAME | |
Follow me on Twitter: @OutRunner_ | ||||||
1st clone of gprider | GP Rider (World, FD1094 317-0163) (gpriders) | TK2012 | 13 Aug 18 17:15:12 | 90 | wolf170 get MAME | |
1st clone of gprider | GP Rider (US, FD1094 317-0162) (Twin setup) (gprideru) | OutRunner (W) | 16 Sep 16 10:52:14 | 90 | wolf170 get MAME | |
1st clone of gprider | GP Rider (US, FD1094 317-0162) (Twin setup) (gprideru) | TK2012 | 06 Aug 18 21:42:19 | 90 | wolf170 get MAME | |
1st clone of gprider | GP Rider (US, FD1094 317-0162) (gpriderus) | OutRunner (W) | 16 Sep 16 10:53:32 | 90 | wolf170 get MAME | |
1st clone of gprider | GP Rider (US, FD1094 317-0162) (gpriderus) | TK2012 | 10 Dec 18 09:02:25 | 90 | wolf170 get MAME | |
1st clone of gradius3 | Gradius III (Japan, program code S, split) (gradius3js) | tar | 26 Jan 16 20:31:17 | 112,210 | wolf168 get MAME | |
2nd clone of gradius3 | Gradius III (Japan, program code S, split) (gradius3js) | Phil Lamat (@) | 01 Dec 15 18:26:58 | 71,090 | wolf166 get MAME | |
1st clone of gtmr special rules | 1000 Miglia: Great 1000 Miles Rally (94/05/26) (gtmrb) | TK2012 | 28 Jun 18 11:14:06 | 124,203 | wolf189 get MAME | |
49.19 55.27 53.80 59.62 56.84 56.69 56.49 58.62 55.88 58.52 58.90 58.15 |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
2nd clone of gtmr special rules | 1000 Miglia: Great 1000 Miles Rally (94/05/26) (gtmrb) | kbz3pa (@) | 24 Jun 18 13:33:36 | 103,335 | wolf198 get MAME | |
54.79/53.05/55.20/59.75/56.98/56.32/56.87/57.35/57.96/58.38 | ||||||
3rd clone of gtmr special rules | 1000 Miglia: Great 1000 Miles Rally (94/05/26) (gtmrb) | Krj | 10 Sep 17 10:42:56 | 83,011 | wolf189 get MAME | |
53"10 53"37 57"10 59"13 55"49 58"16 54"88 58"66 | ||||||
1st clone of gtmr special rules | 1000 Miglia: Great 1000 Miles Rally (94/05/10) (gtmro) | TK2012 | 25 Jul 20 07:28:01 | 124,698 | wolf222 get MAME | |
50.02/52.02/56.92/54.42/53.68/57.60/57.64/57.86/57.27/58.15/58.40/59.04 | ||||||
2nd clone of gtmr special rules | 1000 Miglia: Great 1000 Miles Rally (94/05/10) (gtmro) | kbz3pa (@) | 23 Jul 20 20:33:02 | 123,866 | wolf222 get MAME | |
51.63/58.59/54.98/55.02/56.80/56.06/57.07/57.03/58.42/58.67/59.31/57.76 | ||||||
3rd clone of gtmr special rules | 1000 Miglia: Great 1000 Miles Rally (94/05/10) (gtmro) | Krj | 10 Sep 17 10:43:27 | 62,745 | wolf189 get MAME | |
55.57 55.05 53.94 53.76 56.89 57.34 | ||||||
1st clone of gundhara | Gundhara (Chinese, bootleg?) (gundharac) | Kale | 03 Feb 19 17:21:46 | 1,353,680 | wolf205 get MAME | |
1cc | ||||||
2nd clone of gundhara | Gundhara (Chinese, bootleg?) (gundharac) | BBH (@) | 25 Jan 19 01:36:02 | 1,318,040 | wolf205 get MAME | |
finished | ||||||
3rd clone of gundhara | Gundhara (Chinese, bootleg?) (gundharac) | saulonpb@TeamBrazil (@) | 07 Feb 17 16:48:54 | 447,490 | wolf182 get MAME | |
1st clone of gunsmoke | Gun.Smoke (USA and Canada, 1985-11-15, set 1) (gunsmokeub) | BBH (@) | 02 Jul 16 07:54:41 | 1,062,150 | wolf174 get MAME | |
2nd clone of gunsmoke | Gun.Smoke (USA and Canada, 1985-11-15, set 1) (gunsmokeub) | simpsons99 (@) | 05 Aug 17 21:03:07 | 16,200 | wolf186 get MAME | |
1st clone of harddunk |