Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
3rd | Quiz Jinsei Gekijoh (Japan) (*qjinsei) | EMPTY-BOY | 30 Aug 10 14:24:44 | 233,000 | wolf106 get MAME | |
1st | Quiz DNA no Hanran (Japan) (*quizdna) | EMPTY-BOY | 09 Jul 04 16:11:50 | 1,339,000 | wolf83 get MAME | |
1st special rules | Quiz Kokology 2 (*qzkklgy2) | EMPTY-BOY | 12 Jan 04 02:38:49 | 750 | wolf78 get MAME | |
1st special rules | Quiz Kokology (*qzkklogy) | EMPTY-BOY | 12 Jan 04 02:39:18 | 750 | wolf78 get MAME | |
3rd clone of mariner | 800 Fathoms (800fath) | EMPTY-BOY | 11 Jan 04 14:08:44 | 289,180 | wolf78 get MAME | |
3rd clone of repulse | '99: The Last War (Kyugo) (99lstwark) | EMPTY-BOY | 17 Nov 04 12:09:37 | 1,252,850 | wolf88 get MAME | |
Finished | ||||||
1st has 3 clones | Ambush (ambush) | EMPTY-BOY | 24 Jul 04 14:56:39 | 502,700 | wolf83 get MAME | |
1st clone of ambush | Ambush (Japan) (ambushj) | EMPTY-BOY | 25 Jul 04 01:56:35 | 528,300 | wolf83 get MAME | |
1st clone of ambush | Ambush (Volt Electronics) (ambushv) | EMPTY-BOY | 30 Jul 05 03:46:23 | 497,350 | wolf98 get MAME | |
2nd has 1 clone: ar_sdwr2 special rules | Sidewinder (Arcadia, set 1, V 2.1) (ar_sdwr) | EMPTY-BOY | 25 Mar 05 13:27:35 | 196,700 | wolf94 get MAME | |
4th clone of explbrkr | Bakuretsu Breaker (Japan) (bakubrkr) | EMPTY-BOY | 01 Oct 04 22:31:46 | 287,680 | wolf83 get MAME | |
5th has 2 clones | Bells & Whistles (World, version L) (blswhstl) | EMPTY-BOY | 08 Apr 05 13:30:24 | 1,034,250 | wolf95 get MAME | |
7th clone of bosco | Bosconian - Star Destroyer (version 1, newer) (bosco1) | EMPTY-BOY | 03 May 05 01:37:48 | 169,160 | wolf95 get MAME | |
4th clone of bosco | Bosconian - Star Destroyer (version 1, older) (bosco1o) | EMPTY-BOY | 24 Nov 03 14:11:19 | 223,010 | wolf77 get MAME | |
12th clone of bosco | Bosconian - Star Destroyer (version 3) (bosco3) | EMPTY-BOY | 17 Apr 05 03:19:15 | 375,710 | wolf94 get MAME | |
4th clone of bosco | Bosconian - Star Destroyer (Midway, new version) (boscomd) | EMPTY-BOY | 16 Apr 05 14:34:29 | 188,190 | wolf95 get MAME | |
7th clone of bosco | Bosconian - Star Destroyer (Midway, old version) (boscomdo) | EMPTY-BOY | 23 Nov 03 14:07:50 | 166,520 | wolf77 get MAME | |
4th | Vs. Battle City (btlecity) | EMPTY-BOY | 23 Feb 04 15:01:23 | 135,900 | wolf79 get MAME | |
5th | Car Jamboree (carjmbre) | EMPTY-BOY | 08 Sep 04 11:36:05 | 40,780 | wolf86 get MAME | |
1st | Astro Fantasia (DECO Cassette) (US) (castfant) | EMPTY-BOY | 29 Apr 05 07:20:33 | 26,770 | wolf94 get MAME | |
5th has 3 clones | Chinese Hero (chinhero) | EMPTY-BOY | 04 Jan 04 07:58:19 | 651,400 | wolf78 get MAME | |
2nd clone of chinhero | Chinese Hero (older, set 1) (chinhero2) | EMPTY-BOY | 04 Jan 04 07:58:54 | 746,800 | wolf78 get MAME | |
1st has 1 clone: cnightst2 | Night Star (DECO Cassette) (US) (set 1) (cnightst) | EMPTY-BOY | 28 Jul 04 15:36:45 | 115,900 | wolf83 get MAME | |
1st clone of cnightst | Night Star (DECO Cassette) (US) (set 2) (cnightst2) | EMPTY-BOY | 30 Jul 04 10:52:10 | 201,450 | wolf83 get MAME | |
1st | Desert War / Wangan Sensou (ver 1.0) [Average] (desertwr-avg) | EMPTY-BOY | 09 Jan 05 03:48:52 | 3,539,000 | wolf90 get MAME | |
Finished |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
1st | Desert War / Wangan Sensou (ver 1.0) [Beginner] (desertwr-beg) | EMPTY-BOY | 08 Feb 05 11:37:12 | 3,498,700 | wolf90 get MAME | |
Finished | ||||||
11th has 4 clones | Donkey Kong 3 (US) (dkong3) | EMPTY-BOY | 14 Oct 03 14:42:25 | 1,394,400 | wolf74 get MAME | |
4th clone of dkong3 | Donkey Kong 3 (bootleg on Donkey Kong Jr. hardware) (dkong3b) | EMPTY-BOY | 18 Feb 04 14:04:11 | 1,345,000 | wolf79 get MAME | |
2nd has 2 clones | Acrobatic Dog-Fight (dogfgt) | EMPTY-BOY | 17 Apr 05 09:03:27 | 1,348,900 | wolf94 get MAME | |
2nd clone of dogfgt | But-ten Ohara's Suit-Cha Luck-a Dog-Fight (Japan) (dogfgtj) | EMPTY-BOY | 06 Apr 05 12:06:20 | 1,115,200 | wolf95 get MAME | |
1st has 2 clones | Dr. Toppel's Adventure (World) (drtoppel) | EMPTY-BOY | 15 Dec 03 13:39:59 | 506,530 | wolf77 get MAME | |
Finished | ||||||
1st clone of drtoppel | Dr. Toppel's Tankentai (Japan) (drtoppelj) | EMPTY-BOY | 28 Nov 03 13:15:51 | 393,990 | wolf77 get MAME | |
Finished | ||||||
1st clone of drtoppel | Dr. Toppel's Adventure (US) (drtoppelu) | EMPTY-BOY | 15 Dec 03 11:28:17 | 410,440 | wolf77 get MAME | |
Finished | ||||||
3rd has 1 clone: equitess | Equites (equites) | EMPTY-BOY | 10 Jul 04 01:47:25 | 239,250 | wolf83 get MAME | |
1st clone of equites | Equites (Sega) (equitess) | EMPTY-BOY | 11 Jul 04 07:31:06 | 1,060,350 | wolf83 get MAME | |
3rd clone of espial | Espial (US?) (espialu) | EMPTY-BOY | 25 May 05 15:16:37 | 1,240,000 | wolf94 get MAME | |
Finished | ||||||
7th has 2 clones | ESP Ra.De. (World, 1998 4/22 International Ver.) (esprade) | EMPTY-BOY | 08 Dec 04 12:47:01 | 7,346,090 | wolf89 get MAME | |
2nd clone of esprade | ESP Ra.De. (Japan, 1998 4/21 Master Ver.) (espradej) | EMPTY-BOY | 12 Dec 04 03:55:00 | 7,145,970 | wolf89 get MAME | |
4th clone of esprade | ESP Ra.De. (Japan, 1998 4/14 Master Ver.) (espradejo) | EMPTY-BOY | 18 Mar 05 13:41:49 | 11,568,030 | wolf94 get MAME | |
6th has 2 clones | Explosive Breaker (World) (explbrkr) | EMPTY-BOY | 02 Sep 10 10:48:12 | 295,050 | wolf106 get MAME | |
8th clone of ffight | Final Fight (Japan) (ffightj) | EMPTY-BOY | 02 Oct 06 09:40:50 | 792,120 | wolf106 get MAME | |
6th clone of ffight | Final Fight (Japan 900305) (ffightj1) | EMPTY-BOY | 06 Sep 06 10:30:46 | 605,860 | wolf106 get MAME | |
7th clone of ffight | Final Fight (USA 900112) (ffightua) | EMPTY-BOY | 18 Sep 06 08:11:03 | 580,250 | wolf106 get MAME | |
1st | Fire Battle (firebatl) | EMPTY-BOY | 01 Feb 04 13:42:23 | 335,150 | wolf79 get MAME | |
2nd has 1 clone: flowerj | Flower (US) (flower) | EMPTY-BOY | 05 Mar 05 09:48:10 | 195,850 | wolf93u1 get MAME | |
2nd clone of flower | Flower (Japan) (flowerj) | EMPTY-BOY | 16 Apr 05 08:51:18 | 243,890 | wolf95 get MAME | |
1st clone of gaplus | Gaplus (GP2 rev D, alternate hardware) (gaplusd) | EMPTY-BOY | 13 Oct 03 02:28:58 | 2,000,000 | wolf74 get MAME | |
1st | Garyo Retsuden (Japan) (garyoret) | EMPTY-BOY | 25 Oct 03 14:43:37 | 1,089,270 | wolf76 get MAME | |
10th has 7 clones | Gun.Smoke (World, 1985-11-15) (gunsmoke) | EMPTY-BOY | 18 Nov 03 14:31:39 | 334,100 | wolf77 get MAME | |
6th clone of gunsmoke | Gun.Smoke (Japan, 1985-11-15) (gunsmokej) | EMPTY-BOY | 22 Sep 06 12:56:59 | 292,400 | wolf106 get MAME |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
6th clone of gunsmoke | Gun.Smoke (USA and Canada, 1986-04-08) (gunsmokeu) | EMPTY-BOY | 22 Sep 06 12:56:26 | 325,250 | wolf106 get MAME | |
6th clone of gunsmoke | Gun.Smoke (USA and Canada, 1985-11-15, set 2) (gunsmokeuc) | EMPTY-BOY | 22 May 06 14:27:32 | 220,600 | wolf105 get MAME | |
4th has 2 clones | Gyrodine (gyrodine) | EMPTY-BOY | 04 Jul 04 14:18:47 | 229,080 | wolf83 get MAME | |
3rd has 1 clone: hal21j | HAL21 (hal21) | EMPTY-BOY | 02 Jan 04 12:12:59 | 827,250 | wolf78 get MAME | |
1st clone of hal21 | HAL21 (Japan) (hal21j) | EMPTY-BOY | 01 Nov 03 05:05:27 | 1,000,000 | wolf76 get MAME | |
2nd clone of halleysc special rules | Halley's Comet (Japan, rev 1) (halleyscj) | EMPTY-BOY | 19 Jan 04 13:52:41 | 3,774,820 | wolf78 get MAME | |
1st clone of shangkid | Hokuha Syourin Hiryu no Ken (hiryuken) | EMPTY-BOY | 17 Oct 03 14:19:11 | 1,060,600 | wolf74 get MAME | |
2nd | Horizon (Irem) (horizon) | EMPTY-BOY | 12 Apr 05 11:45:40 | 240,000 | wolf95 get MAME | |
3rd has 1 clone: kungfuta | Kung-Fu Taikun (set 1) (kungfut) | EMPTY-BOY | 27 Jul 04 14:38:25 | 97,750 | wolf83 get MAME | |
4th clone of kungfut | Kung-Fu Taikun (set 2) (kungfuta) | EMPTY-BOY | 16 Jul 04 14:02:32 | 52,790 | wolf83 get MAME | |
2nd clone of legion | Chouji Meikyuu Legion (Japan ver 1.05, bootleg set 1) (legionjb) | EMPTY-BOY | 19 Sep 04 14:34:46 | 326,130 | wolf86 get MAME | |
2nd clone of lkage | The Legend of Kage (bootleg set 3) (lkagebl3) | EMPTY-BOY | 10 Jul 04 14:05:05 | 41,900 | wolf83 get MAME | |
2nd has 2 clones | Mad Alien (set 1) (madalien) | EMPTY-BOY | 16 Mar 04 14:24:31 | 39,570 | wolf80 get MAME | |
4th clone of sstriker | Mahou Daisakusen (Japan) (mahoudai) | EMPTY-BOY | 11 May 05 13:35:18 | 1,328,190 | wolf94 get MAME | |
3rd has 2 clones | Mariner (mariner) | EMPTY-BOY | 15 Jan 04 14:44:52 | 294,770 | wolf78 get MAME | |
2nd | The Masters of Kin (mastkin) | EMPTY-BOY | 27 Feb 04 14:17:32 | 134,550 | wolf79 get MAME | |
4th | Bio-hazard Battle (Mega Play) (mp_bio) | EMPTY-BOY | 01 Apr 05 14:17:15 | 291,960 | wolf95 get MAME | |
Finished | ||||||
1st | Metal Soldier Isaac II (msisaac) | EMPTY-BOY | 18 Jan 04 08:32:54 | 1,067,570 | wolf78 get MAME | |
4th has 2 clones special rules | Namco Classic Collection Vol.1 [Galaga Arrangement] (ncv1-gal) | EMPTY-BOY | 04 Mar 04 13:01:50 | 521,620 | wolf79 get MAME | |
1st clone of ncv1 special rules | Namco Classic Collection Vol.1 (Japan, v1.00) [Galaga Arrangement] (ncv1j-gal) | EMPTY-BOY | 05 Sep 04 14:24:31 | 411,620 | wolf83 get MAME | |
1st clone of ncv1 special rules | Namco Classic Collection Vol.1 (Japan, v1.00) [Xevious Arrangement] (ncv1j-xev) | EMPTY-BOY | 02 Mar 04 14:29:49 | 224,370 | wolf79 get MAME | |
1st clone of ncv1 special rules | Namco Classic Collection Vol.1 (Japan, v1.03) [Galaga Arrangement] (ncv1j2-gal) | EMPTY-BOY | 07 Sep 04 09:11:06 | 422,630 | wolf83 get MAME | |
4th | Net Wars (netwars) | EMPTY-BOY | 30 Nov 03 08:02:33 | 148,500 | wolf77 get MAME | |
4th | Ninjakun Majou no Bouken (ninjakun) | EMPTY-BOY | 06 Sep 10 13:42:24 | 266,500 | wolf106 get MAME | |
SCENE 18 | ||||||
13th has 5 clones | Pac-Land (World) (pacland) | EMPTY-BOY | 22 May 06 14:27:07 | 16,780 | wolf105 get MAME |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
3rd clone of pollux | Pollux (set 2) (polluxa) | EMPTY-BOY | 11 Jul 04 08:24:09 | 1,955,600 | wolf83 get MAME | |
5th has 5 clones | Progear (USA 010117) (progear) | EMPTY-BOY | 17 Feb 05 13:53:08 | 7,869,960 | wolf92 get MAME | |
3rd clone of stagger1 | Red Hawk (USA, Canada & South America) (redhawk) | EMPTY-BOY | 23 Dec 03 09:46:38 | 1,940,200 | wolf77 get MAME | |
1st clone of regulus | Regulus (315-5033) (reguluso) | EMPTY-BOY | 21 Jan 04 14:15:16 | 52,350 | wolf78 get MAME | |
1st clone of regulus | Regulus (not encrypted) (regulusu) | EMPTY-BOY | 22 Jan 04 14:07:18 | 89,680 | wolf78 get MAME | |
2nd clone of vsgongf | Ring Fighter (rev 1) (ringfgt) | EMPTY-BOY | 01 Nov 03 05:08:40 | 516,210 | wolf76 get MAME | |
2nd clone of sauro | Sauro (set 2) (sauroa) | EMPTY-BOY | 26 Aug 04 14:42:39 | 75,597 | wolf86 get MAME | |
7th clone of exedexes | Savage Bees (savgbees) | EMPTY-BOY | 13 Sep 10 13:30:56 | 374,400 | wolf106 get MAME | |
1st | SD Gundam Psycho Salamander no Kyoui (sdgndmps) | EMPTY-BOY | 22 Sep 10 11:57:53 | 148,850 | wolf106 get MAME | |
5th clone of senkyu special rules | Senkyu (Japan, earlier) (senkyua) | EMPTY-BOY | 15 Apr 05 13:40:27 | 800,000 | wolf95 get MAME | |
15th clone of shanghai special rules | Shanghai (Japan) (shanghaij) | EMPTY-BOY | 11 Sep 10 06:20:52 | 248 | wolf106 get MAME | |
1st | Sky Base (skybase) | EMPTY-BOY | 02 Dec 03 13:34:55 | 85,450 | wolf77 get MAME | |
2nd clone of aerofgts | Sonic Wings Limited (Japan) (sncwgltd) | EMPTY-BOY | 30 Jul 05 23:37:46 | 885,300 | wolf98 get MAME | |
2nd has 1 clone: sonicbomd | Sonic Boom (FD1094 317-0053) (sonicbom) | EMPTY-BOY | 01 Nov 04 12:13:20 | 210,700 | wolf88 get MAME | |
16th has 1 clone: sonsonj | Son Son (sonson) | EMPTY-BOY | 30 Aug 10 11:31:43 | 122,800 | wolf106 get MAME | |
5th clone of sonson | Son Son (Japan) (sonsonj) | EMPTY-BOY | 04 Sep 10 05:21:50 | 208,180 | wolf106 get MAME | |
1st special rules | Space Zap (Midway) (spacezap) | EMPTY-BOY | 16 Dec 03 09:39:29 | 233,500 | wolf77 get MAME | |
4th has 2 clones | Sorcer Striker (sstriker) | EMPTY-BOY | 30 Apr 05 06:29:47 | 1,865,820 | wolf94 get MAME | |
2-3 | ||||||
2nd clone of sstriker | Sorcer Striker (Korea) (sstrikerk) | EMPTY-BOY | 01 May 05 09:52:59 | 2,325,810 | wolf94 get MAME | |
2-5 | ||||||
2nd clone of starforc | Star Force (encrypted, set 1) (starforce) | EMPTY-BOY | 03 Dec 03 14:09:51 | 2,192,700 | wolf77 get MAME | |
2nd has 1 clone: superxm | Super-X (NTC) (superx) | EMPTY-BOY | 26 Dec 03 12:36:52 | 3,010,400 | wolf77 get MAME | |
4th has 5 clones | Tiger-Heli (US) (tigerh) | EMPTY-BOY | 12 Feb 05 07:10:19 | 217,220 | wolf91u1 get MAME | |
3rd clone of tigerh | Tiger-Heli (Japan) (tigerhj) | EMPTY-BOY | 12 Feb 05 03:08:45 | 226,500 | wolf91u1 get MAME | |
3rd clone of timeplt | Time Pilot (Atari) (timeplta) | EMPTY-BOY | 14 Mar 04 13:32:04 | 496,900 | wolf80 get MAME | |
2nd has 1 clone: whizz | Twin Falcons (twinfalc) | EMPTY-BOY | 11 Mar 05 13:17:58 | 734,600 | wolf94 get MAME |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp | ||||
1st has 5 clones | Games V25.4X [Rush Hour] (usgames-rsh) | EMPTY-BOY | 04 Jul 04 11:59:52 | 1,414,800 | wolf83 get MAME | |||||
2nd | Vanguard II (vangrd2) | EMPTY-BOY | 15 Nov 03 12:13:04 | 110,400 | wolf77 get MAME | |||||
1st special rules | Victorious Nine (victnine) | EMPTY-BOY | 31 Aug 04 13:05:38 | 16,800 | wolf86 get MAME | |||||
2nd has 2 clones special rules | Pro Yakyuu World Stadium (Japan) (ws) | EMPTY-BOY | 20 Oct 04 14:16:28 | 110 | wolf83 get MAME | |||||
[10-0, game over in the 4th by mercy rule] {QCN} | ||||||||||
2nd clone of ws special rules | Pro Yakyuu World Stadium '89 (Japan) (ws89) | EMPTY-BOY | 21 Oct 04 13:54:28 | 109 | wolf83 get MAME | |||||
[10-1 after a full game of 9 innings] {QCN} | ||||||||||
1st clone of ws special rules | Pro Yakyuu World Stadium '90 (Japan) (ws90) | EMPTY-BOY | 21 Oct 04 13:55:11 | 118 | wolf83 get MAME | |||||
18-0 | ||||||||||
3rd clone of xevious | Xevious (Atari, Namco PCB) (xeviousc) | EMPTY-BOY | 22 Aug 05 13:06:30 | 334,220 | wolf99 get MAME | |||||
1st clone of zaviga | Zaviga (Japan) (zavigaj) | EMPTY-BOY | 05 May 06 15:11:12 | 174,999 | wolf105 get MAME | |||||
there were 108 hits there now follows a list of the recordings which beat EMPTY-BOY... | ||||||||||
1st | Quiz Jinsei Gekijoh (Japan) (*qjinsei) | natotti (@) | 21 Feb 05 05:49:56 | 517,000 | wolf92 get MAME | |||||
2nd | Quiz Jinsei Gekijoh (Japan) (*qjinsei) | Isao (@) | 11 Jun 05 08:44:11 | 338,000 | win97 get MAME | |||||
1st clone of mariner | 800 Fathoms (800fath) | saulonpb@TeamBrazil (@) | 17 Aug 20 22:53:12 | 345,610 | wolf219 get MAME | |||||
2nd clone of mariner | 800 Fathoms (800fath) | pat33999 (@) | 17 Jan 06 22:20:06 | 340,770 | wolf103 get MAME | |||||
1st clone of repulse | '99: The Last War (Kyugo) (99lstwark) | MORENO@TeamBrazil (@) | 24 Feb 05 16:12:14 | 2,170,850 | wolf92 get MAME | |||||
2nd clone of repulse | '99: The Last War (Kyugo) (99lstwark) | INNUENDO (@) | 21 Nov 04 23:07:34 | 1,615,260 | wolf88 get MAME | |||||
I´m newbie on this... I´ve used the MAMEP88 emulator??? is wolfmame 88??? Thanks! [claimed 1651260 - bbh] | ||||||||||
1st has 1 clone: ar_sdwr2 special rules | Sidewinder (Arcadia, set 1, V 2.1) (ar_sdwr) | edusword (@) | 28 Dec 12 10:38:23 | 213,400 | wolf147 get MAME | |||||
Default settings | ||||||||||
1st clone of explbrkr | Bakuretsu Breaker (Japan) (bakubrkr) | edusword (@) | 02 Feb 11 00:09:36 | 439,220 | wolf106 get MAME | |||||
Default settings. | ||||||||||
2nd clone of explbrkr | Bakuretsu Breaker (Japan) (bakubrkr) | PeterPunk | 28 Sep 07 11:19:02 | 299,360 | wolf115 get MAME | |||||
3rd clone of explbrkr | Bakuretsu Breaker (Japan) (bakubrkr) | barry | 22 Oct 05 07:32:15 | 292,170 | mame100 get MAME | |||||
1st has 2 clones | Bells & Whistles (World, version L) (blswhstl) | P100 (@) | 08 Jul 09 23:00:42 | 2,319,800 | wolf104 get MAME | |||||
[claimed 2,319,400 but it gives you an extra 400 pts at the high score screen for some reason] | ||||||||||
2nd has 2 clones | Bells & Whistles (World, version L) (blswhstl) | Haruno.jp | 22 Nov 01 04:03:51 | 1,759,450 | win36 get MAME | |||||
7 Stages Cleared. But not good. Lots of bells are missing. Please delete .nv before playback. | ||||||||||
3rd has 2 clones | Bells & Whistles (World, version L) (blswhstl) | TRB_MetroidTeam | 22 Mar 05 00:18:50 | 1,436,500 | wolf94 get MAME | |||||
1st attempt in this EASIER version. Stage 5. | ||||||||||
4th has 2 clones | Bells & Whistles (World, version L) (blswhstl) | bubble (@) | 15 Feb 00 16:27:14 | 1,174,900 | m36b16 get MAME | |||||
1st clone of bosco | Bosconian - Star Destroyer (version 1, newer) (bosco1) | sikraiken | 05 Dec 20 04:42:32 | 955,970 | wolf226 get MAME | |||||
3 lives only (1 + 20k/70k) - round 52
old ver. counter stop practice | ||||||||||
2nd clone of bosco | Bosconian - Star Destroyer (version 1, newer) (bosco1) | Estel G | 01 Dec 13 18:57:07 | 321,110 | wolf106 get MAME | |||||
Default |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
3rd clone of bosco | Bosconian - Star Destroyer (version 1, newer) (bosco1) | Ken Okamoto (@) | 04 Jul 00 17:17:11 | 276,820 | m37b4 get MAME | |
Sorry,previously submission can't replay correctly. Thanks, A.D. | ||||||
4th clone of bosco | Bosconian - Star Destroyer (version 1, newer) (bosco1) | Malibu | 08 Jul 06 00:49:23 | 212,560 | wolf104 get MAME | |
5th clone of bosco | Bosconian - Star Destroyer (version 1, newer) (bosco1) | evil angel (@) | 18 Nov 03 19:14:20 | 194,740 | wolf77 get MAME | |
Somewhat better than before. | ||||||
6th clone of bosco | Bosconian - Star Destroyer (version 1, newer) (bosco1) | INNUENDO (@) | 18 Oct 01 12:18:56 | 194,670 | m37b14 get MAME | |
1st clone of bosco | Bosconian - Star Destroyer (version 1, older) (bosco1o) | sikraiken | 11 Nov 03 00:28:25 | 357,570 | tgmame70 get MAME | |
2nd clone of bosco | Bosconian - Star Destroyer (version 1, older) (bosco1o) | QRS (@) | 27 Apr 02 17:04:19 | 270,700 | win59 get MAME | |
Geez.. this game gets hard fast :) | ||||||
3rd clone of bosco | Bosconian - Star Destroyer (version 1, older) (bosco1o) | _SEANCE_ (@) | 11 Nov 01 19:13:08 | 247,700 | mame56 get MAME | |
1st clone of bosco | Bosconian - Star Destroyer (version 3) (bosco3) | sikraiken | 19 Nov 20 08:01:39 | 9,999,995 | wolf226 get MAME | |
default settings - counter stop at round 587 (256+256+75)
~8hrs22min24sec | ||||||
2nd clone of bosco | Bosconian - Star Destroyer (version 3) (bosco3) | Barra (@) | 14 Dec 18 05:48:23 | 1,597,750 | wolf200 get MAME | |
3rd clone of bosco | Bosconian - Star Destroyer (version 3) (bosco3) | Mike Dietrich (@) | 16 Jan 15 07:44:12 | 1,574,330 | wolf106 get MAME | |
3 lives, bonus at 20k 70k and every 70k after. | ||||||
4th clone of bosco | Bosconian - Star Destroyer (version 3) (bosco3) | The_Pro (@) | 31 Jan 16 00:11:31 | 1,056,100 | wolf169 get MAME | |
Yolympics 2016 | ||||||
5th clone of bosco | Bosconian - Star Destroyer (version 3) (bosco3) | Estel G | 19 Nov 20 16:47:33 | 1,025,540 | wolf224 get MAME | |
TG | ||||||
6th clone of bosco | Bosconian - Star Destroyer (version 3) (bosco3) | _SEANCE_ (@) | 07 Dec 01 19:07:24 | 1,015,760 | mame56 get MAME | |
Got bored at 1M, killed off remaining 9 lives. | ||||||
7th clone of bosco | Bosconian - Star Destroyer (version 3) (bosco3) | saulonpb@TeamBrazil (@) | 06 Sep 16 15:31:47 | 515,000 | wolf103 get MAME | |
default settings | ||||||
8th clone of bosco | Bosconian - Star Destroyer (version 3) (bosco3) | Sampras@AIVA (@) | 21 Mar 04 12:35:34 | 507,540 | wolf76 get MAME | |
9th clone of bosco | Bosconian - Star Destroyer (version 3) (bosco3) | Flobeamer1922 | 15 Jun 21 23:00:53 | 507,220 | wolf216 get MAME | |
Round 28. Played for the STGC-1 mini tournament. | ||||||
10th clone of bosco | Bosconian - Star Destroyer (version 3) (bosco3) | INNUENDO (@) | 21 Nov 01 14:20:09 | 445,990 | mame55 get MAME | |
11th clone of bosco | Bosconian - Star Destroyer (version 3) (bosco3) | Aaron Pieper (@) | 11 Feb 01 05:59:33 | 445,280 | m37b10 get MAME | |
WOO HOO! i am proud | ||||||
1st clone of bosco | Bosconian - Star Destroyer (Midway, new version) (boscomd) | sikraiken | 03 Nov 07 01:41:39 | 387,980 | wolf106 get MAME | |
5 lives only | ||||||
2nd clone of bosco | Bosconian - Star Destroyer (Midway, new version) (boscomd) | _SEANCE_ (@) | 11 Nov 01 19:12:24 | 307,070 | mame56 get MAME | |
3rd clone of bosco | Bosconian - Star Destroyer (Midway, new version) (boscomd) | INNUENDO (@) | 21 Nov 01 14:20:44 | 223,330 | m37b14 get MAME | |
1st clone of bosco | Bosconian - Star Destroyer (Midway, old version) (boscomdo) | Mike Dietrich (@) | 15 Jan 15 08:37:52 | 300,090 | wolf106 get MAME | |
3 lives + 20k 70k - medium diff. | ||||||
2nd clone of bosco | Bosconian - Star Destroyer (Midway, old version) (boscomdo) | Estel G | 07 Nov 13 02:41:31 | 277,140 | wolf106 get MAME | |
3rd clone of bosco | Bosconian - Star Destroyer (Midway, old version) (boscomdo) | _SEANCE_ (@) | 11 Nov 01 23:25:23 | 275,930 | mame56 get MAME | |
4th clone of bosco | Bosconian - Star Destroyer (Midway, old version) (boscomdo) | INNUENDO (@) | 22 Oct 01 15:02:35 | 233,700 | m37b14 get MAME | |
hahahahaha |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
5th clone of bosco | Bosconian - Star Destroyer (Midway, old version) (boscomdo) | Malibu | 08 Jul 06 01:22:36 | 207,560 | wolf104 get MAME | |
6th clone of bosco | Bosconian - Star Destroyer (Midway, old version) (boscomdo) | bicchiere (@) | 08 Nov 00 20:28:13 | 196,460 | win36 get MAME | |
default settings [desynchs early on. probably not properly recorded] {QCN} | ||||||
1st | Vs. Battle City (btlecity) | PG3 (@) | 25 Apr 15 07:31:03 | 189,200 | wolf106 get MAME | |
STAGE 33 | ||||||
2nd | Vs. Battle City (btlecity) | edwardek@HotTeam.pl (@) | 09 Jun 04 15:17:27 | 187,700 | wolf82 get MAME | |
3rd | Vs. Battle City (btlecity) | ciumek@HotTeam.pl (@) | 04 Apr 05 12:58:32 | 175,400 | wolf95 get MAME | |
[stage 29] | ||||||
1st | Car Jamboree (carjmbre) | VERTEX-DAN (W) | 11 Jan 20 13:29:03 | 106,300 | wolf217 get MAME | |
round 7 | ||||||
2nd | Car Jamboree (carjmbre) | Kibbey93 | 01 Jun 22 03:47:06 | 71,000 | wolf183 get MAME | |
Crap Tourney 12 | ||||||
3rd | Car Jamboree (carjmbre) | Rodrigo Lopes (@) | 26 Aug 09 11:41:16 | 64,440 | wolf106 get MAME | |
4th | Car Jamboree (carjmbre) | Timmykins (@) | 08 Mar 02 11:46:27 | 52,480 | mame58 get MAME | |
R5 [Advertised 52,480 - http://forums.marpirc.net/viewtopic.php?p=13080 -ztt] [reinstated even though win98 can't play this recording back it does seem to work in XP and ME -skito] | ||||||
1st has 3 clones | Chinese Hero (chinhero) | Zerstorung | 05 Oct 22 01:37:01 | 1,325,300 | wolf238 get MAME | |
2nd has 3 clones | Chinese Hero (chinhero) | J.D. Lowe (@) | 23 Feb 08 15:37:37 | 1,311,700 | wolf106 get MAME | |
TG Settings. Part of the MAME Weekly Challenge. | ||||||
3rd has 3 clones | Chinese Hero (chinhero) | Baron Rojo (@) | 05 Aug 15 09:33:40 | 1,038,600 | wolf106 get MAME | |
4th has 3 clones | Chinese Hero (chinhero) | Frankie (@) | 01 Oct 01 20:29:53 | 1,034,800 | mame55 get MAME | |
1st clone of chinhero | Chinese Hero (older, set 1) (chinhero2) | Frankie (@) | 07 Jan 24 13:08:51 | 1,053,300 | wolf261 get MAME | |
Watch video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3z_YHY9EQU | ||||||
1st has 4 clones | Donkey Kong 3 (US) (dkong3) | JasonV91 (@) | 10 Sep 23 17:58:06 | 14,523,000 | wolf223 get MAME | |
Over 11 hours, oof - I like the 5-man tracks better :) | ||||||
2nd has 4 clones | Donkey Kong 3 (US) (dkong3) | homerwannabee (@) | 22 Dec 11 18:34:55 | 13,957,600 | wolf106 get MAME | |
Factory Default Settings Easy. I thank Jammvy for supplying me with an adapter so I could play on an Arcade control panel. Looped the boards twice in this game. | ||||||
3rd has 4 clones | Donkey Kong 3 (US) (dkong3) | Barra (@) | 09 May 20 07:53:30 | 5,025,000 | wolf219 get MAME | |
Played for DK Masters tournament. About 20 screens away from looping the boards | ||||||
4th has 4 clones | Donkey Kong 3 (US) (dkong3) | gastrainga (@) | 06 Jul 20 02:53:48 | 3,432,900 | wolf106 get MAME | |
RBS | ||||||
5th has 4 clones | Donkey Kong 3 (US) (dkong3) | Ben Falls (@) | 06 Jun 13 07:23:24 | 3,163,700 | wolf106 get MAME | |
Default. Reached the repetitive blue screen at stage 160. | ||||||
6th has 4 clones | Donkey Kong 3 (US) (dkong3) | teign (@) | 02 Jan 03 13:30:10 | 3,061,700 | omame60 | |
played with default settings in macmame60 | ||||||
7th has 4 clones | Donkey Kong 3 (US) (dkong3) | chrispy | 17 Dec 20 10:18:34 | 2,573,200 | wolf225 get MAME | |
Stage 132. Getting there... | ||||||
8th has 4 clones | Donkey Kong 3 (US) (dkong3) | Sampras@AIVA (@) | 23 Dec 02 16:38:53 | 2,550,500 | win62 get MAME | |
9th has 4 clones | Donkey Kong 3 (US) (dkong3) | simpsons99 (@) | 16 Jun 11 22:14:26 | 1,596,000 | wolf106 get MAME | |
10th has 4 clones | Donkey Kong 3 (US) (dkong3) | BBH (@) | 02 Jul 15 05:14:43 | 1,480,500 | wolf160 get MAME | |
IGBY 2 | ||||||
1st clone of dkong3 | Donkey Kong 3 (bootleg on Donkey Kong Jr. hardware) (dkong3b) | homerwannabee (@) | 22 May 16 03:51:06 | 5,353,600 | wolf172 get MAME |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
2nd clone of dkong3 | Donkey Kong 3 (bootleg on Donkey Kong Jr. hardware) (dkong3b) | Ben Falls (@) | 06 Sep 13 11:08:37 | 2,593,500 | wolf106 get MAME | |
3rd clone of dkong3 | Donkey Kong 3 (bootleg on Donkey Kong Jr. hardware) (dkong3b) | simpsons99 (@) | 12 Jun 11 03:21:30 | 1,724,900 | wolf106 get MAME | |
dk3 rules! :O) | ||||||
1st has 2 clones | Acrobatic Dog-Fight (dogfgt) | ILLSeaBass | 16 Jun 22 18:18:08 | 2,047,900 | wolf242 get MAME | |
VIDEO | ||||||
1st clone of dogfgt | But-ten Ohara's Suit-Cha Luck-a Dog-Fight (Japan) (dogfgtj) | ILLSeaBass | 03 Jun 22 18:55:32 | 1,949,750 | wolf242 get MAME | |
1st has 1 clone: equitess | Equites (equites) | Zerstorung | 30 May 23 01:14:59 | 276,500 | wolf250 get MAME | |
2nd has 1 clone: equitess | Equites (equites) | ILLSeaBass | 29 May 23 01:19:26 | 251,600 | wolf250 get MAME | |
CRAP Tournament 15 | ||||||
1st clone of espial | Espial (US?) (espialu) | MarcoMarocco@AIVA (@) | 14 May 07 08:11:20 | 1,782,300 | wolf101 get MAME | |
(make me happy and check the score ... MM) thanks ! | ||||||
2nd clone of espial | Espial (US?) (espialu) | WRX2 | 14 Jan 03 15:16:22 | 1,322,400 | win59 get MAME | |
1st has 2 clones | ESP Ra.De. (World, 1998 4/22 International Ver.) (esprade) | Nicola De Guidi | 31 Aug 03 08:06:56 | 24,272,910 | tgmame67 get MAME | |
2nd has 2 clones | ESP Ra.De. (World, 1998 4/22 International Ver.) (esprade) | BBH (@) | 20 Jul 02 10:24:03 | 17,643,560 | mame61 get MAME | |
Finished with Yusuke Sagami, sound off. Stupid play at the end :( | ||||||
3rd has 2 clones | ESP Ra.De. (World, 1998 4/22 International Ver.) (esprade) | buttman@jvrm.net | 28 Jun 06 02:19:53 | 13,605,860 | wolf99 get MAME | |
Finished with JB-5th. That was painful... | ||||||
4th has 2 clones | ESP Ra.De. (World, 1998 4/22 International Ver.) (esprade) | mickey@jvrm.net (@) | 08 May 03 20:11:58 | 9,469,350 | tgmame67 get MAME | |
Member of JeuxVideo.Records.Mame Home site : http://www.jvrm.net | ||||||
5th has 2 clones | ESP Ra.De. (World, 1998 4/22 International Ver.) (esprade) | Edge (@) | 20 Dec 07 16:20:38 | 7,698,560 | wolf97 get MAME | |
Stage 5, JB the 5th. The scoring in this game makes me mad, I am too inconsistent. >_< | ||||||
6th has 2 clones | ESP Ra.De. (World, 1998 4/22 International Ver.) (esprade) | Gundarf@jvrm.net (@) | 20 May 04 20:18:21 | 7,626,480 | wolf81 get MAME | |
[uses -nosound] | ||||||
1st clone of esprade | ESP Ra.De. (Japan, 1998 4/21 Master Ver.) (espradej) | xdr | 20 Apr 13 09:07:43 | 14,874,450 | wolf99 get MAME | |
1st clone of esprade | ESP Ra.De. (Japan, 1998 4/14 Master Ver.) (espradejo) | MOTO | 30 Jul 02 15:31:48 | 23,668,070 | win37b13 get MAME | |
2nd clone of esprade | ESP Ra.De. (Japan, 1998 4/14 Master Ver.) (espradejo) | BBH (@) | 25 Jul 02 10:17:23 | 22,899,310 | win37b13 get MAME | |
Finished with Yusuke Sagami, Player stock = 4 (almost 5! damn). MAME32 0.37 Beta 13, samplerate = 22050 [note - romset was called "esprade" in m37b13] | ||||||
3rd clone of esprade | ESP Ra.De. (Japan, 1998 4/14 Master Ver.) (espradejo) | Mizuki (@) | 07 Oct 01 08:42:56 | 20,459,180 | m37b13 get MAME | |
Use Irori Mimasaka So many serious miss ... >.< [can't play this back with or with out nvram or sound m37b13 -skito.] [finally got it to playback correctly, try mame32-37b13, and samplerate 22050 for the sound - BBH] | ||||||
1st has 2 clones | Explosive Breaker (World) (explbrkr) | nii-san | 20 Jan 11 22:36:25 | 505,490 | wolf106 get MAME | |
Thanks mahlemiut | ||||||
2nd has 2 clones | Explosive Breaker (World) (explbrkr) | edusword (@) | 31 Jan 11 00:31:39 | 482,840 | wolf106 get MAME | |
Default settings. COMPETICIÓN SHOOTERS 2011 RETROVICIO.COM | ||||||
3rd has 2 clones | Explosive Breaker (World) (explbrkr) | Phantomas | 31 Jan 11 21:21:34 | 409,920 | wolf106 get MAME | |
Competición de Shooters 2011 - Retrovicio.com | ||||||
4th has 2 clones | Explosive Breaker (World) (explbrkr) | TAYKO (@) | 27 Jan 11 11:19:00 | 322,330 | wolf106 get MAME | |
Campeonato de Shooters de Retrovicio.com | ||||||
5th has 2 clones | Explosive Breaker (World) (explbrkr) | PeterPunk | 01 Oct 07 16:31:25 | 307,660 | wolf115 get MAME | |
1st clone of ffight | Final Fight (Japan) (ffightj) | PG3 (@) | 05 Feb 24 20:25:52 | 3,554,260 | wolf261 get MAME | |
WYO8 - ROUND 6 CLEAR 30.01.24 - WYO8 - 3.198.240 - ROUND 6 20.06.19 - 3.067.340 - ROUND 6 28.01.24 - WYO8 - 3.005.590 - ROUND 6 | ||||||
2nd clone of ffight | Final Fight (Japan) (ffightj) | Graziano | 16 Nov 11 14:19:32 | 2,984,600 | wolf106 get MAME | |
TG....Cody.... Graziano Dipace from Italy....(wrong signature GGG instead of GRZ)...i just applied the technique of secrets weapons to the boss Beger...Renkin no used...i prefer Mike Haggar..Final Fight is one of the best beat' em up in the world:) |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
3rd clone of ffight | Final Fight (Japan) (ffightj) | TKY@TeamCPS.jp (@) | 15 Jun 02 19:19:54 | 2,932,940 | win60 get MAME | |
1coin all use GUY | ||||||
4th clone of ffight | Final Fight (Japan) (ffightj) | MOMOJIROU | 03 Dec 01 15:13:48 | 2,812,290 | win37b14 get MAME | |
Finished with Haggar. no miss. | ||||||
5th clone of ffight | Final Fight (Japan) (ffightj) | INNUENDO (@) | 28 Jan 06 16:26:46 | 2,764,000 | wolf95 get MAME | |
6th clone of ffight | Final Fight (Japan) (ffightj) | ALR (@) | 05 Dec 01 17:43:08 | 2,508,000 | m37b11 get MAME | |
7th clone of ffight | Final Fight (Japan) (ffightj) | The Ace Man | 01 Apr 00 01:50:06 | 937,190 | win36 get MAME | |
Default settings. HotRod joystick used. | ||||||
1st clone of ffight | Final Fight (Japan 900305) (ffightj1) | PG3 (@) | 05 Mar 22 23:32:02 | 2,921,950 | wolf241 get MAME | |
FINAL ROUND - [BOSS 4 - STEAK - 10K] | ||||||
2nd clone of ffight | Final Fight (Japan 900305) (ffightj1) | Graziano | 15 Sep 12 14:52:03 | 2,840,280 | wolf106 get MAME | |
TG - Graziano Dipace by Italy - low score - use the infinite combo in the game | ||||||
3rd clone of ffight | Final Fight (Japan 900305) (ffightj1) | clonekrizalid (@) | 23 Mar 10 22:45:53 | 2,656,140 | wolf106 get MAME | |
Finished - Player: Guy - Not use infinite combo - Not enemies left behind | ||||||
4th clone of ffight | Final Fight (Japan 900305) (ffightj1) | INNUENDO (@) | 11 Jan 06 04:53:08 | 2,290,800 | wolf102 get MAME | |
I don´t understand the gold and diamond´s trick!! :( | ||||||
5th clone of ffight | Final Fight (Japan 900305) (ffightj1) | Caseh (@) | 10 Jan 06 20:17:45 | 769,170 | wolf103 get MAME | |
1st clone of ffight | Final Fight (USA 900112) (ffightua) | PG3 (@) | 21 Jun 19 10:43:06 | 2,971,310 | wolf210 get MAME | |
FINAL ROUND | ||||||
2nd clone of ffight | Final Fight (USA 900112) (ffightua) | Graziano | 28 Sep 12 13:10:51 | 2,898,040 | wolf106 get MAME | |
defeated the team japan TKY ... beautiful replay...technique renkin and infinite combo in all the game... [claimed ffightu, moved to ffightua (changed around 0.119) -br] | ||||||
3rd clone of ffight | Final Fight (USA 900112) (ffightua) | TKY@TeamCPS.jp (@) | 03 Aug 02 10:02:35 | 2,872,070 | win61 get MAME | |
1coin ALL use GUY | ||||||
4th clone of ffight | Final Fight (USA 900112) (ffightua) | INNUENDO (@) | 22 Jan 06 15:55:58 | 2,155,190 | wolf95 get MAME | |
THE MOST EXCITING PLAY OF FINAL FIGHT OF THESE 13 YEARS. Look at Abigail! ;) [The bay area run is truly esquisite! -skito] {Did you saw, Skito?? Very esquisite! Hehehehe} | ||||||
5th clone of ffight | Final Fight (USA 900112) (ffightua) | borjaquake (@) | 27 Dec 02 21:11:50 | 1,724,850 | win62 get MAME | |
6th clone of ffight | Final Fight (USA 900112) (ffightua) | The Ace Man | 14 Mar 00 04:57:32 | 850,760 | win36b16 get MAME | |
Default Settings. | ||||||
1st has 1 clone: flowerj | Flower (US) (flower) | john mcallister (@) | 07 Jun 15 20:00:16 | 393,350 | wolf106 get MAME | |
default | ||||||
1st clone of flower | Flower (Japan) (flowerj) | john mcallister (@) | 07 Jun 15 20:04:53 | 677,240 | wolf106 get MAME | |
default | ||||||
1st has 7 clones | Gun.Smoke (World, 1985-11-15) (gunsmoke) | BBH (@) | 04 Sep 14 03:19:27 | 1,383,750 | wolf154 get MAME | |
still not finished. | ||||||
2nd has 7 clones | Gun.Smoke (World, 1985-11-15) (gunsmoke) | lanhuacao | 16 Apr 06 07:22:58 | 1,155,100 | wolf100 get MAME | |
not completed | ||||||
3rd has 7 clones | Gun.Smoke (World, 1985-11-15) (gunsmoke) | NoMercy (@) | 08 Feb 01 17:56:18 | 1,110,500 | m37b11 get MAME | |
4th has 7 clones | Gun.Smoke (World, 1985-11-15) (gunsmoke) | PLscores (@) | 09 Jun 02 17:18:06 | 1,045,500 | win58 get MAME | |
PLscores! Player:Bober | ||||||
5th has 7 clones | Gun.Smoke (World, 1985-11-15) (gunsmoke) | SLA (@) | 10 Aug 01 00:51:10 | 1,028,400 | win35tg3 get MAME | |
reached Wingate family | ||||||
6th has 7 clones | Gun.Smoke (World, 1985-11-15) (gunsmoke) | Dumple (@) | 31 Oct 23 03:49:20 | 762,800 | wolf259 get MAME | |
1cc - La Calice Cup 7 afterparty <3 | ||||||
7th has 7 clones | Gun.Smoke (World, 1985-11-15) (gunsmoke) | Dave Kaupp (@) | 04 Jul 99 08:47:57 | 614,800 | xmame35b12-1 get MAME |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
8th has 7 clones | Gun.Smoke (World, 1985-11-15) (gunsmoke) | Barra (@) | 12 Mar 19 02:10:21 | 515,450 | wolf183 get MAME | |
Yolympics 2019 | ||||||
9th has 7 clones | Gun.Smoke (World, 1985-11-15) (gunsmoke) | ILLSeaBass | 11 Mar 19 16:08:45 | 358,050 | wolf183 get MAME | |
Yolympics 2019. | ||||||
1st clone of gunsmoke | Gun.Smoke (Japan, 1985-11-15) (gunsmokej) | ABE | 08 May 17 16:27:54 | 1,438,450 | wolf155 get MAME | |
2nd clone of gunsmoke | Gun.Smoke (Japan, 1985-11-15) (gunsmokej) | BBH (@) | 08 Sep 14 18:18:56 | 1,364,400 | wolf154 get MAME | |
3rd clone of gunsmoke | Gun.Smoke (Japan, 1985-11-15) (gunsmokej) | NoMercy (@) | 08 Feb 01 02:00:52 | 1,339,450 | m37b11 get MAME | |
4th clone of gunsmoke | Gun.Smoke (Japan, 1985-11-15) (gunsmokej) | SLA (@) | 11 Jul 01 15:02:48 | 1,022,300 | win36 get MAME | |
reached Wingate family | ||||||
5th clone of gunsmoke | Gun.Smoke (Japan, 1985-11-15) (gunsmokej) | Dave Kaupp (@) | 02 Aug 99 17:43:43 | 435,050 | xmame36b1-2 get MAME | |
1st clone of gunsmoke | Gun.Smoke (USA and Canada, 1986-04-08) (gunsmokeu) | QRS (@) | 27 Jun 02 22:10:12 | 1,152,050 | win60 get MAME | |
I HATE the Wingate Family.. More than 10 men when I reached them, and still I could not kill those 3 bastards and finish the game. Default settings used, sound on, This recording was played on Oakster neat little MAME cabinet! | ||||||
2nd clone of gunsmoke | Gun.Smoke (USA and Canada, 1986-04-08) (gunsmokeu) | NoMercy (@) | 04 Apr 01 14:20:25 | 1,140,450 | win35tg3 get MAME | |
Finished. Used m3235tg3 as requested by BBH | ||||||
3rd clone of gunsmoke | Gun.Smoke (USA and Canada, 1986-04-08) (gunsmokeu) | BBH (@) | 09 Sep 14 23:25:23 | 1,059,600 | wolf154 get MAME | |
Finished for the first time ever! But alas, too many lives in reserve = low score. Could end up overwriting this with a higher score that doesn't finish the game. | ||||||
4th clone of gunsmoke | Gun.Smoke (USA and Canada, 1986-04-08) (gunsmokeu) | Dave Kaupp (@) | 04 Jul 99 01:16:03 | 925,850 | xmame35rc1-1 get MAME | |
5th clone of gunsmoke | Gun.Smoke (USA and Canada, 1986-04-08) (gunsmokeu) | SLA (@) | 11 Jul 01 15:04:11 | 914,600 | win36 get MAME | |
1st clone of gunsmoke | Gun.Smoke (USA and Canada, 1985-11-15, set 2) (gunsmokeuc) | BBH (@) | 08 Sep 14 18:19:09 | 1,515,200 | wolf154 get MAME | |
2nd clone of gunsmoke | Gun.Smoke (USA and Canada, 1985-11-15, set 2) (gunsmokeuc) | NoMercy (@) | 12 Feb 01 16:31:54 | 1,003,000 | m37b11 get MAME | |
game crashes at this point | ||||||
3rd clone of gunsmoke | Gun.Smoke (USA and Canada, 1985-11-15, set 2) (gunsmokeuc) | SLA (@) | 11 Jul 01 15:05:21 | 796,050 | win36 get MAME | |
4th clone of gunsmoke | Gun.Smoke (USA and Canada, 1985-11-15, set 2) (gunsmokeuc) | QRS (@) | 26 Mar 00 02:33:13 | 580,500 | win36b5 get MAME | |
Default settings used. Died on the third part of the Indian stage.. | ||||||
5th clone of gunsmoke | Gun.Smoke (USA and Canada, 1985-11-15, set 2) (gunsmokeuc) | Dave Kaupp (@) | 07 Jul 99 06:22:21 | 463,550 | xmame35rc1-1 get MAME | |
1st has 2 clones | Gyrodine (gyrodine) | Mike Dietrich (@) | 12 Sep 14 00:23:57 | 745,510 | wolf106 get MAME | |
TG | ||||||
2nd has 2 clones | Gyrodine (gyrodine) | tirino73 | 06 Aug 12 17:26:27 | 383,210 | wolf106 get MAME | |
default settings,no autofire | ||||||
3rd has 2 clones | Gyrodine (gyrodine) | Baron Rojo (@) | 07 Aug 15 09:18:22 | 281,310 | wolf106 get MAME | |
1st has 1 clone: hal21j | HAL21 (hal21) | Zerstorung | 16 Dec 12 07:39:38 | 1,166,720 | wolf145 get MAME | |
Hmpf, well it's not like I wanted to play you anymore anyway. | ||||||
2nd has 1 clone: hal21j | HAL21 (hal21) | battosai (@) | 26 May 07 09:59:46 | 1,033,890 | wolf114 get MAME | |
CATAPUM !!! | ||||||
1st clone of halleysc special rules | Halley's Comet (Japan, rev 1) (halleyscj) | pat33999 (@) | 27 Feb 08 07:08:43 | 5,386,210 | wolf106 get MAME | |
1st | Horizon (Irem) (horizon) | edusword (@) | 05 Nov 16 12:19:44 | 654,800 | wolf175 get MAME | |
ALL Operations Clear (A+B+C+D). Dead in 2nd loop Operation D. Default settings. | ||||||
1st has 1 clone: kungfuta | Kung-Fu Taikun (set 1) (kungfut) | MAI-N@mai-con.jp (@) | 09 Jun 03 18:16:24 | 424,730 | tgmame69 get MAME | |
stage 20(? |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
2nd has 1 clone: kungfuta | Kung-Fu Taikun (set 1) (kungfut) | VERTEX-DAN (W) | 03 Jun 03 18:03:48 | 150,890 | tgmame69 get MAME | |
1st clone of kungfut | Kung-Fu Taikun (set 2) (kungfuta) | xelnia (@) | 01 May 15 07:35:27 | 85,850 | wolf159 get MAME | |
Broken game | ||||||
2nd clone of kungfut | Kung-Fu Taikun (set 2) (kungfuta) | simpsons99 (@) | 24 Jun 12 01:38:15 | 72,580 | wolf146 get MAME | |
Game kinda works . but kinda not | ||||||
3rd clone of kungfut | Kung-Fu Taikun (set 2) (kungfuta) | Lord AxE (@) | 22 Jun 12 17:49:52 | 60,970 | wolf146 get MAME | |
Game not fully working | ||||||
1st clone of legion | Chouji Meikyuu Legion (Japan ver 1.05, bootleg set 1) (legionjb) | Jarl | 24 Sep 14 13:11:13 | 1,759,890 | wolf154 get MAME | |
1st clone of lkage | The Legend of Kage (bootleg set 3) (lkagebl3) | Giro-X@Mame R.A. (@) | 05 Oct 20 19:41:04 | 42,550 | wolf225 get MAME | |
1st has 2 clones | Mad Alien (set 1) (madalien) | simpsons99 (@) | 07 Dec 15 04:12:11 | 41,210 | wolf161 get MAME | |
Brian *The Big Bird Hater * Allen (Beast) | ||||||
1st clone of sstriker | Mahou Daisakusen (Japan) (mahoudai) | pat33999 (@) | 08 Feb 06 15:25:32 | 1,720,690 | wolf104 get MAME | |
2nd clone of sstriker | Mahou Daisakusen (Japan) (mahoudai) | nii-san | 27 Oct 13 15:34:00 | 1,673,840 | wolf106 get MAME | |
2-2 | ||||||
3rd clone of sstriker | Mahou Daisakusen (Japan) (mahoudai) | ALR (@) | 08 Dec 01 23:22:53 | 1,533,730 | win37b13 get MAME | |
1st has 2 clones | Mariner (mariner) | saulonpb@TeamBrazil (@) | 17 Aug 20 22:55:23 | 356,120 | wolf219 get MAME | |
2nd has 2 clones | Mariner (mariner) | pat33999 (@) | 17 Jan 06 22:18:40 | 301,340 | wolf103 get MAME | |
1st | The Masters of Kin (mastkin) | edusword (@) | 29 Apr 13 06:54:33 | 157,200 | wolf148 get MAME | |
Stage 3 - Default settings - What a pathetic game! I wonder what I'm doing playing this... Only three testing plays luckily. | ||||||
1st | Bio-hazard Battle (Mega Play) (mp_bio) | Jarl | 24 Sep 22 16:31:22 | 412,250 | wolf247 get MAME | |
2nd | Bio-hazard Battle (Mega Play) (mp_bio) | LastNinja2 (@) | 06 Oct 09 22:40:49 | 318,150 | wolf134 get MAME | |
1cc - default settings - ship: Polyxena [advertised 318150, this appears to desync at 283000. discussion here.] | ||||||
3rd | Bio-hazard Battle (Mega Play) (mp_bio) | ZeroMax (@) | 24 Mar 09 08:01:14 | 300,970 | wolf106 get MAME | |
1st has 2 clones special rules | Namco Classic Collection Vol.1 [Galaga Arrangement] (ncv1-gal) | Fig the Renegade (@) | 08 Feb 23 06:54:56 | 1,266,200 | wolf230 get MAME | |
Normal diffculty, starting at 3 lives, extends at 50,000 and 200,000 points. Initials are FIG but that was taken so I had to use a different prefix name. | ||||||
2nd has 2 clones special rules | Namco Classic Collection Vol.1 [Galaga Arrangement] (ncv1-gal) | RedStar | 08 Feb 17 13:50:29 | 1,219,070 | wolf181 get MAME | |
3rd has 2 clones special rules | Namco Classic Collection Vol.1 [Galaga Arrangement] (ncv1-gal) | The_Pro (@) | 30 Jan 17 08:11:52 | 1,094,460 | wolf181 get MAME | |
Yolympics 2017 | ||||||
1st | Net Wars (netwars) | Zerstorung | 30 May 23 01:14:07 | 183,200 | wolf250 get MAME | |
2nd | Net Wars (netwars) | Barra (@) | 29 May 23 07:04:24 | 164,500 | wolf250 get MAME | |
CT15 | ||||||
3rd | Net Wars (netwars) | Potante (@) | 29 May 23 17:54:50 | 158,400 | wolf183 get MAME | |
Crap Tournament 15 | ||||||
1st | Ninjakun Majou no Bouken (ninjakun) | GSY.jp (@) | 06 Jun 02 18:08:06 | 2,805,510 | win60 get MAME | |
My first upload. =) | ||||||
2nd | Ninjakun Majou no Bouken (ninjakun) | SBY@Team2ch (@) | 11 Feb 02 19:39:51 | 1,081,940 | omame57 | |
3rd | Ninjakun Majou no Bouken (ninjakun) | Paolo Colman@M.R.A. (@) | 23 Jun 18 10:16:14 | 856,440 | wolf196 get MAME | |
lunch time and give up…… |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
1st has 5 clones | Pac-Land (World) (pacland) | MJSTY | 26 Sep 03 03:44:24 | 1,142,040 | mame74 get MAME | |
round 42 (trip 11) | ||||||
2nd has 5 clones | Pac-Land (World) (pacland) | AL_B (@) | 31 Oct 03 22:24:11 | 800,790 | tgmame70 get MAME | |
Too many Mistakes...will be Top...! | ||||||
3rd has 5 clones | Pac-Land (World) (pacland) | GameGuru (@) | 23 May 99 09:23:48 | 479,810 | m35b12 get MAME | |
round 26!!!!!!!! [was 498810, used 5 lives, score based on 3 which is default.] | ||||||
4th has 5 clones | Pac-Land (World) (pacland) | Potante (@) | 09 Jun 06 20:46:05 | 463,740 | wolf105 get MAME | |
round 25 | ||||||
5th has 5 clones | Pac-Land (World) (pacland) | Angry (@) | 01 Dec 98 04:54:49 | 352,730 | m34b8 get MAME | |
6th has 5 clones | Pac-Land (World) (pacland) | wuzel@HotTeam.pl (@) | 29 Sep 02 21:27:36 | 214,650 | win59 get MAME | |
personal best | ||||||
7th has 5 clones | Pac-Land (World) (pacland) | Alex Weir | 08 Jul 00 00:03:00 | 136,090 | win36 get MAME | |
8th has 5 clones | Pac-Land (World) (pacland) | Sorceress (@) | 05 Sep 99 00:40:06 | 104,740 | m36b3 get MAME | |
[Advertised 104070. - PM] | ||||||
9th has 5 clones | Pac-Land (World) (pacland) | TehChos3nOn3 (@) | 29 Mar 12 09:03:12 | 44,350 | wolf140 get MAME | |
10th has 5 clones | Pac-Land (World) (pacland) | ROUGH (@) | 07 Dec 99 12:07:44 | 36,680 | m36b10 get MAME | |
11th has 5 clones | Pac-Land (World) (pacland) | Stephen M. Krogman (@) | 15 Jun 19 04:41:51 | 31,770 | wolf106 get MAME | |
MGLXXXIX submission. | ||||||
12th has 5 clones | Pac-Land (World) (pacland) | FOXMULDER (@) | 24 Aug 07 11:08:50 | 17,100 | wolf118 get MAME | |
The truth is out there | ||||||
1st clone of pollux | Pollux (set 2) (polluxa) | saulonpb@TeamBrazil (@) | 16 Aug 14 23:50:39 | 2,640,000 | wolf106 get MAME | |
teclado--sam==saulo--ana-abigail--maria | ||||||
2nd clone of pollux | Pollux (set 2) (polluxa) | tar | 11 Aug 14 19:47:49 | 2,399,500 | wolf154 get MAME | |
1st has 5 clones | Progear (USA 010117) (progear) | RedStar | 09 May 05 08:21:10 | 12,721,280 | wolf95 get MAME | |
2nd has 5 clones | Progear (USA 010117) (progear) | Smraedis (@) | 10 May 05 17:47:41 | 11,624,650 | wolf96u1 get MAME | |
3rd has 5 clones | Progear (USA 010117) (progear) | Gatts@jvrm.net (@) | 09 May 05 09:10:39 | 11,068,950 | wolf95 get MAME | |
4th has 5 clones | Progear (USA 010117) (progear) | Landshark (@) | 17 May 06 01:50:36 | 10,117,140 | xwolf104 get MAME | |
bahhhh | ||||||
1st clone of stagger1 | Red Hawk (USA, Canada & South America) (redhawk) | saulonpb@TeamBrazil (@) | 23 Feb 17 17:32:13 | 2,478,700 | wolf182 get MAME | |
using keyboard | ||||||
2nd clone of stagger1 | Red Hawk (USA, Canada & South America) (redhawk) | PauloValmir@TeamBrazil (@) | 11 Mar 14 12:57:42 | 2,239,500 | wolf148 get MAME | |
1st clone of vsgongf | Ring Fighter (rev 1) (ringfgt) | WRX2 | 20 Nov 03 16:00:42 | 960,970 | wolf77 get MAME | |
WolfMAME Plus 0.77 | ||||||
1st clone of sauro | Sauro (set 2) (sauroa) | edusword (@) | 05 Nov 12 22:12:13 | 164,957 | wolf138 get MAME | |
Default settings | ||||||
1st clone of exedexes | Savage Bees (savgbees) | WRX2 | 16 Jun 04 08:14:42 | 6,102,900 | wolf83 get MAME | |
Bonus 500,000 | ||||||
2nd clone of exedexes | Savage Bees (savgbees) | Dale (@) | 18 Sep 11 22:40:58 | 3,118,300 | wolf106 get MAME | |
This seems to display wider then Exed Exes. I also noticed that some of the text you see after you kill a boss is gone. | ||||||
3rd clone of exedexes | Savage Bees (savgbees) | Ken Okamoto (@) | 16 Aug 99 09:18:41 | 891,200 | m36b2 get MAME |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
4th clone of exedexes | Savage Bees (savgbees) | Krool (@) | 30 Jul 98 00:00:00 | 793,700 | m33rc1 get MAME | |
5th clone of exedexes | Savage Bees (savgbees) | JSW (@) | 24 Jul 98 00:00:00 | 558,600 | m33b6 get MAME | |
6th clone of exedexes | Savage Bees (savgbees) | Isao (@) | 26 Oct 05 13:38:48 | 417,900 | wolf101 get MAME | |
1st clone of senkyu special rules | Senkyu (Japan, earlier) (senkyua) | TheBSM (@) | 09 Apr 10 00:48:01 | 1,750,070 | wolf95 get MAME | |
Wolf095 | ||||||
2nd clone of senkyu special rules | Senkyu (Japan, earlier) (senkyua) | Abbe (@) | 27 Sep 05 13:10:57 | 1,504,960 | wolf95 get MAME | |
Nice to return to this again. :-) | ||||||
3rd clone of senkyu special rules | Senkyu (Japan, earlier) (senkyua) | NotMan (@) | 11 Mar 05 23:09:42 | 1,029,460 | wolf94 get MAME | |
4th clone of senkyu special rules | Senkyu (Japan, earlier) (senkyua) | Germax | 11 Mar 05 19:31:52 | 940,050 | wolf94 get MAME | |
1st clone of shanghai special rules | Shanghai (Japan) (shanghaij) | German Krol (@) | 20 Jun 06 21:41:59 | 2,434 | wolf106 get MAME | |
2nd clone of shanghai special rules | Shanghai (Japan) (shanghaij) | Phil Lamat (@) | 26 Sep 01 00:00:07 | 1,006 | m37b11 get MAME | |
3rd clone of shanghai special rules | Shanghai (Japan) (shanghaij) | Zteuer (@) | 26 Sep 02 08:39:34 | 676 | mame61 get MAME | |
Phil Lamat is still the king. | ||||||
4th clone of shanghai special rules | Shanghai (Japan) (shanghaij) | Gmitra (@) | 09 Dec 01 13:47:18 | 416 | mame56 get MAME | |
5th clone of shanghai special rules | Shanghai (Japan) (shanghaij) | Lagavulin (@) | 07 Feb 01 21:51:15 | 404 | m37b11 get MAME | |
France 3 Sweden 0 ... But where is the girlpower ? | ||||||
6th clone of shanghai special rules | Shanghai (Japan) (shanghaij) | Archiloco (@) | 12 Jan 04 14:05:19 | 390 | wolf78 get MAME | |
6th clone of shanghai special rules | Shanghai (Japan) (shanghaij) | Griphin (@) | 10 Aug 03 07:01:43 | 390 | mame71 get MAME | |
6th clone of shanghai special rules | Shanghai (Japan) (shanghaij) | Sanna (@) | 04 Feb 01 21:03:21 | 390 | win37b11 get MAME | |
Sweden-France 1-0, well you're better in handball, thats always something... :) | ||||||
9th clone of shanghai special rules | Shanghai (Japan) (shanghaij) | Barthax (W) | 25 Sep 02 20:54:11 | 380 | mame61 get MAME | |
10th clone of shanghai special rules | Shanghai (Japan) (shanghaij) | SportsDude (@) | 27 Jan 01 08:01:49 | 358 | win37b11 get MAME | |
Well, that was embarrassing...I pass the first 2 levels, and I can't even clear half of the third. It IS a start, though... | ||||||
11th clone of shanghai special rules | Shanghai (Japan) (shanghaij) | aud | 23 May 02 18:55:52 | 286 | win60 get MAME | |
12th clone of shanghai special rules | Shanghai (Japan) (shanghaij) | Isao (@) | 28 Jul 05 15:38:38 | 278 | wolf98 get MAME | |
13th clone of shanghai special rules | Shanghai (Japan) (shanghaij) | Mr. Kelly R. Flewin (@) | 09 Feb 03 09:49:16 | 270 | win64 get MAME | |
14th clone of shanghai special rules | Shanghai (Japan) (shanghaij) | Oakster (@) | 25 Jan 01 20:15:13 | 254 | win37b11 get MAME | |
I raise you two :) By the way, Sporty, When is your moms player-profile coming up? She´s got to be a good marper, cause I had some big trouble to beat your score... | ||||||
1st clone of aerofgts | Sonic Wings Limited (Japan) (sncwgltd) | BBH (@) | 27 Dec 07 01:39:50 | 1,724,700 | wolf90 get MAME | |
Finished with Angela. Last boss - "super tank" from Stage 9 (2-1) of Sonic Wings 3? | ||||||
1st has 1 clone: sonicbomd | Sonic Boom (FD1094 317-0053) (sonicbom) | Guinness | 01 Dec 04 15:06:09 | 302,490 | wolf89 get MAME | |
Operation 8 (2-2) - WolfMAME Plus 0.89 ... revived for the first time in half a year. | ||||||
1st has 1 clone: sonsonj | Son Son (sonson) | BBH (@) | 28 Jul 15 09:43:05 | 2,044,060 | wolf160 get MAME | |
IGBY 2 | ||||||
2nd has 1 clone: sonsonj | Son Son (sonson) | DaviL@AIVA | 17 Jan 04 13:22:52 | 1,657,790 | wolf78 get MAME | |
4Th Loop. |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
3rd has 1 clone: sonsonj | Son Son (sonson) | MarcoMarocco@AIVA (@) | 18 Aug 07 09:01:15 | 1,434,490 | wolf106 get MAME | |
improving | ||||||
4th has 1 clone: sonsonj | Son Son (sonson) | TheSupremacyCabinet | 18 Sep 23 18:27:21 | 1,156,480 | wolf202 get MAME | |
5th has 1 clone: sonsonj | Son Son (sonson) | The_Pro (@) | 13 Jul 15 04:45:44 | 874,840 | wolf162 get MAME | |
IGBY2 | ||||||
6th has 1 clone: sonsonj | Son Son (sonson) | Dale (@) | 13 Nov 10 04:10:52 | 845,930 | win119 get MAME | |
stage 14 | ||||||
7th has 1 clone: sonsonj | Son Son (sonson) | pat33999 (@) | 27 Aug 16 19:05:10 | 766,210 | wolf163 get MAME | |
IGBY 2015 | ||||||
8th has 1 clone: sonsonj | Son Son (sonson) | Paolo Colman@M.R.A. (@) | 05 Jul 15 07:08:00 | 752,930 | wolf162 get MAME | |
IGBY2 | ||||||
9th has 1 clone: sonsonj | Son Son (sonson) | Evan04 | 29 Jan 24 10:07:32 | 651,000 | wolf261 get MAME | |
Winter Yolympics 2024 (https://www.cagtournaments.com/InProcess/57) | ||||||
10th has 1 clone: sonsonj | Son Son (sonson) | Dumple (@) | 06 Feb 24 04:50:39 | 539,810 | wolf261 get MAME | |
1cc for Winter Yolympics 2024 | ||||||
11th has 1 clone: sonsonj | Son Son (sonson) | BeeJay | 12 Jul 15 03:00:46 | 296,690 | wolf163 get MAME | |
IGBY2 | ||||||
12th has 1 clone: sonsonj | Son Son (sonson) | Sawys aka Sebastien Giraud (W) | 30 Aug 15 17:08:07 | 285,860 | wolf160 get MAME | |
Game recorded for the #IGBY2 | ||||||
13th has 1 clone: sonsonj | Son Son (sonson) | Vignenzo (@) | 05 Jul 16 01:24:24 | 245,170 | wolf160 get MAME | |
14th has 1 clone: sonsonj | Son Son (sonson) | phil t | 24 Jul 15 09:47:44 | 207,850 | wolf160 get MAME | |
IGBY2 | ||||||
15th has 1 clone: sonsonj | Son Son (sonson) | RJM (@) | 13 Jul 15 03:46:49 | 124,750 | wolf148 get MAME | |
IGBY2 | ||||||
1st clone of sonson | Son Son (Japan) (sonsonj) | ALR (@) | 10 Dec 01 19:11:06 | 2,337,360 | win37b13 get MAME | |
2nd clone of sonson | Son Son (Japan) (sonsonj) | MarcoMarocco@AIVA (@) | 23 Aug 18 09:38:16 | 1,648,200 | wolf106 get MAME | |
3rd clone of sonson | Son Son (Japan) (sonsonj) | BBH (@) | 13 Mar 01 05:33:59 | 834,870 | m37b13 get MAME | |
4th clone of sonson | Son Son (Japan) (sonsonj) | Evan04 | 17 Dec 22 12:20:42 | 242,770 | wolf250 get MAME | |
1st has 2 clones | Sorcer Striker (sstriker) | pat33999 (@) | 06 Feb 06 13:57:20 | 3,287,430 | wolf103 get MAME | |
WCC6 bonus points. 2 loops complete. | ||||||
2nd has 2 clones | Sorcer Striker (sstriker) | Double G (@) | 10 Feb 06 07:16:51 | 3,286,990 | wolf104 get MAME | |
Finished using Chitta. | ||||||
3rd has 2 clones | Sorcer Striker (sstriker) | Metrackle (W) | 03 Feb 06 21:57:42 | 2,199,880 | wolf103 get MAME | |
WCC6. 2-5 with Miyamoto. | ||||||
1st clone of sstriker | Sorcer Striker (Korea) (sstrikerk) | pat33999 (@) | 09 Feb 06 02:46:30 | 3,284,710 | wolf104 get MAME | |
1st clone of starforc | Star Force (encrypted, set 1) (starforce) | Novice@Team2ch.jp | 29 Dec 01 06:36:43 | 4,914,600 | mame55 get MAME | |
Area 37. 20M require about 4 hours. | ||||||
1st has 1 clone: superxm | Super-X (NTC) (superx) | WRX2 | 17 Mar 04 16:38:38 | 16,307,200 | wolf80 get MAME | |
3276800 + 6553600 + 6476800 | ||||||
1st has 5 clones | Tiger-Heli (US) (tigerh) | WRX2 | 13 Feb 05 13:14:32 | 858,850 | wolf80 get MAME | |
2nd has 5 clones | Tiger-Heli (US) (tigerh) | destructor@HotTeam.pl (@) | 08 Sep 07 13:58:57 | 714,800 | wolf115 get MAME |
Picture | Pos |
Name | Player | Date | Score (unconfirmed) | Inp |
3rd has 5 clones | Tiger-Heli (US) (tigerh) | Baron Rojo (@) | 08 Aug 15 11:23:26 | 319,320 | wolf106 get MAME | |
1st clone of tigerh | Tiger-Heli (Japan) (tigerhj) | WRX2 | 15 Feb 05 15:37:53 | 787,150 | wolf80 get MAME | |
2nd clone of tigerh | Tiger-Heli (Japan) (tigerhj) | BBH (@) | 13 Feb 05 09:57:20 | 472,590 | wolf83 get MAME | |
LITTLE HELI! | ||||||
1st clone of timeplt | Time Pilot (Atari) (timeplta) | gastrainga (@) | 31 May 06 04:36:55 | 4,300,100 | wolf104 get MAME | |
Now I know what happens after stage 99 | ||||||
2nd clone of timeplt | Time Pilot (Atari) (timeplta) | Paolo Colman@M.R.A. (@) | 21 Jun 14 09:20:39 | 1,373,000 | wolf106 get MAME | |
stage 25-ufo hyperbastardi | ||||||
1st has 1 clone: whizz | Twin Falcons (twinfalc) | Jarl | 04 Aug 23 09:00:26 | 818,800 | wolf257 get MAME | |
1st | Vanguard II (vangrd2) | Q.T.Quazar (W) | 16 Jan 00 07:18:44 | 134,250 | win36b11 get MAME | |
Default. And I reclaim another game from my mysterious stalker Discipline. | ||||||
1st has 2 clones special rules | Pro Yakyuu World Stadium (Japan) (ws) | ILLSeaBass | 21 Apr 20 03:30:14 | 116 | wolf209 get MAME | |
17-1 win. | ||||||
1st clone of ws special rules | Pro Yakyuu World Stadium '89 (Japan) (ws89) | ILLSeaBass | 21 Apr 20 07:27:28 | 111 | wolf209 get MAME | |
12-1 win. | ||||||
1st clone of xevious | Xevious (Atari, Namco PCB) (xeviousc) | WRX2 | 10 Feb 04 09:40:09 | 1,363,750 | wolf79 get MAME | |
2nd clone of xevious | Xevious (Atari, Namco PCB) (xeviousc) | INNUENDO (@) | 13 Dec 12 04:16:08 | 444,540 | wolf146 get MAME |
total score: | 613,823,112 |
average score: | 1,705,064 |
This document is generated on demand.