MARP Elections Main Page
Regulation Coordinator rules: One coordinator. One-year term. A member can nominate any number of players. A member
may NOT nominate himself. The person nominated is responsible for emailing myself or mentioning on the board if s/he
will accept the nomination. The coordinator's term will begin on January 1, 2001 unless extra votes prevent it, and
expires on December 31, 2001.
Tournament Coordinator rules: One coordinator. Two-tournament term.(under current tournament rules, eight months)
A member can nominate any number of players. A member may NOT nominate himself. The person nominated is responsible
for emailing myself or mentioning on the board if s/he will accept the nomination. The coordinator's term begins on
January 1, 2001 unless extra votes prevent it, and ends at the expiration of the second tournament of his/her term.
NOTE: Pat Laffaye is still judging coordinator regardless of this election.
Knockout Coordinator rules: Three coordinators. Maximum of one editor. One-tournament term.
A member can nominate any number of players. A member may NOT nominate himself. The person nominated is
responsible for emailing myself or mentioning on the board if s/he will accept the nomination. The coordinator's
term begins five days after the first tournament expires unless extra votes prevent it, and ends at the expiration
of the tournament his term was for.
In all cases, failure to mention acceptance/rejection of the nomination means you rejected the nomination.
Nominations will last five days and so it will expire on December 13, 2000 at 10am eastern, or 1500 GMT.
Acceptions/Rejections will last eight days and so it will expire on December 16, 2000 at 10am eastern, or 1500 GMT.
During elections, a nominee is to have a majority vote to be elected. An abstination vote counts as a no-vote
and does not count toward the majority. If a majority is not attained for one person, the people with 0 votes
AND the least votes greater than 0 are eliminated. Another vote will then be called. For three coordinators,
if one person has a majority vote and the next two highest vote getters do not, then the majority voter is elected,
the people with 0 votes AND the person with the least votes over 0 are eliminated. Another vote will then be called.
Elections will begin December 17, 2000 at 0000 GMT and will last seven days and so it will expire on December 23, 2000
at 2359 GMT.
Document Submitted December 08, 2000 at 9:45 am eastern, 1445 GMT.
Respectfully Submitted, Pete "The Golden Gameboy"